hopeful-hugz · 8 months
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🕯️ Okay so I'm sticking to this blog's muses for now and since I don't play favourites in general. I'll just talk about one of the muses that has had my braincell lately.
So, Leah! A muse I have yet to draw a reference for. His original iteration was made on Discord cause I wanted to expand more on the aethers' opposite species, nagete. That soon evolved into my wanting to test aether-nagete hybrids as well and expand on that.
I tend to test a lot of storylines with close friends on Discord so I can bring a more fine-tuned version of things here for you. I did that with Maria and Leah is another example of that.
Leah in particular I've struggled developing beyond him being a permanent antagonist on the blog.
His goals are horrific and terrible (something I'm not spoiling) and has accepted playing the role as the villain for the sake of that. But he really is just a guy who wants to run his radio, tv and online shows with his cast. He's a gameshow host mainly, but he's got some other things he films for the air too, more often than not having a live show or three every night when his shows are available.
Currently he's got a small group of four that make up his main cast!
Amygdala is one of them! Leah made her shortly after he ended up self-corrupting into a mix breed hybrid. Mixing nagete shadow manifestation and Hope's own DNA, she is to epitome of a stoic mad scientist and is responsible for making any beasts and creatures that are used for security and the games Leah hosts. Treats every creation like they're her pets.
The other two I can't go into much since they aren't officially debuted here yet and are written by a friend, but they are Leah's co-host and his best friend. Folks he originally thought would be interesting to save from a "bad end" timeline of their universe.
Originally he was gonna be "just the bad guy for this episode." Now he's attached and has lowkey started to make the amusement park grounds, the tower at it's centre where shows are filmed and the living spaces at the top of the tower a home he and his cast can use even after his plans come to fruition.
Lost Now Found from HOAAR is a good song for him regarding his Cast.
As far as his relationship with Cam, Hope and Teal, it's not a good one.
Leah originally tracked the two siblings down in regards to his investigations regarding Maria and the interest he took in her life, story and legacy. Things didn't exactly work out and he put them in a state of distress instead.
Naturally this got Chamyle's attention and made Leah pay dearly for even laying a metaphorical hand on them. [He's still salty about that and Cam's job as The Archivist having meant she was keeping an eye on him. Now he's more than aware of her "passing" and has instead directed that Pettiness towards Melody.]
Despite this, Hope still gave him another chance. The two talked for a while after that incident, exchanging questions on their views and goals. Until Hope gave him- a purebred nagete at the time- an answer to a question that made him start thinking. Too much logic can start turning an aether into a nagete or completely hybrid them; something that is considered the worst fate for any aether and nagete and something incredibly taboo.
In reaction to this, Leah snapped and had a breakdown. In the midst of said breakdown, he not only kidnapped Hope- having blamed her for the change- and demanded she fix him. When she couldn't, he decided if he was going down he'd take multiple universes with him. He really wasn't in his right mind at the time and even he will admit that if you ask.
Teal was the one to solve this issue and get back Hope. Still bears an aggressive view on the host; believing him to be a heartless monster who's only true goal is destruction.
Hope is terrified of Leah and tries her best to avoid him when possible. Though she doesn't hate him. If anything she feels sorry for him.
Leah still blames Hope for his hybrid state and hates her for it. Heavily dislikes Teal because of him being one of Maria's experiments among other petty things. He won't hesitate to actively mess with either sibling and will often do elaborate things to them just out of that hate and because he finds it amusing and interesting.
As far as the rest of the multiverse?
He's a heavy believer in people being free to do whatever they want or they should be given the power to wield autonomy. It's the main motivator behind his current overarching plan.
He takes freedom very seriously and treats his usual contestants and guests with that. Picking on a volunteer basis and making sure people know what they are getting into (and that they may not leave the studio ever again should they participate in certain games.)
But he can't tell the multiverse this. Doesn't care to with how bored and tired of everything he truly is. It has to stay all behind-the-scenes. He's their enemy of the multiverse; the Big Bad Evil Guy! The Villain!!
People need to believe he's such so they can come up with their own reasoning behind his actions.
He knows the path he's taking, but he's taking it of his own free will.
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shallowmagics · 3 years
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— *•̩̩͙   friday prompts ♔ december holidays  •̩̩͙*˚ —
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what does your muse celebrate in december (if they celebrate anything)?  how do they celebrate it?
tw: death, imprisonment, mental illness (bipolar disorder)
james potter
Holiday: none 
James is Hindu. However, after his parents died, he doesn’t feel the want nor need to celebrate anything, including other holidays outside of December. Both in Sallow Hills and canon timeline, watching his parents die caused a depressive episode within him that lasted for months. The only thing in my canon that got him out of that specific spiral was learning that Lily was pregnant. Trying to even prepare to celebrate any holiday only threatens to pull him back under, just based off the memory that his parents are gone. 
Holiday: Christmas
While Laurie is a Halloween person through and through, they will (begrudgingly) celebrate Christmas when it comes around. They have certain rules, though. No Christmas songs nor decorations before December 1st. On the opposite side, she will religiously watch any awful, Hallmark-style Christmas movies she can find. 
lestat de lioncourt
Holiday: None
Lestat never had any attachment to December holidays. As a human, the coming of December only meant a long few months of winter. For someone living in a poor village in the French countryside with practically no help from the soon-to-be deposed crown, December was just a way to mark the upcoming season of hardship. 
As a vampire, they often lose track of time. It could be February, for all they know. Why keep track of time when it will never effect you? To them, December is another meaningless way to keep track of time.
Holiday: None
So there are no canon winter holidays. Link likes December, he likes the snow and the lights, but feels no need to celebrate anything, unless the people around him would like to celebrate anything.
rey palpatine
Holiday: Life Day
Until she joined the Resistance, Rey had no idea about Life Day. Once she joined and learned, it became her favorite day of the year. A day where she can eat as much as she wants and gets to spend it with her friends? Absolutely she’ll celebrate it. 
rhiannon galway
Holiday: Winter Solstice
Rhiannon is Sidhe and while she never really understood the fervor in which humans loved their holidays, she understands the importance of certain holidays. Beltaine, Samhain, and the Solstices are holidays she will follow. 
Also, she was born on the Winter Solstice so it’s a very big day for her. 
shepard love
Holiday: Christmas
Shep is very basic with his celebrations. Christmas, Halloween, all the good stuff. He’ll hand out gifts but is a little more subdued with everything else. 
stephanie brown
Holiday: Christmas
Steph doesn’t have a lot of good memories around the holidays. Her father would often be let out of Blackgate right around the holidays, which meant her parents would fight more often. Until her mom properly kicked her dad out, Steph would make herself scarce and often ended up missing holidays. She’ll say that she celebrates Christmas but goes out of her way to be with her friends on their own respective holidays, if invited. Steph refuses to let anyone celebrate any holidays alone, she remembers what it’s like. 
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jeoseungsaja · 3 years
Simp Nation President Kim Shin™, his thoughts on Wang Yeo: "He doesn't give me something I've been missing but he makes it so I don't miss anything anymore. He doesn't fix me but he makes me walk more idly amongst the broken pieces of my soul. He doesn't make me new but he makes me want to rebirth each morning to see him again. He isn't everything I've been looking for, he's more than I would have dared to slightly glimpse amidst distant silhouettes. He's not the best thing to have ever happened to me, he's someone I wish to happen to me every moment, every fraction of the day. He's not the love of my life, he is what love and life are and why I think experiencing them is worth it. To use a quote, he's all and he's more. He's also stubborn, tongue sharper than his sword, far too quick-witted for his own good, far too reckless, and facetious when he can't bear it. And every time he spares a moment to look at me, everything seems easier, if I'm allowed the sight of him in turn."
@mythvoiced ♚ what does your muse think of mine?
♔ ———–
   The drum of his heart is too loud and too fast, he almost doesn’t catch those last words. He has to pretend he’s casually leaning against the closest surface; the nearest tree or wall or pole available, otherwise he’ll simply trip with clumsy steps due to being distracted trying to replay speech’s sublimity. The fox attempts to keep his composure, but deep inside it feels as if his bones and muscles are transforming into liquid; melting due to the warmth Shin easily deposits within.
    What did Goblin say once? That Yeo’s the poet?      Has he heard himself?      Knitting poems out of nowhere; letting smooth tongue effortlessly write words upon air, with a voice that rumbles from the depths of feelings that have Yeo’s heart trembling. There’s a flame spreading all over, entering his veins; conquering all of him and it’s not the usual red and orange fire that he’s used to see when it comes to his nature, no. It’s intense blue. 
    He clears his throat; pressing back further against what feels solid. Yeo doesn’t even know what it is, his jacket’s probably dirty from lounging upon random spot; not that he cares. He’s too busy trying to dissimulate, attempting to hide the quaking inside; the hurricane of prominent emotions, tugging and pulling so boldly. 
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“See, I was going to kiss you senseless but then you pointed out all my flaws and the enchantment was broken.” 
   But Shin’s not wrong, is he?    What was that about being facetious?
   There’s a smile spilling there, because he’s actually touched with the fact that Dokkaebi recognizes all his flaws and yet here he is, still embracing him as he is; never changing a particle of him, never asking him to alter fragments of himself, not even when he gets worried at times due to some of his rash decisions.
   Here he is.    Speaking wonders, speaking the truths of his own heart.    Truths he never thought would include him so earnestly.     Not in the beginning at least, not when they first met.     Here he is, and Yeo can’t look away. Not that he wants to.    He’ll spare all the moments of his long life to look at him; to stay where he is.
    “Actually, never mind, I’ll let it pass, I’ll---you’re too far, you’re way too far, that should be a crime,” 
    and he waves a hand almost exaggeratedly, as to gesture for Shin to come closer,
  “remember when I asked you if those lips were taken? Tell the world they are, tell the universe they are, in fact, taken. I’ll be taking them. Come closer so I can do just that or I’ll go there myself---” 
———– ♔
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jeoseungsaja · 3 years
What about Rang, what does Rang think of Yeo, something along the lines of: "I don't care. A nuisance at best, an absolute menace at worst. Talks too much, talks too fast, he's going to end up hurting himself with how many thoughts he's got in that head of his. Prioritises the wrong things, honestly. People, forgiveness, repentance, he'll get himself killed and that for nothing. Constantly rushing out to do better, do good, I'm concerned for his mental stability at this point, honestly. For his mental health. And health. Getting injured for nothing. He's better than me, so what? Most people are. But if this stuff makes him happy... Better if he's happy, he's less of a pain when he is. Or not, he's always a pain. But it's less irritating to see him happy than when he's doubting himself again. As if he's got reason to. He's better than most of the people I've met."
@halfinparts ♚ what does your muse think of mine?
♔ ———–
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“Do I talk too much or does he, with everything he just spilled?” 
A little smirk lifts a side of his lips, one that reflects a shade of satisfaction instead of annoyance. Must be because he’s, in a way, aware that Rang isn’t exactly the kind to give someone pristine flowers. Oh, no. He’ll make sure to step on them first. You know, compliments hidden amid insults; good things concealed in a carcass of supposed carelessness. 
Rang says he doesn’t care and yet he could’ve stopped at that. At those words. But he kept going. 
“Did I just hear that he’s concerned? For my health? Better if I’m happy?” 
Nine-tailed fox emits a faux gasp; nonchalantly pressing his back against the sofa and folding his arms. 
“Are you sure you spoke to the right one? Maybe it was another fox pretending to be him.”
The smirk hasn’t been erased. Nevermind that Rang also called him a nuisance, a menace; a creature with the wrong priorities. At this point Yeo’s annoyingly picking at some words just to see if the other might hear this; just to see if he’s listening.
And if he is, he hopes he hears this, too.
“I’m not better than him. For example, he’s better at being a nuisance than I am. He’s also better at giving hideous glares and shooting offense at whatever might come his way. See? There are things he’s far better at than me.”
He shrugs; muffled chuckle coming out. It wouldn’t be right to not tell a joke first. Now comes the serious part. 
“He cares in his own way. No matter how many times he tries to say that he doesn’t. There’s good in him but tell him that right to his face and it’d be like you just told him he’s dying. I’m not sure what makes him think it’s so wrong to have a heart, but pretending you don’t have one when you actually do can only take you so far.”
A pause; a sigh.
“There are things he seems to like, things that turn that frown upside down but don’t you dare say it or he’ll scowl. I see how he reacts to azaleas; to flowers. How he seems to like animals more than people. And if all of those things make him happy to some degree then there’s nothing wrong with that. I wish he could...notice that. That there’s nothing wrong with him enjoying things rather than fighting them all the time. ‘Better if he’s happy, he’s less of a pain when he is’.” 
He repeats the half-fox’s words in the end; brows lifting in sure realization.
“And he shouldn’t be comparing himself to anyone. He’s himself and there will be no one else like him. Doesn’t mean he’s better or worse than others. Than me. It just means he’s...well, him. With virtues and flaws, with good and bad. I happen to like him just as he is; I happen to enjoy his company.”
Smirk turns into a smile.
“Also, he shouldn’t worry about me dying anytime soon. I have plans to annoy him for years to come, I hope he’s prepared.” 
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