#˖ 📓 › mi's works .ᐟ
mimismenu · 7 days
˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ 𝓜y seatmate is the best man? ༄ ˖ ° .
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꒰ 💒 ꒱ 𝒫ark 𝒮unghoon [성훈] : 𝒪neshot!
𝓰enre. fluffy fluffy fluff! .˚⊹ 𝓹airing. non-idol,,best man sunghoon x maid of honor fem reader. ໒꒱ 𝔀arning(s). prepare to feel some embarrassment and see some sickeningly cute content. 𝔀ord 𝓬t. 1310
𝓼ynopsis .ᐟ you just so happen to sit beside a handsome man on the plane when traveling to your best friend’s wedding destination– only to embarrass yourself by spilling some of your drink on him. however, what happens when you find out he’s the best man at said wedding– can you avoid him through the whole weekend? or does fate hold a different outcome?
꒰ 💬 ꒱ 𝓶i 𝓷ote. this idea came to me so suddenly, i had to get crafting. this is actually one of my favorites– and it of course includes a musical element. (play we are stars by the pierces for the full effect!) to my regulars, you probably think this’ll have more singing– but it’s just a dance scene.
if you enjoyed this fic, please like and reblog! it's always appreciated :)
enjoy, my lovely readers. xoxo, mi. ‹𝟹
also! this one is dedicated to the sweet @pshbites who is so dear to my heart. please check out her smau as well, love on air!
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this tale begins with a flight– a journey packed with clumsiness, brooding, and discovery. while this love story falls beneath the cliche archetype, within no means does it reflect the traditional style of romance.
and it all started with marriage, funny enough.
you see, your best friend, mariella, scheduled her wedding over the expanse of a three-day weekend. your flight was expected to land in verona, italy– her destination of choice– by 2pm on friday.
when you arrived at the airport, everything was running rather smoothly; despite the grumpy staff who glared as if you prevented them from enjoying their morning coffee. you’d succeeded in checking your luggage and proceeding through the extensive security, settled at your boarding gate before your flight.
and it seemed anxiety free, because once you’d boarded the plane, you’d found your assigned seat which happened to be an empty row– where you'd be sat beside the window.
it truly couldn’t have gotten any better… right?
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oh, how wrong you were. any trip was bound to have a bump in the road– at least that’s what your gut screamed.
an incredibly handsome boy– that you would assume is your age– sat beside you, lost in his own world of headphones and music. through the hours of being in his presence, you’d sneak glances from your romance novel to admire his features.
and even if he did notice, he made no comment, content as the flight continued. however, when the flight approached its landing and everyone was discarding their garbage– your clumsiness appeared at the forefront.
the flight attendant approached your row, holding out a garbage bag with gentle hands, to which you attempted to reach over and dispose of your half-empty water cup. except, you’d lost your grip, the liquid splattering all over your cute seatmate’s hoodie, causing you to release a gasp.
“oh my gosh, i am so incredibly sorry–” you frantically apologize, glancing up at the boy, eyes wide with horror.
the male simply stared at you with crinkled eyes, a playful smile on his face. “it’s alright, no harm done here. it’s only water, it’ll dry.”
from that moment onward, throughout the twenty minutes it took for the plane to land and to exit the aircraft– you’d avoided glancing in his direction, even scooting to the far left of your seat.
and when you’d exited your flight? you immediately rushed to find your best friend who’d agreed to meet you at baggage claim, leaving the embarrassing experience behind you.
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but, miraculously, you found yourself at mariella’s wedding rehearsal that same night, meeting the groomsmen for the first time. and to your surprise, the best man just happened to be him.
the same boy from the plane, your seatmate, and the one you’d spilled water all over.
he’d literally be your partner walking down the aisle, the one you lock arms with.
“well, shit.” you muttered under your breath at the sight of his pearly smile, proceeding to shake hands in greeting– to which you’d learned that his name is sunghoon.
even as rehearsal continued, you’d avoided him at all costs, outside of practicing the ceremony. it was dreadful to put simply, that your embarrassment would continue to follow you with every glance in his direction.
thankfully, nobody noticed– not mariella, not the groom, jake– and anybody else in the bride and groom’s respective parties.
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it was now saturday, the day of the wedding. you’d completed the process of getting ready, assisting the other girls with their makeup and hair– each of you dolled up in mariella’s chosen color. pictures were taken for each party, the bride and groom, and any others that the couple requested.
the ceremony began early into the day, the process running as expected, effortless after the continual practice from the night before. despite the unease of being beside sunghoon, he kept you grounded, ensuring that no mistakes were made as he guided you down the aisle.
and as the ceremony concluded and led into the festivities of the reception, you chose to be alone. with no plus one, or much connection with the other guests.
despite the few words you’d shared with your best friend, it was her day, and you didn’t want to distract her from the joy of her union with your sulking.
you’d watched with a smile as the newly wedded couple shared their first dance, overjoyed to see mariella have her happy ending.
even throughout your speech, dinner, and the disperse of their cake– you’d lingered at your assigned seat, fiddling with your fingers.
with music playing in the background, guests began to crowd the dance floor, freely congratulating and celebrating with the bride and groom, smiles and laughter throughout the hall.
and as a slow song played, a figure kneeled in front of you– your eyes trailing to meet his.
“hey, pretty girl.” sunghoon greets with the softest voice, extending his hand. “come dance with me.” he invites, waiting for you to place your palm in his.
with a soft sigh, you stare up at him with unease, biting the inside of your cheek.
“okay.” you agree, placing your palm in his– allowing him anchorage to tug you gently from your seat.
“we are stars,” the music hums in the background as he guides you onto the dancefloor, hands finding a secure place on your waist.
“relax, sweetheart.” he mutters, only loud enough for you to hear, urging you to stand beneath the shadow of his towering frame.
“fashioned in the flesh and bone, we are islands,” the music envelopes you and sunghoon, granting a bubble of privacy.
“you’re beautiful.” he praises, a gentle smile tugging at the corner of his lip.
“thank you.” you whisper, staring up into his dark orbs, captured in a dance of longing and discovery.
“excuses to remain alone, we are moons,” swaying with one another, you avert your gaze for a moment before returning it to him.
“y/n.” he calls, raising a hand to capture your chin between the pad of his thumb and knuckle of his forefinger.
“yes?” you question slowly, entranced by his sharp features and moles littered across his skin. 
“throw ourselves around each other, we are oceans,” he admires you for a brief pause, his expression softening.
“you spilling water on me was an accident.” sunghoon firmly mutters, as if trying to convince you.
“i..” you try to speak, only to be cut off by his next words– in which you release a sigh.
“it doesn’t need to be carried with us.” he finishes, dipping his head to lean closer to you.
“being controlled by the pull of another,”
“and i, just wanna be loved by you,”
“your clumsiness doesn’t harm me, in fact, it only made me want to be closer to you.” sunghoon admits, his lips brushing against your forehead in a quick kiss.
“give me a chance, pretty girl.” he retracts from your skin, causing you to stare up at him.
“yeah i, just wanna be loved by you,”
“okay.” you agree, nodding your head in a visual display of your consent. “i’d like that.” you admit in a gentle voice, hands moving from his chest to wrap around his neck.
“i see nothing worse than to sail this universe without you,” the music fades, your movements not once faltering as sunghoon leans in to press his lips to yours.
“we’ll change our seats for the next flight. i can’t have you sit beside another man and spill water on him.” he teases, his lips brushing against yours in a playful dance.
“oh, definitely. there’s nobody else i’d rather spill water on anyway.” you respond in taunt, your laughter meshing into one as you share a sweet kiss, comfortable in each other’s arms.
and with that, your embarrassment was left behind– your clumsiness leading your boyfriend straight to your heart.
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ⓘ all content posted to mimismenu is not to be plagiarized, translated or reposted.
꒰ 📎 ꒱ 𝓽aglist. @greentulip @nshmuras @wonsdoll @pnghoon @pshbites
174 notes · View notes
mimismenu · 17 days
˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ 𝓢titched back together ༄ ˖ ° .
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꒰ 🧵 ꒱ ℒee ℋeeseung [희승] : 𝒯wo-shot! (pt. 2) pt. 1 here!
𝓰enre. angst (??), fluffy fluffy fluff! .˚⊹ 𝓹airing. non-idol,,best friend heeseung x fem reader – ex friends w/ benefits 2 lovers trope. ໒꒱ 𝔀arning(s). prepare to see some sickeningly cute content. 𝔀ord 𝓬t. 751
𝓼ynopsis .ᐟ in which you’ve ran but he loves you too much to let you go.
꒰ 💬 ꒱ 𝓶i 𝓷ote. a much asked for part two of “the unravel of his cardigan”. you asked and i am hoping to deliver!
if you enjoyed this fic, please like and reblog! it's always appreciated :)
enjoy, my lovely readers. xoxo, mi. ‹𝟹
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weeks have passed by dreadfully slow for lee heeseung and jang y/n, the latter maintaining a gruesome period of no contact. the boy tried dreadfully hard to pry you from the monstrous walls you’d placed up, wanting to have an ounce of understanding as to why you’d shut him out.
yet, you never gave him the light of day. torn between leaving his messages on read and blocking his contact, you’d have to face the reality of his persistent presence anyway. having shared lectures only made your distancing more difficult, heeseung perched beside you as he always was– like you hadn’t walked out on him.
hell-bent on your decision, you tried to validate the reason as to why you’d placed a pause on your friendship: that you were in love and he wasn’t. except, you didn’t know the truth, whether he reciprocated or not; and you needed closure.
to distract you from the weight of your feelings for heeseung, each return to your apartment was welcomed by a gift at your doorstep. whether it be flowers, your usual order from your favorite cafe, or even a plush that reminded the secret admirer of you. silently, you wondered who would have known the information of your apartment, your regular order, and the other favorites– your mind slipping past the idea of him.
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one night, settled in your apartment for the rest of the day, you’d received a knock at your door– not expecting a guest nor package. standing in confusion from the warmth of your couch, you’d paused the drama playing on the television to inspect your mysterious visitor. your steps gently pattered against the floor, warning the boy on the opposite side of the door of your impending presence.
unlatching the lock, she pulled open the front door with hesitance, only to meet the gaze of lee heeseung.
with widened eyes, you simply stared in surprise, lips parted and absolutely no words slipping past them. however, he took your pause as an advantage, extending a large bouquet in your direction, a smile gracing his features. once you’d taken the flowers from his grasp, he paused for a moment– wanting you to understand his sudden appearance.
“beautiful girls, all over the world…” he begins, voice soft– his singing reverberating in your chest. stepping closer, he invades your space, hands extending to grasp your waist in a gentle touch.
“i could be chasin’ but my time would be wasted, ‘cause they got nothin’ on you, baby,” he continues, voice raising a degree as he pushes the door shut with a maneuver of his foot. maintaining his hold on you, he guides you backward, further into your home.
“nothin’ on you, baby,” he whispers, brushing his lips against your forehead in an affectionate display of his longing– a sigh escaping you as you melt into him.
“they might say hi, and i might say hey,” he continues, gaze intent as he meets your eyes.
“but you shouldn’t worry about what they say, ‘cause they got nothin on you, baby,” raising a hand, he presses the tip of his index finger against your nose’s tip, earning a giggle from your lips.
“nothin’ on you, baby, mm-mm.” he finishes, heaving a sigh as he presses his forehead to yours. staring up at him, your eyes can’t help but gloss over, the boy warming your heart.
“hee.” you call in a broken voice, his eyes softening at the sight. in an unspoken understanding, he leans down to capture your lips in a gentle and slow kiss, your emotions mingling.
“i’m so sorry.” you sniffle as he retracts from the kiss, his thumb reaching to swipe a stray tear from your cheek. “shh, baby. i know, it’s okay.” heeseung reassures in a low voice, cradling you as if you were the most delicate object he’d ever held.
“i love you, so much.” he begins, his laughter rumbling in his chest at the sight of more tears escaping your eyes from the simple confession. “so stop running.” he firmly mutters, holding your chin between the pad of his thumb and the knuckle of his index finger.
“okay.” you laugh through the stream of tears, nodding your head with the range of motion heeseung had left you. “i won’t run away, not from us. i love you too, so much.” you confess, reaching to cradle his nape.
and despite the distance you’d originally hoped for, the warmth of his arms reassured you that he was yours, and you, his.
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ⓘ all content posted to mimismenu is not to be plagiarized, translated or reposted.
꒰ 📎 ꒱ 𝓽aglist. @greentulip @nshmuras @wonsdoll @pnghoon @pshbites
158 notes · View notes
mimismenu · 2 months
˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ 𝓗is palette ༄ ˖ ° .
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꒰ 🎨 ꒱ 𝒩ishimura ℛiki [니키] : 𝒪neshot!
𝓰enre. soulmate au, fluffy fluffy fluff! .˚⊹ 𝓹airing. non-idol,,artsy ni-ki x artsy fem reader. ໒꒱ 𝔀arning(s). bumping into each other cliche meets classmates 2 lovers. 𝔀ord 𝓬t. 869
𝓼ynopsis .ᐟ in which people see the world in shades of black & white until making contact with their soulmate.
꒰ 💬 ꒱ 𝓶i 𝓷ote. remember, this is a work of fiction. i did not proofread, so please excuse any mistakes.
if you enjoyed this fic, please like and reblog! it's always appreciated :)
enjoy, my lovely readers. xoxo, mi. ‹𝟹
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NISHIMURA RIKI was the quiet, loner type at decelis high, considering the fact that his best friends were all upperclassmen that had since graduated. he often sat by himself during lunch period, headphones on blast as he drew in his small sketchbook. his art was beautiful to anyone who had the privilege to see, yet it lacked one element; color.
the boy greatly envied those who had gained their palette, straight from the source of interacting with their soulmate; to which he had yet to meet. at least that’s what he believed, since he’d never came in physical contact with them.
currently, he was sat beneath a tree in the courtyard, hoping to sketch the scenery of campus, humming along to a track playing in his ears. his legs were entirely outstretched, laid before him as he used his thighs as a surface to draw upon.
a figure, obviously in a rush, had approached with hurried steps through the grass, tripping over his limbs with a soft ‘oof’. glancing up in surprise, riki’s gaze met the back of your kneeling figure. he recognized you immediately, as you shared multiple art classes throughout the years, and many labeled you as the campus sweetheart.
wait, your outfit was a different sprawl of hues from the generic blacks and whites that he could see. in fact, his view was anything but grayscale. he assumed that you’d realized the same, your head tilting a few degrees in curiosity as you stared at the green grass beneath your palms.
pulling himself from the initial shock, the boy removed his headphones, placing them and his sketchbook aside to help you gather what had fallen from your grasp, knelt beside you.
“are you okay, y/n?” the boy questioned, his fingertips grazing yours as you’d reached for the item. when your eyes met his, he felt the air leave his lungs, your features far more angelic than people had described. his sight was one that people would’ve fought for, and yet he had the privilege to witness you in such beautiful color. your expression mirrored his, the honey of his skin, the blush of his lips– it was an exquisite change, leaving you in awe.
“y/n?” his voice drew you from the daze of his beauty, causing your eyes to flutter in rapid blinks that showcased your nerves.
“s–sorry, riki.” you murmur, reaching to take your sketchbook from his hands, only for him to pull it back. leaning your upper half forward, you found yourself a mere few inches from him– your breath mingling with his.
“y/n.” riki called with a low tone, causing you to gulp, averting your gaze. his fingers reached up, gently caressing your chin as he turned your head to meet his eyes.
“why were you in such a rush, bunny?” he questions, his brows furrowing in worry of any possible injury you may have gotten. flustered by the pet name, your cheeks flushed an adorable shade of pink, catching his interest as he waited patiently for a response.
“well.. well i wanted to..” you begin, stumbling over your words in embarrassment. you were actually on the search for him, hoping to find a vantage point in which you could draw him for the day. your fingers reached to grasp at the sketchbook, your name sprawled across the front; only for riki to cheekily grin at you.
“what’s in here, hm?” he questions with a playful wiggle of his brows, glancing down at the sketchbook to flip the front page.
“w–wait!” you attempted to protest, only for his lips to part in surprise, having found a drawing of… himself?
“y/n…” he whispers in disbelief, his eyes casting between the drawing and you, his gaze landing on the paper once more. his fingers gently flipped through the pages, finding a multitude of sketches you’d made of him; most of them during lunch period, where he peacefully sat alone.
“oh, pretty...” he murmurs, folding the sketchbook shut before placing it aside, practically tugging you onto his lap. “stop admiring from afar.” he mutters, pressing gentle kisses against your cheeks, to which your skin flushes even further. he was honored to have been the apple of your eye, as you were his.
after all, his staring sessions during class were rather obvious to everyone but you.
“riki!” you squeal in shyness, hands pressed against his chest as he lovingly smothers you.
“see, it's a sign that you should’ve joined me all along, baby.” he coos, glancing up at the sky and pointing with his index finger; the colors sprawled across your vision as you turned your head.
“not only can you see colors, but you have me to grace your presence.” he grins at you, ticking your sides as a giggle falls past your lips, your gaze returning to his.
“oh, yippie!” you sarcastically respond with a playful smile, earning a gasp of feign hurt from the boy; to which you place a gentle kiss to his lips.
now it was his turn to be flustered, your action catching him off guard before he pulled you in once again, your smiles meshing as you expressed your affection, no longer hidden.
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ⓘ all content posted to mimismenu is not to be plagiarized, translated or reposted.
꒰ 📎 ꒱ 𝓽aglist. @greentulip @nshmuras @wonsdoll
116 notes · View notes
mimismenu · 12 days
˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ 𝓗ey, lover! ༄ ˖ ° .
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꒰ 🗯️ ꒱ ℰnhypen [엔하이픈] : 𝒫et names!
𝓰enre. headcanons, fluffy fluffy fluff! .˚⊹ 𝓹airing. enhypen ot7 x fem reader (separately) ໒꒱ 𝔀arning(s). prepare to see some sickeningly cute content. 𝔀ord 𝓬t. 755
𝓼ynopsis .ᐟ what pet names each enha member calls you!
꒰ 💬 ꒱ 𝓶i 𝓷ote. trying my share of bf enha headcanons!
if you enjoyed this fic, please like and reblog! it's always appreciated :)
enjoy, my lovely readers. xoxo, mi. ‹𝟹
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ℒee ℋeeseung [희승] : 
this guy is literally such a tease, idk idkIDK
avid user of “princess” and “babe”
occasionally uses “doll” to make you weak in the knees!
“babe!” he’d call at the sight of you after a long day at practice, practically dropping all of his belongings just to rush into your arms. “my princess, missed you so much.” he whispers into your hair, arms wrapped around your middle.
“doll.” he’d call in a low voice as he watched from the door frame as you finished your makeup for date night. glancing up to meet his gaze through the mirror, you felt your heart skip a beat at the sight of him, handsome as ever. not to mention, he’d used your favorite nickname– the same one that would cause your breath to halt for a brief moment.
𝒫ark 𝒥ongseong [제이] : 
this man just feels so.. domestic. heart eyes 4 him
user of “honey” and “sweetheart” <3
five star meals AND he calls you like his wife!
“sweetheart!” he’d call as you enter your shared home after a long shift at work. slipping your shoes off at the entrance, you’d take small steps toward the kitchen where the aroma of jay’s meal wafted. approaching his figure, you wrapped your arms around his waist, cheek pressed against his back. “hey, honey.” he greets softly, his lips tugging into a smile at the warmth. “made you some dinner.” he adds, reaching his arm around to shift you into his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
𝒮im 𝒥aeyun [제이크] : 
aussie, beautiful, aussie, beautiful. what a man.
“love” and “darling” user, so classic
that accent… FOAMING AT THE MOUTH!
“love!” he’d call when entering the apartment after taking layla on a walk, your figure appearing in the doorway with a knowing smile. “she needs a bath..” he admits with a sheepish grin, layla’s paws covered in mud.
“darling, are you ready?” he questions as he steps into the doorframe of your shared bedroom, finding you in his oversized hoodie, dressed comfortably for your movie date. “oh, you’re so cute, my love.” he coos, approaching you with quick steps, practically scooping you up in his arms to press kisses across your cheeks.
𝒫ark 𝒮unghoon [성훈] : 
this man is like… idek he’s magical. a rare find
user of “sweet pea” and “kitty” tbh
like who is he coming home to? his kitty. <3
“sweet pea.” he’d call when returning from hours of dance rehearsal, slipping his shoes off and leaving them behind in the entrance. “kitty, where are you?” he’d question in confusion, expecting you to have said hi already. however, he found you fast asleep on the couch. “ah.” he’d mutter with a soft smile, approaching you to smooth a hand over your hair, sitting beside your figure.
𝒦im 𝒮eonwoo [선우] : 
this cutie needs to be in your pocket 24/7. or else
“angel” and “sunshine” user bc that’s what you are to him.
so gentle when he speaks to you too. :(
“look at you, angel.” he’d gasp in awe of your figure in your chosen dress for your anniversary. “you’re practically glowing.” he’d mutter with a cheeky grin, his hands reaching to grasp your hips, easing you closer to him with soft laughs falling from both of your lips. “you really are my sunshine.” he’d murmur with a softened gaze, dipping his head down to give you a sweet kiss.
𝒴ang 𝒥ungwon [정원] : 
wonie baby supremacy.
so “lovebug” and “sweet cheeks” user in my head
he’s so corny but like down baddd for you
“sweet cheeks!” he’d call with his usual playful tone and bright smile as he entered the kitchen where you stood. approaching from behind, he’d wrap his arms around your torso, tugging you closer to attack you with kisses. “come back to bed, lovebug. wonie misses you.” he murmurs in a low whine, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
𝒩ishimura ℛiki [니키] : 
this boy seems so genuine, so incredibly sweet.
“bubba” and “angel face” user core
what a big softy, he’s so warm inside :,)
“angel face.” he’d call when preparing to leave the apartment to get your favorite snacks. “i’m heading out to get you some things, ‘kay?” he’d mutter as you approached him for a warm embrace, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “be back soon, bubba. love you so much.” he’s sure to acknowledge your pout of protest, leaving a kiss against your puffed out lips before leaving to the convenience store.
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ⓘ all content posted to mimismenu is not to be plagiarized, translated or reposted.
꒰ 📎 ꒱ 𝓽aglist. @greentulip @nshmuras @wonsdoll @pnghoon @pshbites
142 notes · View notes
mimismenu · 2 months
˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ 𝓣he unravel of his cardigan ༄ ˖ ° .
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꒰ 🧶 ꒱ ℒee ℋeeseung [희승] : 𝒯wo-shot! (pt. 1) pt.2 here!
𝓰enre. suggestive, angst. .˚⊹ 𝓹airing. non-idol,,best friend heeseung x fem reader – friends w/ benefits trope. ໒꒱ 𝔀arning(s). prepare to be sad. <//3 𝔀ord 𝓬t. 427
𝓼ynopsis .ᐟ in which you caught feelings during an intimate arrangement with your best friend.
꒰ 💬 ꒱ 𝓶i 𝓷ote. inspired by cardigan by taylor swift. that song never fails to make me feel all of the feels, and it helped me overcome writer’s block this time around.
if you enjoyed this fic, please like and reblog! it's always appreciated :)
enjoy, my lovely readers. xoxo, mi. ‹𝟹
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soft breaths slipped past the boy’s lips as his eyes lay shut in a display of exhaustion, his features relaxed– almost leaving him vulnerable.
yet, the emotions pumped through your veins, leaving you in a state of torment.
your eyes had caressed every detail of his face, memorizing each piece as though you’d somehow forget in a moment’s notice.
heeseung had been your best friend for as long as you can remember. he was there for every milestone, no matter how miniscule or gigantic. you battled hardships alongside one another and experienced warmth in each other’s presence.
creating this arrangement fulfilled two aspects, the desire to feel pleasure, and to avoid a romantic relationship. after all, why not confide in your best friend of 16 years?
however, as time passed, your attachment grew– your heart seemed to beat only for him, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering at each movement he made.
knowing that you were just a source of physical pleasure for him was miserable, despite having mutually agreed to being friends with benefits.
so here you were, sprawled beside him in an act of admiring him one last time.
just once. before you distance yourself, hide away, and wallow in heartache.
an hour or two passed– at least that’s what you believed until reaching to check your phone in confirmation. you’d been awake since four in the morning, the clock now reading 4:57.
it was time. time to gather your belongings, maybe even take a small trinket of his as a souvenir. one to remember him by and clutch while you cried in the privacy of your own bed.
slipping from beneath the warmth of the duvet, you were sure to do so quietly and without waking the boy. he did give a soft sigh and shift momentarily, but otherwise, you were clear to leave; unnoticed.
you quickly dressed into your outfit from the night before, hands clutching onto the hoodie you’d previously slipped from his possession; the newest piece that would nestle in your closet.
peeking one last glance at him from the doorway, your lips trembled. part of you wanted to stay, to painfully bask in his affection. yet, part of you knew of the price you’d pay to be by his side in misery. hence, the solution was clear; your steps gently tapping the floor as you approached his front door to exit his home… and his heart.
after all, you were just an old cardigan under someone’s bed.
you never expected him to put you on and label you as his favorite.
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ⓘ all content posted to mimismenu is not to be plagiarized, translated or reposted.
꒰ 📎 ꒱ 𝓽aglist. @greentulip @nshmuras @wonsdoll @pnghoon @pshbites
94 notes · View notes
mimismenu · 2 months
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꒰ 🍈 ꒱ ℳasterlist of 𝒲orks! ‹𝟹
𝓰enre key :
⟡ – angst
‹𝟹 – fluff
୨୧ – suggestive
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꒰ 🐛 ꒱ ℰnhypen 𝒲orks :
🦌🐈‍⬛🐶🐧🦊🐱🐥 – OT7!
hey, lover! ‹𝟹
the unravel of his cardigan ⟡
stitched back together ⟡ / ‹𝟹
work in progress . . .
work in progress . . .
my seatmate is the best man? ‹𝟹
work in progress . . .
i'm sittin' here, cryin' in my prom dress ⟡ / ‹𝟹
his palette ‹𝟹
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꒰ 🪴 ꒱ 𝒯xt 𝒲orks :
🦊🐰🧸🐿️🐧 – OT5!
work in progress . . .
work in progress . . .
work in progress . . .
work in progress . . .
work in progress . . .
work in progress . . .
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꒰ 🚃 ꒱ ℳisc 𝒲orks :
work in progress . . .
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ⓘ all content posted to mimismenu is not to be plagiarized, translated or reposted.
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mimismenu · 2 months
˚ ₊ ‧ ୨୧ 𝓘'm sittin' here, cryin' in my prom dress ༄ ˖ ° .
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꒰ 🍦 ꒱ 𝒴ang 𝒥ungwon [정원] : 𝒪neshot!
𝓰enre. angst, fluffy fluffy fluff! .˚⊹ 𝓹airing. non-idol,,best friend jungwon x fem reader. ໒꒱ 𝔀arning(s). cliche asf. 𝔀ord 𝓬t. 1358
𝓼ynopsis .ᐟ attending senior prom with a date was one of your biggest dreams, until he flaked, attending with another girl. as you sat on the curb in your prom dress, tears flooding your vision, your best friend appeared to sweep you off your feet– literally. jungwon would not only save the rest of your night, but he would quickly morph it into one of the best days of your life.
꒰ 💬 ꒱ 𝓶i 𝓷ote. hiii here’s a cute wonie fic. remember, this is a work of fiction. i did not proofread, so please excuse any mistakes. i’m still easing back into writing and am really hoping people like this.
if you enjoyed this fic, please like and reblog! it's always appreciated :)
enjoy, my lovely readers. xoxo, mi. ‹𝟹
this is especially for my sweetest @greentulip 💕
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scheduled to be picked up at 6:45, you waited patiently, beautifully dolled up in your prom attire. the dress was in your favorite hue, your features elegantly defined with the makeup adorning your face. this was a night that many recalled from their high school experience, leaving you to hope it would run smoothly.
however, it was the opposite of smooth and tranquil. you chose to sit on the steps of your front porch, chin resting upon your palm, elbow atop your knee. with a sigh, you waited, the sun disappearing with each passing minute. you’d waited for approximately 30 minutes, the clock reading “7:13”. the dance had already begun, starting at seven on the dot. yet, your date wasn’t here.
“where is he..” you impatiently mutter to yourself in a low whisper, reaching to check your phone. notifications sprawled across your screen as you double-tapped the device, turning it on.
but, one seemed to have caught your attention.
“@ohwooseok791 added to their story.”
‘that’s strange, what did he post?’ you thought for a moment, deciding to click on it for clarification.
you slowly came to regret your decision as a photo of him and another girl appears, a romantic song paired with it.
wooseok ditched you. on prom night, with another girl.
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a flood of text messages began to rattle your phone, the vibrations causing you to huff in frustration. your cheeks were covered in streaks of tears, the weight of your date’s actions causing your heart to ache.
a car immediately pulled in front of your home, settling there in a parked position– before the door shut, your best friend rushing toward your figure.
at the sight of him clad in a suit, your lower lip wobbled, eyes glossing over once more. “wonie.” you cried out, voice cracking.
“oh, precious. i’m here.” he coos in a gentle voice, kneeling before you to cradle your cheeks in his palms.
his gaze was so soft, full of the love he held for you. it was no secret that he loved you as more than just a friend. when he heard of wooseok being your prom date, he took a step back; knowing you wouldn’t appreciate a confession. after all, it would only throw your heart into chaos and confusion. however, seeing you here, in tears because of the boy, he wished that he’d spoken the words; saving you from heartbreak.
“he’s not worth your tears, love.” he mutters with a sympathetic smile, hoping to improve your dampened mood. “tell you what, let’s go inside and touch up your makeup. then we’ll do something even better than prom.” jungwon allows his lips to tug upward, encouraging a sniffle and hint of laughter from you.
“c’mere, baby.” he extends his arms, one securely placed behind your back, the other nestling beneath the crease of your knees– hoisting you upward, into his hold.
without a word, he carries you toward the front door, twisting the handle and pushing it open with little effort. “won..” you begin, earning a gentle ‘shh’ from the boy.
he continued his mission, nudging his leg backward to shut the door behind you, moving forward to carry you upstairs. once you’d entered the dimly lit space of your bedroom, he placed you on your own two feet before giving the small of your back a soothing rub.
“go on, fix yourself up. i’ll be waiting.” he playfully mutters, placing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head before settling on the edge of your bed.
and of course, you obliged.
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an hour later, you found yourself in the same state as you were before discovering that your original date had ditched you. it was as though you never cried, sat beside jungwon on a park bench, ice cream in your hand.
your head was nestled on his shoulder, his atop your head. you sat in silence, happier than ever to be in his comforting presence.
the boy had noticed your peeks at his cone, knowing you’d been eyeing the flavor he’d gotten, as you always did.
“want a bite, precious?” he asked with a teasing tone, nudging your side with his elbow; only to earn a playful scoff from you.
“how do you always know?” you question with a grumble, huffing in annoyance as you lean forward, tasting the boy’s ice cream.
“because i’m your best friend.” he’d said it in such a low tone, causing you to glance up at him with fluttering lashes, your gaze capturing his as always.
his eyes shifted down to your lips, noticing a bit of ice cream on the corner. yet, instead of wiping it with the pad of his thumb, he leaned forward.. connecting his lips with yours in a slow sequence.
with a gentle gasp, you’d been caught off guard by his actions, ultimately melting into his touch and reciprocating the kiss.
by the time he’d pulled away, your cheeks were flushed in a shade of pink, a cheeky grin adorning his expression.
“you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting to do that.” his voice is soft, his free hand caressing your cheek.
“why didn’t you?” you question in a whisper, knowing that if jungwon had made a move earlier, you’d have chosen him in a heartbeat.
“because i was afraid.” he admits in a sigh, finishing his ice cream cone. “i didn't think you’d want our friendship to move further.” he frowns slightly, avoiding your gaze.
“oh, wonie. i’d have chosen you in a heartbeat over all of the guys at school.” you reveal with a gentle voice, your free hand reaching to intertwine with his as you finished off your cone.
“really?” he asks with a smile, gaze forward as he holds your hand in contentment.
“really.” you confirm, resting your head upon his shoulder once again.
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the weather had shifted, growing colder as the minutes and hours had passed, the two of you out well until the clock read ‘10:30 pm’.
“jungwon.” you call, gaining the boy’s attention as you shivered beside him on the bench.
“cold, love?” he questions even as he reaches to take off his jacket, placing it over your shoulders. “just one more thing, then we can head back, okay?” he insists, standing from his seat beside you to extend his hands in your direction.
placing your palms onto his, you stand with his help, him tugging you a few feet forward so you wouldn’t bump into the bench.
his hands nestled on your hips, your arms wrapped around his shoulders; you two stood close, beginning to sway.
he began to hum a soft tune, his voice’s volume rising as he began to sing the words.
“i found a love, for me…”
his touch was gentle as he raised a finger, guiding your chin upward to lock eyes with him.
“darling, just dive right in and follow my lead.”
you continued to sway, your gazes intertwined in a display of love, foreheads pressed together.
“well, i found a girl, beautiful and sweet.”
“oh, i never knew you were the someone waiting for me.”
he sang, every ounce of the song dedicated to you.
‘“'cause we were just kids when we fell in love…”
“not knowing what it was,”
“i will not give you up this time.”
“but darling, just kiss me slow.”
“your heart is all i own.”
“and in your eyes, you're holding mine...”
he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, a lovestruck sigh escaping your lips.
“baby, i’m dancing in the dark…”
“with you between my arms,”
“barefoot on the grass,”
“listening to our favourite song.”
“when you said you looked a mess,”
“i whispered underneath my breath,”
“but you heard it,”
“darling, you look perfect tonight…”
and with that, he brought your lips into another kiss; concluding the night that began in heartache, and ending it with pure happiness.
“i don’t think we’re just friends.” you whisper once parted from jungwon’s lips, earning a soft laugh from him.
“no, we’re not just friends, baby.” he confirms, giving you a final twirl before escorting you to the car; taking you home.
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ⓘ all content posted to mimismenu is not to be plagiarized, translated or reposted.
꒰ 📎 ꒱ 𝓽aglist. @greentulip @nshmuras
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