#“I get a drink” = “I get a chilli dog 💀”
afterlife-2004 · 20 days
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Reminds me of “The World Was Wide Enough”, a song from the musical, Hamilton!
#sonic movie 3#sonicmovie3hype#movie shadow#movie sonic#I’d imagine Movie Sonic being Alexander Hamilton and Movie Shadow as Aaron Burr 😭#🎶The World Was Wide Enough Sayonara… Shadow The Hedgehog🎶#Movie Shadow: 🎶 I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory Is this where it gets me on my feet several feet ahead of me? 🎶#🎶 I see it coming do I run or fire my gun or let it be?🎶 🎶There is no beat no melody 🎶#🎶 Sonic a young hedgehog whom I consider an uneasy ally and had our first rivalry Maybe the last face I ever see 🎶#🎶 If I throw away my shot is this how you'll remember me? 🎶 🎶 What if this sacrifice is my legacy? Legacy what is a legacy? 🎶#🎶 It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see 🎶 🎶 I wrote some notes at the beginning of a song someone will sing for me 🎶🎶#🎶Earth you great unfinished symphony it was too much of a Mad Mad Mad Mad World for me 🎶#🎶 You let me make a difference a place where even weird technicolour space alien orphan children 🎶#🎶 Can leave their fingerprints and rise up I'm running out of time I'm running and my time's up 🎶#🎶 Wise up eyes up I catch a glimpse of the other side 🎶 🎶My creator my father Gerald Robotnik is on the other side 🎶#🎶 He's with his granddaughter Maria who’s on the other side Teach me how to say goodbye 🎶 🎶 Rise up rise up rise up MARIA! 🎶#🎶 My best friend my sister I’d love you to take your time 🎶 “I'll give them a chance to be happy…”#Company: 🎶 he uses the very last of his chaos energy- Movie Shadow: “CHAOS CONTROL!” Movie Sonic: “WAIT!”#Movie Sonic: “He was unable to maintain his super transformation form any longer” “I tried to stop him but he punched me away”#“I get a drink” = “I get a chilli dog 💀”#🎶Aaaah Aaaah Aaaah 🎶#“I hear cheering in the streets” 🎶Aaaah Aaaah Aaaah 🎶#🎶 They say Gerald and Shadow Were both at her side when she died 🎶#🎶 Death doesn't discriminate Between the sinners and the saints it takes and it takes and it takes 🎶#🎶History obliterates in every picture it paints It paints me and all my mistakes 🎶#Movie Sonic: 🎶 Before Shadow The Hedgehog feel down to Earth he aimed at the sky He may have been the first one to die 🎶#🎶 But I'm the one who paid for it I survived but I paid for it 🎶 🎶Now I’m the “hero” in your history I was too young and blind to see 🎶#🎶I should've known I should've known the world was wide enough for both The Ultimate Lifeform and me 🎶#🎶The World Was Wide Enough For both The Ultimate Lifeform and me… 😭🎶
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strawbrygashez · 11 months
Soapshipping winter hcs!!!!!! Bc they r on my mind… and it’s winter soon…. I don’t know how cold it actually gets where they are or if it snows but let’s just ignore that for now
•The narrator has to force Tyler to put anything on for warmth. If he didn’t tell Tyler to put something on so he won’t be chilly, Tyler would go out in Booty shorts & a crop top in snow. He usually has to grab Tyler before they leave the house and force him to at least put a jacket on. (If he could have it his way, he’d put Tyler in a jacket, ear muffs, gloves, a warm hat, boots, a scarf and just like anything like that that will keep him warm 💀)
•The narrator has a huge af jacket to keep him warm when he’s walking to the office. Tyler makes fun of him a bit for it bc it’s huge on him & makes him look like a kid being forced to wear a huge jacket to school on a cold morning.
•Tyler is always warm :3 so when it’s cold out or inside the house, the narrator is glued to him.
•The narrator would make hot chocolate. He’d offer some to Tyler but Tyler says it’s gay (when he’s openly lgbt smh) He gives him a cup of it anyways & Tyler will drink it but also eat some of those little marshmallows u can put in the drink from the bag.
• Ok I have no idea if their place has a fire place but if it did, Tyler would wanna get it going but the narrator thinks the house is finally gonna burn down that way 💀 after some bickering and Tyler more than likely gets his way, they cuddle up to it together.
Tyler will make him super worried tho bc he keeps playing around and putting his own hand close to the fire to scare him. The narrator will have to yank his arm away or keep pulling him back away from it :/
•The narrators nose, cheeks and ears get so red so quickly out in the cold. Him being super pale doesn’t help this at all. Tyler thinks it’s cute but also pokes fun at him for it.
•Tyler can put up such a fight about ‘not being cold’ but he will sit there and shiver or rub at his own arms to keep warm at the same time.
The narrator on the other hand will complain about it being cold the minute he steps outside & use it as a excuse to stay close to him the whole time they are out.
•Tyler lends him his jacket if he didn’t bring one himself for some reason. He’ll be all cool about it too like the narrator is his frail girlfriend and he’s the man who will suffer for her comfort LOL
•Tyler is really good at ice skating because of course he is. He’s Tyler so he’s good at everything. The narrator on the other hand can’t skate at all and will fall first thing.
•They both would take turns shoveling the snow into a path in the mornings but more often than not Tyler is the one who does it since the narrator has to actually leave the house in the morning while Tyler works later in the day. Tyler is a early bird so he usually takes care of stuff like that in the mornings. He expects to be rewarded for shoveling it away tho which the narrator is more than eager to give.
•Marla gifted them a heated blanket. But only one so they share. It was probably specifically for the narrator because he shakes like a small dog in the cold and it made her pity him lol. Anyways it’s probably on the smaller side so the narrator has to lay on Tyler for it to cover them both.
•Tyler will make snowmen!!! ⛄️ and throw snowballs at cars, the narrator and random people.
•Yeah…Tyler is gonna do the fanfic thing. Yknow the thing. where he will kiss him or be really suggestive to the narrator when he’s cold and when he starts blushing he’s like “you feel warm yet 😏? (rizz)” narrator likes it but also loves when Tyler is sweet and just holds the narrators hand in his and rubs them.
•Tyler will eat icicles. Mostly just to hear the narrator cry that he shouldn’t do that.
•Tyler hates Christmas so much but will show up to the stupid little Christmas parties the narrator ends up going to for work. (Mostly to just cause trouble in one way or another) he might even throw on a Santa hat if they just have them there.
•The narrator is indifferent to christmas. He never really liked it or hated it. He feels sooooo badly that he needs to get Tyler a gift tho even if that will get him yelled at or worse. He just won’t learn.
If like, after years of him not listening to Tyler about getting him a gift, Tyler will think “shit. He won’t listen anyways no matter what so might as well get him something 🙄”
•Or if that’s too ooc for y’all maybe the narrator would at least try to cook a nice dinner for them on christmas. It’s something Tyler probably wouldn’t get super worked up over.
•Tyler loves the mistletoe shit tho. He puts them everywhere all over the house. The narrator yells to anyone who visits them while they are up that “THOSE ARE ONLY FOR ME AND HIM!!! YOU DONT COUNT!” Or he will just not let anyone in 😭
•Tyler sucks on candy canes in the most suggestive way ever. He makes a show out of it while looking right into the narrators eyes.
Both of them like to make candy canes pointed and threaten each other with them. The narrator will bust a nut if he’s able to trace it down Tyler’s neck. Creep.
•Tyler hates Christmas music while narrator likes it. It’s not his favorite but he hums the songs if they are out somewhere where it’s playing.
•Tyler picks him and the narrator up inappropriate Christmas sweaters from the thrift store.
•They’ll MAYBE visit each other’s families for christmas. Only if they have been together a while and if either of them even talk to family they care about anymore.
•To Tylers annoyance no one shows up that much to FC in the weeks leading up to Christmas. He either makes it a rule you have to come around that time or he just lets it slide.
The narrator doesn’t give a shit bc he’s only there for Tyler lol.
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cyberlexi · 3 years
♡ཻ ˳ ◌ ⑇Get to know me⑈ ♡ཻ ˳ ◌ ♡ཻ
Hi, so I thought that it would be a fun idea to do some kind of 'get to know me' tag so I thought that I would answer few questions I found on Google lol xd. I hope that people that follow me here would get a better sense of what kind of person I am so hopefully it will be easier to get know each other c:
♡ What is your name?
♡ How old are you?
♡ Are you on time or always late?
♡Are you on time or always late?
I'm always earlier 💀
♡ Are you ticklish?
Not really, but it mostly depends on the moment
♡Coffee or tea?
♡Do you forgive easily?
f no xd
♡ Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
Nope, not even ears piercing.
♡ Do you have pets?
Yes, I have a cat.
♡ Do you prefer dogs or cats?
I love all of the animals and would gratefuly pet every animal I came across.
♡ Do you smoke?
No, I don't.
♡ Have you had braces?
I stil have braces 💀
♡ How are you feeling right now?
Okay, could be better tho.
♡ How tall are you?
175 cm
♡ If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Somewhere far away from Russia and Eastern Europe.
♡ What city were you born in?
Kraków, Poland
♡ What did you want to be when you were younger?
A beautician or nail tech.
♡ What is one food that you refuse to eat?
Brussels sprouts
♡ What movie have you watched repeatedly?
American Beauty, Twilight, Prince of Egypt (way to many time lol)
♡ What’s the last song you’ve listened to?
FKA Twigs - oh my love
♡ What’s your Chinese sign?
♡ What’s your current obsession?
Sims and coquette tag
♡ What’s your favourite book?
idk but I really liked Name of rose by Umberto Eco and Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen.
♡ What’s your favourite colour?
pastel lilac, pink, white and black
♡ What’s your favourite dessert?
carrot cake
♡ What’s your favourite drink?
coffee or chai masal
♡ What’s your favourite food?
something with spinach
♡ What’s your favourite foreign food?
curry, samosa, tteokbokki, basically indian and korean cusine because it's spicy.
♡ What’s your favourite gadget?
noise canceling headphones
♡ What’s your favourite hobby?
playing games (sims, animal crossing and more), journaling, reading books
♡ What’s your favourite movie?
idk if it's favourite but I really like American Beauty, Emma, Annihilation, Arrival
♡ What’s your favourite season?
Spring and Autumn
♡ What’s your favourite series?
Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, Euphoria, Breaking Bad, but overall I don't watch a lot of series so idk...
♡ What’s your favourite snack?
spicy chips (chilli and lime lays) :p
♡ What’s your favourite sport to watch?
ski jumping because that is the only sport that Poland is good at so I don't get frustrated
♡ What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast?
greek jogurt with banana, kiwi and peach
♡ What’s your longest relationship so far?
4 years and still going <3
♡ What’s your sun, moon and rising sign?
capricorn, aries, virgo
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trinrose3 · 2 years
1-30 for the weird asks :3c
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Amelia :3
lighter or matches?
I dont really use either but matches
do you leave the window open at night?
Oh FUCK no lmao just asking for bugs even with a screen in the window lol
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
Bigfoot genuinely think it might just be some evolved giant sloth or smth
what color are your eyes?
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I think this is the closest match to it, they have a tendency to change
why did you do that?
who the fuck knows I sure dont
hair-ties or scrunchies?
Scrunchies! they get stuck in curly hair less
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
Dont actually drink bottled water :)
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
Neither! If I had to choose cold but only if it was basically a milkshake
would you slaughter the rich?
favorite extracurricular activity?
besides art? I dont play a lot of video games but those are neat! I keep saying I want to learn how to make plushies or write more and than I dont do that lol. I pretty much draw all day tbh
what kind of day is it?
I blinked and it was over kinda one
when was the last time you ate?
A few hours a go, I had a bowl of rice and cheese :)
Do you love the smell of the earth after it rains?
Oh FUCK yeah, right before too
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
Do ocs count?
can you drive?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
nearsighted, I can barely read on my laptop without my glasses on 😬
what hair products do you use?
I dont usually unless Im Going Somewhere(tm) in which case just some gel lol, I typically have my hair in a bun anyways
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
Sure :)
do you say soda or pop?
Soda I feel like saying pop means youre talking about some old guy lol
something you’ve kept since childhood?
A bunch of my stuffed animals as well as some DS games and a few snow-globes. I had a bunch of snow-globes when I was little but my mom accidentally broke a bunch...we are...very klutzy people 💀
what type of person are you?
A good one I hope! Genuinely I have such a hard time defining myself as a person and who I am and being an artist is really the only defining feature I can ever really think of. I even made this the topic of my thesis film!
how do you feel about chilly weather?
I hope it burns in hell :)))))
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Idk about you but I;d be hanging on for dear life, hell I wouldnt go up in the first place fuck that, I hate heights
perfume/body spray or lotion?
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
Bro I got maladaptive daydreaming disorder and ADHD and/or Autism, so many and all of them at once, and yes theyre all my ocs and shit
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
Hard to tell cause MaDD so even when I DO go to bend I cant fall asleep unless I daydream and that can take over quite easily so probably 9 at MOST
do you wear a mask?
Yes! The only time I go out and dont is when I walk my dog but my neighborhood isnt busy and its rare I cross paths with someone else
how do you like your shower water?
Boil me alive please and thank you :)
is there dishes in your room?
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