#“i feel like shit for being a stalker so i don't think that's normal” me doing absolutely the same:
veikkoalen · 5 months
thank you @theskoomacat <3 <3
nine things
Last Song: aurora - your blood (my favorite line is "when all inside you burns like a star / 'cause after all that's all what you are". my brain made up the second part)
Favorite Color: idk but everything non-monochrome i buy is blue
Last Movie/TV Show: i'm trying to watch von trier's riget but i can't sit still. i think i rewatched nightcrawler to the end but it was back in october
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: if i don't eat a teaspoon of sugar a day i die
Last Thing I Googled: wake photograph control
Current Obsession: alan wake the man
Last Book: death stranding novelization. it was in september
Last Fic: i actually wrote a fic today, but it's kinda a welcome entry to the bleach oc ask so idk how interesting is that. the last thing i read was deprivation by chaosdunk.
Looking Forward To: the weekend and the paycheck and also death too
@koriandrrr @collawashbear @kiyrian @tom-zane @pitchforkhead @entropicquilibriumofchaos hii
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hunnylagoon · 4 months
Take Me to War
PT2 Metaphor
Streamer! Ellie Williams x reader
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Where do I pour my love if you take away my pen and paper?
Premise: You are starting to like your annoyingly loud neighbour more than you want to admit.
PT1 Here!
Warnings: Raunchy humour
The gym was busy on this particular day, I absentmindedly judged others for being at the gym at noon on a Saturday like they should have been doing something more interesting with their time until I realized I was at the gym at noon on a Saturday with no other plans for the rest of the day "And she's hot?" Abby asks me while she effortlessly benches something around 170 and I do nothing more than lean on the wall behind her.  
"She's hot," I answer, scrolling through her feed on Instagram like the weird little stalker I was. I hadn't gone full FBI, just looked her up and possibly watched some of her videos "It's kind of cool that I have an internet celebrity living next to me."
"Define cool," Abby props the bar back onto the saddles of the machine and sits up, taking a chug from her water bottle.
"She is cool," I defend "It's not that weird Minecraft roleplay that your grimy cousins watch, it's just like video games and vlogs, that kind of stuff."
Abby looks back at me, sweat drips from her blonde hairline and rests above her brow "How is that even a career?"
I shrug in response "Sponsorships and donations and shit." 
"Why do people throw so much money at streamers?"
"Parasocial relationships, I wrote an article about it last year which you said you read."
She sucks a sharp breath through her teeth "You were writing a lot of articles, hard to keep up with."
"Define a lot," I mock Abby's words. I glance at a guy in between the rows of gleaming machines, their metallic frames reflecting the obnoxious glow overhead. He had been using the leg press upside down, his neck hunched over into an almost horrifying posture, his shoulders pressing against the top plate. It might've been the most normal thing I've seen in New York.
"So are you going to ask her out?"
I wrinkle my nose, thinking about it "I met her last week, I just don't think I know her that well." Within the past week that I've met her, I've been crawling out to the fire escape every morning just so her drowsy eyes could peer into my vacant skull and in recent months I had given up on dating, like a spider, I devoured my own heart.
"That's kind of the point of dating," She lays back down on the bench press "Getting to know each other."
"I think I'm too busy to date," I tuck my phone into my pocket, crossing my arms while I watch Abby. I wasn't entirely sure that I was too busy to date but I tended to consume myself entirely and make everything far more complicated than it needed to be. I still perform autopsies on conversations I've had years ago, clinging to every word like I need them to survive.
"Why don't you wanna be happy?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows "You're always getting in your own way, is it a tortured poet type of thing?"
My breath hitches in my throat. How I hate when she's right. The last serious relationship I had was in college and even then I had sabotaged myself, I didn't know where it came from other than a nagging feeling that I wasn't deserving of the love that had been offered up to me on a shining silver platter. "I do I'm-
"Just not ready?" Abby cuts me off, finishing my sentence so perfectly as if it had been words on a script for some boring play about a woman who hates her life and won't do anything about it.
"Yeah," I say, my voice is quiet, she's got me in a box here.
"If you're not ready to date, you might as well be friends with her," She puts the bar back onto the saddles but this time, stands up after completing her reps. "You need to get out and it seems like you get along well."
"I guess," I say and Abby raises an eyebrow "No, you're right, I need to dig myself out of the grave I've dug for myself." What added to my overly apathetic mood was the season, I was so sick of February. It felt like winter had forced mold to grow on my bones to way me down onto the dirty city pavement where careless New Yorkers would gladly stomp over my body.
"How's it going with the family?" Abby is writing something down in her notes which I assume is her number of sets and reps.
"Nothing new," I answer.
She peers at me over her phone, digging for a more solid answer "Are you still sending your parents money?"
"Why?" Her arms dropped to her side, her phone still in one hand "You shouldn't have to play caretaker for two people who don't care about you," As true as it was, it didn't hurt any less to hear it out of my best friend's mouth. 
"It's easier said than done, those are my parents," I'm almost overtaken by a delicate drowsiness from the thoughts of leaving behind the one connection I had to my small-town life. My parents were so careless that I would run around barefoot on the road with the neighbour's kids for hours, narrowly dodging cars that flew past us like it had been a game; everything was a game back then, when I came home to my father's drunkenness, I could hide away in the treehouse and read Harry Potter until the screaming came to a stop.
I was bonded to them like I was to the stray cats who raised me. There was no getting rid of them, we ricocheted between hatred and love like the game of catch I never got to play.  
"I'm sorry," She says though I know it is ingenuine "I shouldn't get in between your family."
Abby didn't know them the same way I did. All she knew was the bloodiness of the relationship that I had cried into her arms, she didn't know how kind the wolves were after they tore me apart. The way my father would cheer for me the loudest at my soccer games and how my mother baked for me after a fight, wasn't the apology that I yearned for but the one that was shoved down my throat.
I dug through my brain to search for a way to change the topic "I saw Owen at the market yesterday and he said he wanted you to call him."
"You're fucking kidding."
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My deadline had passed with no issue and I was finally blessing myself with a day where I wasn't chained to my desk. I could finally let my poor bloodshot eyes rest and for once I didn't have to drown them in eyedrops.
I was freshly out of the shower when I heard a knock at my door, Margot yelling at me to answer it. I slipped into a matching pyjama set that Abby gave me on my birthday, hurrying as fast as I could to the door. Margot's consistent screaming did nothing to aid this. 
Ellie was the last person I expected to see on the other side of the door but there she was. I couldn't help the smile that cracked onto my face "Am I the one being loud now?"
She grins at me "No-it's just that my chat has been begging for you to come back all week and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to do a stream with me?"
I looked down at what I was wearing and suddenly felt like the scrouge, all I was missing was a nightcap and a taper candle. "Can I change first?"
"Go ahead but I think this is one of your best looks."
"Really?" I raise an eyebrow "You have poor judgement since you've never seen me in anything other than pyjamas."
"We should probably fix that then."
"I guess we should." I smile. I decided against changing, it wasn't like I was going out, just heading to my friend's apartment that was three feet away.
"Say as much or as little as you want," She opens the door to let me in "I owe you big time," Ellie says this like I don't want excuses to spend time for her. Like I haven't been freezing my ass off every day just to talk to her when she watches the city wake up as she prepares to rest her head. 
Ellie's apartment is more lively than the last time I visited, she's adapted some plants that are already beginning to wilt "Have these been getting any sunlight?" 
She furrows her eyebrows "No? They're fake."
"Ellie," I stifle a laugh "I'm like ninety percent sure that fake plants don't wilt."
"Nuh-uh," She walks toward one just rubs its wilting leaf between her thumb and index, it begins to crumble in her hand and she sucks a sharp breath through her teeth "I guess they are real," Ellie pokes a finger into the bone dry soil and wipes the dirt onto her pants "How much do you know about plants?"
"I'm going to go out on a limb and guess more than you."
 She nods "Sounds about right," Ellie walks over to her sink to fill a Game of Thrones mug with water before circling back to water her plants "Drink up little buddies."
"looks like you need some sunlight too," I watch her attempt to revive the dying plants and 
"Yeah," She keeps hyper-focused on the plants but she cracks a small grin, I could've sworn her smile burnt down the library of Alexandria "I think I'm turning into a vampire."
"The sparkly kind?"
Ellie shakes her head as she stands back up to put the mug on the kitchen island "Like the guy from Sesame Street."
I wrinkle my nose "Yeah, you're looking kind of purple."
"Damn, I was worried you would notice," She smiles again as she opens the door to her office, the purple LED lights are still running but the overhead light is turned on and washes away the colour.
The second I step into the room, Ellie rushes ahead of me and almost jumps to grab the folding chair. She sits herself down and pats her fancy gaming chair for me to sit in it. "Guys, she came!" 
I stare at her, eyes wide, jaw slack. "Ellie."
"Do you hear yourself?"
She takes a minute to think about it before nodding her head, I could see the exact moment it clicked "No, I hear it," She addresses the camera "Not like that guys but I don't know what she did with her day, not our business though."
Ellie looks at me like she's waiting for approval of her chosen words. After a moment's reflection, I answer dryly "Thanks." 
"Sorry for taking so long, I had to water some plants," She watches the chat bar scroll by, squinting before she leans back in her chair, hand running through her hair "No, that's not code for sex."
"Could be," I shrug.
"They wanna know what your name is."
"Top secret."
"Okay," She reads some more comments from the chat "Can you tell them what you do for work?"
"I'm a ghostwriter," I say, giving a little thumbs up. I saw myself in the monitor and wanted to throw my hands at myself for being so awkward.
"Spooky," Ellie smiles "She writes about people instead of interacting with them, that's why she's socially inept." She reaches for her soundboard and presses a button, sounding a prerecorded effect of a crowd cheering and laughing.
"She's never had a girl in her apartment, that's why she can't flirt." I counter as she throws her hands up, I can tell she's about to retort with something before I cut her off "So what were you doing before you kidnapped me?"
"Guys, I didn't kidnap her, she willingly walked in here without the use of excessive force and I have had many a girl in this apartment," Ellie tells the chat before clicking something on her screen "So, they send in videos and we have to not laugh, which isn't hard because they aren't very funny." 
"You're not funny either but they watch you," I tease, Ellie fights a smile trying to uphold our image of back and-forth pocking and prodding at one another.
"Laugh three times and you're out."
"Of the apartment?"
"No, you just laugh three times and you lose."
"What do I get if I don't lose?"
"Fuck, I dunno," She furrows her eyebrows, searching the room for something. Her eyes land on a small silver tin, she snatches it up into the palm of her pale hand and sits back down "You get my dill dough."
"I'm sorry!?" My head snaps to look at her "Are you sure you aren't a cam girl?"
"No," She pauses "No, I mean no it's not what you think, yes," Ellie backtracks again "I mean I am sure I'm not a cam girl, not that that I'm not sure I'm not a cam girl, because I'm not," She looks like she's sure of what she said like it made perfect sense "Not a cam girl."
"You're not-not a cam girl?" I ask, pointing out the double negative "So you are a cam girl?"
"No," Ellie runs a hand down her face "Can you guys please tell her that I'm not a cam girl?"
Dcknb4llz:She's a cam girl
Nataliadepressed:I just subbed to her only fans!
Mclovin_fury26:She just wants to show you her dill dough 😕
Yayayalorde:I wish she was a cam girl 
The3nd_isn3ar:Ellie pls stop joking about it and become a cam girl already 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Ewmarryme:hahaha Ellie ur so funny now get serious and make an onlyfans
"Anyways," Ellie ignores the chat as they clearly aren't helping her case "This is my dill dough," She shows me the small tin she picked up, there's a picture of a pickle on the front. Over the translucent lid, it surely enough says 'Dill Dough! pickle scented'. It was just green silly putty with an oddly incredulous name.
"I weirdly want that," I answer.
"If you win, it's yours." She tucks it away into the pocket of her sweatpants "Mods, let's get this moving."
We sit through about fifteen minutes of videos; mainly people getting hurt, occasionally one of some type of animal. Nothing funny enough to make either of us laugh except for one of a man falling through a glass table which gets a little chuckle out of Ellie who denies it. 
Another video began playing, it was Ellie in this exact spot, screaming during a game of Fortnite. It looks like it's from the first time she showed me her odd job choice. In the distance, you can hear a knock on the door and this is when I'm sure it's from the day I had been thinking of. Ellie pulls her headphones off and looks at her camera "Shit, I think that's my hot neighbour again."
I slap a hand over my mouth and turn to see Ellie who's looking disappointed at her chat, shaking her head at the camera. "Whoever sent that is fake as fuck."
"So you think I'm hot?"
"Pfft, no, dude, you're ugly as fuck," Ellie makes an overexaggerated confused face like she has no idea what I'm talking about "I was talking about my other neighbour."
Kaylnncourting:Ellie y r u fumbling so bad???????
Overdam00n:You guys were right for saying she doesn't get 🐱🐱🐱🐱
Sestwouth:bruh she's ruining it for herself
Connerstollit:WHY DID SHE SAY THAT 
Cruel_summer:What is wrong with Ellie? Genuinely
F0gg4t:If El doesn't want her, I do
Aliinnnnnaaaaa:First girl she's ever met and she's ruining it
Randelwthehandle:Ugly as fuck??????? who says that 😭😭
Dcknb4llz:wow nice cover up Ellie
Marie_739:Bro Im gonna start calling the girls I like ugly as fuck
"Mr. Quigley?" I ask to which Ellie nods immediately "You think the eighty-seven-year-old veteran who is missing a foot and has swallowed four of his teeth is hot?"
"Yeah," She says, immediately regretting the hole she was digging herself into "I have a thing for older men."
"I don't think you have a thing for men at all, actually."
Her eyes go wide, Ellie opens her mouth to say something and she leans forward in her chair so fast that she falls out and smacks her head on the desk, folding over and onto the ground. I have the biggest smile on my face as I reach for her soundboard and press the cheering crowd effect.  I'm laughing too hard to offer her help, clutching my stomach and keeling over so my head is out of frame. Ellie gets up, and puts herself back in the folding chair pointing at the camera "Do not clip that."
Almost seconds after she says that a video gets sent in of her smacking her head on the desk in slow motion while I burst out laughing and now I'm cackling even harder. You can even hear her yelp in slow motion and she sounds like the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park "You guys are way funnier than Ellie," I say, addressing whoever was watching the stream. 
Another video pops on the screen right after the last one ends, it's Ellie again. She screams at something on her computer and you can hear me bang on the wall on the other side. Ellie goes quiet immediately going back to her game and muttering "She's so hot guys."
"I think my mods hate me," Ellie shakes her head.
"Thank you mods!" I smile at the camera.
A little clip of Ellie back at her desk pops up, she's wearing a Garfield shirt. This time she isn't playing anything, she just sits in front of the camera with that familiar lopsided smile "Guys, how do I trick my neighbour into going out with me?"
There's another video, it's a longer one with the caption 'Ellie Williams calling her neighbour hot compilation' Ellie's eyes go wide and she clicks off the video immediately, the camera goes to us full screen. "That's enough of that."
I pull my phone out and type in the caption of the unfinished video into YouTube, it comes up right away and I click on it. Ellie clicks around on her computer, unaware of my viewing until she hears her voice, echoing in low quality from my phone. She reaches for my phone but I pull it closer to myself. 
I'm dead set on finishing the video until something on the other side of the door, catches my eye. It rushes past the small crack in the slightly ajar door and instinctively, I drop my phone with a slight jolt "What the fuck is that?"
Ellie takes this opportunity to snatch my phone and place it face down on the desk, out of my reach. "That's just Kitty." She pushes herself out of the folding chair and steps out of the room. She walks back in carrying what looks to be a mound of cotton balls, looking a little closer, I realize it's a rabbit. He looks more fluff than flesh.
"What the fuck," My mouth falls open in awe "Can I hold it?" She places him in my lap "He just walks around your apartment?"
She nods "He's litter trained so he just kinda hangs out." 
I pet him, he's soft as a million feathers, and he looks like a mascot for a paper towel company "You are the only person I know that would name their bunny Kitty."
Ellie tries to wipe off the mass amounts of rabbit fur on her, it seems the more she tries to get it off, the more firmly it refuses to budge. "This is a good time to show you guys this new shirt that Dina ordered for me," Ellie stands up walking off camera. She has a couple of Amazon boxes stacked on her couch, she reaches into one of them and pulls out a T-shirt. Ellie turns towards the wall so her back is facing me, she pulls her hoodie off over her head.
All I can see is the back of her sports bra but I force my eyes to go wide "Guys, Ellie Williams has a tramp stamp that says cum dumpster," I lie and the chat goes wild and I grab my phone off her desk as she turns around in her Five Nights at Freddie's tee with a 'Seriously?' face. I take a picture of her with the flash on "I'll sell this rare image of Ellie for six hundred dollars on eBay."
Ellie walks back over to the desk with a stack of Amazon boxes "Every donation goes toward my tattoo removal," She jokes, digging around in the boxes. "I'm a little over your videos, you bunch of snitches so I think it's about time I finally open these up." 
I look in the boxes too, leaning over slightly, being very careful of Kitty where he sits in my lap. I see something and pull it out to hand to Ellie "You should try this one."
"World's hottest gummy bear," She reads the package "Why is there only one? What if I want another?" Ellie yanks the gummy bear, squishing it between her fingers. It looks like Red-40 personified. 
Melanie_felony:She's setting her up lmao
Dcknb4llz:Nobody say anything pls I rlly wanna see this
She eats the gummy bear in one bite. As she begins to chew it, she seems absolutely unfazed and partially confused about why it was labelled 'World's Hottest Gummy Bear' A moment later she begins to cough, balling her hand up into a fist and pounding on her chest. Ellie's little cough quickly turns into a deep wheeze.
Ellie lets out a scream, her face going red as she slams her hand onto her desk with watering eyes. I could see visible sweat on her face as she dry heaved, it only took thirty seconds until she sprinted out of the room.
"Oh my god," I watch her run out of the room while I give Kitty a little pet between his ears, he's so still I almost think he's taxidermy. "Guys, I think we killed her." You can hear her vaguely screaming and gagging from the kitchen "So what did everyone do today?"
Thelastgreatamericandynasty:wrote a fanfic about you and Ellie
Dcknb4llz:I got jumped at waffle house 
"Yikes, sorry to hear that." I suck a breath through my teeth "Tell me what I should know about Ellie." Her name feels so right on my tongue.
Jesse_chang:She's a virgin
D4aughter_:OMG HI JESSE
A_birthday_card:The only s3x she's ever had was in Minecraft
Whathasshegot:She has a crush on you 
Touching_theyouth:She's lactose intolerant 
Dcknb4llz:She sold me ketamine in an ally 
Gusty_queefqueen:She homophonic 
Torxhmydreams2:Pretty sure that’s two words that have the same pronunciation but different meaning
Gusty_queefqueen:Bruh it means she doesn’t like gay people
Heytheredelilah7:She has a boyfriend
When Ellie comes back she's filled her Game of Thrones mug with milk and has a bag of shredded mozzarella cheese. She reads the chat "Can you guys be cool for once?"
"They're cooler than you."
"Very funny," Ellie eats a handful of mozzarella before she digs back in the boxes "What's next?" There's one box huge envelope that looks like it has a slip of cardboard in it. Ellie tears the corner open with her teeth and rips the rest of the top off with her hands. She pulls the content out of it, throwing the envelope over the computer for it to land on the ground. Just as suspected there was cardboard in it, not just a slip but it unfolded into a cardboard cut out of Ellie, she looked to be a younger teenager in it, giving an awkward little peace sign and showing her green braces off with a huge smile.
"Aww, you actually look cute in that."
She disregards me "Chat, interrogate Dina about this and report back."
"Dina?" I ask "Is that your girlfriend?"
"Nah," Ellie props up the cardboard cut-out and places it behind us, right in the middle to watch over us "She's my enemy as of right now."
"What did she do?"
"Send this shit," She eats some more mozzarella, holding the bag out to offer me some, to which I decline. Ellie shrugs it off and eats another handful, washing it down with a long chug of milk and putting it on the desk. She grabs a t-shirt, he eyes go wide and she pushes it against her chest so I can't see. "Are you ready?"
"Yes, ma'am," I watch a smile spread across her face as she turns the shirt around to show me a graphic of her on it. In the picture, her face is close up to the camera covered in a white powder (presumably flour). "Oh, wow!" I feign shock.
"I know!" She holds it out toward me "It's yours, you deserve it."
"Wow," I draw the word out, taking the shirt from Ellie "This is really great, I was always hoping I would get a shirt of you covered in flour." Sarcasm drips from tone but I accept the gift regardless.
"I know!" Ellie grins brightly "You should put it on now."
"That's fine, I think I'll save it for our date," I tease.
She perks up just the slightest "Ooo, when's that?"
"The second this stream ends."
"On that note," Ellie looks at the camera "Thank you guys for hopping on tonight and thank you to my neighbour who came here without putting up a fuss," Ellie clicks around on the screen a little bit before addressing them again "Alright, go bug Dina now."
With that the stream comes to a close, the blinking light on the camera turns off, and Ellie and I are left alone with ourselves and Kitty.
“So,” Ellie thumps her foot up and down repeatedly like those anxious kids in high school. “Do you maybe wanna get coffee tomorrow?”
“I don’t drink coffee but I’ll pretend to so I have an excuse to hangout with you.”
A smile splits onto Ellie’s face “Phew, I hate coffee I just thought it was an adult way to ask you out.”
A/N: This is super short but I’ll make up for it in the next part, thanks for reading! We got some angst on the way 👀
Perm tag-list: @veeveeisgay @whenlostinthedarkness @gold-dustwomxn @ellslvr
Series tag-list: @diddiqueen @camillecrellin @fullmachinegirl @eveshyper @lmaoo-spiderman @camicocom1a @elliessweetheart @melanie-watermelon @lanafresitas
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lvvcian · 10 months
hello!! :D this is my first request ever so im sorry if i worded it or did it wrong. also english is not my first language so im sorry if this makes no sense.
i have a request for The disastrous life of saiki k with a romantic saiki x reader(gender neutral) pairing.
Heres my idea! so aiura and toritsuka start seeing some girl constantly following saiki during school and aiura and toritsuka are like “😨⁉️ lets help him get away from this stalker!” so aiura and toritsuka start doing dumb goofy stuff to sabotage the reader from following saiki and in the end it is revealed that saiki and the reader are dating so reader and saiki have been talking telepathically so it just LOOKS like the reader has been tailing saiki. so yea basically crack fic💀
maybe as a little bonus you could include some fluff between saiki and reader<3
☆ aaah the famous trio <3 also first Saiki fic, very happy about it c:
☆ I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG :'C it's 1:33am here, so I'm sorry if the ending is shitty , no energy fr but wanted to finish this today ":/
☆ (tw! slight bulling and not cool jokes ; swearing) ; gender neutral reader , fluff, crack fic ; Saiki has longer hair in here! Just a lil bit :)
☆ saiki talking normally ; saiki speaking in your mind ; your thoughts
☆ enjoy <3
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"Do you think we should tell some people about... y'know" You looked up at Saiki. It was a normal sunday and you two were supposed to have a so called 'date' (which was sitting in comfortable silence at some cafe and enjoying each others company). But the weather had some other plans and once you stepped outside it started to rain. Of course Saiki could've change it in matter of seconds but he suggested to stay at home. They were too many people from his school on the mainstreet anyway.
"And draw attention to ourselves? Definitly not. We just have to keep the distance between us for school time ..." Saiki looked down at you. Who would've thought that Saiki out of all people would be the first to have a partner. "Enjoy while you can... I'll teleport you on the roof if you hug me at school..." you just giggled and snuggled up closer into his chest.
It couldn't be that bad... right?
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Monday mornings weren't your favourite, at all. Shitty weather, cold shower and not so great breakfast. It was all making you fell even worse then you felt already.
It wasn't something natural for you to wake up in the middle of the night, but today your body felt extremely stressed. Something didn't let you sleep, your thoughts were going miles per hour and you could feel your whole body getting colder with every second (which was weird 'cause the temperature in the room was pretty high).
So you got up, rolled yourself in a blanket and went to close your window hoping it would get at least warmer, but as you walked up to it and started opening it...
"Holy shit..!" You backed away from the wall and fell on your back. There's was something standing right outside your window. It was horrible, like a ghost or a monster. It didn't matter at that time, you quickly run up to to window again and looked around your backyard.
There wasn't a single soul, just a stray cat walking around. You sat down on the floor and hold your face trying to calm yourself down.
After few minutes you were finally feeling better and decided to go back to sleep. At least try.
You were near PK Academy when you saw your lovely psychic and two other people. If you remember correctly one was a medium and the other... fortune teller?
"Its... Aiura and Toritsuka if I'm not mistaken. Should I say hi? Or just-"
"Don't do anything. They're already being very suspicious of you. Just walk past us as normal as you can. I'll meet with you at lunch." It wasn't something new for you to hear Saiki in your head. You didn't know why he was communicating like that, but you accepted it after a while.
"Sure, see you later then. I love you!" you saw Saiki close his eyes and shake his head a little, but you could see a faint smile forming on his lips
Giggling you walked past the trio with a small smile and went inside the building. Quickly you changed your shoes for school ones and headed to your classroom. You greeted some people on the way, saying 'hi' or just nodding at them.
Soon you saw Saiki entering the room too with Aiura. He looked at you, gave you a soft and quick smile and sat not far away from you.
──────────────────── ☆
Around 2pm lunch break started. Saiki immediatly left the classroom, avoiding his friends and went to your meeting spot, which was next to vending machines near the caffeteria.
As he got there, you were nowhere to be seen. He saw you packing your things and leaving right after him so he thought you would be there in few seconds.
Few seconds turned into few minutes and then into half of the break.
"Where are they... they couldn't forget about it, right?" Saiki checked his phone for second time, scrolling through your messages and refreshing them. Even if you'd be late he would got a text about it, but there was nothing.
He tried to focus on your thoughts, but it was immposible with so many people around. He sighed at went to bathroom, locked himself in one of the cabins and used his 'crossed eye thingy' as you called it.
"What...?" He got up and teleported to you, making sure no one was around. You were sitting on the ground, all wet and cold, in one of the hallways. Your clothes were all soaked which made you shiver and Saiki knew you'd be sick in few days.
"What happened? Why are you sitting here all wet?" He said and kneeled next to you as he took your face in his hands, holding it gently. "Are you... crying?" He asked, but your lack of answer told him everything. He took your hand, helped you get up and brushed off some of wet hair from your face.
He held you tightly as he teleported you to your room. Saiki went to your wardrobe, grabbed some dry clothes and a towel and then went back to you. He started to gently dry your hair and your cheeks from tears. You were looking everywhere but not him, which made him worried.
"y/n, what is it? What happened, please tell me." He kneeled down and looked at you with soft gaze. You looked away and closed your eyes.
"I went to get some documents for teacher... I forgot to tell you about it. I-I don't know how... some stupid bucket of water was on the door to the class." Saiki noded and rubbed your back as he sat next to you. He thought for a second and shook his head.
"Just... stay here, ok? I'll go make you some tea" Saiki got up and went to the kitchen. He didn't care about school right now, he would deal with that later.
Day passed with sometimes even worse 'jokes' and incidents. Sometimes it was missing shoes, sometimes weird notes. At night you felt this weird feeling of being watched as cold air got into your house. You woke up with cold sweat on your face from nightmares and night terrors.
Saiki heard about everything, comforting you day after day. He didn't know why it happened, weirdly he couldn't find any person with thoughts of making another prank to you. It pissed him off a lot.
"I'm staying at home for few days... you can come meet me after classes." You said to Saiki as you covered yourself under the blankets. The temperature in your house was incredibly low which made you wear your warmest hoodie and cuddle into the softest and thickest blanket at your place.
"I'll be there soon..." Saiki answered. His voice was cold , but you could swear you heard some concern in it. You chuckled and buried yourself in the blanket.
Saiki was getting closer to the bathroom, making sure no one followed him or saw him. He could become invisible, but that would take too much time.
As he went inside one of the cabins, he took out his phone and checked his messages. There were few of yours, he could tell you were really bored, one from his mom and one from Aiura.
"Aiura? What does she want now...?" Saiki opened the chat, read the message and sighed. She wanted him to help out with something. "Good grief, right now?" He grumbled while texting you that he would be later.
Future teller told him to come behind the school. He got there and looked at her with bored eyes. It was a really pain in the neck to help with some irrelevant things...
"What is it?" He said with neutral and cold tone.
"Oh! Finally you're here! We need some help to... hang something." She said as she looked up.
"We?" Pink haired boy asked, quickly realising who was the other person. He rolled his eyes annoyed. He should be there with you by now... but no, he's stuck with two idiots behind the school. "Nevermind... I don't care, it's your problem."
He started walking away, not listening to Aiuras pleading and some offers (although they did grab his interests for a second or two). He shook his head and was already next to school corner.
"Saiki it's for your good! We're doing this to help you!" Kusuo heard another, not really pleasant, voice from above. "We've seen someone smiling and looking at you all the time! It's giving a creep vibe, you know?"
Toritsuka looked at Saiki from the top of the rooftop. Psychic stopped walking and looked at them both with confused look. "Stalking? What are you talking about..?"
"You didn't see it? There's this one creep whose staring at you in every class! They smile randomly when looking at you and sometimes even blushing! It's just... Ew!" auira said as she got closer to saiki. He frowned a little.
"Me and Mikoto have been making some pranks from time to time. One time we've scared them at night! I asked some ghost for help and spooked them!" Toritsuka chuckled, remembering the look on your scared face.
Saiki didn't say anything, he only grabbed his friends by the shoulders harshly and teleported them to your place.
"O-Oi Saiki! What are you doing man?" He didn't answer, only knocked gently on your door. He could've teleported directly to your room, but he didn't want to scare you with... his nuisances.
You jumped a little as you heard soft knocking.
"Probably saiki." You got up, still cuddled up in a blanket and went to the door. "Finally you-" You cut your sentence as you saw your boyfriend holding his two friends by their shoulders tightly. " Kusuo why are your friends with you?"
He didn't say anything, just got inside your place and leading his friends to the living room. You didn't know what was going on at.all. Saiki never brought his friends. Even Kaidou or Nendou which were much closer to saiki then Aiura.
you walked behind the three of them. Saiki dropped them near the couch and looked at it. You sat down and started asking questions.
"What's going on? Is everything alright? You could've told me you were bringing your friends, I would prep-"
"They're here to apologize to you." His friends looked at him surprised. Saiki sounded like it was an obvious intention.
"Apologize? Saiki, this person was-"
"They're my partner. We've been together for... some time now." Saiki said, looking away. He thought this 'announcement' would look different. Well he didn't thought about those two..
"Partner? Saiki actually pulled someone?" Toritsuka said, but he got quiet right after his head was hit with one of the cans from the table. "What?! You never told us about having someone! How could we know!" Toritsuka said rubbing his head.
"R-Right! We thought it was some kind of stalker or a creep...!" Aiura wad explaining their motives to Saiki and you thought about all the stuff that happened 'cause of them.
"Saiki it's alright, they didn't know. Maybe you should let go." Even tho you wanted to see what kind of punishment those two would get, you couldn't bring yourself to. Damn your good nature and big heart.
Your boyfriend looked at you and sighed. He loosened his grip and let his friends go. Saiki didn't expect that to happen. He really wanted to send Aiura and Toritsuka on deserted island and leave them for few days. But that would be against his principals... unfortunately.
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"I told you we should have said something..."
It was pretty late when you and Saiki cuddled together on his bed. The night was peaceful with clear sky and bright moon. It was nice and warm, even if it was middle of February.
You had your head on saikis chest as he played with your hair. He had his eye closed, resting them a little. His pink bangs fell on his glasses covering his nose and tickling his cheeks. He looked peaceful and relaxed. Finally after a week he wore his ring so there was no thought in his head. No annoying ideas, thoughts or questions. Only silence.
"Yeah... sorry I didn't know sooner.." Saiki looked at you with soft look. His eyes were half closed and his face was decorated with gentle smile. Kusuo being the 'tusndere' he is doesn't really smile often, but when he does toy cherish those few seconds. "Could've stopped them and prevent this whole thing..."
"Don't be, at least they know now." You looked up and placed few kisses on his jaw and face. He hummed in response, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. "Thank you for looking out for me.." You said as you finally planted last kiss on his lips.
"Always..." he smiled and cuddled you closer to him. He made the lights turn off and closed the curtains. You were finally able to have a peaceful and good night sleep and he would be damned if Saiki didn't try making it even better for you.
"I love you.."
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reblogs are very much appreciated<33 thank you for reading ☆
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doukeshi-kun · 1 year
𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙛✗𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙚, 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙬𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙚
featuring ⨳ stalker!nikolai gogol x fem!reader
synopsis ⨳ “I flirt with my woman by chasing her with a knife, dearest. And she likes it. She loves it. She loves it so much that she can't stop thinking about it. She thinks of her chaser so much that her pretty brain can't hold all the thoughts she had about him that she has to put it all down into her little journal.” Nikolai presses his knife a bit harder, “She likes it.”
contents ⨳ stalker au, 18+ content, dark content, harsh languages, very dubious consent, predator/prey dynamics, threats, manipulation, rough semi-public unprotected s*x, horror descriptions, repetitions are intentional, masochism, violence, impact play, oral (both receiving), knife play, hints of ‘exhibitionist’, light mindbreak, very toxic relationship, obsessive and possessive behaviour, dead dove do not eat
notes ⨳ stupid ass labels ruin my hardwork. thanks a lot. now i have a reason to post this draft. fyi this is a part 2 of my stalker nikolai au
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❝ Day 6 of him not being outside my house.
One more night and it will be officially a week since he last came here. Truthfully, dear diary, I know I should feel relieved and happy that one threat to my life is gone, even if it's temporary.
But I think he fucked me so hard that he fucked my head too.
I can't stop thinking about him. Not in a bad way. I just can't get him out of my head. Every fucking time, I find myself looking at my phone at work because I hope he texted me creepy messages. I purposely wear short clothes when I'm out in the living room because I want to tease him. I don't even lock my doors, hell, I even leave my wardrobe slightly open.
Why why why why am I acting like this? I'm losing my logical sense! I should not do those stuff! I should not rile a fucking murderer! No normal human would think of walking around their house topless, nipples out, perked and shit, just for their fucking stalker to see!
I blame my fucking hormones.
Maybe he's right. Maybe I'm a whore this whole time.
I am ashamed of myself.
I am also ashamed that I actually wait for him to barge in my house again. I want to experience that first night when he first talked to me as Kolya. I want him to wat no no what the fuck am I writing
Anyway, dear diary, I'm quite excited about this weekend. I will go out to have a drink— actually we'll get fucking drunk so fuck yea
I wouldn't call myself a lonely person, but I do... have very few friends. Maybe it's because of my weird hobby. Maybe it's just my social skills. But, putting that aside, I am quite happy that I am actually invited to go.
Because nobody invites me that often. pathetic bitch
And very rarely do people take my invitation to go on some horror adventures with me. I could count on one hand how many people have come with me to enjoy those scary things.
Maybe I should put myself out there. I can't stay this aloof and alone without a companion, or a genuine genuine friendship. Romance is one thing, but to be honest, having a deep friendship is beautiful too.
I hope I can have a best friend. Maybe one day. If I don't fuck myself up in my life so badly, that is. ❞
— ˚ ១。read more? ☄.
— ˚ ១。read more? ☄. [AO3]
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smutlord-supreme · 1 year
What would the COD MWII men do if they found out you had a stalker
[A little self indulgent peice since I had a scare last night. Getting stalked in like my specialty so let me know if you want a full length peice 🤪]
SFW short peice, COD men x GN! Reader, mostly platonic but can be read as romantic too.
Cw: Stalking
-Price would be on top of it. Replacing locks, installing cameras anything to make you feel safe.
-He would make an effort to spend time with you more often, pick you up from work, drop you off ect. And when he couldn't he would try to get freinds to stay with you so you didn't have to be alone
-He would want you to call the cops and report it but he wouldn't be pushy if it makes you uncomfortable.
-If he actually met your stalker he'd let them know, in no uncertain terms, that if they continued they would never walk again.
-Graves would probably get violent the fastest of anyone on this list. He seems possessive so anyone threatening 'his girl/boy/partner' would be a no go.
-He would push you to report it to the cops and I don't think he'd take no as an answer.
-He'd also want you to call off of work while he did some 'investigation' of his own.
-He might even come home with a German Shepard puppy so that you can have a 'guard dog' which would end up being spoiled
-I thinking Ghost would be the most analytical of the group. Which may make you think he's just brushing it off at first, when he's really just thinking up solutions.
-You already have a guard dog so he sets out and buys motion activated flood lights and trail cameras.
-He'd make sure you didn't have to do anything, he'd call your boss, change your number, call the cops if you wanted. All so you don't have to worry.
-The day after telling him you'd wake up to a pantry stocked with your favorite treats (which Gaz delivered so that Ghost wouldn't have to leave you).
-Soap would freak out at first, he'd ask you a million questions and probably make you panic before apologizing.
-He'd run you and bath and call either Ghost or Price to ask for advice.
-After you're done the both of you would go to the hardware store and booby trap the house, Home Alone style. Which would make you laugh.
-He would also set real safety measures in place, Window locks, Cameras, Alert system you name it.
-He would spend every moment distracting you while the problem got fixed.
-Normally silly Gaz would become very silent when you told him. Quietly anger radiating off of him.
-I headcannon Gaz as having had bad anger issues as a kid which he got under control as he got older.
-Gaz would get up and put you in the shower while he made phone calls. Putting on your comfort show when you got out and sitting on the couch with you, rubbing your shoulder absent-mindedly.
-There would be a knock at the door and it would be one of his old police buddies. Gaz would apologize because he knew it would be hard to tell what happened, but it was important to get this guy caught.
-He'd stay home with you when he could and using his connections he would do whatever he could to get you an escort when he wasn't.
-When whoever was stalking you got caught he would roast the shit out of what they looked like (petty I know) making you laugh.
-Alejandro would be very vocal almost immediately, comforting and coddling you before setting off to fix the problem.
-He would round up Rudy and go find the person himself. Verbally (and maybe just a little physically) threatening them.
-He'd get back to comforting you as fast as possible though. Assuring you that you're safe and no one could harm you.
-He'd be more protective, almost overbearing for a week or two. He doesn't want this to ever happen again
-Depending on how bad it was he might adopt a little yappy dog (chihuahua, rat terrier, Yorkie, you know the type) to act as a first warning system and companion.
-Rudy would start comforting you immediately, before making calls to freinds.
-Both Rudy and Alejandro don't trust the local police and army so it narrows down the number of people that can help. He'd probably go straight to Los Vaqueros.
-He would make you some comforting food while he waits for Intel. Sitting on the couch to eat instead of the dining table like normal.
-When the call finally came that your stalker had been captured he would go down to the base to confront them himself. Causing a nasty black eye before Alejandro pulled him off.
-Afterwards he'd teach you how to shoot. He wants you to be innocent and pure, but not at the cost of your life
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minzart · 5 months
The greatest yarn ball ever. Honestly, I need more of them in my life. I never really view Y/N as me. I always enjoy seeing them be their own character more. So y/n having an actual design and what seems to be their own personality instead of a blank. That's the good shit right there. Them working for the Vees is so great. Are they also at the hotel? Are they there for redemption? Does Alastor know about y/ns connection to Vox? What is overlord y/n like? Are they sadistic? Did they just take control to immediately use their power to hide in their room and play video games? THEY ARE SO COOL AND CUTE AND I HAVE TOO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!! (Sorry for the long ask. I just really love your art)
I'm really glad you like them! I also love when reader has more of a personality and their own little quirkys, I'm very picky with fics and love stepping into reader's toes when they got a perssonality more than when it's a reader trying to be as neutral as possible.
I'm also trying to do more desig for the Y/N I have, hazbin is the first sucessfull one that isn't just a grey blob with eyes that are Y/N in them(villainous is next i fell it).
As per this comic, yeah :D, reader lives in the Hotel.
And no they are not there for redemption, they are like Angel in the beginning, seeking a place to live more than seeking redemption, to stay they offered their services as a technician and one more extra hand to the chores. The hotel is the first place they can actualy rest without worrying about stalkers and creepy fuckers, so it's slowly being home and it's residents their roommates
I imagine Alastor absolutely does know they work for Vox, since in their uniform they have the Voxtek logo, he probably was waiting to see if they were like sirpentius but more blunt and with a good poker face, they can stay as long as they don't try to film or put a camera were they shouldn't. He is also a gossip girl and loves listening to them complaining about they work and specifically teleports into the bar when the talk is about one of reader's bosses.
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Overlord reader is sadistic yes, however they take on a more... emotional approach - my intention with sinner/regular reader is that they write to satisfy the more emotional weight hell probably lacks. See Valentino's porn that are 100% only porn and no plot. Their writting takes on a more emotional catarses approach - so overlord reader is a bit like Alastor, a conman, they toy with emotions and belive themselves above actualy feeling them(but we know were this can go ;) ), their sadism is in the form of the betrayal their victims feel when they get tricked into a contract after perhaps years of "friendship".
As an informant they are constantly up to date with the generation and it's hard to pin point what actual decade they died in, they can be charming, they job is practically be the persson with the most connections in hell afterall. And their story is, Funnily enough, a matter of luck, right time, right words, and right people, overlord reader is always present and takes to a variety of hobbies to conect with people, they have always something to talk about and to tell.
I imagine they wish they could just lock themselfs in their room and play games, but they are in too deep into their own web and now needs to maintain it to have a semblance of security. I'm still thinking who can swap with who for overlord reader's world so we got more of dynamics to work with. For now I only have like, overlord Husk and Angel, and the Vees I'm thing of "joining the hotel for redemption but not really they just are broke and need a place to hide but hey maybe they can finaly have a semblance of normality and grow as people there now?", maybe Charlie is the Alastor in here and Emily got the "hotel" idea? I'm still working on it and the show still have mysteries that I can't include (like who the fuck is behind Alastor's strings and Lilith's canon perssonality so i'm riding on headcanons for those)
Don't worry about asks! I'm having so much fun taking about hazbin reader it gives me opportunity to work on ideas and maybe a little plot for a future fic?(i saw your coment and i'm brainstorming ideas for it now)
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elizabarnes · 10 months
Okay but like...imagine you notice weird things going on around your apartment...things go missing, stuff is moved, little things like that, but you don't think much of it. But then imagine you wake up one night to a noise and you see this tall figure standing at the end of your bed going through things on your vanity. The figure hears you and turns around before pinning you down with his large hand clamped around your mouth. (I can't decide if you should know Ted or not so you can decide that). He ends up fucking you, lots of "I've been waiting for this for so long." "I'm gonna make you so happy." "All mine now." "My little dolly". You know, cute shit like that. (Also IDK how you'd want to incorporate this but i'm also like imagining that scene in The Boy where the dude has the girls dress and like recreated her on his bed?) Anyway, name of Jesus Christ, Amen
I’m gonna do what I did in Stalker and make reader a fan but she isn’t an insomniac??? Howwww???
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“Wait, how did you get in?”
Ted Nivison x afab!reader
You are having a normal day, taking a shower at 9, doing skincare, going back into your room, and watching Ted Nivison’s videos on your laptop until 11 then going to sleep. You wake up from a nice dream a sex dream at about 4 or 5 am. You look ahead of you and see a tall figure rummaging through your stuff. “Wha-“ You start but you're too tired to finish your sentence. It could just be a delusion, right? “Hello, sweetheart.” You hear come from the tall man. He sounds like Ted Nivison.. You think. “Are you Ted Nivison?” You ask, being too sleepy to even care. “Why don’t you find out?” He chuckles softly as he comes closer to you. You can see the reflection from the window off his glasses and your eyes widen. “The fuck? Why are you in my house?” “I didn’t expect you to say that.” “Then what did you expect?” You rub your eye tiredly. “Well, I expected you to have a fangirl moment. You do have pictures of me everywhere.” He says as he opens his arms as if offering a hug. In his right hand, you see him holding a pair of your lacy panties that your friend had bought you for your 18th birthday. Ted crawls into your bed and pins you down as if you were going to try and run. Like, dude? You’re too tired, duh. You wake up a little more and realize the situation more. “If I fall asleep you can continue whatever you started.” You say to him as a smirk appears on his face. “Whatever you say, princess.” He says as he nips at your neck. You put your hands under his shirt and pull it over his head, discarding it to the floor. He does the same to your shirt and starts to nip at the new bare skin. A couple of whines leave your mouth which motivates him to leave marks. What feels like only a few seconds pass and both of you are naked, he’s lying on his back as you look at him with tired, almost innocent eyes. His large hand cups your cheek and his thumb rubs the skin there. You lean into his touch, almost falling asleep. “Stay with me, darling.” He whispers. “Mm..” You mumble out as his hands move to your hips, he then flips you around so you’re on your back underneath him. He puts the tip to your entrance and slowly pushes forward, loving the way you whimper at the pleasure. He pushes all the way in in one swift movement making you let out a whine. “Fuck- so tight..” Ted groans out. “T-Teddy- please-“ You whine out as he starts slow thrusts, letting out groans of your name or how wet you are. “Been waiting for this for so long, gonna make you so much more happy than that last douche- fuck.” He says as his thrusts pick up pace and your moans grow louder. “Fuck!- S-so close- please, Teddy!” You moan out, you definitely weren’t falling back asleep now. “Fuck- gonna cum!” You let out an almost pornographic moan making Ted’s eyes widen and lips part slightly. “Cum for me, darling.” He says into your ear as you clench down on him, cumming on his cock. This throws him over the edge and he cums inside you, pulling out and moving down to your cunt that’s leaking with yours and his mixed cum. “My little dolly now, mine too play with whenever I want.” He mumbles as he licks a stripe up your clit before sucking on it, moans leaving your mouth as your hands meet his hair, you feel two of his huge fingers enter you, even louder moans coming out of your mouth now. “Fuck- Ted!” He looks up at you and the sight almost makes you cum on the spot. His fingers go quick inside you drawing loud moans and whimpers from your mouth. You cum on his fingers and he works you through it before pulling his fingers out of you and sucking your cum off, lapping up any last bit he didn’t get. He gets up and walks into your bathroom, getting a rag and cleaning the two of you up. He then goes over to your dresser and pulls out some clean clothes for you and getting in his bag for his own clothes- was he planning this? He walks back over to you and helps you get dressed and then he’s dressed himself. He crawls into bed beside you and pulls you into him. “I love you, Y/n.” “I love you too, Teddy.” You close your eyes to go to sleep. “Wait- how did you get in?”
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butterfluffy · 2 years
AWE I READ YOU WRITE FOR KATAKURI 🥺 I-I-I WANT TO REQUEST, i hope it's ok 😳 Headcanons/scenario of Katakuri, Zoro, & Ace with F!S/O, where someone is stalking S/O and S/O is very uncomfortable, also S/O is scared with the stalker. Umm... Is this ok? I can change it if you feel uncomfortable, THANK YOU UWU 🥺💕
“stalker vs. lover”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· oh no, you have a stalker, and it's not nice at all—so your dear lover comes to rescue you!
⠀⠀➧ fluff? | c. katakuri, r. zoro, and p. d. ace (separate) × f!reader | headcanons
⠀⠀➧ warnings — slight stalking behaviors, and swearing...! mistakes may be present though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are open! do send some requests for me to write!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: hello anon! here's your request! these boyfies will surely help you get rid of this stalker!
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how would
deal with your stalker?
before we start with this donut lover, i just wanna say, RIP BITCH, U DEAD, THIS BIG BBY WILL KILL U‼️‼️👺
katakuri will definitely notice that someone is stalking you before you even know. “y/n, someone is stalking you.”
although he won't do a thing about it because you told him that maybe it's just a fan of his, or your admirer. “i have a stalker? calm down, kata. it might be an admirer of mine, or a fan of yours, we're pretty famous after all..”
ah, yeah, he has fans. so he thinks that it's normal for you to have some admirers here and there since—you're his girlfriend, the definition of beauty. 😘💋💋💋
but then you noticed weird behaviors to this ‘admirer’ of yours...
they started to send you pictures of you doing your daily things, like a picture of you sitting in a chair as you read a book, captured from outside—
it slowly got worse, and you were finally hit with the realization that your lover was right, they are stalking you... “katakuri.. you're right, they're not an admirer, but a stalker...”
so being the best boy he is, katakuri helps you out with the mf! 🥰 “don't worry, i'll handle it.”
firstly, he gets rid of all the alarming shit they sent you, from pictures, letters, and some other stuff.
and theeeeenn, here comes the exciting part! he finds your damned stalker and e n d s them for stalking you, his lover.
will soothe you after that, assuring you that everything is fine now and no one will stalk you ever again because he's here with you.
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how would
deal with your stalker?
again, rip fucker, u're dying as soon as zoro notices that u're stalking his bae. 👁️👅👁️
unlike katakuri, this moss head won't realize that someone is stalking you immediately.
he would only realize it if you tell him that you feel like someone has been watching you.
though he is quick to notice that you're acting weird, so he'd ask you “is there anything wrong, babe? you're acting a little strange..”
he's observant, so he knows if there's something bothering you.
so finally telling him what has been bugging you— “zoro, someone's been stalking me, and... i feel uncomfortable.”
he is furious. “what!? someone is..? how come i haven't noticed that!!?”
zoro is mad at himself too for not being able to realize in an instant that you have a stalker, and for not being able to protect you from the weirdo's antics.
and oh boy. he'll be so cautious of everyone around you, very eager to catch this stalker of yours. 😕
so finally catching who has been stalking you, he wears this evil grin of his, “i'll make sure you'll be sent to hell for doing that shit to my lover.”
will make your stalker feel like they're being punished by the king of hell, who is actually roronoa zoro, your boyfriend. 😈😈
makes sure that it's all good and no one will stalk you ever again, after setting an example to those who'll dare stalk you. 🥰
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how would
deal with your stalker?
i don't see him the type to kill someone so your stalker might survive him. might, ahAhaHahA. 🙂
also doesn't realize in an instant that you've been stalked, it might take him some time to figure it out himself if you ever not tell him. 🏃‍♀️💨
though he notices that you're uneasy everytime you go out, and he'll get curious why, so he'd instantly ask you.
“yo, love, what's wrong? you seem quite uneasy..”
and as soon as you tell him, “someone's stalking me, ace...”
ace immediately stands up from his seat and looks around with a big frown on his face, searching for the fucker. “d'ya think they're here? i'll get them if they are!”
searches and searches as if he's a dog looking for drugs on the airport, rage eating him up knowing that someone is causing his dear lover to be in panic.
swears that as soon as he sees your stalker, he'll land a punch on their face respectfully. 😊😊😊😊
yes, you saw that right, respectfully. makino raised no disrespectful brat, so the encounter will probably be like—
“so you're y/n's stalker, huh? well, nice meeting you! here's a heads up; clench your teeth because i'll be sending you across this fucking room!”
—is what he said before immediately landing a hard punch on your stalker's face that made them fly.
no one dared mess with you nor stalk you from that day on, after receiving a warning from the division captain. “dare stalk my lover and you're dead.” 😄
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© butterfluffy 2022
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astral-mariner · 3 months
Hopefully this isn’t too stalker-y, but I’ve noticed you say a couple times that you don’t ship Kakavege the same way as most of the fandom. Would you be willing to talk about how you see the pairing and how it’s different from the “default”? Obviously no pressure if you don’t want to talk about it, but I love seeing different interpretations of their relationship (whatever form it may take)
Not too stalker-y! If anything, I'm flattered that anyone would be interested in what I might think about stuff, haha. That said, all of the following is just my personal headcanon. There are lots of fun and valid interpretations of this pairing, and mine is but one of them.
First to clarify: When I'm thinking of the "default" (which is, of course, a very loose term, as the fandom and the shippers are obviously not monolithic at all!), what I have in mind is how Vegeta is constantly put in a submissive and/or bottom role where he gets his absolute shit wrecked and gets all sobbing and unraveled. And while Vegeta getting his shit wrecked is definitely up my alley (lol), I feel like the journey to get to that shit-wrecking doesn't vibe with how I personally interpret each character.
I think a great deal of it has to do with the fact that I don't see Goku as a very sexual person. I think he's very sensual in that he loves physical activities like fighting, eating, etc., but that like, sexual DRIVE just isn't there in the same way that it is for fighting. He probably has a libido, sure, but there's a difference between having a physical urge and being preoccupied with sexual desire. He doesn't really think about sex in the moment unless it's happening to him. In canon, he's often shown to be oblivious or not to understand things involving sex. Not because he's stupid or he can't pick up on things (because he definitely does and even plays dumb to mess with people for fun!), but because he's just on a different wavelength. Things that occur to "normal" people just don't occur to him.
And to me, all of that doesn't really line up with his being characterized as a dominant top most of the time, lol. Someone who exerts his desire upon someone else. (Which is not to say you can't have a submissive-leaning top---you definitely can; I think that is *cough* how Vegeta is with Bulma *cough*.) Now there are definitely situations where I can see Goku entering this headspace, though. Namely, say, if Vegeta nurtured that feral side of Goku's saiyan nature and encouraged him to get in touch with and act upon it. Exerting it on others.
Which brings me to Vegeta's characterization. I don't see him as particularly nurturing, lol. He sees Goku as a rival---someone he wants to tear down, not someone he wants to build up. He's obsessed with and angry at Goku for besting him. And I feel like one of Vegeta's responses to this would be to dominate him in any way he feels that he can. Unravel and defeat him. Even if it's just a pathetic attempt to feel superior or to shove down his real feelings and longings. (Because I think, deep down, Vegeta longs to let go of his NEED to fill a particular role, play the prince, be the best---it's a cage for him, and laying down his desperate desire for power and reveling in weakness would be freeing.)
On top of this, Vegeta strikes me as a person with far more dark, sexual energy. He's repressed as fuck, of course, but he's just BRIMMING with pent up feelings and desires. It even comes out when he fights. When he's dominating someone in battle, he gets really into it. He gets really intimate and personal about it. And considering his past, he's seen some fucking shit out in space. He's not innocent or oblivious even if he is a prude who tried to stay above it all. He knows what sex is, he knows what sexual desire is, he knows what sexual violence is, and he feels all of it intensely even if he doesn't let himself act on it (probably plays into why he's so ANGRY and frustrated all the time, lol). Not to mention the fact that Vegeta wouldn't have to stop and explain to Goku how to fuck him, lol; he'd just fuck him himself and show him what's what (or even sexually dominate him by bottoming from the top, so to speak).
All in all, in my mind, Vegeta would be far more likely to exert sexuality onto Goku vs. the other way around. Act his desires out on Goku. Dominate him in one of the few ways he can. Even though it's pathetic! And perhaps not even what he truly wants (to let go and have his responsibility/power stripped from him). But it's what he would do, and what he'd tell himself he wanted.
All that said, this leads to a "default" dynamic where Vegeta is more sexually dominant than Goku is. Which is against the more common fan interpretation. "Kakavege" is definitely more popular than "Vegekaka." (Even though I personally don't like when people get obsessed with who bottoms or tops... I'm a queer man, I'm messy as fuck, and I like when my ships are messy and complex like me, haha).
Even so, as I mentioned somewhere else before, there are definitely still situations where I can imagine Goku topping and/or being more dominant. Particularly in AUs where he's a lot less innocent and didn't get conked on the head, lmao. I LOVE when Goku snaps and goes feral like he did when he first transformed, though. I also LOVE when Vegeta lets go of his pride and gets his shit wrecked. But I feel like not a lot of people get either character to those places in a way that satisfies me personally when they write the pairing. Takes into account all the little subtleties and complexities of their characters. So it results in me being very picky with my shipping content for the pairing.
And THEN, on top of everything else, there's the issue of the imbalance in their feelings for each other. Vegeta feels far more intensely about Goku than Goku does about Vegeta. Vegeta is fucking obsessed. Whereas Goku has lots of rivals, and Vegeta might be one of his favorites, and he might even have a special bond with him as a saiyan, someone who understands him in a way the others might not, but he's not obsessed with Vegeta. Vegeta is always going to be angsting about what is effectively a situation of unrequited love. The pairing, at least to me, is an extremely angsty and doomed one for that reason. Vegeta just wants so desperately to be noticed and cared about the way he cares about Goku (see: the Majin Stunt). And a lot of people write the ship to be a lot less angsty than this. But I'm all about the angst, lol.
Vegeta really is the more "emotional" of the two despite insisting how little he cares for anyone or anything. Despite Goku wearing his heart on his sleeve more. Or being outwardly affectionate and comfortable sharing his feelings. Vegeta feels for Kakarot deeply even if he doesn't express it outright. Whereas Goku may love Vegeta as he loves everyone---his general love for life and everyone he meets kind of way. But it's not the intense, dark, emotional, romantic obsession that Vegeta has. The two characters are extremely different despite being two sides of the saiyan coin and sharing many important things in common.
I hope that sheds a BIT of light on how I see them? There is so much nuance to these characters. I love hearing other people's thoughts too. There are lots of really cool and interesting reads on them that are different than mine. Thanks for the ask!
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pupyuj · 10 months
Stalker Yujin who's an absolute virgin loser who gets a hard on when you linger your finger on her for too long
Writes little letters to you but never sends them cause she's too shy :((
And when she finally approaches you she gets so shaky and shy to the point she stutters with almost every word...
Gets really flustered when you talk back and put your hand on her thigh asking her what's wrong that she accidentally gets hard!!
Don't worry you're there to help tho ^^
(Can I be the 🪼 anon?)
i'm telling ya'll, yujin will never beat the lewser puppy allegations... i love asks like these cuz they really just feed my stupid yuj agenda like :(( shes just so.. WHY ARE YOU DUMB (lovingly) 🥺🥺 and thank you for the ask 🪼 anon!
but like what if you guys went wayyyy back as in knowing each other in the past... yuj in high school having a low social status and kinda gets bullied sometimes bcs she never had the will to fight back :(( she starts crushing on you after you defended her from some jocks and picked her stuff up from the floor, n you walked her to class too just to make sure no one can bother her on the way there, you were so sweet 💔💔 but then some years passed and you were reunited in your senior year in university after you transferred to whatever school she was in,,, you don't really remember her, but oh does she remember you 😳
yujinnie who makes sure that she doesn't lose a glimpse of you ever again so she follows you around the hallways while you're walking to class,, it seems like you only got prettier as the years went by,, longer hair, beautiful eyes, sweet smile, and that pretty voice... sometimes yujin masturbates thinking about you, you know. she got so happy when she saw you again after years that she spent a whole night jerking herself off while you were in her head 😣 how she wished you were there pleasuring her instead... you were too pretty to not be constantly fucked silly!!!
about the letter thing... i imagine yujin would constantly try to be romantic and write you poems and confess her feelings n stuff but sometimes she thinks with her dick so she just ends up messing it all up bcs she started writing about how she wants to fill your holes with her cum.. weird little loser.
sjsdhkdndh your paths finally crossing at a mixer... you managing to escape some people who have gotten high out of their mind.. choosing to hide in a bathroom bcs you figured that every other room was occupied with horny people having sex,, only to find this cute girl with a big hoodie and comically huge glasses squirming as she sat on the toilet,,, she looked liked she was in pain and ofc being the only normal person around, you kneeled down and asked her if she was okay,,,
yujin blushing so hard bcs she was finally seeing you up close,, her closing her legs bcs she doesn't want you to see her hard on but your hand was on her knee bcs you wanted to see her face :(( you were touching her forehead, but she wasn't sick... maybe she was injured? but she looked really healthy!! yujin meeting your eyes for the first time and it clicks in your head that holy shit it's the same girl from high school sksdjikhkd 😭😭
you knew she was still a loser cuz she looked like it so you asked how the fuck she got in this crazy ass party,, and she said she.. followed you??? thank god she was fucking cute or else you would have been out the door immediately!! then you were asking her why the fuck does she look like she needs an ambulance bcs she was sweating, and she was warm... and she tells you that it's because you look so good in your outfit??? what the fuck does that even—
"what the heck, yujin-ah," omg you remembered her name? ...yeah that didn't help her little situation at all. "you should've told me right away." but maybe you will 🤭
sjhfjcncknsk yujinnie nearly suffering a heart attack when you pulled off her pants and boxers,,,, her cock in display for you,, giving her length little kisses, sometimes licking her slit bcs you loved the way she sounded when she whimpered,,, ugh you can't even deepthroat or anything bcs yujin was so big :(( but the loser knew nothing about any of this, she was a fucking virgin,, so even when you were just sucking off not even half of her cock, she still felt like it was heaven 😵‍💫😵‍💫
she comes a bit quick of course... her cum spilling all over your lips, licking it off her cock while staring up at her,, oh yujin was so hot leaning back and breathing heavily like that :((( hehe.. even if she's a virgin, she's still a perv who watched porn and imagined that it was you and her on the screen... so yujinnie definitely gets the courage to bend you over the sink and breed your sweet cunt after she recovered <333
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yamirexic · 11 months
chlorine (ville valo x depressed!reader)
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warnings: triggering themes, fainting, mentions of anorexia, derealization, hospitalization, smoking, overall heavy dark stuff
growling anticipation. is that the thing that makes me linger at that lean boy in the deep blue of the backyard? i wonder if he ever noticed me like I noticed him. i'm no stalker, don't even think of it, he knows me. he invited me to come over but he probably never thought about me looking at the water droplets pooling down his chest. his dark brown hair sticking to his forehead, almost covering his eyes. i just can't keep my eyes off of it. the muscles moving with each stroke, hitting my line of thought like a lightning. i am such a mess, messy hair covering my face, black eye makeup making me look even more dead, violet blue eyebags glistering through my hair. freckes on uneven sickly pale skin, oversized hoodie covering my ugly body, scars on my left wrist, looking oh so faint. the only one who ever noticed them, only one who asked me about them. black new rocks sitting on my feet like metal tied to dog legs to let them drown. he always stayed in his own mind, gliding so carefree through the liquid madness. he probably has noticed. every normal society creature would've talked about this, pointing the staring out, but he never did. maybe he knew that it was admiration and not obsession. he always was 3 steps ahead of everyone else. eyes feeling tired, head spinning like a screw, body falling limp, falling onto the ground. vision turning black, mind falling down like a chandelier on a piano, hands on focus like in a hollywood movie, last thing able to recognize is skin. pale skin, lean muscles stretching out with every move. touch. his skin. chlorine in the air as this lovely disgusting stench that it is. water dripping down from his wet locks like lean out of a sprite bottle. ears stuffed, every sound seeming so blunt. and again. skin. the skin of a vampire. touching me ever so slightly, lifting me off the ground. everything else blurry. nothing. mind fades black
......what is that?.......
....is that....
....the end?.......
I come back to my senses, laying on something soft. opening my eyes slowly, getting used to the blunt light passing the curtains, realising I'm laying in a bed, soft pillows under my head. I turn my head a bit and see him. eyes closed, hair mostly dry and shirtless. I just lay there, my system still starting. how can someone look so peaceful but still so done and tired like he just ran a marathon or was done with life. he slept looking into my direction like he would try to keep an eye on me if something were to happen. oh yeah. something happened. my brain started to process what happened in detail, stopping after being picked up from the ground. but...there was something else...something... good. I remember a voice saying "please, wake up, oh shit, how could this happen", being layed down on the bed and... being pecked. on the lips. even though it was just a short touch, I still remember the feeling of the pink-red lips I wanted to feel for so long now, still slighty wet. was that what my brain processed as this amazing moment or as the "epiphany"? I must be imagining that just because my heart pulls the strings. flutter. flutter. the color of venom stinging my eyes. he reveals his eyes, the glowy green piercing through. my brain finally started to work and...oh shit, did he realise that I was staring at his resting corpse, but the only thing I saw in his orbs was... relieve. his arms circleling around my body like snakes, taking me into a careful hug. "I'm so glad you're awake, how are you feeling?" he asked gently, caressing my hair. "I don't know, my head hurts a bit and I'm a little dizzy but other than that I feel fine." he looked into my eyes, faces not far away from each other. he puts one hand on my face, the metal of his rings cold against my sick appearance. "do you remember...anything?" he asked with a hopeful glim in his eyes. "well, I only remember collapsing and you picking me up. the rest is just a blurry mess in my head but I still remember feeling an "epiphany" of some sort. his eyes look somewhat shocked but also...sensual? like a sensual loving look. "do you know what this epiphany felt like?" "it felt somewhat soft but also slightly wet I think. it was a tingling sensation on...my...ehh...lips." "okay interesting", he leaned in more, lips mere inches apart. "did it feel something like this?" he closed the gap and there it was. skin, his touch, vampire skin against dead skin. my hands found there way into his hair. he held me closer and it felt like the minutes of staring at him while he was gliding in the liquid element. so gracefully, so elegant, so...beautiful. the tingle stayed, even after seperating, faces still close together. "yes, but there is also another things that I remember. I think it was the stench of chlorine?" "it wasn't chlorine, it was the stench of cigarettes. I think your mind just tried making something logical for your line of thought but it only was of cigarettes. when I investigated you, you must have caught the smell in your nose." chlorine...chlorine......
..........."can you hear me? oh god, please say something, give me a sign that you're okay."
......where does that voice come from?...........
white light...
white light...
white light.........
.........eyes, light...
ears, voices and beeping...
where is the touch.........
my eyes opened to white light blinding me, muffed voices talking like crazy. I turned my head slightly to see I was laying in a bed...in a hospital bed.was this all just in my head? there is no chance this wasn't real, no there is no way! this can't be fake! I felt it, I know it! or...was it? I could cry just thinking about it. I looked around the room when my eyes arranged to the burning lights. the curtains were open, the city dark with the lights of buildings, stores and enterprises shining like a shooting star, giving me a feeling of bliss and safety. there was also an armchair and something or rather someone was sitting in it...him, it's him, sleeping lazily in the armchair, hair a complete mess and makeup completely smudged. he brought me here. he really did. I tried sitting up, gathering all my strength, seeing injected needles with IV. I carefully took them out, knowing this was probably not allowed at all. I stood up from the bed, going into the direction of the armchair. sitting down on the floor, putting a piece of hair behind his ear to see his face a bit better. he looks so tired, so done with everything. oh darling, how it hurts to see him so exhausted. I got carried away and started playing with his hair, looking at his quiet appearance. then suddenly, he started to move a bit, slowly opening his eyes. letting out a yawn before looking at me, a little smile creeping onto his face. he sat up and held his arms out. me getting the sign, sat down onto his lap, hugging him. he crawls his hands around my whole body up to my head, pulling me into his neck like this would be the last hug in our life. he kept me in his arms for quite a while till he pulled away and looked me in my eyes. I wanted to get my mind in order so in case of being able to do that, I asked him. "what happened? I'm so confused, in one minute I'm in your backyard the next in the hospital." "well you collapsed in the backyard. I hurried to you to see what's going on. you didn't wake up but you still had a good pulse so I just thought maybe you need some rest so I took you upstairs into my bedroom. I accidentally fell asleep as well. you woke up and seemed fine but sometime later, still laying in bed, you fell out of consciousness again so I decided to bring you to the hospital just to be safe." so the things I thought were a dream were actually real. everything was real. "I called one of my friends to pick us up. the doctor already checked on you and said it was mere exhaustion and missing vitamins making you feel weaker. I'll keep an eye on you to be sure that you eat enough and take your vitamins." "thank you" "no problem, I'll always help you out, I'm here for you. come on, lets go home." I nodded and embraced him again. "you can put your arm around my shoulder if it helps you from loosing your balance." I did as he requested, feeling his arm around my waist for more stability. we went to a black car and got inside. the driver - his friend - already knowing what happened, drove us the way home. mind tripping like on acid, feeling dazed in a haze of dizzy vision, leaning onto his shoulder. before anything got processed by my brain, I already drifted off to the world of falling but not dying - at least not always. .........................................................
I felt myself drifting back into consciousness, head heavy like a bowling ball. laying softly on pillows, covered with a blanket. soft and dense breaths next to me, living in imagination and the art of surrealism. and again I can catch myself admiring him. It seems that we slept the whole night through cause the sun is already up...or it's just 5am I don't fucking know. at least I know how to get better and that I'm in a safe environment right now. little curls of dark brown in his face covering his eyes a bit. blank, sleek face, the natural beauty striking through. again, shirless, his tattoo on his abdomen a little visible. I caught myself doubting that this was real again, you can never know but I do have the feeling that everything is just a creation of my consciousness. but in the end, even if it is, for one it's a nice dream. Doing something rude was already in my veins, shaking him a bit till he stirred. "what is it, is everything okay?" he asked quite worried but also kinda too sleepy to care at the same time. "I'm scared that I'm just dreaming this whole stuff, maybe a case of derealization. what exactly happened? in chronical order please." and then again, I heard the same story, almost falling asleep from it or was it just his soothing voice? at least I know that for once I'm really laying in a soft bed, cuddled up with him under blankets. warmth.
a/n: this is my first ff on tumblr and I still need to figure shit out, hoped you liked it :). and sorry if there are some typos :,).
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suckerforcate · 2 years
Can I request a brienne x reader where the reader really drunk and brienne has to take care of her? they are already a couple, sorry if this is confusing you don't have to do it if you don't want to.
A little too much alcohol
Pairing: Brienne of Tarth x Reader
Word Count: 656
Warning: mention of alcohol
A/n: hope you like it!! <3
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You didn't normally drink, so you had no idea how much alcohol you could take before getting drunk. And that had led to you being absolutely wasted now and wanting to fight everyone who said just one wrong word. Considering that you weren't very tall and definitely not as strong as the soldiers you had been drinking with, that was a shit idea. So for your own good Brienne had grabbed you and escorted you away from the chaos into your own room.
"But I don't want to leave, I was just having so much fun." You gently slapped her arm and wanted to turn around, but she was much stronger than you.
"I know, but I think it's best for you to sleep a bit. You can have more fun tomorrow." You chuckled at that and looked at Brienne.
"Well if my girlfriend was here, I could have lots of fun with her. If you understand what I mean." She did understand what you meant. And also knowing that you meant her, she couldn't help but blush like crazy. She didn't know anything to say to that, so she just went on going to your room trying to not lose you on the way. You were like a little child. Getting distracted by everything and wanting to directly run towards it. How could a water fountain at the wall be so interesting that it took Brienne almost five minutes to get you away from it?
As you arrived in your room you immediately kicked of your shoes and let yourself fall on your bed.
"She is so tall." You mumbled. Brienne turned around to look at you.
"Brienne of Tarth." You stretched the last part dramatically long. Her heart sunk, she braced herself for the always hidden truth now coming to light. That you actually didn't like her and thought just as bad about her as all the rest.
"It's so hot. I mean she's hot just in general. But she is so tall, and then she towers over me and I just feel like my knees'll give out. And they get all wobbly and I wish I could rip her clothes from her body immediately, but I know she's not ready, and I don't want to hurt her or make her uncomfortable. So I wait and just stare at her like a stalker." Brienne was shocked. This was the absolute opposite of what she had expected. And she didn't need to look into a mirror to know that she was bright red. Sure you complimented her but not like this. And she wasn't even fully used to the small compliments yet. How was she supposed to handle this.
"Well, I think your girlfriend would be very happy to hear all of this. But now I think I'd be best for you to sleep." She tried her best to sound like a sane person.
"Oh, Brienne. I was just talking about you to-" you looked around the room confused as to where the nice woman had gone.
"Well I assume she left. Could you help me take of my dress?" You stood up and turned around. Brienne new you expected her to open the laces of your corset but for a slight moment she just stood there like someone had vexed her to not move.
"Brienne? Please, I really want to sleep." So she pulled herself together and gently untied your corset. As it loosened it automatically fell down to the floor, and after you had stepped out of it, Brienne took it and neatly placed it on a chair. She tucked you in and put a glass of water beside your bed. After having said goodnight she left the room and gently closed the door.
The moment the door was closed she let out a breath she didn't even know she had held and leaned against the wall.
Well, that was certainly something.
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veenderland · 2 years
If Xavier can get over his crush on Wednesday and become besties with her it would be so fun
Xavier's the reasonable type when he isn't being an idiot in the romantic department. So he's like the emotionally charged reasonable supporter to Wednesday and co.
Like they get into a weird situation
Wednesday comes up with an insane plan. Enid is all icky but we know she likes the creepy thrill (ONLY WHEN WEDNESDAY'S CONCERNED) despite complaining. Vice versa with Wednesday who agrees to do things she wouldn't normally do for Enid i'm foaming at the mouth can you see
So it's Xavier who's always like 'hm ngl i believe you and this can work but have we also considered that we might probably die'
And he tags along solely to make sure they don't die
I'm on board with the idea of Xavier believing insane theories first even though he has his reservations
AND IT'S EVEN MORE RIDICULOUSLY FUN WHEN TYLER COMES BACK (an artwork of @barblaz-arts where Tyler comes back as a Nevermore student set me off IT'S SO GOOD LMAOOOOO)
Enid is always on the verge to put her fangs and claws into good use
Wednesday is busy thinking more about the mysterious stalker than actually being interested in the fact that her ex-lover or whatever turned killer is back
It's mildly entertaining for her because she wishes it could have been worse. It's rather disappointing for her.
And Xavier is constantly on the edge because of his past with Tyler and thinking something might go horribly wrong
He wants to punch Tyler but he's forced to take the role of the responsible parent for Enid because she actually goes ahead to act on her impulses
Tyler is letting his inner bastard out so Enid is always ready to use some necessary force
Or unnecessary force
It doesn't help that Tyler enjoys knowing Xavier wants to lose his cool but can't so Tyler purposely tries to piss Xavier off
Xavier gets hospitalized at one point after his eyes rolled too far back into his head because of repeatedly rolling his eyes at Enid and Wednesday being absolutely clueless and stupid as fuck about their feelings for each other
Give me loony toons shit i want it
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nerves-nebula · 13 days
i think my mother might be abusive.
She's really controlling over the smallest things, and will get mad if I don't do things exactly the way she wants. She has really high standards of me, and it feels like to reach those standards,I'll have to lose anything that makes me happy.
But she can also be really nice.whej I was a little kid, she would make me really elaborate birthday cakes. She truely loves me.
But I feel like the love is stifling, like I can never tell her anything for fear of judgement. If I do anything she doesn't like, I'm persecuted,and she always wants me to do horrible things like manipulate people, be fake, and cheat and lie and be a bad person just to get good grades or something.
Am I wrong?
ok bud look your first mistake is asking a random internet stranger to validate you cuz like. what if i said NO? you're setting yourself up to be hurt if it turns out im a dickhead. and your second mistake is thinking you can be wrong about how you feel.
now i might have a stricter definition of love than most people but i'd ask if your definition of love includes someone completely trampling over your desires (i've found a lot of peoples do, when it comes to parents)
nah but fr thats just what i did when i was with my parents and it made me realize oh hey they dont ACTUALLY love me. they like the idea of their child and of being parents but those fuckers don't know shit about me. and if that counts as love then so does like. a creepy stalker who's obsessed with me. i mean they both "care" about me right? and if boundaries/what I want doesn't matter to them, then how do i differentiate the two kinds of "love"? i literally don't tell my parents where I live because I don't want them to do shit like move in near me or visit me cuz if they did i wouldn't be able to stop them.
yknow my mom made us a lot of deserts. a lot more than most ppls mothers i think. it was probably the nicest part of my childhood. and she cooked these huge elaborate dinners based on whatever we wanted for our birthdays. if i wanted bacon wrapped filet mignon (one of her favorites, so i'd sometimes ask for it cuz i knew she liked it and i loved my mom and wanted her to be happy) or taco pizza or hot cross buns I'd get it. and she'd spend all day cooking and we'd set the table with the fancy plates and it was. nice. she did a lot of things a Good Mom was supposed to do.
she was and is still a horrible bitch to live with.
THE POINT IM TRYNA MAKE IS THAT YOU'RE ASKING ALL THE WRONG QUESTIONSSS MAN. abusive parents are often not abusive 100% of the time cuz they're people who do Other Things, they're not like machines for abuse. There's no reason someone can't abuse and manipulate you and also make you a cool cake. I can't tell you if your mom is abusive idk ur situation, but you can tell me if you feel abused or steamrolled or manipulated. which it sounds like you do, so. there's that.
normally the next step would be to try to talk to your mom about this but
If I do anything she doesn't like, I'm persecuted
that doesn't seem feasible rn sooo. idk. my way of dealing with it was to make as few waves as possible until i moved out for college.
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ystrike1 · 2 years
I'm Dating A Psychopath - By NoSleepAreWe (8.5/10)
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This is an independently published series, and the team behind it is not messing around. The artist behind it has a reputation already and a Patreon and experience+++. This has the potential to go mainstream because it's a crime drama. It's not a romance. Obsession and disturbing themes will be involved, and the author has specifically warned the audience. They seem to know that their art has lured in romance lovers, but that's not what is happening here.
This is not fluff.
Finn is weird.
She's an unpleasant, unsociable girl that doesn't like to look people in the eye. She's pretty enough, and she has a decent job but she's introverted in an unhealthy way. When people do try to speak to her she gets annoyed.
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Unpleasant female characters are a thing for me. When I see one I expect good or higher quality writing. Why? Well in most webtoons of this nature the female characters tend to fall into achetypes. Finn doesn't fit into one. She makes people uncomfortable. She's not a cute girl or a sweet older sister or a broke college student. She doesn't fit in...but not in the usual way. Finn cannot be fixed with a makeover or a date. You'll get it if you read it.
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Finn is really into serial killer documentaries. She can also take insults like a champ. The two women in front of her are NOT malicious. They are NOT stereotype fueled bullies. They're two friends who sometimes eat lunch with the quiet Finn. Finn is the outlier. The woman with no close friends. The women whisper about how Finn doesn't listen when people talk, but it's not in a mean way. They don't know how to deal with her. They're all adults so they just quietly eat and stop trying to talk to Finn.
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Finn sometimes does feel...regret about her weirdness. She wishes she could grin easily like everyone. She practices smiling in a window, and that's when we see her stalker. His name is Isaac, and he's her co-worker. He's popular and handsome and brand new in the office. She isn't interested in him or anyone, so she doesn't even greet him. This scene is a little off, but I didn't think he was stalking her at first. He might not be. Isaac wants to "play games" with Finn. That doesn't mean he's interested in her personally. That just means she's a fun target.
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There's been a sting of violent murders. The cops know it's a serial killer. Finn boldly confronts Isaac when he follows her home, and he has a lineup of excuses ready. Isaac is very good at acting normal. He also tries to use romance as a tool to get close to Finn
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Isaac insists he's not following her. He has proof. His new apartment is in her building. He starts talking about destiny and how unlikely and romantic their meeting is. Finn just wants to go inside and ignore him, but he keeps talking. Finn says destiny is nonsense, and Isaac changes course. He praises her for her logical thinking. He says he was lying, and that she's right. This isn't destiny. He's stalking her, and he knows alot about her. Then, before she leaves he says he's just kidding.
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There's alot of arrogance lurking inside Isaac. I don't think he's the wealthy genius type, so he has to blend in and have a job. He can't do anything drastic, but it seems like he wants to. I don't know if he's the serial killer. He is connected to Finn though. Finn was traumatized by a killer, who has resurfaced. Her obsession with studying killers is a way to cope. In my opinion being arrogant is much worse than being awkward, but...society doesn't work that way. Finn won't be able to expose Isaac easily, because she's weird and he's popular.
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Finn is in contact with the detective on the case. Scott is like an uncle to her. He's a frazzled man who has seen alot of shit, but he's very kind. Finn visits him at the station because that's where she feels safe.
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Finn dreams about getting beaten sometimes.
Is the killer on the loose her father?
We don't know.
Finn doesn't know Isaac, so there's no clear connection between them. The beginning is just snapshots from Finn's perspective, and she doesn't know anything.
She's afraid.
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Isaac is extremely bold, arrogant and manipulative. He told Finn's manager that he wanted to ask Finn out. Finn's manager is a nosy, kind thirty something that thinks a date will fix Finn. Isaac uses that. The manager accidentally/casually??? reveals Finn's address. She's a sucker for love stories. She is the reason why Finn has a dangerous neighbor.
Isaac even tells that manager about his I'm-your-stalker "prank". This is where dread seriously sets in. The manager smacks his arm and tells him he won't get a date with creepy jokes.
That confirms it.
He can do what he wants for the time being. He does things like this as a test. I'm certain of it. He wants to know what he can get away with. A weird person like Finn would get whispers if she made a stalker joke. Stalking is not a joke, but apparently it's a silly mistake if you're sweet enough.
If you're handsome enough.
If you can blend in well enough.
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
That sounds like a really fun gig. Here a free invitation to ramble more about it if you feel like it.
omg okay thank you spruce
so I lined up really early to get barricade, right? I'm mutuals with a lot of people on twitter that I'd met before at gigs who were going to this one, and the roughly 10 or so of us had all agreed to queue for barricade so we were all in a group. our front of the line group had this running bit going on from really early in the morning where every time a car pulled into the lot one of us would go "holy shit is that wilbur soot?" and it'd be like a pickup truck or something lmao. it was so stupid but the more we did it the funnier it got
anyway flash forward to the afternoon. we're all tired and laying under this canopy firesnap bought to stay out of the sun. we hear a car pull up behind us and I have my back turned to it so I don't even bother to look, until someone goes "omg wilbur"
most of us think it's the bit again. firesnap was laying down and was just like "yeah sure"
then I turn around. and wilbur is sitting in the back of the uber that's like, right behind us.
once we all realized it was actually the band in the uber we all waved at them and I think that was when the guys realized they pulled too far forward (the band entrance to the venue was closer to the front than where the line was) and so the car reversed SO FAST to get away from us, it was so funny.
then as the band started climbing out of the car to get into the venue I noticed some people waiting further back in line behind our group were getting up like they were gonna try and run over to talk to them. so without thinking I stood up and just shouted "NO STAY BACK BE NORMAL" (maybe I said be chill or something like that I don't remember exactly) and held my hands out like chris pratt with the velociraptors in jurassic park 😭 everyone who was about to run forward just froze and stared at me and I glared at all of them until the band was in the venue. ngl I still don't know where that stern teacher voice came from.
a few minutes later I noticed a group waiting by the back entrance to the venue and it was very obvious a lot of them were trying to see if they could sneak pictures of the band as they got settled into the venue. so I walked over and was like "so are you guys trying to be creepy stalkers or what?" or something along those lines, and the wide-eyed looks I got were kind of priceless. I'm very much not a confrontational person irl so I have no idea how I had that surge of confidence, but yeah I was not gonna put up with people being weirdos that day
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