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This Same Jesus Will Come in Like Manner
By Bible Researcher Eli Kittim 🎓
According to the literary story, after his purported ascension into heaven, two angels make their appearance and instruct humanity not to look to the sky but to the earth in order to find Jesus. In Acts 1:11 (NKJV), the angels proclaim:
Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up
into heaven? This same Jesus, who was
taken up from you into heaven, will so come
in like manner as you saw Him go into
What did the multitudes see? First and foremost, they saw Jesus standing on the earth prior to his ascension. Therefore, the angels ask, “why do you stand gazing up into heaven?” That is to say, why do you anticipate Christ’s coming from the heavens? Contrary to all expectations, he “will so come in like manner as you saw Him go”; in other words, as a man!
The angels are there to disclose the prophecy of Christ’s future coming. That seems to be their primary concern. But if Christ will come in human form, then this eye-opening verse must be illustrating the prophecy that will occur at the end of time, namely, Jesus’ ascension into heaven (cf. Rev. 12.5)!
There are some misleading translations that are based on the translator’s *theological bias,* which are not faithful to the original Greek text. Some of these inaccurate translations are the NIV, NLT, BSB, CEV, GNT, ISV, AMP, GW, NET Bible, NHEB, & WEB. All these Bible versions mistranslate the verse as if Jesus “will come back” or “will return.” However, the original Greek uses a word that does not imply a “coming back” or a “return.” It simply indicates *one* single coming. The Greek text uses the word ἐλεύσεται, which simply means “will come”!
So, Acts 1.11 seems to be part of an apocalyptic literary genre of prophetical writing, which can be summed up in the following statement:
This same Jesus … will so come in like manner as you saw Him go …
The revelation comes by way of a logical equation. It goes something like this: a) if Jesus was seen in *human form* before he left, & b) if he will come in the exact same *form* as when he left, then it follows that c) Jesus will come in human form. The prophecy is that although most people expect him to come from the sky, the truth is, he will come from the earth!
Given that he doesn’t come to the earth repeatedly but rather “once for all” (Heb. 7.27; 9.26), and since Acts 1.11 indicates in what form he will appear, it means that Christ will come “once for all” as a man. In other words, the ascension story in the text must necessarily be a literary device through which to reveal the prophecy that was seen in a vision!
Question: In what manner did they see Jesus go?
Answer: In human form!
Question: In what manner is Jesus said to come?
Answer: In like manner: as a man!
Here’s another Bible Version (Acts 1.11 NASB) which illustrates the exact same idea. Try meditating on this riddle:
This Jesus … will come in the same way as
you have watched Him go …
#inlikemanner#inthesameway#inhumanform#thissameJesus#asaman#bible prophecy#allegory#acts1v11#logicalequation#therevelationofJesus#Elikittim#thelittlebookofrevelation#ελικιτίμ#το_μικρό_βιβλίο_της_αποκάλυψης#ek#ἐλεύσεται#ΕλληνιστικήΚοινή#HellenisticGreek#εκ#Bibleversions#literary devices#Biblemistranslations#apocalypticliterature#apocalypticgenre#theJesusprophecy#biblicaleschatology#bibleexegesis#Ερμ��νείαΑγίαςΓραφής#χριστιανόςερευνητής#συγγραφέας
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