#“that's because I'm Sanitized it's kinda like being a zombie”
epic-and-kitty · 1 year
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Here's Moss with her girlfriend Clover!
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cru5h-cascades · 1 year
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...
Looks like the graphics in the square got an upgrade! Also the white growths all around the square look a lot more like zombie fungus to me (look up zombie fungus and you'll see what I mean)... maybe my theory has some weight to it?
Looks like one of the new gameplay mechanics for Side Order is that we'll be using the drone in the trailer to fly around stages (I'll get to the drone in a bit!)
Also new dualies!
We're shown an assembly line and it looks like it's making some sort of plushie of an umbrella octopus, a tentacle mem cake lookin' thing, and some other things in the background which I can't quite make out.
The datamines for those zako_standard enemies turn out to be for new enemies we're supposed to beat up in the DLC. No octarians this time! The new enemies appear to be robotic fish resembling this thing from the OG Side Order teaser!
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Not exactly, though. The fish in the new trailer come in different shapes and sizes, but you get the idea.
On the topic of these fish bots, they appear to be generated from a strange black orb, which I assume is in each level.
We see the drone in action in a gameplay clip. The fish bots will swarm the player in large amounts and it appears the bigger the bot, the more HP they have. Also it looks like there's a points system now because numbers show up each time a fish bot gets splatted.
A closer look at the drone
More gameplay
An elevator. I wonder who can be on the other side (if you've seen the posts I've been making on my blog for the past few hours you'd know by now)
THE REVEAL OF THE CENTURY! Without any build up, the one, the only, DEDF1SH makes a suprise appearence in the trailer!
Also dedf1sh wasn't kidnapped by Mr. Grizz and became Octoplush, everyone! Now question is.... WHO MADE #35 CAUGHT THEN?!
If you haven't figured it out by now, the drone's piloted by Pearl.
Also, looks like the mystery octoling we've all been theorizing about is actually Agent 8!
dedf1sh, unlike the other sanitized octolings, still has a personality!
Looks like they've rebranded dedf1sh to Acht now. Kinda close to Ahato (her name prior to being sanitized and this trailer coming out) but not quite (also "acht" means "eight" in German. just a small fun fact.)
And looks like our girl has some more things to say! It appears that she used to know Marina way back whenever.
dedf1sh then presents us with something called a color chip, which looks like it grants us certain abilities like splash damage, run speed up, and drone splat bomb.
The color chips also alter finger and hair color, depending on what chip you use.
More gameplay. Looks like we gotta destroy those black orbs the fish bots spawned from to finish the level (I think)
Eight and Pearl Bot approach some strange core thing. Boss spawner, perhaps?
And that's everything from the trailer!
Now for some extra stuff I found...
Unfortunately the rumors are true. We won't get to play this amazing DLC until spring 2024. Eh, I'm sure we can make it, now that we got a full trailer to make theories and stuff out of!
The official name for whatever took over the tower in the middle of the square (at least in the English version) is the Spire of Order.
Just like with the Inkopolis Plaza DLC, we'll be getting an Off the Hook banner avaliable... right now actually (if you pre ordered the DLC)! No need to wait until 2024 for it!
Everyone (minus Eight, Pearl Bot, and dedf1sh) in the square is gone (as if it wasn't obvious enough)
Not only is there a white version of the splat dualies, but a splatana stamper as well!
And that's about it for now, folks! Can't wait to play this next year!
And I'll probs be posting a lot about dedf1sh/Acht for the next few days lol.
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suddenrundown · 2 years
kinda random but. the cultural shift around wearing face masks in public (in western countries) has been so fascinating. I remember how strange I felt when I first started wearing them at the start of the pandemic and now I don’t leave the house without them.
iZombie ran from 2015 to 2019 and had a storyline in season 3 about a highly contagious respiratory virus that was spreading rapidly throughout the city (in the show, a secretive organization of zombie fascists had introduced the virus on purpose and contaminated the vaccines to create more zombies, so uh…. that aged poorly….)
and the main characters had to interview a person who they thought was infected, and it was making me crazy to watch them nervously stand back while he coughed. But it would have *NEVER* have occurred to me to wear a mask in 2017/8 either.
I think I saw something in the Leverage transcripts too that they got the whole idea for the order 23 job because the mark was carrying *hand sanitizer* with him, and that was seen as extremely strange? It’s so weird how things change.
oh, not random, i'm sure this is in relation to the masks in glass onion i was posting about last night :D
i totally get what you mean. i've not watched izombie, but there have definitely been other things that i've watched that are pre-2020 that have to do with contagious illnesses or maybe just even someone being mildly ill. and sometimes i get a very weird "oh this is too relatable because i have lived/am living through that" kinda feeling and its like "y'all need a mask on" lol but that's obviously not something i would have thought before 2020. and its not a feeling i get every time, but there are definitely times that it happens, i guess it depends on how it's depicted in what im watching.
it's pretty crazy how your habits and the way you react to things can change. i'm by no means a germaphobe, but i dont go places without my mask and i just feel normal about that at this point, you know? apparently to the point that sometimes i want characters in a show to be wearing masks even when they aren't living in a post-2020 world lol
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