#— you're in my heart; logan echolls x kitty kane
velvetkissses · 2 years
Random Logan x Kitty Headcanons
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Relationship(s); Logan Echolls/Kitty Kane, Logan Echolls/Lilly Kane (not really, just kinda mentioned), Logan Echolls & Duncan Kane (familial), Kitty Kane & Duncan Kane (familial) Summary; a few random headcanons about my lil skrunklies Notes; I will probably make this into a "series", ngl. Also a lot of this is about Logan and Kitty before the show takes place, so i might have to make more parts for like, during the show, the movie, and etc. Warning(s); Spoilers for Veronica Mars, not direct mentions of abuse but ya know, canonically Logan gets abused, so abuse mention, period mention, also underage drinking mention
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This is more like a canon fact in my series, but idc, I'm still mentioning it
Logan fell in love with Kitty at first sight
Like he was obsessed the second he first laid eyes on them
When they were younger, Kitty used to beg Logan to play stuff like family, mermaids, royalty or with Barbies and he'd always reluctantly agree
He would always get super embarrassed if someone walked in on them playing family or with Barbies
Logan is very much like a puppy towards Kitty, in the sense that he will pretend to lose against them in games to make them happy
But he will deny it if they or anyone else tries to claim he pretends to lose against them
Honestly, Logan denies a lot of stuff when it comes to Kitty
Someone thinks he has a crush on Kitty? No, he doesn't (lie)
Someone thinks he lets Kitty win in games, no matter what? Nuh-uh, he would never (lie)
Someone claims he stays up, late at night and thinks about Kitty? Even if someone were to have evidence of this, he would deny this (and his denying would just be a lie, once again)
Logan isn't embarrassed that he has crushes, especially not one on Kitty, he just doesn't want Kitty to know he likes them, and therefore no one else can know that he likes them either
He just doesn't want their friendship to change, and he's not sure if Kitty would even like him back, so he doesn't wanna risk anything
He doesn't have to worry though, Kitty loves him too, but there's unfortunately no way in hell they're telling him either
Now, let's get onto the actual headcanons and not the "facts" of this canon
Logan gave Kitty a stuffed golden retriever plushie when they were 9 for their birthday, that Kitty treasures with their life
And Kitty gave Logan his iconic puka shell necklace that he treasures and wears a lot, he also treasures a bunch of old friendship bracelets he's gotten from Kitty
Both are secret hopeless romantics, so they usually end up watching romcoms together if they're alone and Logan doesn't want to "fight" about what they should watch anymore
When I say "fight", Logan mainly just complains for a little bit, to not seem like he wants to do whatever Kitty wants to do, but he usually will comply and watch literally anything with Kitty, especially if Kitty's upset or tired
He's very compliant when it comes to Kitty, he'd jump off a cliff if they wanted him to and he worships the ground Kitty steps on, and does honestly anything to impress or make them happy
When Logan started dating Lilly, he tried to distance himself from Kitty and spend most of his time with Lilly or his friends, so he'd be able to move on from Kitty
But unfortunately, he never managed to move on, but he also got feelings for Lilly, so instead of moving on from Kitty, he's got feelings for two Kane girls instead of just one
The first time Logan tried drinking alcohol, he did it with Kitty when they were like 14 and when they unfortunately got caught (by Aaron of all people), Kitty lied and said it was their idea to try drinking, so Logan wouldn't get into as much trouble
Kitty got grounded for a month, so Logan offered to take the blame next time they got in trouble for anything like that, and offered to do their homework as well, just to be nice
Whenever Logan gets hurt or is just upset, Kitty's usually who Logan goes to, and they always patch him up, and try to cheer him up, if possible, and if not, lets him cry it out, or let his emotions out whatever method he prefers at the moment
Kitty's not necessarily a very girly person, and Lilly doesn't really like them or like spending time with them, and neither does Celeste (for those unaware, that's the matriarch of the Kane family!), so Kitty has no one in their close circle of relations that's willing to be super feminine with them
So growing up, being closer with Duncan and Logan, they were more used to having to do and like more traditionally masculine stuff, with occasionally being "granted" the occasional time they get to choose the activity, for example, watching a more "girly" movie, like romcoms
Duncan and Logan usually just complain during whatever activity Kitty's decided on, but would stop if Kitty was visibly upset by their complaining
Duncan is less compliant with Kitty, unlike Logan ('cause Duncan is Kitty's older twin brother, by like maybe max an hour), but he's still nice and unlike Lilly, doesn't mind Kitty
On the topic of Lilly, I have a feeling Logan would have called Lilly "Kitty" at least once, leading to Lilly breaking up with him, because why the hell is he calling her the name of her sister??? They definetly get back together within a week though
Logan has definetly also called Kitty "Lilly" once or twice, but usually corrects himself and there isn't too many consequences other than Kitty being slightly upset by being called the wrong name
Logan and Kitty, along with occasionally Duncan, Lilly and maybe Veronica, would make low quality home movies together a lot, before they started high school, and Logan would always want Kitty as the main character, or the one with the most screentime
He'd also always edit the videos, just so he could watch Kitty in the video for as long as he wanted and rewatch parts he really liked
He's so head over heels in love with them, oml
He definetly begged Duncan to dress up as Luke Skywalker for Halloween once, so Kitty and him (Logan) could have matching costumes, by being Leia and Han, which technically would make them love interests
He ended up having to do Duncan's homework for a month, because that's the only bargain Duncan was willing to accept
If it isn't obvious, Duncan is cool with Kitty and Logan both, but the concept of them dating, or even just the thought of one of them crushing on the other isn't his favorite
I feel like he prefers Logan not crushing on or dating Kitty, 'cause that's his twin sister, man!!!
Logan's definetly practiced kissing with a pillow and maybe a mirror, imagining it's Kitty
He's such a dork, i love this man, I wanna put him in the plinko machine
Whenever Kitty sleeps over at Logan's house, and doesn't have other clothes to change into, Logan always gives whatever he thinks or knows they'll look better in
He also knows most of their preferences, for example, they prefer shorts over pants, so he always gives them shorts, because he listens to them when they mention what they like and what they dislike, and he takes extensive notes
He definetly keeps a journal or something where he writes down everything he knows Kitty likes, and doesn't like, just to make sure he never screws up and makes them uncomfortable or upset
Kitty's a bit of a picky eater, so whenever they get something that they don't like eating, Logan will usually offer to eat it for them (except if it's something like pears or shellfish, 'cause he's got trauma surrounding pears and he's allergic to shellfish)
Whenever Kitty stims, whether it be vocally, or by doing happy stims like rocking back and forth or flapping with their hands, if they're alone, Logan sometimes joins in, but usually just watches in awe, because he loves them so much
Both Logan's parents absolutely adores Kitty, especially Lynn, and she tells Logan to put a ring on their finger, so Kitty'll be her daughter-in-law, and she always teases Logan about Kitty, which always makes him embarrassed
On the contrary, Kitty's parents are just about alright with Logan. Jake doesn't mind Logan, he finds him to be a fun kid, but since Logan gets into trouble more than both Kitty and Duncan, he's not his favorite out of all of Duncan's friends, but he's alright
I say Duncan's friends, because Kitty has no one else than Logan for a good while, so it's not saying "Kitty's friends", because Logan is the only one on that list for a good few years
Kitty got their first period ever, while at Logan's house
They started crying, because oh my god, they're bleeding and their stomach hurts and Logan had to comfort them
He was freaking out so much
Kitty knew what periods were, but had never had one before, and didn't know they hurt like hell, so they though they were dying for a good few minutes
Logan begged Trina (for those unaware, his older sister) for help, because he had no clue what to do about the bleeding part and Trina is kinda mean, but she's willing to help a fellow girl, even if it's her annoying little brother's crush
After figuring out the whole bleeding situation, Logan ended up cuddling with Kitty, watching whatever movies Kitty wanted to see, to comfort them
He was also a little sweetheart and kissed them on the forehead a bunch, but he got very embarrassed when Kitty pointed the kisses out, and just pat them instead from then on, until Kitty asked him to continue
Logan also gave them one of his comfiest shirts, because he wanted them to be totally comfortable, feeling bad about them being in so much pain that they started crying
He's such a sweetheart, I wanna pick him up and sling him around
Those are all the headcanons I've got, uh I hoped you enjoyed this list I've made, I will see you the next time I feel brave enough to post some writing onto this blog, bye bye
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velvetkissses · 2 years
I'll Give It To Someone Special
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Character(s); Kitty Kane, Logan Echolls, Lilly Kane, Duncan Kane (mentioned)
Relationship(s); Logan Echolls x Kitty Kane (kinda one-sided), Logan Echolls x Lilly Kane
Summary; Kitty goes to a school dance right before Christmas, ready to profess their love to their best friend and crush, Logan, but unfortunately Kitty's night ends up sounding like the plot of a famous Christmas love song.
Notes; if it isn't obvious, this is inspired by Wham!'s "Last Christmas". Also this is kinda canon to the timeline of my main story, "Dirty Little Secret" (which I'll post soon), and happens pre-season 1, in 2001. Also, please ignore the weird formatting the text does for the lyrics, idk how to fix it.
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Kitty was never much of a party-goer, but somehow their best friend Logan had convinced them that going to the school's Christmas dance would be fun.
When Logan had brought it up, Kitty's mind wandered quickly and theories about why he brought up the dance filled their mind, and Kitty's mind lingered around the theory of Logan reciprocating their feelings and having a crush on them too.
Standing off to the side of the school gym, Kitty watched everyone around them. They had gotten there a bit earlier, alongside their twin brother Duncan and older sister, Lilly. Within a few minutes, both siblings seemed to disappear off into the crowd and Kitty was left to find sanctuary, outside of the crowd of students inside the school gym.
Loud music echoed in the room, making Kitty's head throb slightly, but they tried to ignore it for the time being and just watched everyone, their eyes searching around the room for the familiar face of their best friend and crush.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
The voice of George Michael sang and Kitty lightly swayed from side to side, their back against the wall behind them, as their eyes searched for any indication of Logan, so they could try to go to him and hopefully explain their situation, regarding their crush on him.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Hopeful eyes glanced around the room once more, before they fell on a familiar face, that seemed to be talking to someone. Logan was really there. Kitty could almost not believe it and pinched their arm to make sure they weren't actually dreaming, before they took a deep breath, getting ready to head over to Logan.
As Kitty took a deep breath and mentally prepared to head over towards Logan's direction, their mind wandered off and instead of it lurking around the theory of Logan reciprocating their feelings, they edged closer and closer to insecure thoughts, ones about how Kitty wasn't his type, and how he probably only hung out with them out of pity, and not because he liked them.
Kitty took another breath, but this time not because they were nervous, but instead because they felt diffident and suddenly down in the dumps. Their pulse rose as they watched Logan talk with someone that they couldn't make out from outside of the crowd.
Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye
Tell me baby, do you recognize me?
Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me
Looking down at the gym floor, they kicked slightly at it and continued swaying to the melody of the song, as their mind and pulse both raced. Their sudden self-doubt didn't come out of nowhere, as they had never been the most confident person, but for the past few days, they had felt extremely confident and seemed to suddenly have lost all of the said confidence.
Happy Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "I love you", I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again
Looking back up, Kitty glanced back in the direction of Logan, and felt their heart break at the sight they saw. All because of their sudden lack of confidence, they lost the chance to be the one dancing with Logan, to no one else but their own older sister, Lilly.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
The loud music playing seemed to only get louder and Kitty could barely watch as Logan danced with Lilly. They knew they had no right to claim Logan as theirs, and he could like Lilly if he wanted, and that Lilly could like Logan if she wanted, but the sight still brought a quick strike to Kitty's heart.
Slowly but surely, tears began trickling down Kitty's cheeks, but before they could run down to their chin, they wiped their tears away quickly, and looked back down on at the floor, as the music echoed and Kitty's head continued throbbing even more.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
What would they even have said if they went over before he and Lilly started dancing? They were always so bad with words, they'd definetly still sound all awkward and dumb then if they tried to confess their love to him.
Oh, oh, baby
For all they knew, Logan would just reject them. It was few times it seemed possible that Logan would like them, and they internally yelled at themselves for being so delusional that they actually believed that they had a chance with Logan.
Wiping their tears away once again, Kitty huffed to themselves and made their way outside, to get some fresh air, and to escape the loud environment they were in, just for a few minutes.
A crowded room, friends with tired eyes
I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice
My God, I thought you were someone to rely on
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
Sitting down on the pavement outside, Kitty hummed to the music that was still able to be heard from inside the building, as they strummed their fingers against their thigh, trying as hard as possible to stop crying, not wanting to embarrass themselves incase anyone went outside and came across them crying on the pavement.
Even though Neptune was rarely cold, even in the winter, with it being in California, the night was surprisingly cold and a shiver ran down Kitty's back, as their teeth lightly chattered. They crossed their arms and continued humming along to the song to themselves.
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover, but you tore me apart
Oh, oh now I've found a real love
You'll never fool me again
The song echoed once more and Kitty kicked slightly at the ground, before chuckling to themselves, mentally noting to find someone else to like by the next year so they could follow in the song's footprints, and give someone special their heart.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special, special
Kitty stood up and wiped their eyes and nose, before continuing to chuckle to themselves, as they headed back to the entrance of the school gym, but not entering it, just wanting to be right outside, so they could still hear the song, but also not be consumed by it and how loud it was.
Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Kitty sighed as they leaned against the wall, as they sung along to the song under their breath. Maybe they were foolish to think Logan would even like them. Maybe if they weren't stuck in their own lovestruck delusions, they could have noticed any hints pointing towards Logan liking their sister.
Or maybe they couldn't. Maybe Logan intentionally tried to hide any hint of having a crush. It wouldn't surprise them. Both that and him not liking them wouldn't surprise them, to be fully honest.
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart (I gave you mine)
A man under cover but you tore him apart
Maybe next year I'll give it to someone
I'll give it to someone special
The song finally faded out and Kitty let out a sad breath of air, as their brain kept on producing sad thoughts, that they just tried to ignore, which unfortunately was a bit of a challenge, with their situation and sudden disappearance of self-esteem.
So long
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