#|| omggg yes a reason to nap with her
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Hey can I get some headcanons of your relationship with your F/O parents bc y’all are such a cute family dynamic and I wanna hear more about how you all interact🥰💗
and @arianatheangelworld
asdfghjkl; omgggg~ you’re all gonna kill me asghj 🥺😭😭thank you darlings omggg ~ 🥰🥰🥰��� I hope that you all enjoy this, it’s always so bittersweet but also so comforting and fun to explore my dynamic with my parental F/Os and, well... isn’t that the point of it all?💖 Thank you thank you thank you for supporting and enabling me omggg ~ 💙😊
Word count: 3, 184 (holy shit I am so sorry... not😂)
It’s a quiet life, but there’s lots of underlying tensions beneath it all.
By quiet, I mean because I spend my days in my bedroom studying (not so far from reality, these relationships😂) but there are underlying tensions because no one in the household knows who Edward Hyde really is - it’s a secret between my parents and I.
What that means is that it’s tricky for Papa and myself to spend time with one another if other members of the household are awake - as far as they are concerned, Father is my parent and so is Mama, and Papa has no part in that. So as you can imagine, questions would be raised if Papa and I are caught spending too much time together (plus, this is set in the Victorian Era, so you can imagine the scandal of an unmarried twenty-three year old woman spending lots of time alone in a room, unchaperoned, with a man old enough to be her father...)
This is why Papa and I only have our time together late into the night, when said members of the household have gone to bed and it’s only my parents and I who are awake. It’s safer for all of us that way - it protects Father and his name, his reputation and his career, which in turn protects the household members from being turned out onto the streets due to a lack of employment and this in turn protects Father’s family, who always come first.
From the moment I wake up, my parents are there. As you’ve probably gathered from previous posts, I sleep with my parents a lot so it isn’t unusual for me to wake up with one of them. Rare and special occasions mean that I get to wake up with Mama and either Father or Papa.
Mama’s always up by five in the morning or she’ll fall behind on her chores so if she’s the one I slept with in the night, then I’ll get up when she does. She always insists that I go back to bed and that I go to sleep, but I rarely do. I much prefer to have those early hours with her so that I can help her with her chores and maybe, if I’m very lucky... I’ll get to be the one who takes Father his breakfast tray so that I get to see him early in the morning and so that I can crawl into his bed and get me some extra cuddles before I start my day.
If I sleep in with Father, then the opposite happens and I’m woken up when he gets brought his breakfast tray (7 AM on the dot!), and of course I end up getting up when he does because even though he won’t kick me out of his bed, he also knows that if he leaves me to my own devices in a soft, warm bed, I’ll end up falling asleep until noon and then I’ll beat myself up about it, so he makes sure I am awake and up before he’s done with his breakfast (and if Mama knows I slept in with Father, she’ll bring me some breakfast too!) to save me any emotional distress.
Father always wakes me up gently... up until a certain point. He will shake me gently while saying my name, which usually gets a sleepy groan from me. Then, it’s onto talking, with his voice going from a whisper and increasing in volume until he’s just above his normal speaking level. He never raises his voice at me and we all know why. If that doesn’t work, then Father will just “accidentally” pull the covers off of me. He isn’t subtle, but he also isn’t mean about it, and if I do genuinely need some more sleep, then he will let me have that. But for the most part, he makes sure that I’m up once he is on the nights I’m in his bed.
I never ever get to wake up with Papa. It just doesn’t happen for various reasons. Firstly, because Papa’s constantly moving around like a lion stuck in a cage and he loves me dearly but not enough to stay in one place for more than a few hours unless he’s already sleeping. Secondly, because he can’t be caught in my bed or vice versa by anyone other than Mama to protect Father’s name etc. Thirdly, I may wake up to Papa crawling into my bed or easing himself in his own if I fell asleep in his bed, but I don’t ever get to start my day with Papa. Our time is night time and that has to be non-negotiable. It does upset me if I wake up in an especially needy mood, but Father and Mama will get me through the day in the meantime.
Mama likes to sneak me items of Papa’s or Father’s clothing to wear when I go to bed. She’s not supposed to but Mama is sleight of hand and I can be quick when I need to be. She and I often have silent conversations in a crowded room and all it takes is for Mama to “accidentally” make a noise, like a quick scuffing of her boot on the floor or for her knuckles to make a noise against the wooden table and I just look at her. Mama catches my eye and then gives me A Look before she turns back to her ironing. I walk past and at the point where our lower bodies are hidden by the ironing board, she stuffs an unironed shirt in my hand (usually Papa’s) and I walk off, the shirt stowed away under my arm and then placed for safe-keeps under my pillow for the night time. Sometimes it might be one of her night-dresses, but I am comfier in either Papa or Father’s clothes.
There are so many secrets between myself and my parents which are kept from the other members of the household. Between all three of us, we manage it as best as we can, though I have no doubt that the others think we're a little odd. 😊
There are periods which are weeks long where Father is so busy in his laboratory that no one sees him. It's communication .via. letters on the stairs and that's all anyone hears from him. Mama and I worry immensely but Father's always been this way and all we can do is be patient and wait for him. He's a workaholic and he often makes himself sick from all of the working and everyone in the household knows what to do when these times arise, which are getting more frequent as Father gets older.
In especially bad times, even Mama won't be able to get through to Father. I get upset if that's the case, because if he shuts away the one person he loves above all else, it's a serious warning sign. Mama and I have a pact that if she can't get through, then I will. Father is always so protective of me, and now it's my turn to protect him. I take this very seriously, understandably so, and I wait up until two or three in the morning, so late that even Mama's gone to bed and is sleeping. I wait in his study for that time, reading one of his old medical journals, and then I go downstairs, out the back door, and into the laboratory.
It's freezing in there because there's where Father used to carry out dissections and lectures back before his illness (never canonically diagnosed but it's believed to be depression or similar) got worse, so I always take him his old smoking jacket (which doubles as my blanket when I take naps in his study). By this time in the night, Father will be so tired and sleep-deprived that he's more likely to be honest with me, and it's for this reason that I also stayed up so late - Father will assume I'm unable to sleep because I'm so worried about him, and while that's true, it's also because I know him well enough to know what time of night is best for an intervention. Yes, it's slightly manipulative on my end of things, but I am my Papa's daughter and it's with good intentions so I don't linger on this thought for too long. It won't do me any good and my Father's most important. I'd do anything for him.
I find Father where I knew he would be - scribbling in a journal by candlelight, his fingers covered in ink, his hair a mess, yawning every few seconds. A cold plate of mutton is left forgotten by his elbow, only half eaten. I'm just like him when I study so I don't lecture my Father on his bad eating habits -he and I have the same work ethic so I would be a hypocrite to tell him off for something he usually tells me off for. I announce myself by putting his smoking jacket over his shoulders. Father pulls the jacket around himself with a shiver and I smile. You're welcome.
"You should be in bed, Erika." Father frowns in disapproval and I almost want to call him out on his hypocrisy.
"So should you," My tone is sharp with worry and frustration and Father takes a moment to look at me - I never speak to him like this. "Mama's really worried about you. So am I. We haven't seen Papa for weeks, and we - " Just like always, my anger turns to upset and I move away, trying not to cry.
"Erika." I turn back to my Father and I see that he has tears in his eyes, too. He's hurting and even though he's been trying to find a cure for years, he's never been able to find one which really helps him. "I am sorry, I - my work, it is. Well, let's not discuss the details." A pause. Neither of us know what to do, even when there is no one to see or hear us. "Come here." He pats his lap and I make a happy noise, which makes him smile. I love sitting on my Father's lap - it's been something I've done ever since I was a child and it always makes me feel so safe.
I go and I sit on my Father's lap (and have a quiet cry - he knows but he doesn't say anything about it because he doesn't want to embarrass me) and he continues to work, but as the hours drag on and we both get increasingly tired, Father knows that the time for working is over. On these nights when I manage to find my Father in his own mind and pull him back with just my presence (and my very existence is a reminder of what he holds most dear), I also spend the night in his bed.
"Thank you, Erika, for..." Father trails off, but I know what he's saying to me.
I snuggle into his bed, feel my Father kiss my forehead and whisper his love, and then I sleep.
The night is half the battle - getting Father to take a break tomorrow morning will be an even bigger battle, but by then Mama will be awake and we'll work together to save Father from himself.
It's not the first or the last time, but all of us in the family have our Own Moments which require special attentions and solutions, and we love each other even harder during those times.
The reunion with Papa after getting Father to take a break from his weeks of working always makes me cry, too.
Over the years, it's become almost a... tradition, of sorts, for Papa to greet me this way after a long separation.
I could be doing anything - reading in Father's study, writing in my bed, studying at my desk - and all of a sudden, out of nowhere -
Whispered so casually, so quietly, but my entire body freezes. I know that voice anywhere. I drop whatever I'm doing, I tear up, and I turn, slowly...
Papa's smirking at me, a cold and calculative look in his eyes, but I'm not afraid. I'm not even nervous. Anyone else would make me step back with this look, but not Papa. No.
"Oh, my - Papa!" I step forward into his embrace and I melt into the parent I've been missing most of all. I cry, of course I do, and Papa says nothing about it (he and Father aren't so different at all, once you get to know them, though I'd never tell them that. Or Mama. It's a thought I keep entirely to myself.) because he doesn't see why he should need to; he only holds me tighter.
I can almost hear his fond eye roll and it makes me smile.
"It's difficult to understand someone who is entirely incapable of asking for what he most wants, wouldn't you agree? You're the only one he listens to," our daughter.
There is pride in Papa's voice but just like always, I can hear what he doesn't say, just as he hears what I don't say. It's just how it is between us; Papa and I have a level of understanding between us which we don't have with anyone else.
That night, Papa sleeps in my bed with me. I'm never ready to say goodbye to him, or goodnight, either. The following conversation is a nightly ritual because of this:
"Just five more minutes, Papa?"
"I'll be here tomorrow night. you know that. Sleep, child."
"But - "
A warning. No one else receives warnings from the Edward Hyde and lives to tell the tale. So I listen.
"Fine." I know he will be with me tomorrow night. "Stay with me 'til I fall asleep?"
Papa sighs, rolls his eyes, and pointedly lays down, watching me the whole time. I couldn't hide my smile if I tried, so I don't even bother to - Papa taught me to show my emotions and to not hide them.
"Goodnight, Erika."
"'Night, Papa. Love you."
A kiss on the top of my head, and all else fades to black.
My parents and I are very physically affectionate with one another and it's... unusual, especially if you consider the fact that it's in the Victorian Era, but the members of the household find it touching. They get hugs and affection, too! Even if they don't necessarily know how to react to it, they still do get their hugs in the morning and late at night just before they all go to bed (which is between 10 and 11, whereas I go to bed anywhere from midnight to 3 AM).
If I have a nightmare or a bad dream, I am at total liberty to climb into any bed in the house, but of course I make a beeline typically for Mama's bed. She knows nightmares well and she'll simply hold me until I feel safe, and then she'll hold me some more because I get clingy and I don't like letting go. There's been times I've cried because she let me go before I was ready for the cuddle to be over (though those times were when I was much younger) so now she just lets me decide for myself when I've had enough.
With the way I sleep with my hair in two braids, I always get a mass of tangles at the back of my head. Always. I hate it and it always makes me hesitant to brush my hair, which is now midway down my back (so I can’t not brush my hair every day), because I know it’s gonna hurt me. I’ll brush the front parts of my hair and I’ll try to brush the knots out, but it hurts so I stop and I don’t want to brush my hair.
A part of me is always tempted to just leave it, but at the same time I know from previous experience that hair knots can and will get worse, so during these times I’ll take my brush to Mama. She’s always so gentle, not just with me, but also just in her nature.
She is such a tender-hearted person and I admire her so deeply for that. She’s incredibly busy so typically I’ll leave brushing my hair until the evening, when she has more time to help me. I don’t always ask her for help with my hair, so when I do, she knows immediately that it’s because I really can’t do it myself.
“Mama, there’s a - I have a knot. Can you help me?”
A small smile and she goes to get her wooden comb. It’s gentler on knots than my own hairbrush, which pulls more than it needs to, and we both know it. Mama is so gentle that it barely hurts me, and within minutes she’s done what I’ve delayed all day.
“How do you want it tonight, Erika? One braid or two?”
I fondly roll my eyes - like she needs to ask. My smile is in my voice as I ask for two, and Mama and I get to spend some time with one another quietly enjoying each other’s company.
Sometimes I return the favour by helping her brush out her hair, but she’s incredibly self-sufficient and she largely prefers to do it herself. Which is fine... I’ll find other ways to help her!😊
“Thank you, Mama.” My words are doubled up with a tight hug, and then I’m ushered off to bed because it’s late and she’s exhausted.
I technically have three parents and each one fulfills a different need for me, so all together, they meet all of my needs and I try, I try to be a daughter that they can be proud of, that they can respect and that they can love unconditionally. I try so hard every day to live in a way to honour their places in my life.
There's nothing I wouldn't do for my parents. I would die for my parents, to give them a happy ending, to give them the time to be together, but in many ways... I am that happy ending, even if things aren't perfect. It's a fight sometimes to keep secrets exactly that, but we make it work. We have to.
I tell them each and every day that I love them, I hug them and cuddle them and help them out where I can, because they deserve the world.
They are my parents and I am very grateful to and for them. They have made me who I am today and they'll be with me forever, no matter where I go or what I do or who I become. I just hope that they'll continue to walk with me for the rest of my life, because I wouldn't be alive without them... in more ways than one.
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I Know
Wanna One’s Kang Daniel X Reader
Fluff, angst
Word count: 3094
• you’re besties with Woojin and Jihoon ( you’re their noona )
• Daniel gets jealous
ahhhh the Daniel stans have spoken. excited to work on this one after Daniel being the side for like two scenarios it’s quite funny 😂 Love all of my boys omggg. Thanks for requesting this anon :)) PS: it suddenly got rlly fluffy idk what happened sorry !!
- Admin L
Woojin was the first person to crush you in one of his tender ‘woojin, i think you’re suffocating me’ hugs. Jihoon joined the hug, nearly squealing.
“Y/N noona! We haven’t seen you in so long! Did you miss us?” Woojin asked, pouting when you only laughed at him. You rolled your luggage behind you, turning down Jihoon’s offer to help but he ended up carrying it to the car anyways.
“How have you guys been?” You had missed out on a lot of your friend’s lives as you were has traveled home to visit your family during the term break.
“Oh! Daniel hyung has been missing you like crazy! He can’t shut up about you,” your dongsaeng teased, causing your face to tinge pink. He leaned over and pinched your cheek.
“Sungwoon hyung! Don’t lock the car door on us!” Woojin yelled, causing his hyung to jump in shock. Disappointment surged through you that your boyfriend hadn’t come to receive you but you knew exactly how busy he was. He had been anticipating your return for the longest time but there was a complication with one of his tracks and he was needed back in the studio to rerecord it, thus, he had to wait a bit longer to see you again. You hoped to at least see him once before the sun set today.
“Hello Y/N! How was your trip?” Sungwoon greeted, smiling warmly as you were also his good friend.
“Hi oppa, and it was good break. I missed you guys though,” you replied.
“Pfft, you only miss Daniel hyung,” Jihoon insisted. “Ahh, what should I do! Y/N noona doesn’t like me anymore!” You attempted to reach over and wrap your arms around your playful younger brother as Sungwoon started driving.
“Ugh, don’t even ask me why I’m still friends with you Jihoon. I can never forget about my indirect hyungs and dongsaengs, especially you and Woojin! You guys are so special to me."
"Yah! What am I to you then? I woke up early to drive with these two jokes all the way to the airport for you,” Sungwoon scoffed, shaking his head but a smile was prominent on his pretty features. You giggled, glad to be surrounded by your friends and their banter, it brightened your mood and lifted the spirit. The atmosphere was relaxed and happy unlike in college. Sighing, you realised you only had about two weeks to spend finishing up your assignments, studying and hanging out with your friends.
Woojin noticed the sudden shift in your mood, he gazed worriedly at you and patted your shoulder affectionately. “What’s the matter noona?"
"Nothing, just realised how little time I have left with you guys,” you said, grateful for his observation skills. “I’m okay. Just really tired.”
“Sleep, Y/N. It’s a very long journey to your dormitory,” Sungwoon said. You nodded, resting your head on Jihoon’s shoulder and shutting your eyes.
“Baby, wake up. Y/N, it’s me.” A soft, caring voice lured you out of your slumber.
Still blur and teary-eyed, you slowly sat up and came to your senses, rubbing your eyes. You opened them, only to see your boyfriend’s handsome face staring back at you.
You nearly shrieked with joy, throwing your arms around his wide shoulders and pulling him close to you. Daniel let out a surprised laugh at your eagerness but held onto you tightly too. He seemed reluctant to pull away and assisted you out of the car.
The two of you bid the three other boys goodbye as they headed back to the Wanna One house while Daniel helped you to settle back into your dormitory. You knew your roommates were still out on vacation so it wouldn’t matter.
You nearly fell asleep again in Daniel’s arms. “Is my baby girl tired? Aww….when you’re in your room you can nap while I unpack your things, okay?” he said, eyes twinkling at your cuteness.
You flopped onto your bed and curled up in a ball. It took you some time to fall back to sleep, so you watched Daniel hurry about your room, neatening and packing your belongings. God bless. “Daniel, come and cuddle with me,” you called out, reaching out to him. “I can’t sleep."
Daniel smiled, happily obliging. "Do you want to go out tomorrow?"
"I don’t know…you’re still busy in the studio right?"
Your boyfriend nodded sadly. "Unfortunately, yes. The rest of the boys are quite free though, you can ask them to take you out. I may be able to meet you for dinner though. For now, you should rest. Goodnight, Y/N."
So, with Daniel humming sweet melodies and tracing circles on your back, you had no problems going back to dreamland.
"Wah! Woojin and noona look so much like a couple!” Jihoon yelled, clicking away on his camera.
“What?” Woojin was quick to reply, “Me and noona? No way. Ugh. Daniel can keep her !"
Your jaw dropped and you gasped in mock offence, slapping the younger boy’s shoulder playfully. He beamed at you, showcasing his adorable snaggletooth.
Daniel had told Woojin, Jihoon, Seongwoo and Jaewhan to look after you while he and the rest of the group was busy with something. You were upset he was still occupied with work but promised to come home safe and sound to him. Woojin and Jihoon was ecstatic when they found out they would be going out with you and by their idea of going out, they meant driving to the beach in the middle of summer transition. You were hesitant but they convinced you that’d it be fun.
"We’ll go to the carnival and eat seafood for lunch? Okay? I promise!” Jihoon swore.
Seongwoo fell asleep on the drive there but was energised and ready to take on some rides at the fair which was pretty crowded considering it was still holiday time. He looked at Jaewhan and back at the rides.
“Yes, hyung?"
He wasn’t sure if he was ready for more of the vocalist’s strange psychotic laughter. He stepped back to admire you and Woojin’s banter as the two of you posed for 'couple’ photos, it was amusing.
"Come on! I want to go to the haunted house!” Jaewhan insisted, skipping excitedly in that direction.
Seongwoo wanted to punch him in his perfect face. Did he really think he could take it?
“Y/N, I will protect you!” Woojin said bravely.
“Let’s go!” “Don’t forget about me! I’m a black belt!” Jihoon whined, linking your other arm his.
Seongwoo groaned, he felt Jaewhan wrap his arms around him even as they lined up to get inside.
“That was…amazing!” You declared as you ventured out of the haunted house. Jaewhan was the first to get scared by a ghost, he yelled (psychoticlaughter) and clung onto Seongwoo tightly.
“I really, genuinely, wholly hope I never have to do that again,” Seongwoo muttered, 'that’ was not walking through the haunted house but 'that’ was being forced to hug a screaming Jaewhan. Jihoon and Woojin did freak out quite a bit as they adventured through but emerged unscathed emotionally and physically.
“I think I want to work as a scarer,” Jaewhan announced, seemingly positive about his newly chosen career path.
The others blinked at him. You had to restrain Seongwoo from punching his friend.
You were finishing off the ice cream that Jihoon had bought for you just as the car pulled up outside the Wanna One house.
The ice cream was just for you.
Not for the entire group.
It made you feel bad so you attempted to share some with each boy but Jihoon had complained, “Y/N! Don’t waste my love for you on them.” and sulked.
You were amazed by how clean and tidy the house was, it was also very prettily decorated.
You spun round at the sound of Daniel calling your name. He hugged you then placed a tender kiss to on your lips. "Ooh, nice ice cream. You pick good flavours."
"Oh! Jihoon bought this cone for me. You have to ask him what it is, it’s very good!” At your statement, you swore that Daniel’s jaw clenched and his smile faded sightly, he looked away from you to glance at someone over your shoulder.
“Oh. That’s so nice of him, stop freeloading off others babe. What other flavours did he buy for his hyungs?"
"Uh… he only bought one for me…” you added in a small voice, licking off the last bit. Daniel’s eyes darkened, for two complete different reasons and you weren’t sure if you wanted to find out.
Luckily, Jisung called everyone to eat so you managed quickly escape that sticky situation.
The next few days passed by in a blur, you were happy to have your roommates back but that also served as a constant reminder that school was starting soon. You were out of contact with the boys for a bit as you caught up on school work but Woojin and Jihoon were the first to text you to ask you out for coffee. They said Daniel had recommended it and it would be nice if you could try it with them. You asked about your boyfriend and the rest of your friends, they replied by saying that all was well, they were busy but happy and well rested.
I’ll buy them dinner tonight, they’re working so hard and they’re such good friends of mine, you thought.
“Y/N unnie, where are you going?” one of of your younger roommates asked.
“Ahh, I’m going to see some friends of mine.” You didn’t dwell on the details.
“Is it your idol friends?"
You pursed your lips and glared at her.
"Ahh, unnie likes her idol friends more than us now,” your other flat mate added in a joking manner.
“Introduce me to them! I need a boyfriend!"
They let you go eventually and you rolled your eyes.
Actually, my dongsaengs would be a nice fit for Jihoon and Woojin. How sweet, I should ask them.
You broke the question as the three of you sipped on various coffees. Jihoon said he didn’t mind, making a new friend was good anyways. Woojin was a bit more hesitant and shy, his awkwardness was definitely more prominent. "I-I-I-I mean…I g-guess? Management doesn’t really bother us with it now. For now…uh…uh…maybe. It’s good to make new friends right?"
You laughed and reached over to squish his adorable, reddening cheeks. Woojin covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.
None of you noticed pictures being taken and uploaded on fancafes.
Daniel was pissed to say the least when he saw the photos of you and his dongsaengs out at a cafe, especially the one with you being all sweet and tender to Woojin. He did clear the air of confusion by mentioning that 'Y/N is they’re good friend and like a big sister to them. Don’t be mean to her or to Woojin and Jihoon.'
Why wouldn’t you tell him you were free? Did you not want to see him? Why would she go out with them and not me? He wondered.
He decided to text you.
6.15 pm
Daniel: hi babe, had to clear some confusion abt pics of u and the boys? where are you? Let’s go get dinner tgt. 😊
6.19 pm
Y/N: so sorry abt those!! And yes, I’m treating all of you to dinner today, pizza is on its way. I’m otw back to the house with Woojin and Jihoon.
6.25 pm
Daniel: ahh, you’re the sweetest. Thank you so much jagi! You know I love you 😍
Y/N: I love you too. Enjoy the pizza first if it has arrived already :)
"Daniel hyung! Y/N noona sent us pizza? Is it?” Guanlin yelled. Daniel shouted his response and there were cheers from the boys. He couldn’t bring himself to be happy, as much as he knew you wouldn’t do anything with his dongsaengs, he wasn’t sure why you wouldn’t want to hang out with him. It was very strange you were growing so close to those two.
Whatever. Just go downstairs and eat.
“Yay! Thank you Y/N!” Daehwi exclaimed, rushing over to hug you the second you were through the front door.
“Yah! Manners, Daehwi!” Minhyun called out.
You dismissed the lack of formalities and hugged Daehwi anyways. It brought a smile to your face to see how happy your friends were, beaming, skin glowing and stuffing their faces with pizza. You sat down beside Daniel and grinned at him. He fed you a slice of your favourite immediately, smiling cheekily.
“Aww…” Guanlin started taking notes, he better if he wanted to ( steal ) win over Jihoon’s heart from Jinyoung. He also took pictures to upload to the official social medias.
The night was off to a good start and you hoped it would end on a high note but Daniel could only keep his emotions bottled up for so long.
You received an untimely call from Daniel when you and your roommates were heading out to meet Woojin and Jihoon. They were shrieking excitedly but sweating with anxiety.
“Hello? Daniel?"
"Hi Y/N! Are you available today? Let’s go out!” He sounded so sweet and excited you’d hate to turn him down.
“Uh, sorry babe. I’m-I’m going out with my roommates today,” you said apologetically. Technically, it wasn’t a lie and you were leaving as soon as they had acquainted.
“Oh, it’s okay! I’ll call you before you sleep tonight, okay? See you later babe, have fun!"
"Bye, love you."
I can surprise him with his favourite coffee later! I’m sure he’s at the studio. He’ll be so delighted!
Your roommates fiddled nervously, repeatedly asking you if they looked presentable. There wasn’t much time anyways, you called a taxi and it sped off to that coffee house that Daniel loved.
Your roommates excused themselves before they had even take one step into the cafe and dashed to the bathroom.
What a pain.
You went over and sat with Woojin and Jihoon who were both occupied with their phones. "Hey,” you started.
They smiled in response, not offering any other words. It appeared that they were anxious too, Woojin was just rearranging the apps on his phone by colour. Eventually, you got them to stop and actually communicate.
“Noona…I’m nervous,” Woojin confessed, grabbing your hands. “Are my hands cold?"
"No! Noona,” Jihoon smacked Woojin’s hands anyway from yours and pressed one to his face. “Is my skin smooth enough? I did a face mask yesterday in preparation."
You sighed, giggling at their cuteness, you pinched their cheeks. "Ahh, both of you are sooo handsome! I’ll be back.” You turned around and your jaw dropped.
Daniel stood in the line to order. But his face had a look that you would never forget, he was hurt, he looked so betrayed.
Your roommates emerged, whispering and laughing but stopped when they saw the scene. Jihoon still waved to them.
Daniel didn’t utter a word, he didn’t even bother to pay for his order. He dropped his head, burning bright red and stormed out of the shop.
You knew where he was going, and he would need time to calm down so you hurriedly paid for his drink and dashed out after him. He was long gone by the time you were on the street but you ran in the direction of the YMC branch. He would be in his workroom.
You heard him before you even took a step into that corridor. He was crying and yelling some incoherent words to someone.
You waited outside and ducked out of view when they came out of the room. It wasn’t clear who it was but you entered the room anyways.
"Go away! I don’t want to see you right now!” He managed to shout despite his tears.
“Yah, I’m not leaving until you’re okay. What did I do?” You took a seat next to him, rubbing his back soothingly. He didn’t fight you off yet didn’t seem to welcome your touch either.
“Why would you do that? How could you betray me?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t spend much time with you."
"Yah! I know you like either of them. Who is it? Jihoon? Or Woojin?"
You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from laughing. Seriously? You wouldn’t go for someone who was like your younger brother. "Daniel, I don’t want any of them. They’re my brothers, you’re my boyfriend. Don’t think like that. The three of us just click very well and they treat me like their older sister. Why would you think like that?” you questioned.
Daniel wiped his face free of tears before continuing. “Why else would you lie to me when I called you?"
He had a point.
"Ahh, I did go out with my roommates. In fact, I was trying to play matchmaker for those two. Two of my roommates needed boyfriends, two of my younger brothers needed girlfriends. How could I not?” You responded. “Oppa, don’t cry anymore. I’m all yours.” You pressed a tissue gently to his delicate face. “Wow. So handsome, and all mine."
Daniel tackled you into the warmest hug you had ever gotten. "I’m sorry Y/N, I’m sorryimsorryimsorry."
"Hey, it’s okay. Don’t apologise, it’s just how you feel. I’m glad you let me know…even if you did dampen my shirt. Wait! I haven’t finished drying your tears.” Your hands cupped his face, wiping it clean with a fresh, soft and sweet-smelling wet tissue. “Oh my god, my boyfriend is so good-looking. God bless.”
Daniel finally cracked a smile and kissed you on the lips. “I’m sorry I was being petty and insecure,” he apologised but you clamped a hand over his mouth. “I can’t hear that! Stop apologising! Just remember that I’m your girlfriend no matter what. Now that Jihoon and Woojin are busy with their new friends, you have me all the time. All day. All night,” you affirmed.
“In that case, let me help you play matchmaker for them. Okay?"
"Is that all you want to do?” ( he wants to do you ) you teased. “It seems like everything revolves around the boys."
"Yah! Okay, okay, we’ll do something you like."
"Nah. Even if it’s the weirdest, dumbest thing. I’m happy doing it with you."
"You know that’s one of the reasons I love you right?"
"I know, you know.” ( team deserved better )
#wanna one#wanna one scenarios#wannable#produce 101 scenarios#produce 101#kang daniel#bae jinyoung#kim jaewhan#park woojin#park jihoon#yoon jisung#ong seongwoo#lai guanlin#hwang minhyun#ha sungwoon#lee daehwi
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