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fitsportsindia · 1 month ago
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kishanmehra9024 · 2 days ago
इस होली पर अवश्य जानें क्यों परमात्मा की भक्त में लिन भजत प्रहलाद के उसके अपने ही दुश्मन बन गए ?
अवश्य पढ़ें अनमोल पुस्तक "ज्ञान गंगा"📖📖
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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raj-kumar-sah · 3 months ago
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9359108123 · 5 months ago
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ghostlybelieverpoetry · 6 months ago
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megha000 · 7 months ago
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8120139282 · 9 months ago
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dasroopsingh · 9 months ago
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bhanu-paratap · 9 months ago
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sitadasi12345 · 10 months ago
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shakuntalasworld · 10 months ago
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dexterouswebtech66 · 2 years ago
शुभम विश्वविद्यालय, भोपाल, मध्य प्रदेश || Complete Information About Shubham University 
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satyaparkashsworld · 2 years ago
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rideboomcabs · 1 year ago
RideBoom Taxi Driver Making Money RideBoom Driver App
What is RideBoom Driver App? RideBoom is a unique ride-share app where a driver can make money without driving a car or bike. Each ride boom driver will get a unique driver code on sign up and he needs to share this code with customers. To know more about these lifelong incentives contact ride boom today. राइड बूम एक अनोखा राइड-शेयर ऐप है जहां एक ड्राइवर बिना कार या बाइक चलाए पैसे कमा सकता है। प्रत्येक राइड बूम ड्राइवर को साइन अप करने पर एक अद्वितीय ड्राइवर कोड मिलेगा और उसे यह कोड ग्राहकों के साथ साझा करना होगा। इस जीवन भर के प्रोत्साहन के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए आज ही राइड बूम से संपर्क करें. What is the driver code and the benefit of driver code? Driver code is the key for extra earning and secures your future. Through RideBoom you become connected to millions of customers who can book your services with the touch of a button on their smartphone. Due to the vast network of clients, you will be in great demand around the clock. The most important and rewarding feature of RideBoom is our unique referral Scheme. To get the full benefits you need to recommend to your new and existing Customers and Drivers to download RideBoom App and enter your Driver Code in the ‘preferred driver’ section of the RideBoom rider app at the time of registration. You can forward your driver code by text, email, what’s an app or any other communication method to as many riders as you like. But you can’t do this with RideBoom owned riders. As they do so you will instantly become the preferred driver for these customers and drivers and they become permanently attached to you in our system. When your attached Customers use RideBoom anywhere in the world, you will earn incentives even when you not drive you will earn. This allows you to work locally while earning globally! So, as you drive, and even if you take a holiday or decide to hang up the boots, your attached customers and drivers will continue to generate income for you in the long term. NO MORE EMPTY MILES Your days of driving mile after mile in search of customers are now over. By using RideBoom, customers locate you easily and book your services. You save time, fuel, and cost, and get bookings instantly. MORE BUSINESS RideBoom helps you to connect with thousands of customers. At all times you are connected to many potential passengers who can book your services. More customers mean more income. RideBoom helps you to multiply your earnings. You earn while relaxing as well Be smart like how many riders you pick up every day if they start download app with your driver code you going to have many regular permanent riders. RideBoom – Your Destination to Financial Independence How many times have you wanted to quit your 9 to 5 job in pursuit of financial independence? Well, it is time you have it by signing up to RideBoom as a driver and secure your future by having Driver Incentives. What is RideBoom, anyway, and why join it? RideBoom is a peer-to-peer taxi/delivery/ride-sharing company. This might lead you into thinking that it is much like other rideshare apps. Here’s the thing: In some respects, it is for sure just like another app, but since it has been launched later, RideBoom has some dazzling features that the former lacks. Even, we have managed to eliminate some of the glitches that have been haunting others. So, summing up everything in a sentence, RideBoom is less of a gimmick and more of a personal business opportunity for drivers like you. Let us see how. Secure Future We talked about this at the start. It can be thought that owning your own business cannot secure your business in a better way as there are no pensions and no incentives for the latter life. That might be true for some, but as we’ve created a pure system of incentives, we offer you an opportunity to save more for the latter endeavors. This is particularly what makes us stand out and help people like you grow. How does that happen? Our system allows you to be your own boss, manage your business like a pro, and be self-reliant. When you start doing that, you start earning more, and in the long run, you save more. Due to the freedom we’ve allowed, our drivers are reaping undeniable fruits. And once you join them, you’d be a part of our community and you’d, too, see your life being transformed from the ground up. Driver Incentives So many P2P ride-sharing companies out there advertise themselves on the basis of their driver incentives. Because this may help them achieve greater exposure. However, in the long run, what happens is that all of those claims turn out to be nothing, but a time trap. Your incentives are delayed, and sometimes you’re asked to fulfill certain impossible tasks to receive them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uOTx7GjJRA #rideboom #rideboomapp #book cabs online #book biketaxi #booktaxionline #cabservice #cabsnearme #cabsinindia #rideshare #bike ride #taxi #besttaxiservice #taxi service #rideboomtaxiapp #delhirideboom #rideboomindia
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helputrust · 3 months ago
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माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी के मूल मंत्र
"स्वस्थ भारत, समर्थ भारत" के अंतर्गत
हेल्प यू एजुकेशनल एंड चैरिटेबल ट्रस्ट एवं
चिल्ड्रंस पैलेस, लखनऊ के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में
“डेंटल चेक अप एवं जागरूकता शिविर”
परामर्शदाता चिकित्सक : डॉ शैली महाजन, ऑर्थोडॉन्टिस्ट एवं प्रोफेसर, दंत चिकित्सा विभाग, DRMLIMS
होम्योपैथिक परामर्श, निदान एवं दवा वितरण शिविर
परामर्शदाता चिकित्सक : डॉ संजय कुमार राणा राणा होमियो क्लिनिक, लखनऊ
दिनांक : 20.12.2024
दिन : शुक्रवार
समय : प्रातः 10:00 बजे
स्थान : चिल्ड्रंस पैलेस, म्युनिसिपल नर्सरी स्कूल, 122- महात्मा गांधी मार्ग, लखनऊ
नोट : ट्रस्ट और ट्रस्ट के पदाधिकारीगणों की शिविर में प्रदान किये गए चिकित्सीय परामर्श, निदान एवं दवा आदि के लिए कोई दायित्व व जिम्मेदारी नहीं होगी । *जांच में गंभीर रोग की पहचान होने पर शासकीय / निजी चिकित्सालयों में उचित ढंग से इलाज करवाना श्रेयस्कर होगा ।
*शिविर में आकस्मिक सेवाएं उपलब्ध नहीं है ।
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