#Он Дракон
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sombredancer · 11 months ago
Recent visually beautiful and generally watchable Russian fantasy movies
(because I start forgetting they exist at all) Ironically, all of them are adaptations of books/comics.
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I Am Dragon / Он — дракон (2015) This movie is a very free adaptation of the novel "The Rite" / "Ритуал" by Maryna and Serhiy Dyachenko (Марина и Сергей Дяченко). It's a reinterpreting of an ancient tale about a maiden, a hero and a dragon. I don`t like the novel because it's very postmodern, wracks the typical fairytale plot and hurts my escapist feelings by ugly reality, but the movie is pretty fairytale-ish and nice. Firstly, it is visually beautiful and represent Slavic pseudo-medieval lore the way it should have always been in Slavic fantasy.
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Secondly, as a love story between a monster and a maiden, it has got A PLENTY of tropes I'm usually looking for in Chinese dramas, so I understand very well why it was pretty popular in Asia.
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Thirdly, when I said it's visually beautiful I wasn't joking. The main hero is played not by an actor, but by a male model, who is shirtless all the time (and sometimes pantless) and has a very fit and good-looking body. It's something unbelievable that someone in Russia made a movie to please women's eyes! Really, it's insane!
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The folk-rock band Мельница wrote an insanely beautiful song "Обряд" (The Rite) for this movie (more matched to the book plot, though), but it was never used as OST, which is a shame. The song is about a black sheep girl, who is denied by society and asks a dragon to come for her and to take her away, because the dragon is denied by this world just like her. You can listen to it here. The band also has a song "Змей" (The Wyrm) (based on Lev Gumilev's poem), which is more accurate to the plot of the movie: the wyrm kidnaps maidens to make them its wives, but they are all dying during the flight; at the end of the song a hero-knight is ready to shoot it in order to stop it. Listen to it here.
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It ends with HE, which is better than the book's obscure ending, so it is pleasure for me to rewatch it till these days.
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Major Grom: Plague Doctor / Майор Гром: Чумной Доктор (2021)
It is an adaptation of Russian comic series "Major Grom" by Bubble comics. I am traditionally not very happy with the source material, but it is very good reworked to be the screen play of this movie.
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It's very beautifully made in terms of director's, cameraman's and screenwriter's work, which is a rare thing for Russian movies. Also, the actors are young and handsome, especially the villain, which is a rare thing not only for Russian movies, but for the current Western movies, too. It has got a lot of allusions to Russian reality and a lot of beautiful views of Saint Petersburg, the second capital of Russia and one of the most beautiful Russian cities. And it has got some unusual visual solutions that turn it into a comic it should be.
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The plot revolves around a mysterious serial killer (kinda bad Batman), a black sheep police officer and Russian Mark Zuckerberg (kind of). Mark Zuckerberg is the best guy of this movie and I like him a lot! Серёёёёжа! 🧡🧡🧡
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This movie wasn't popular in Russia because of political situation in the country by the moment of its release (the both sides found out in there something insulting for them and banned it), but even if it has something like that, I honestly didn't pay attention to it. It's just a nice blockbuster with a tragic and handsome villain. The villain also has got his own BL-drama (in the comics they are really lovers, it`s as obvious as it could be shown in a Russian comic).
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By the way, the villain is hot, insane, ruthless, sensitive and suffering. How does he contain all of this character treats in one personality? you may ask. He doesn`t. He has dissociative identity disorder, I would answer.
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I don`t know if it works by now, but some time ago you could watch this lovely movie on Netflix.
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The Master and Margarita / Мастер и Маргарита (2024) This is a loose adaptation of Russian classical novel "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov. I genuinely hate this book, but the adaptation reinterprets it, divides it into very interesting layers and makes it understandable and beautiful.
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It`s layered, so it will probably be hard to understand what layer are we currently on if you are not familiar with the original story. The first layer is an ugly Soviet reality, the second layer is a plot of the novel that the main hero is writing, a story within a story. The third layer is the insane intertwining of the first two layers. On the reality layer the Master loses his job and freedom because of friend's denunciation and becomes star-crossed lovers with a married woman. On the novel level he meets devil, who visits Moscow by chance, and the devil gives him and his woman opportunity to live their lives being free from everything that usually tortures people IRL. Somewhere among those layers is a little plot about Jesus and Pontius Pilate.
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The movie is visually beautiful. Although it feels pretty anti-Soviet, Soviet visuals of the movie are gorgeous. There were used the Stalin-times concepts of Moscow of the Future, the CGI buildings in frame came from the real architecture projects of those times. The Stalin Empire architecture style and views are typical for Moscow (but as I know, ironically, this all was shot in Saint Petersburg). It seems to me that this movie is heavily stuffed with visual allusions to the Western works: devil's escort looks like bunch of Pennywises, Margarita is Enchantress from Suicide Squad I, the scene of blood dripping is from Blade I etc. Usually, when I see it in Russian movies, it feels like plagiarism because I can recognize the reference but there is nothing except for these references . But here we have got the plot, so the allusions work as allusions and don`t irritate me.
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The movie is dark, disturbing, uncomfortable. It really makes you feel as if you watch devil and his escort marching around you; they ravage, kill and destroy everything and you can only breathlessly, helplessly and in fear watch them. The German actor playing devil is insanely good. He stole the movie and I understand why it should have been named Woland (the devil's name) instead of the current movie's name. You may want to watch it, because it's very unusual in terms of plot and visuals experience, especially when you are not familiar with the book.
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 2 years ago
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“Silly me, I even chose a name for you.”
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issela-santina · 1 year ago
truly the kind of man a girl wants is one who would build a house with her out of scraps, blow flower petals into her face, recompose himself in a crevice and let each other have some alone time when he gets mad, and tell their love story to kids via shadow puppets
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issela-santina · 3 months ago
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I'm at a low spoon moment in my life currently but I think of these
too many stories about turning yourself into a monster as a metaphor for pretending to be something you aren't and losing yourself in the process. not enough stories about turning yourself into a monster as a metaphor for choosing to openly embrace yourself even if it's strange to other people
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leviathanhomecooking · 3 months ago
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Movie Costumes | Princess Miroslava’s second wedding dress. Он – дракон (2015)
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soli-nepenthe · 11 hours ago
Not kidding when I say that Sylus's dragon myth story seems (at the very least) creatively inspired by the 2015 Russian fantasy/romance film Он – дракон (I Am Dragon). It is an interesting retelling of Beauty and the Beast but with a distinct Slavic twist, so if you loved Sylus's dragon lore story, you will love this.
Personally, I really liked Miroslava/Mira more than myth MC because of her strength of character/character growth. And Arman (the dragon) is just precious.
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jemima-1205 · 1 year ago
Recently I've seen a movie called Damsel (2024) and wow, it's a pretty good movie. And I really like it.😁
I decided to watch it after my cousin told me that in her opinion it has the same energy as the movie On - Drakon/Он – дракон (2015), in English I Am Dragon/He's a Dragon/He is Dragon.
And indeed, both these movies are similar in some way.
After watching Damsel, I felt like watching On - Drakon again! 😆
Because I love this movie!
I also love this fan video, it's beautifully done. ❤️‍🔥
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dyingroses · 2 years ago
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Marriage isn’t a game, Miraslava, it’s your life!
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dandelionsandderivatives · 2 years ago
Watching On Drakon/ I Am Dragon/ He's a Dragon while sewing in hopes that the gorgeous, lush, detailed costumes somehow rub off on my work.
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fairytaleslive · 11 months ago
He’s a Dragon/Он - Дракон (2015)
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I’ll teach you to live like a human 
domestic fluff
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leviathanhomecooking · 3 months ago
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Он – дракон (2015)
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lina-vas-dom · 2 months ago
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Далеко летал дракон, Побывал за морем он. Видел он волшебный лес, Заколдованных принцесс. Видел он богатырей, Чародеев, королей… Много сказок знает он - Мой летающий дракон, И рассказывает мне Эти сказки в тишине… /Владимир Степанов
Доброй ночи, снов прекрасных, друзья мои!
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Far away flew the dragon, He's traveled beyond the sea He saw a magic forest, He saw enchanted princesses. He's seen heroes, He's seen warlocks and kings He knows many tales My flying dragon And he tells me He tells me tales in silence. /Vladimir Stepanov
Good night, sleep well, my friends!
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vestaignis · 1 year ago
Большой ржавеющий дракон в заброшенном аквапарке Вьетнама.
A large rusting dragon in an abandoned water park in Vietnam.
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Аквапарк The Ho Thuy Tien открылся в 2004 году на окраине города Хюэ, что в центральном Вьетнаме. На момент открытия он был ещё не достроен. Но из-за своей нерентабельности аквапарк был вскоре закрыт.
За какие-то 10 лет парк развлечений пришел в упадок. Полопавшаяся краска, гостевые домики остались без крыш, горки, затянутые лианами - и над всем этим возвышается мрачная трехэтажная фигура дракона, который обвил куполообразное сооружение посреди озера. Раньше там были аквариумы, а сейчас - ржавчина, граффити и отвалившаяся краска. Бывший аквапарк нынче зарос травой и деревьями, и на его территории одно время водились крокодилы. Одно время проходила информация о том, что аквапарк хотели отреставрировать к 2013-2014 году, однако из этого так ничего и не вышло и обещания остались лишь обещаниями.
The Ho Thuy Tien water park opened in 2004 on the outskirts of the city of Hue, in central Vietnam. At the time of opening it was not yet completed. But due to its unprofitability, the water park was soon closed.
In just 10 years, the amusement park fell into disrepair. Peeled paint, guest houses left without roofs, slides covered with vines - and above all this rises the gloomy three-story figure of a dragon, which has entwined a domed structure in the middle of the lake. There used to be aquariums there, but now there is rust, graffiti and peeling paint. The former water park is now overgrown with grass and trees, and at one time there were crocodiles on its territory. At one time there was information that they wanted to restore the water park by 2013-2014, but nothing came of it and the promises remained just promises.
Источник: //novate.ru/blogs/150516/36375/,/dzen.ru/a/X95e_Irkhn2tJooO, /vietnews.ru/travel/zabroshennyj-akvapark-vo-vetname, http://www.top-vietnam.ru/khyue-khue/108-zabroshennyj-akvapark-vo-vetname-khue.html,ru.dimatourmuine.vn/заброшенный-аквапарк-в-хюэ/, /passenger.rocks/2019/places/zabroshenniy-akvapark-ho-thuy-tien/.
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fairytaleslive · 1 year ago
He’s a Dragon/Он - Дракон (2015)
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“ I didn’t mean to get burnt Yet the ground gave way beneath my feet “
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keinkei · 9 months ago
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Кроссовер "Он - дракон"
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advoorgh · 8 days ago
Ольм (Proteus Anguinus), он же "пещерный дракон": это вид слепых пещерных саламандр, они могут прожить 5 лет без еды и живут до 100 лет.
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