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multif0rmed · 2 days ago
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.. your impulsiveness could always bite you in the ass someday, boy .. I'm sure someone worse than my other half could come along.
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Pushing your buttons counts as entertainment, actually. It's funny - to actually push 'em, and to see you try to scare me over it.
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pcrfumebcttles · 28 days ago
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"Everyone got their invitations? Wanna make sure this shindig goes off without a hitch."
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"I got all of mine!"
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"All packed up. Alright cuties. Let's head out."
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While Valentine's Day may be a day for couples, today we're celebrating a very different pair! Join us at Cloud 9 to celebrate the birthday of The Conway Twins, Allison & Callob!
Enjoy Confections prepared by The Lovely Daisy George! Dance the night away to a sea of enjoyable music provided by Clementina Neroni.
Help The Conway Family wish the twins a joyous birthday and don't forget to provide them with a little treat!
Hope to see you there for a night you wouldn't wanna miss!!
[Event: Cup Twins Birthday Bash! Febuary 14th-16th!]
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prcttyinpcnk · 4 months ago
Event: Noche De La Bruja Festival! (October 31st - November 10th)
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Welcome, Ghost and Ghouls to the annual Noche De La Bruja Festival! The most frightening and haunting festival in all the lands.
Take a hay barrel ride through town and enjoy some chilling, campfire tales along the way!
Enjoy delicious treats, courtesy of The Fire Blossom's own Sonia Lapin!
Enter the big top and see if you can navigate the hypnotic maze, The Fire Fun House! Careful! That Mirror Room is tricky!
Show off your best look among the paper faces on parade, and mingle in the mascaraed.
Rides galore to those brave enough to take the ride of a lifetime!
Test your luck with a variety of games and challenges! Including, Strength Tests, Ring toss, Ballon darts, Milk Bottle Toss, Apple Bobbing, and a fan favorite, The Dunk Tank. Many prizes await those that luck favors.
Finally pay a visit to The Fire Blossom's crowned princess as she celebrates her 15th birthday. A momentous occasion that she hopes to share with all of you!
So much more to do, So little time! Enjoy the night and remember, be very weary about what goes bump in the night! You never know what trouble is lurking in the shadows on Halloween Night.
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lifeofaninstigator · 7 months ago
(@sons-of-time continued from here)
Ed followed North's lead down into the lab. Once he reached the bottom, he didn't like how dark and dank it was in there. Everything was too quiet. All his senses told him they should leave and forget about exploring yet he didn't.
Instead he kept walking into the darkness. North said there weren't any traps so they as least had that small comfort. "We need to be careful. Who knows what's down here."
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multif0rmed · 2 days ago
Amusement poked at the elder's face.
"Really now ... you are Darkness Itself - or very least a piece of it - and you couldn't imagine such a thing?" Even if there had been humor within Xehanort's voice - it far leaned moreso towards curiosity. Eyes left the other's face, falling down onto Void Gear.
...He had half of a mind to destroy that thing. But not while it remained sentient.
Vanitas rubbed a thumb over the palm of his hand, trying to calm his nerves. He wasn't like Xehanort. He wasn't going to be like Xehanort. He wasn't.
He wasn't...
"All I want is to forge the X-Blade and rejoin with Ventus," he muttered. "I don't want revenge."
He hated lying. But he hated Xehanort's wrath even more.
Down by his feet, Void Gear snarled in Xehanort's direction.
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theyoungxst · 1 month ago
@siblingsoflight liked THIS for a starter ;;
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.. Yellow hues stared, taking in her form as she had been shuffled onto the couch within their living room. Hesitation clung to the boy's form, but he pressed onwards to step closer, to observe her. ''So you are .. Celeste. My ..." He stopped himself from saying such a word ; it would only prove as awkward.
''.. I don't suppose I need any introduction."
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agent-m-stilinski · 6 months ago
FBI Agent Stiles Stilinski returning to Beacon Hills rp, open to anyone.
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Keeping a balance after officially becoming an FBI agent had its difficulties. Stiles wanted to strive for success and make a name for himself. Or rather, gain security he can use to keep his father and friends safe. It meant putting in the work and dealing with the cruelty and insanity of the human world.
That didn't mean he wasn't also keeping tabs on the supernatural angles other agents were forced to dismiss.
A new file made its way to his desk that was going to head toward a box in some warehouse and considered a cold case. The clues weren't enough to go much deeper...because it wasn't humanly possible to reach a logical conclusion. Stiles read between the lines and knew it a supernatural creature. He asked his leader if he could take some days to follow some hunches. Stiles has managed enough success with his weird way of thinking that his boss agreed on a limited time frame. If Stiles didn't bring anything new, he would be assigned to a new case.
Stiles agreed. The reason he wanted to dive deeper into this case was because it was far too close to Beacon Hills. And if it nearly had the FBI's attention, then some of his friends were too close and needed a heads up.
He didn't want to worry his dad, so he pulled out his phone and called someone else.
"Hey...it's me. A case landed on my desk, so I'll be back in town to follow up on some leads...can I crash on your couch for a day or two?"
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multif0rmed · 2 days ago
Fuck. An expression of pain completely took over his face, but he knew he had to act quick at the latest in order to heal himself. Instead of hoping to reign the other in, he had done the opposite. As much as how interesting it had been - he knew now what boundaries not to yank and prod. But .. he could still investigate it somehow ... There had been some strange reports within Vexen's laboratory.
As soon the boy let go - he allowed his magickal shields to crawl back into place. But casting Curaga would be paramount -
He staggered away from the scene, trying to get space. His arm tingled with the aftereffects of the attack, as he growled.
Bright green tried to start the procedure of healing, even if it stuttered, due to the loss of blood - affecting his concentration on the matter itself.
The added pain only drew out more of his anger-- and his jaw clenched suddenly to bite down harder on the man's arm. The darkness being woken in his heart infected every aspect of himself, and he glanced upwards to lock golden eyes with the old man's own. Sense of humanity was slipping away from him, but this one brief look said everything loud and clear.
'You asked for this.'
He released Xehanort's arm to let out a loud screech-- the noise completely inhuman with just a faint underlying sound of Sora's actual voice beneath it. Kingdom Key appeared in his grasp, wrapped in shadows just as he was. Sora gaze flicked behind the man, and in the next moment his form was flickering to faze into shadows, his figure reappearing behind the master.
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benreillyscarletspider · 1 year ago
@apurekindness continued from x
He hadn't intended to blurt out the first thing that came to mind when he opened his mouth upon Kiara's approach, but he was so dumbstruck by the sight of her attired in something besides a labcoat that the cup he'd been carrying around the party for show may as well have lowered his impulses for real. Mingling with the doctors there to celebrate, Ben found the ruse easier than the explanation that he was cloned from a non-drinker, given the proclivity for partying that the others had, but he wasn't faking a thing when he paid her the compliment.
He was just about to elaborate on his words—mostly to assure the good doctor that he hadn't meant it in any creepily detached, Frankensteinian way—when she moved in to lay a kiss on him. Still thrown by the presence of Kiara's décolletage, he misinterpreted the gesture and found her lips with his own. His hand slid up her back to brace her as she balanced on her toes, not wanting to tip her over in returning the kiss, which he did instinctually from the instant they touched.
He'd only sequestered himself in a far corner to get away from the bad karaoke rendition of "Livin' on a Prayer" that the partygoers were being treated to, but the privacy worked in their favor. The kiss lingered, with Ben's heart thumping in his chest so loudly as he savored the way Kiara tasted that it nearly drowned out the off-key warbling.
"I think they're about to do presents now..." he muttered when the music died down, breaking his focus and bringing him back to the reality of where they were. He reluctantly released the hold he had on her, and gave her an embarrassed smile, unused to such a warm reception to his motormouth. Speaking before thinking in Ben's case typically resulted in having pumpkin bombs angrily hurled at his head. "After that... Maybe I could buy you a drink?" he offered, trying to gauge where they stood.
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sacredarts · 7 months ago
Sighing under her breath and wiping blood out of her eyes, Warren knocks on @devilsanddarlings' door. Stepping back, she waits for PJ to answer. Glancing around, the blonde wrapped her arms around herself as a heavy breeze blew past, causing her to shiver from the cold.
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multif0rmed · 3 months ago
❝ i don’t know how you can stand this kind of thing… ❞
(From Marxiia)
From HERE ;; @x-whiskeylullaby-x ; @x-key-of-darkness-x
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Boots shifted backwards away from the scene in front of them - a torture in-progress. Xehanort mm'ed, lowering his hand, as he allowed his hues to shift onto Marxiia. ''Simple,'' he said softly, all perhaps too calmly.
"They've earned it. I do not make these actions lightly..."
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pleonecticsin · 7 months ago
"Surpise kitten"
Send "kitten" for my muse to bring home a kitten.
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Greed bent down when he noticed a small gray kitten outside of his bar. "Hey, there little cutie." He picked the kitten up. "You're too small to be out here all by yourself." The cute little dickens needed a new home, and Greed was more than happy to provide that. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," he said as he rubbed his fingers against the kitten's cheek.
Greed took it inside the Devil's Nest. First he'd make sure he got it some food and water, then he show Maria his what he found.
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pcrfumebcttles · 26 days ago
The Crew of The Bellowmight and The Birds gathered around the stairwell, waiting for the guests of honor to arrive. The party was alive with cheering, laughter, and music.
But where would it be without the birthday twins?
A warmth fills the air as they round the corner and descend the stairwell to greet their family and friends.
After all the turmoil, all the strife, all the ill will that was sent their way... They're still standing. They're still here. They're still enjoying life and greeting each day with a smile.
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That alone is something worth celebrating.
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prcttyinpcnk · 4 months ago
Going steady.
“...And the petals are falling like freshly fallen snow, a soft blanket that as soft as my heart~”
Phiona sighs, gently snuggling up to Harper, before adjusting her new hat. A tiara’s nice, but you can’t beat a pink rancher hat with giant flowers. At least, in Phiona’s eyes, you can’t. Especially when it’s a gift from her wonderful girlfriend. Speaking of which, Phiona gently closes her new poetry book, using the ornate dagger as a bookmark.
Her green-brown eyes look up at Harper and butterflies start to flutter into her stomach. She was scared. She was unsure of herself. Even so, this needs to be done, and needs to be said. 
“Hey? Harper?”
Harper’s ears twitch, and she lets out a small hum. Soft green eyes trail down to meet Phiona’s, sparkling brighter than the stars in the night. “What’s wrong, sugar cube?”
“Oh nothing! Nothing! I just… need to tell you something important.” After taking a deep breath, Phiona sits up, and takes both of Harper’s hands into her own. “Harper. This whole 'eternal spring' thing. It made me think about… well, everything. How fragile life can be. How we’re not guaranteed forever. But… I’d like to think that, it also made me think how precious all of you are to me. Even if forever is just a second, I want to spend it with everyone… but more than anything, I want to spend it with you. Now that I’m older and closer to being a woman than a little girl, I wanna make sure that you know, that I’m gonna be here. By your side. Forever.”
Harper’s heart swells with each word that fell from Phoina’s lips. Her tag wags, her hands gently shake with excitement, and tears prick her eyes. 
Phiona takes another breath. Reaching into her dress pocket, she pulls out a small box. She watches Harper’s trembling finger press the golden button to open it, only to shoot back over to cover Harper’s gasping maw. In the box was a beautiful lavender topaz wrapped in a gold band. The ring itself dangled from a matching gold chain. It takes Phiona a second to find her word again. “Um… I don’t know if going steady is still a thing, but ya know. I wanted to make some kind of commitment to you. Plus we’re waaaayyy to young to get engaged, but this is the closest thing I could think of–” Phiona words were caught in her throat as Harper proceeded to expresses her gratitude by the sweetest of kisses on the vampiress’ face. Phiona glances up to see tears of pure joy pouring down Harper’s cheeks.
“You’re perfect, Phiona Souris.”
“Nah. That’s your job,” Phiona giggles before wrapping Harper in her arms. She’s unsure what the future holds, but she knows one thing is certain. She’s not gonna face it alone… and neither is Harper. They’ll do this together.
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lifeofaninstigator · 5 months ago
@sons-of-time continued from here
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"Eight o'clock is perfect. That'll give me plenty of time to get ready. Did you want to grab a bite to eat first?" If they did get dinner he still had time to get fancied up for dancing. "Nothin' worse than dancing on an empty stomach."
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theyoungxst · 4 months ago
Specify which verse.
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