#‘ ‘ CAIM. starters
thelostboylonelyworld · 3 months
Caim was used to waking up into late hours.
Nightmares haunted him with the same frequency with which air entered in his lungs or his heart beat. They were all a mess of incoherency, most were sensations of terror and confusion and liquid dense colours of pitch black or sickly fluorescent yellow flowing down his vision. Tonight, however, the scenario had forms and smells, there were no sound but the divine quietness of Nature, no conspiratorial whispers in the corner of his mind that could take out his peace. And then a harsh light came directly into his eyes and he saw himself closing them. And then with his eyes still closed, the librarian noticed : it wasn’t burning or hurting him. It was almost like a glow…
Therefore round blue eyes opened cautiously and curious. He gazed his arm where a streak of light relapsed. The glow hit his skin in an oddly cold manner, like the ray of moonlight. It wasn’t warm nor cold and then his wide puppy gaze moved slowly up and ahead. Caim couldn’t exactly see what emitted such light, or if the source of it was an object of an animal. It was too intense. Caim looked up and to the Midday Sky and realized the beams of the Sun when hitting this object-creature- reflected it’s light in his own direction, as if refracted by a mirror. And then the thing moved in his direction and Caim startled in his place. When the thing moved and the light flickered once more, a blue glow sparkled out of silver, bathing Caim’s face and arm with stripes of light and glowing back in the bottom of his wide, mesmerized eyes.
And then it fled away. Too quickly. Caim was left thunderstruck and lips agape staring at a crooked trunk of a burnt tree whose branches hung distorted to the left. Caim blinked quickly a multitude of times and having lost a few seconds to the impact of such creature he started to run further into the entrails of what it seemed a grove, to the right, to where he thought the creature entered-
Caim jumped into a sat position in his bed, streaks of sweat ran down his temples and his breathe was ragged. The peaceful sound of birds and the sunshine passing through his window, hitting the wooden rustic ground, testified that it was already daytime. And his mind was disquiet and turbulent. For some reason he had to find this place, this creature, the light, that blue silvery light it emitted, was so… pretty!
Caim was used to waking up into late hours. Now, waking up to dreams, that was new.
And then he remembered! The distorted tree!!! He knew where it was, was an old thing in the woods twenty minutes from the library where in past time witches where burnt, for what old Jenny had told him. The librarian jumped out of the bed, brushed his teeth, took a quick shower to get the sweat out of his body and not bothering to eat anything or open the library to clients he ran to the woods in the limits of Santa Carla.
After some stumbles and a couple situations of disorientation he found the old trunk. A smile opened in his lips! He found it! He beamed with the small victory.
… and now what?… What should he…do…?
He stood in the middle of the woods, in the silence of morning, without a clue of the next step he should take. And then he remembered, in the dream the creature went to the right! So he started, without a second thought, to run to the right and-
Suddenly Caim felt a strong, nauseating feeling and his head spin for a few seconds, making him halt in his trail, trying to focus on the ground under his feet.
A few seconds passed while he waited the vertigo pass and when he moved his eyes up… the crooked tree was ahead of him…?
Caim looked back, and behind him the woods were the same… that is… besides the monumental castle raising above the clouds amidst it…Perhaps a few buildings, the roller coaster of the city’s amusement park on the shore, but in Santa Carla there were no castles!
Caim didn’t had much time to freak out. In the sky up a blur passed through his vision quickly. It shone against the Sun in blue and silvery sparkles. Caim hadn’t thought further, he ran, following the direction of the creature and further and further into the, now, forest.
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thesimulacrumb · 8 months
Some mini Q!mouse headcanons i thought of She doesn't like decorating all that much and prefers to keep rooms as bare and empty as possible [Last time she didn't she broke nearly everything in sight] Any time she is about to build something she just stares at the plot of land pointing at it thinking someone is going to start building it for her [it lasts at least two minutes before she remembers]
Mouse will consistently flinch at the sound of bells in any form [they remind her of the bells she wears in order to restrain her demonic form which she has tuned out]
Some even Mini-er Mouse thinks Phill is a demon related to Caim and is genuinely confused why she doesn't smell Sulfur on him Mouse once annoyed a mortal so much they turned to Christianity Prior to freezing mouse was Cucuruchos Snitch and Shit starter, egging him into conflicts and drama
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gothimgem · 26 days
𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔡 1.3 𝔖𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔢
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TW for mentions of violence, assault, war, murder, abuse, bloodletting and death under the cut, also spoilers for 1.3 ending A
similar backstory to her dod1 universe but with some revisions.
for starters, sirene was to be a precautionary heir for the kingdom of rheged. she was to be arranged to marry to a king's eldest heir by queen buer's request, but sirene rejected as she believed that her parents were going to abandon her like her creator/"mother" did to her.
when the red eye disease spread her kingdom, sirene was forced to watch her parents become possessed, killing them in the process and went days on end killing red eyes outside of her home kingdom, worsening her homicidal curse
she was captured by the empire by the orders of one of the priests of the cult of the watchers, whom she later killed, claiming he was "old and cruel" to her; she suffers severe nightmares as a consequence of the abusive behavior from him
sirene joins the union for hatred on the cruel suppression the empire and the cult endured on her, having been aquianted with caim and leonard before he left the union
the former she had been rumored to have become close to due to their shared interest of revenge on the red eyes; during their time within the union, sirene and caim have developed a mutual respect and interest for each other, with him being one of the few people to make her genuinely smile. after the empire's defeat, the two were married yet verdelet would later exploit their growing powers within their blessed union...
knowing of her status as an intoner, verdelet allowed the union between sirene and caim in hopes that their consumation of the marriage will bear children to serve the union with her abilities and his strength yet this never came to light due to rumors of sirene being unable to conceive
eventually the utilization of her song power that started to turn soldiers to slowly become insane gave the idea of verdelet promoting her to commander, having her use the power of her song to craft more super-soldiers who only answered to her
spreading terror and malice in her wake lead to her killing anyone who betrays or leaves the union, such as the village leonard forms and the anti-allied forces led by furiae; this exploitation of using her curse to the point eventually begins to lash out at him when sirene breaks verdelet’s legs to the point where they will never heal and begins losing any hope of humanity as she dives into nihilism...
as the years passed, being a woman of a high position with immense magical power, her connection of being somewhat immortal rendered sirene being afraid of nothing anymore that she becomes cold and cynical and views everything in a nihilistic take; almost everything becomes meaningless to her after living for so long; every day, she does her job, murdering innocent villagers, exploiting the abuse of dragonkind, as if it's just another day of a soulless productive day; she still commits to the horrible atrocities by the union as well as her own curse without batting an eye, becoming terrifyingly detached
she is tired of the responsibilites that come with her position, she never asked to be a commander of the union or marry caim for verdelet's twisted purposes of having powerful soldiers with their abilities, the endless suffering of her immortality and control over the people
with even her own husband and the man she once loved becoming insane, sirene meant to make an attempt on his life when they began attacking the cult of the watchers, embracing him with a knife but finding herself unable to kill him when the dragons went berserk
this leads her to allowing berserk dragons to taking her left arm and right leg until she bleeds of her injuries is laid to rest beside caim's half-eaten corpse by the dragons as the red dragon consumes her in a blazing fire...
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a-hell-of-a-time · 12 days
((If anyone would like to interact with Yukitaka in the Noble Snow verse (Aka he is newly hatched and Andre took him back to his mansion, with Caim and Yui in tow), like this post for a small starter!
Note, Caim and Yui may/may not be involved in these threads at some point, so please specify if you're okay with this or just prefer to see the baby ;u;))
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showmeyourmonny · 13 days
closed starter with: not abel @caimfalls . . . era uma ótima noite para balbúrdia.
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Havia um certo apelo em ver a cidade como estava, realmente. Mas era um sentimento que ia e voltava, oscilando entre a comodidade do conhecido e a insatisfação por perder parte de sua nova realidade. Em paralelo, a energia infernal de seu pai parecia trazer ainda mais possibilidades de corromper, e em qualquer outro momento ao longo de sua história estaria ansioso. Não agora, exatamente. Mas, quem era Mammon para recusar uma oportunidade quando ela batia à sua porta? O Sortilégio estava funcionando com o dobro do movimento, contratos e negociações acontecendo a todo vapor, crimes, contrabando, gente se perdendo em um ciclo conhecido de ganância, para descobrir da pior forma que havia perdido tudo... Seria divertido normalmente, mas seu pai estar ali vinha lhe deixado preocupado. Era preciso ser muito cego para não notar que algo grande iria acontecer, e pensar que sua vida recém estabelecida poderia ir para o quinto dos infernos (era esse seu círculo, muito obrigado), era enervante. No meio da noite decidiu por procurar Caim, pois se não poderia resolver nada daquilo, então poderia tirá-lo do sério e beber. Foi assim que se viu batendo na porta do outro demônio, com uma garrafa de Bourbon em mãos. "Not Abel, advinha quem veio alegrar sua noite!" Gritou da porta, com um humor que não era de todo verdadeiro.
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psycoland · 1 year
starter call ,     feel  free  to  combine  multiple  prompts ! @virtuallghosts send: send  💬  for  an  angsty  starter . Xiao e Winter
O ar estava denso, a geada podia cegar um humano que encarasse aquela ventania sem uma proteção adequada. Em meio a floresta, a farota tão branca quando a neve, assim como seu vestido, quase invisível naquele cenário, estava agaichada. O único som era de seu choro e suas lágrimas eram cristais que caim sobre o solo.
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Em seu colo, um filhote de lobo. A mancha de sangue era a única coisa que se destava e aumentava a cada segundo. Os pelos do animal só ficavam mais sujos ao passo que a entidade tentava lhe ajudar, sem nenhum sucesso. - "Você é o assassino?" - questionou ao sentir a presença atrás de si.
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voicelesshatred · 1 year
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.:OOC「 We have entered Super Caim Time™ less than 11 hours ago but who’s counting other than me? XD Any birthday messages will hold priority today (don’t expect him to be happy about straight-up well wishes) but I do intend to work on those starters from yesterday’s call as well. Distractions and chores happened after dinner and thus silence. I apologize.
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svnsorsvns · 2 years
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like for a starter from; lucifer - fuck boy of hell, his very tired of his shit right hand man caim, caim’s equally tired grim reaper of a son aesop, and their cerberus in training cas.
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unma · 8 months
Just so you understand how much time I put into this game:
I returned in December 2022. I was Rank 40 and still had Chaos Ruler as my main (and strongest) class. Within the month I had Seox's weapon on the last stage, from scratch, and then realized I could just get him from the side story. And then I used the gold brick on his weapon (don't fucking do that) and within three months had him on 5 star. A few weeks ago or so I transcended him to level 110. I'm now sitting at Rank 197.
I have all but four eternals. Threo is 5 star. I could drop everything rn and grind Eahta, Uno and Tien to five star. I have all the revenant weapons required for it. I have the gold bricks required for the last four eternals.
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I have Caim (anniversary attempt) and grinded out Nier from scratch. I could drop everything rn and grind out Alanaan. Temperance is on her last stage, and I only need 2 astra for that evoker. I don't want them. I want Katze. I need 45 more astra for that.
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I have every Row IV, V and EX II class, with all but 4 on ML 30 (and one of them is rapidly approaching it, because I'm grinding rn, literally as I type). It's easier to show the classes I haven't maxed out:
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I also have 4 classes with UM unlocked. I'll unlock the rest once I've brought everything to ML 30.
The lowest level raids I've yet to do are Faa-san (Hard) and Belial. (We don't talk about Wilnas I hate him). I mean I never bothered with hosting Zooey's impossible raid, but I'm farmed it through joins, so that has to count for something.
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Why am I making this post? Because I've made a ton of progress in the last year, okay? And I fucking love this game. I am obsessed with it. I have put in a single cent and yet here I am. The only gacha game I've truly sold my soul to.
It's all thanks to these six (and their alternate versions):
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And a few others, but it maxes out at six and these are the ones I love the most. Granter Nier's only here because I love her, and not because she carried me, but lol I don't care. If I had to add anyone here.
Fun fact: Water Charlotta was my starter character. I love her. I want to hug her. I got Wind Char from Christmas 2022 and she carried me in wind. She's broken. I felt vindicated to finally have her on a good team. Water Charlotta is decent, but not that good okay?
Also, Grand Io isn't here and that's a fucking crime. She carried me through Fediel (despise that solo battle oh my god).
If anyone actually enjoys my unrestrained rantings about this game and wants to see me show my teams and grids, let me know! And I might actually post my friend id, and maybe even make a blog for this thing if I decide to post more on this game (than I already do).
Anyway, I have fics to post and replicard nodes to grind. See ya.
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The wind was blowing strongly in the silent, but never safe, empty streets of Santa Carla. Distant from the shore - with it's appealing amusement park booths and boardwalk's colourful lightened shops where all the loud young people gathered together to spend the night and have fun - was an old library hidden in full view of one of the too few main streets of the city, forsaken and therefore invisible, by the youth with their technological tools and thirst for quick answers and even quicker passions.
Which was good. In fact great, for a very particular individual: The handsome guy sat silently behind the countertop of said library whose vivid big sapphire hues focused in reading for the hundredth time Saramago's Blindness shabby volume.
The freezing wind crashed violently against the walls, rising slighly the decadent rooftop, but Caim was too focused on his reading to notice. The old dust shelves cracked here and there pleading for readers that never came. Commonly the clients that appeared were two couples, the men played chess, the old pious women gossiped in indiscreet judmental whispers about the last week church devotees' "scandals", usually at Wednesdays, and sometimes some bored students that were obligated to do book school essays just dropped by, thankfully at day time, what meant for Caim, at least, safety.
Those predators outside that place didn't walk in, between the old books there wasn't fresh blood, not that the city itself wasn't already lacking it due the mass reckless murders. But it was one more factor for him to worry and hide: In the absence of humans the youngest of their kind were the prey. And what better than a amnesia guy with too many weaknesses? No, no. Grumpy Old Jenny's library was a sacred place he could never thank the heaven's above enough for.
Perhaps it was the simple fact that Caim was already too used to his routine, or perhaps Blindness was too good for him to pay attention to anything else. Maybe that's why he didn't notice another's arrival until it was too late to escape.
@gabrielle-de-lioncourt-anon 📚📚📚
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bvlgae · 2 years
War raged ever onwards between the Empire and the Union, but what befell the Faerie Village was decidedly not. This wasn’t carefully planned tactics at work, nor had honor been involved. Only brutality- Dogs tearing at each other to slake some frenzied hunger for blood. 
As a steward of the forest, it was his duty to protect those who dwelled beneath it’s boughs, but one mortal alone is nothing against the might of hundreds. As he cradled the cold body of his murdered sister to his breast, it was like something inside of him had cracked through the shell of his psyche. Not broken, but freed. Chains drawn taut, bolts to the wall loosening until they SNAPPED.
Perhaps it was the feral cry that left his lips, stained crimson from where he’d torn out the throat of an imperial, that attracted Hati. Whatever the reason, the Great Mother of Wolves had roused and sought out Fleuret like she was following the plaintive mewls of her offspring.
Pact partner, mother, goddess...
It was difficult to pin down the exact way that Ravus saw Hati, but the nature in which the direwolf nuzzled him and reacted to perceived threats was certainly that of a violently protective parent.
Slashes and sprays of red had stained the pure white of his vestments, fine and sumptuous fabrics now heavy with vitae from their slaughter. Ravus himself was on one knee, leaning heavily against the sabre he’d pierced the earthy loam beneath his feet with. Breathing heavily from the exertion of the killing frenzy he’d taken part in, it’s only the beating of massive wings that makes him pause ad raise his visage skyward.
Hati’s hackles bristled as stiff as that of a broom, baring oversized fangs as she leapt in front of her ‘child’. Her tail wasn’t straight or flared up like wind-whipped banner, but curled halfway between her hind legs.
Despite her aggressive display, Hati was scared. And if Hati was scared, then there had to be good reason for that.
“A red dragon,” he mused aloud as Angelus landed nearby, Ravus’ icy blue eyes then shifting to the other human dismounting the massive creature. 
“Leave now. There is no more sport to be had here. Unless you’ve come to avenge your fellow soldiers?” he questions, raising the curved blade of his sword.
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blindedguilt · 3 years
@voicelesshatred liked for a starter.
It had been a question on Leonard’s mind for quite a while, nearly since the moment they met, why Caim did what he did. Leonard had once said, “War makes devils of all men.” and the more he had got to see of him, a clearer truth Caim seemed to fit to that statement.  Leonard didn’t know who he thought he was to judge Caim at all, the news of his parent’s murder, the subsequent fall of Caerleon, well - At the time it had happened he would have been more hard pressed to find someone who didn’t know of the incident. He understood. He was angry. But… What he never understood was why he had to hurt others for it. To burden the self was a heavy thing, Leonard knew that better than anyone, but it wasn’t as if the opposite way was any better… Did it not just cycle back into additional guilt at the hands of the offender? It was as if he had felt nothing. Even with that pain, he didn’t understand it. Not at all.  … With the way he stared blankly ahead in his blindness, always wearing such an absent expression, many people saw it as unsettling. Leonard was so quiet that half the time people had just assumed he was asleep, only to jump back in shock when he turned his head for a brief comment. Now that they and a handful of others had departed from the base camp in a small expedition to the depths of the Silent Forest, though, he felt somewhat glad he wouldn’t cause any more issues for the soldiers in camp. He hated to play on their nerves anymore than they were being already.  As for why this expedition was taking place…  Leonard didn’t know the details. He had heard there were rumours of Empire soldiers being stationed around the area, however, so perhaps it was to test the validity of that. Still, he was concerned for the small amount of soldiers that had come with them. No doubt Caim could do well in battle, the same with Arioch… But in the event there truly was some sort of stronghold here, he didn’t know how safe the others would be. He doubted even strong fighters like Caim and her could last long without support from their allies.  Caim was too confident, Leonard knew. Or, perhaps it wasn’t as much confidence as it was his disregard for his own safety…? Whether it was simple egotism on Caim’s part or some secret wish to die that had kept the silenced prince restless on the eve of such a busy day of searching and possible combat, he didn’t know. He sensed easily that he was awake, the slight shift in the air was large enough to tell that much. He would perhaps just ask him for what reason he stayed awake, in part from his sheer need to know why he treated murder as trivially as he did on both sides of the flag.
“Caim… It is a risk for you to be awake at an hour as late as this.” 
Leonard still kept his gaze forward while addressing Caim in his usual gentle mutter, not turning to look at him at all - He didn’t quite see the use in it, everything was black either way. Ironically enough, he was reminded of the many times he had spoken to Laum in such a manner about his own restlessness. Leonard’s head still fell just barely to the side as if curiously facing him though, it was barely noticeable.
“What keeps you? You may tell it to me. I have no reason to disclose it with anyone else; you need not worry about that. I only ask so that it may not negatively affect you should we be made to do combat tomorrow.”  …He truly did wonder what chance he had of even reaching him at all - Leonard personally felt it was as if talking to a brick wall, for all the good it got him, but perhaps now (as he always told himself) he would be more receptive to his questions- Pleas if looked at a certain way- now that the chance of being listened in on was so slim. 
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a-hell-of-a-time · 1 month
((Still not feeling great, but going to toss out a one liner starter call for Caim and/or Yui! These will get longer as the thread goes on.))
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rosuintens · 3 years
independent + selective roleplay sideblog :: dark and mature themes present :: 18+ established 3.17.2022 :: follows from the Caim blog - voicelesshatred
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Be aware this blog writes in Small Text and will interact with non-mutuals.
[Headcanons]  :: Rules Below The Read More
Due to the dark nature of Drag-On Dragoon/Drakengard series and the behavior of this character, there will be many dark, triggering and mature themes present. Know that these will not be softened or romanticized and that the mundane does not condone, support nor approve of such content in any form.
This is an English-speaking blog but this does not mean ESL blogs will be shunned.
The Mun and the Muse are not the same. Please remember that.
Artwork used from official Drag-On Dragoon/Drakengard and Nier materials.
Please do not reblog roleplay threads unless you are involved. This is especially directed to non-roleplay blogs. The only exception are open posts to those that wish to reply.
God-Mode and MetaGaming are not tolerated in serious threads. The latter is only permissible in crack threads.
In extension to the previous rule, interacting muses must address her as “Dragon” as she will not easily give out her name. 
Anonymous Hate is not tolerated and will be deleted without question.
Responses are given when inspiration is present. If sent at least 3 messages concerning my lack of response within 72 hours, interaction will be postponed or dropped.
Starters (messages with the intention of beginning a thread) are not accepted through the inbox. Simply make a post and @tag or #tag and it will be answered when motivation is present.
This blog is not a meme/prompt resource and does exercise Reblog Karma. Please do not solely reblog memes or prompts off this blog without making an attempt at interacting with the muse through at least one. Sending responses anonymously does not count as the mundane does not know who the sender is. It will result in you being blocked if this occurs three times.
Content that is deemed inappropriate for professional settings will be posted, be they violent or of any other nature.
This blog will have triggering situations and subjects due to Angelus' own actions and circumstances as well as those surrounding her default pact-partner, Caim. Portrayed situations include war, murder, abuse, violence, bloodletting, racism and death. Due to the commonality of these occurrences, these will not be tagged. Follow this blog at your own risk.
This blog will have mentions of triggering situations due to the company Caim chooses to keep but these will not be roleplayed under any circumstance. Mentions will be cannibalism, pedophilia and incest. Said mentions will be tagged accordingly. The tags are written as tw Trigger Mention.
Imagery may be posted at irregular intervals. Visual triggers will be avoided.
Different verses may be inevitably implemented.
Open posts and starter calls will be made at whim. Personal Starters outside of the calls will be made at request. Multi-muse blogs must specify which muse they want the starter for. Unanswered starters will be dropped and deleted after one month unless notified.
Due to changes with Tumblr, it is acceptable to reblog the answer posts if you wish to extend a meme response or non-illustrated ask into a thread.
Magic Anons are not accepted.
This blog reserves the right to refuse interaction with any muse or mundane, with or without notice. Any muse or mundane also has the right to refuse interaction with this blog.
May interact with multiple versions of a muse. They are not treated as clones, but separate entities.
Romantic shipping is not easy to come by due to the Red Dragon/Angelus’ manner. But it is not out of the question. Expect any feelings to take a long time to develop.
The Red Dragon/Angelus’ relationship with Caim in this portrayal is that of friends of war and is platonic (unless the thread follows DOD2). Her romantic relationship with Caim is open for planning.
Attempting to enforce a ship will result in no future interactions with your muse.
As this muse is way beyond legal age, sexual conduct may occur (Partners, both mun and muse, must be 18 or older). If this bothers you, do not follow.
The Mundane
Answers to: Bri and/or Dev
Pronouns: She/Her
Birth Date: May 24, 1986 (Gemini)
Time Zone: (UTC -05:00) Eastern Standard Time (US & Canada)
20+ years RP experience
Full-Time Loser, Gamer, Doodler
Is on Discord. You must ask for it if you’d like to contact off Tumblr.
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puercoeurdraco · 3 years
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[Anna’s Talking:: I gotta do things with Nowe that isn’t starting fights with Bri’s Caim lmao Teeny Tiny Starter Call! ]
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angetoile · 3 years
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@voicelesshatred​​​ wants a cute shippy starter
Just once.
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Aerith pressed her entire weight into Caim’s back. She was exhausted and emotionally pressed. She thought for sure he’d move away, but he remained still, allowing her this moment of weakness. It only took that realization for tears to escape.
Hands curled into fists, shaking as she struggled to hold it back. The lump in her throat increased in size and volume, strangling whatever sound may have attempted to ring. Everything hurt. Her eyes stung and breath became ragged. She sobbed silently, face shoved into the strong back of the man she had chosen to follow.
She had no idea what possessed him to let her do this. But for whatever reason, she was glad. She hated showing this side of herself and hoped it would be just this once. Just once.
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