#— starters.
macaulaymontgomery · 6 months
open starter: @aurorabaystarter location: UTP
"Did you ever have a quarter-life crisis? Are those really a thing? Seems a lot less fun than a mid-life crisis, you know?"
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dommavmason · 11 months
Sup everyone, I’m Maverick Mason, Dominate — but most people call me Mav. You may have heard some of my music on streaming platforms which I’m very proud of. And if you haven’t heard it yet I’ll be happy to share it with ya.
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But, now that I’ve found my room, I’m gonna need a beautiful switch or sub to put my stuff away, if anyone wants to volunteer. And more importantly, y’all gotta let me know, what’s the best place to get some grub around here? I’m starving.
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frostise · 29 days
anyone want a one-liner from your favourite icy girl?
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pinksopaque · 5 months
open to : m ! + @indiestarter .
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"  so  .  .  does  your  girlfriend  know  that  you  came  over  last  night  &  we  fucked  or  do  i  have  to  tell  her  that  ?  because  she's  giving  me  a  few  looks  –  plus  ,  i  have  no  issue  with  telling  her  how  good  it  felt  to  have  you  inside  of  me  ,  like  old  times  .  "
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unbrcxkxble · 5 months
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𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁! ⸻ na frente do complexo.
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Fazia pouco mais de três horas que havia chegado em Haneul. Não que Nate tivesse o costume de contar o tempo, mas considerava lugares desconhecidos estressantes, ainda mais aquele que era tão significativo emocionalmente. Assim que seu corpo reduziu a velocidade da corrida até encontrar-se totalmente imóvel, inclinou-se para frente, pousando ambas as mãos nos próprios joelhos enquanto tentava recuperar o fôlego, não demorando-se muito naquela posição ao que rapidamente prendeu a gola da camiseta entre os dedos longos que trataram de puxar o tecido com certo desespero devido a sensação de desconforto que surgiu ao senti-lo grudar na pele suada, despreocupando-se com as cicatrizes de seu tronco e costas que não seriam tão aparentes durante o breu parcial do local. Embora sua dupla nacionalidade fosse constatada em seus documentos, Nathan não possuía o comportamento polido geralmente usual daquele país e não tinha a mínima intenção de fingi-lo, mesmo que tivesse plena noção de que aquilo não somente perturbava algumas pessoas, mas era visto como inadequado pela maioria delas. Porém, rapidamente a postura desleixada tornou-se tensa e os olhos se focaram na silhueta que se aproximava, tentando, de alguma forma, identificá-la em meio a pouca iluminação do complexo.
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kekeakana · 3 months
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alright this might sound kinda morbin or whatever. but i wanna know how it's already almost halloween? when it feels like the school year was just starting not that long ago? ...anyone else feel kinda freaked out about being a senior but have no idea what they're going to do with their future plans yet?
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realprvncess · 2 months
Feirão da Nia — solicite um starter e ganhe de brinde uma conexão! Escolha uma conexão/plot dessa, dessa ou dessa lista e comente no post com o nome do personagem, especificando para qual dos meus personagens você está mandando.
Para a Angie (perdida Fora da Lei de Enrolados), comente números de 1 a 5 + conexão
Para o North (canon Papai Noel de Guardiões), comente números de 6 a 10 + conexão
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mielmoto · 11 months
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interaction / inbox call!
there's more than a handful of new mutuals & other folks I haven't had the chance to gab at just yet, so go ahead and ♡ this post if you want a little something! I'll either raid your memes, or magic up some other little starter. multimuses can specify, or I'll choose someone at random! :0)
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fortitudefm · 3 months
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the older i've gotten the worse hang overs have gotten for me. i know i can't be the only one that deals with that. because look, like all i tried to do is take a new prospective client out on the town for some drinks and chatting it up with some hot chicks. then the next morning i end up with the spins. i gotta get better about putting some tylenol and a gatorade next to my bed. only good thing to come out of this was that i got him on as a client. but damn, at what cost.
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riverbills · 4 months
WHO: Open @woodrowhub
WHEN: Sunday September 4th 11pmish
WHERE: Secondary Kitchen
For the umpteenth time in River's life he regretted drinking wine. He hadn't drunk enough to make him vomit into a vase or walk into town so he could phone a not quite ex. He hadn't been eighteen in a long time and had left those kinds of mistakes in the past. But River had drunk enough to exaggerate his growing hunger. The buffet at the wake was spectacular. There was enough pâté and cuts of salmon to feed a small country. However, River forgot to eat as much as he should have. He was distracted by entertaining various of Richard’s former colleagues and acquaintances. While some of the other wards talked to the funeral attendees out of obligation River was engrossed in the conversations he had. He found discovering aspects of Richard he didn't know about while he was still alive fascinating. He learned that the funeral guests had completely different interpretations of Richard than he did. But the discovery did come at the cost of his own well-being.
River ventured into the secondary kitchen instead of going to the main kitchen like he did as a teenager when he needed a midnight snack. He saw trays of leftovers from the wake get carried towards the secondary kitchen. For once, he didn’t go somewhere in the house with the hope of bumping into another ward. His focus was on getting food quickly and with minimal effort. He opened the refrigerator when he noticed the presence of someone else in the kitchen. He was pretty sure it wasn't Ms Tristan. He couldn't feel her judgemental stare. “I guess it's still impossible to get a midnight snack in peace around here.” River mused lightly as he reached for a mini quiche. It was obvious that growing up he liked that it was difficult to be alone in Woodrow House. “I'll trade you a quiche for a cigarette.” He commented, closing the refrigerator. In the rush to pack he had forgotten to bring a packet with him, a mistake he was starting to regret. He hoped most of the wards still smoked.
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thcresa · 5 months
apesar das situações inicialmente limitadas, estou aberta para qualquer tipo de plot e também me coloco à disposição para abrir outros starters que podemos combinar! peço, por favor, que quem já tem starter aberto/interação combinada, que não responda a esse call para o mesmo personagem. para um starter, escolha uma das situações abaixo:
digite 01 para juntar-se à theresa para a operação de matar o cão infernal/outro monstro do drop.
digite 02 para encontrar theresa para assistir um filme e conversar sobre a cultura pop do mundo mortal.
digite 03 para juntar-se à theresa na caverna dos deuses para discutir o desaparecimento de apolo e o influxo de eventos recentes.
digite 04 para ajudar theresa a supervisionar semideuses mais jovens nos pedalinhos do lago.
digite 05 encontrar theresa no meio de uma visão especialmente longa, fazendo com que seu personagem se preocupe.
digite 06 para quase ser acertado com uma flecha errante no treinamento de arco e flecha.
digite 07 para encontrar theresa a caminho dos ferreiros para analisar uma arma ou consertar um bug em seu smartphone.
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arachnyed · 4 months
feel free to ♡ this for a starter while i get things set up.
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pinksopaque · 3 months
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" so -- what do you wanna have for dinner ? also , why's the light turned off ? you've been in here since i left for work this morning , surely you couldn't have been working for that long . "
open to : m / nb ! @indiestarter plot : our muses have been best friends for years , even moved in together after college to save money , etc . basically a ' will they / won't they plot ' inspired by anti romance by hidaka shoko .
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everseens · 1 year
muse - zoe flores , bassist in a band / barista , she / they .
plot - two supposed rivals and / or enemies but zoe spots your muse in the crowd and stops your muse after her sold out show .
open to - anything that fits , 21+
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“ so , are you spying on me now or something ? … ” zoe confronted after finally finding the other at the bar . the crowd had finally cleared out and gone home , and they amongst a few others were the only people left at the venue . “ you know , if you’re secretly obsessed with me or something you could’ve just said it . i understand how irresistible i am .”
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baalmuses · 1 year
gente, um tempo atrás eu abri algumas prompts de starters, mas acabei postando só na taylor e na carol. demorei demais com o levi e nesse meio tempo alguns chars que pediram starter com ele acabaram levando unfollow, então essa masterlist é principalmente pra usar com ele, e também pra liz porque praticamente não joguei com ela desde que entrei.
MAS, deixo avisado que se tiver alguma prompt específica que vocês queiram com outro char meu, podem escolher sem problemas !
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se quiserem ler a bio de cada um deles pra ter uma noção do que escolher, vou deixar aqui a de cada um:
CHARS: taylor sykes (madelyn cline) / levi king (logan lerman) / caroline prado (ana de armas) / elizabeth seydoux (leighton meester)
that wasn't supposed to happen .
where is all this coming from ?
did you ever tell anyone ?
can we stay like this ?  just for a little longer .
are you drunk ?
i did what i had to do .
based on this.
based on this.
❛ c’mon, we’d look cute together. ❜
sometimes a second chance is just another chance to get it wrong.
based on this.
❛ Let’s play a game of whose life sucks the most. ❜
❛ If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you want to spend it? ❜
❛ We should pretend it never happened. ❜
“I had this dream where you kissed me, and I kind of want to try it now.”
“Are you trying to turn me on?”
“I’m personally offended that you didn’t get me to be your fake date.”
“never knew i was a dancer.”
“If you’re so excited, why don’t you finish it?”
“You actually think you have a shot with her?”
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leaveinfive · 5 months
open to : f / nb !
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" thought you weren't into all of this . " lennon gestured around backstage as he lit up a cigarette , " kind of figured i'd never see you again , if i'm being honest , after everything . so , what exactly is it that you want ? "
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