#д's are queens t's are aces and в is jack
otpadsis · 4 months
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scott-everest-blog · 5 years
Ukrainian Card Games
Ukrainian card games are unique in many ways. To begin with, they use a deck of 36 cards, beginning with 6 and ending with the Ace. While the suits are the same, the names for the face cards are not.
The face cards include:
-В for Валет and pronounced “valet” which is the Jack
-Д for Дама and pronounced “dama” which is the queen
-K for Король and pronounced “korol” which is the king
-T for Туз and pronounced “tuz” which is the ace
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Many of the games don’t actually have a winner, but rather a loser who is left with cards in his hand at the end of the game. Examples of this include “Дурак”, “Віру не віру”, and “Мокра курка” which mean “idiot”, “believe or don’t believe”, and “wet chicken” respectively.
Cards are played by everyone, male and female, old and young, however you will most often see older men playing in public, perhaps while enjoying a vodka or beer.
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