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famousfishathletecookie · 5 months ago
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rudnitskaia · 3 months ago
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С радостью сообщаю, что сегодня разместила в открытом доступе первый том своего романа «Сказка Хрустальных гор».
Её можно почитать бесплатно тут.
Чтобы написать этот роман, мне потребовалось больше 8 лет. Это был долгий и трудный, но очень интересный путь. Прочитайте «Сказку» и, если она вам понравится, пожалуйста, поддержите её! Расскажите о ней людям: порекомендуйте произведение своим друзьям и близким, поделитесь ссылкой на него в соц.сетях, опубликуйте отзыв здесь, на AuthorToday или на других ресурсах. Спасибо.
Второй (и последний) том увидит свет в 2025 году.
I'm happy to announce that today I posted the first part of my novel A tale of the Crystal Mountains («Сказка Хрустальных гор»).
It's free to read here.
It took me more than 8 years to write it — it was a long and hard, but interesting journey. It's in Russian, but I hope online translators will do it justice. Please, read it, and if you like it — support it! Tell people about it: recommend it to your friends, share a link to it in social media, or write a feedback anywhere you want. Thank you.
The second (and the final) part will be posted in 2025.
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haodz · 8 months ago
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In addition to Mehmes, there will also be Seth and Horus.
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In your opinion, how would the GA act if they were drunk
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JASDAHSDJSAJD my hc is that Hyksos by God's standards is too young to drink alcohol (or whatever Gods drinks) but he also doesn't see it as healthy. Kefer doesn't like the taste of the alcohol. So when Leo comes to Egyxos he introduces them to Smoothy's 🥤
While the other 🍾🍷🍸🍹🍺🍻🥂🥃
Horus and Ramses get moody after a few drinks, with Horus crying in the middle of a conversation for little reason.
Neith and Kha are in the middle level getting dizzy.
But Apis oooooooOOOOOOhhh he is almost immune to the alcohol effects. He is so old and so experienced that he needs more than a couple of bottles to get drunk.
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gal40n0k · 2 years ago
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Шикарный мужчина. Это всё, что мон могу сказать про него.
Да, мон знаю канон, что он сделал с Шень Цяо и тд и тп.
Но всё же мон считаю, что злодей он прекрасный. Характер соответствует, с ролью великолепно справляется.
И с ним ТАК МАЛО контента!
Мон в печали.
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panmikola · 14 days ago
🎨Эмиль Рау
Немецкий художник, чьи пасторальные картины с пастухами на фоне альпийских гор и румяными задорными девушками пользовались большим успехом у широкой публики.
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koobaudio · 8 months ago
Алекс Гор - Контуженный: РОКОШ
После спасения принца Фариала, Джон Сол получил заслуженную награду. Только вот оказалась она не совсем той, какую он мог ожидать. Беспокойная судьба бывшего российского десантника преподнесла очередной сюрприз. Джона добровольно-принудительно отправляют на обучение в Академию Космического Десанта, сможет ли наш земляк пережить его, каких высот он ... Читать дальше »
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mihaylovblog · 1 year ago
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98 години от рождението на Гор Видал (1925 – 2012) Снимка: https://www.biography.com/
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ecaterinasnitco · 1 year ago
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unabashedwitchnut · 2 years ago
Психопомпы (от греческого "сопроводитель душ") - те, кто сопровождает душу умершего в загробный мир.
Во многих древних мифология�� упоминаются такие существа как психопомпы (от греческого “сопроводитель душ”), которые помогают душе умершего добраться до мира мертвых. Из них самым популярным и известным является древнегреческий Харон – перевозчик душ мертвых через реку Стикс в подземное царство. Но душу к нему ведет Гермес и он также считается психопомпом.  По какой-то причине люди верили, что…
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famousfishathletecookie · 1 year ago
The greatness of the mountains...
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rudnitskaia · 4 months ago
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Today is the 8th birthday of my future novel, “A Tale of the Crystal Mountains” / “The Crystal Mountains Tale” (“Сказка Хрустальных гор”), so I decided to make a post about it. Here are 10 facts about it:
Surprisingly, it is not a tale. It is an epic novel with a Sci-Fi bent.
If I should describe it without telling its plot, it is a story about a young man, who decides to test his conspiracy theory in very inappropriate times for the world, and his decision to take the journey to find out the truth dramatically changes his life and lives of his friends and family.
I’ve been working on it since 11/11/2016, mostly when I have free evenings after my main job. It is a long and hard journey, but small step by small step I’m moving forward, because, well, I just want to tell this story to the world. :)
For now it has more than 180k words (or 500 pages, or 1,17 mln characters with spaces). I think in the end there will be 200k words or so.
I write it in Russian, but hope to translate it into English... somehow. :D if you know a person reckless enough to try to translate it someday I’ll be glad to be acquainted
The text was rewritten thrice before 2018, when I found the right form and path to tell all I want to tell through this story. But I still edit it, because I have perfectionism in its terminal stage I want to make everything work the best way possible. God bless my editor @furciferangeli​​ for her patience :’D
There are 9 characters, who can be considered as main throughout the story.
The story covers more than 50 years of the history of a fully fictional world and develops 7 intertwined plot lines.
If I should’ve drawn parallels between our world and the Tale’s world in the level of technological development, the story takes place mostly in 1910s-1930s.
I plan to finish and publish the first part in December of 2024 and the second part in the spring of 2025.
You can see four reckless boys, with whom we start this story, on the art above. Meet them, from left to right: Brandan Marjoram (Брандан Майоран), Riordell Moss (Риорделл Мох), Theogan Yew (Теоган Тис) and Thymean Marsh (Тимиан Марш).  spelling of the names in English can be slightly changed in the future
Characters are mine, commissioned art by amazing Vilta, who’s the official illustrator of the novel.
P.S.: If you’d want to ask me something about my novel or its characters, feel free to make it here or in the ask section, and I’ll try to answer without spoiling anything crucial. 💖
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theodoreangelos · 1 year ago
Walter L. Greene – Conquest of the Rockies (c. 1924). Oil on canvas. Уолтер Л. Грин – Покорение Скалистых гор (ок. 1924). Масло на холсте.
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Conquest of the Rockies, C. 1924. Walter L. Greene. Oil on canvas.
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Hi friend, I have a question : Do G.A. like Gossip
OhohHhoHohoOHohHooh You can bet I do hc that
Leo learns this after sharing with Horus some of his personal life like his school life and brings up the fact of how Collin bothers him and his friends. At first, Horus is all ¨but you are the Last Pharao, you should be respected. I really don't believe you¨
And Leo says ¨things on Earth aren't like here, even Kefer would be laughed at by Collin¨ he says this because he believes that Horus understands his sense of humor and sarcasm... but NOP
Just a few hours later, he hears a little conversation between him and Ramses where Horus was arguing asking Ramses how it is possible for humans to not have any respect for Leo...
Leo brushed off thinking that Horus just took his words a little too seriously, until one day. Leo brought an old family photo album that his mom asked him to take to a photoshop to see if they could scan the content or something like that.
By things of life, Leo was asked to go to Egyxos and brought the photo album with him. Because of curiosity, Horus took a look to see what weird human stuff could be there just to be surprised and bumpbursted by cuteness because of Leo's baby pictures.
Almost every photo of Leo was him wearing some cute costume or an important moment of his youth.
Since that day... Leo kept his mouth shut
He would never forget the feeling of red his face turned when Horus just stared at those pictures and wanted to share them all with the rest of the GA. Horus even asked if Leo still had the costumes or if he still dressed like that, Leo didn't wanted to answer but to make time and take the album off Horus's claws... it didn't work of course...
The news in Egyxos spread like wind and everyone now was asking about it...
Between every member of the GA Horus is the gossip tea speller, Ramses knows everyone's secrets but he makes jokes just to tease, Hyksos also knows some stuff and is very hard for him to not share the stuff, Kha is always quiet in the talk, Neith is a listener but she is in her own world when the conversation turns boring, Apis is also a listener and a good one.
Kefer usually is keep out of this stuff as it would look bad for a king to be in that type of conversation... until Leo comes off the roof to beg him to make Horus stop, so Kefer spells a bit of tea there.
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margocooper · 7 months ago
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Разнообразие природы Уральских гор. Август 24.Diversity of nature of the Ural Mountains. August 24.
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panmikola · 3 months ago
🎨Эмиль Рау — немецкий художник, чьи пасторальные картины с пастухами на фоне альпийских гор и румяными задорными девушками пользовались большим успехом у широкой публики.
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