#{You're the Charming Prince to this Fairytale}; fotismeni
stardustclay · 7 years
do le Klavier :3
dsndjsncjwe, I meant *CLAYVIER
{All Aboard the S.S. Questions}; Accepting
For Clayvier…
Who asks the other on dates: Klavier! He is… very good at initiating things.Who is the bigger cuddler: Klavier as well, very cuddly, very touchy person. Who initiates holding hands more often: Well gee, based on the last two, I wonder who, ahaha~ (Klavier.)Who remembers anniversaries: Mm… I think they’ both be good at remembering different things. ^^Who is more possessive: Uhhh… probably Klavier? (I can’t see them really being this, tbh.)Who gets more jealous: Again… probably Klavier? But I think they’re both pretty relaxed.Who is more protective: Probably Klavier, because of the paparazzi being terrible, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Clay comes at a close second.Who is more likely to cheat: Neither, neither. Their likelihood to cheat is very low. Clay has been cheated on before, and Klavier is loyal and respectable. Who initiates sexy times the most: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Klavier.Who dislikes PDA the most: Probably Clay, but less of, “Ew gross,” and more of, “You’re embarassing us aaaa-” Who kills the spider: Clay believes in the importance of spiders and thus, releases them outside in the garden. …Roaches show no mercy, though.Who asks the the other to marry them: They both say it at the same time. B) (Although it would probably be Klavier otherwise.) Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Clay probably gets more things but Klavier’s are more extravagant and make him embarrassed to no end, haha~Who would bring up possibly having kids: I dunno, actually. :0 Possibly Clay? But maybe they just had the idea at the same moment, I’m not sure.Who is more nervous to meet the parents: Both of them have one dead parent and one living parent who’s an ass. Klavier would most definitely be nervous to tell the news to Clay’s grandma that they’re together. She can be a scary woman, I tell you.Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: I don’t… really see either of them doing this? Even when angry, I don’t see either of them having the nerve to make the other sleep on the couch. :0 Maybe that’s just me, though.Who tries to make up first after arguments: Clay. He especially hates the feeling of awkwardness that comes afterward, (Which, no doubt, comes from his past) and he’s just in the habit of always being the one to apologize and rectify first. (Which, again, is also from his past.)Who tells the other they love them more often: Oooh… tough to tell. Both are very affectionate, after all. How about… Klavier says it more, but Clay shows it more in the little things. ^^
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stardustclay · 7 years
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“And now your song is on repeat,          And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat. And when you're gone, I feel incomplete.          So, if you want the truth...
I just wanna be part of your symphony.”
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stardustclay · 7 years
💌 :3c
{Clay’s Bulk Mail of Love Letters}; Accepting
Klavier Gavin
Dear Klavier,
I… know you probably get a lot of letters like this, with your celebrity status and all. And man, trust me when I say that I feel absolutely stupid and foolish for even attempting to do this,
But yet… here I am. 
I’m going to admit, when I first heard about you, I couldn’t have cared any less. You were the flashy guy in court who had a bunch of rabid fans following him wherever he went. You were in a world that was way above my own, and honestly, I was totally alright with keeping it like that. 
…Then I actually started talking to you. 
And the more and more I got to know about you, learning who you were, sharing stories, and just… seeing you, it made me realize that you were so much more than what the cameras see. Being a celebrity doesn’t always mean you thought you were above anyone else. You’re a person. A person with their off-days and bad habits, with accomplishments and mistakes. And for all this time I’ve always seen you as a newfound friend…
But, well… I think at some point along the way, something… changed. I’ve never been someone that was very good at understanding how I felt, but I… I’m almost certain I’m in love with you, Klavier. 
And gosh, at first I blamed it on me being weird, that I had loved you from the start and it only took me until now to realize it, but then I see the advertisements with your face plastered on them, the ones people usually swoon and fawn over, and I just… I don’t feel the same feelings as I do whenever you’re here with me. 
…And truthfully, that thought both relieves and terrifies me. Relief because I didn’t want our friendship to be based on some subconscious motive, but terrifying in that I don’t know what this means for me.
‘Cause I know you don’t feel the same way about me, I’m certain. I’m just an average person who cares too much about anything and everything. And I… I feel I probably wouldn’t be a good match for you, anyways. You deserve someone who can give you a full, sustaining relationship, and I… I know I can’t provide that. 
…My only wish is that you find someone who sees in you what I can see, and can be a better partner than I ever will be. ‘Cause in the end, knowing you’re truly happy with the person you’re with is all I really want to see. 
-Take care of yourself, okay? With lots of love and secrecy, a friend. 
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stardustclay · 7 years
// i. really hope you know what ship i want you to do for that meme
{Hell yeah ship questions}; Accepting
Ah yes, I know exactly what you want. …Junithena! >:3c (I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Love that ship too, though.)
In Clayvier…
who said i love you first? Probably Klavier. …Most definitely Klavier. Have you seen Clay? Awful at confessing.
who laughs when the other trips? Tbh they both seem like the type to be instantly concerned. But if it’s nothing serious, they both probably do. Terrible. XD
who pays the bills? Ooh. Logically speaking, it would be Klavier, since he’s got the wealth and the fame and the stuff. But honestly, I feel Clay would take it upon himself to just split it. He’s able to stand on his own just fine, and it certainly doesn’t change with Klavier around. 
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays? Depends on what you mean by ‘bigger deal.’ XD Doing holiday-themed and other related things? Clay. Preparing food and gifts til the day comes? Klavier. (Stress cooking man, stress cooking.) 
who’s more clumsy? Hm. I think it’s a tie, with Clay possibly being more clumsy? By a little. They’re not that bad.
who checks their daily horoscope? Klavier. Clay is a science man, he finds the idea just a tad bit silly. 
who sings louder in the car? Klavier. …At first. But once Clay breaks out of his shower singing and shows it off in the car, they’re basically equal level. (Terrible, I know.)
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste? Neither cause they’re not heathens.
who is more up to date in pop culture? Uh… depends on what part of pop culture we talking here. I feel like they’d both be really knowledgeable of different things, for obvious reasons. So… both? Yeah. 
who insists on going to see the newest movies? Depends on what movies are on, tbh. Clay’s all over the sci-fi stuff, Klavier’s more for dramas and romance, and they’re probably both suckers for animation, ahaha~ 
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on? They both do. Please help them both, they’re losers.
who’s the lighter sleeper? Klavier? Cause Clay is out like a light when he wants to, ahaha~ (Dude can also sleep in the strangest of places.)
who believes in ghosts? Probably Klavier? Only cause Clay doesn’t, so any beliefs that Klav has will instantly win, srnk.
who does the grocery shopping? Both can be trusted, I feel. (Although if they both go together they’ll probably pull a ‘Us the Duo’ and be like their music video, ahaha~)
who updates their facebook status more often? Klavier. Probably updates about everything, tbh. No end in sight.
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stardustclay · 7 years
How did you feel about Klav /before/ you two started dating~?
{Clay Blabs About Relationships}; It’s late but uh- sure?
“How far back are we talking, here? Since I wasn’t always in love with him, you know,” Clay remarked, letting out a chuckle.
“I suppose it all counts either way, eh? Well… before I got to know Klavier, I… didn’t really pay that much attention to him,” he began. 
“Despite what people might think, I never was a fan of his music. I knew about him, heard a few of his songs play on the radio, and thought he was good looking, sure, but I never fell for the guy. Only reason I really knew him was because he faced Apollo in court.” 
“And then… I actually got to talk to him.” There’s a soft smile on his face, and makes no effort to hide the blush forming on his face. “I thought of him as a good friend, just like any other, someone I could rely on, you know? And he could rely on me. I never really went any further than that, really.”
“…Heh. I had a feeling that fake dating scheme was going to lead me to somewhere bad,” Clay stated, shaking his head and laughing at the irony of it all. “But I don’t regret it now.” 
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stardustclay · 7 years
klavier and clay?
{Send Me A Ship!}; Accepting (I think we’re running out of Clay ships, lmao.)
Who, in Clayvier…
Eats Breakfast Food for Dinner: Listen. Both will eat cereal for dinner if they so choose, it’s their life. 
Turns the Radio Volume Up Until their Ears Bleed: Klavier needs to stop, he’s gonna do terrible things to his hearing later. XD
Waves At Random Animals: Clay is forever always guilty of this and Klavier just plays along and waves with him. 
Binge-Watches Shows Until 2 In the Morning: They’re both guilty of this. They’re bad influences on each other. XD
Takes All the Pillows: It is pillow warfare. No one is safe. Pillows get stolen all the time and no one can stop them. 
Plays With Rotating Doors: Clay is the doof that is always guilty of this and his partners have to deal with it. XD 
Would 100% Fight With a Sword if They Could: Neither. Both are lawful people, thank you very much. 
Forgets Every Little Thing: Clay needs a little help, tbh. Klavier makes sure nothing important is forgotten.  
Loves the Thought of a Double-Date: I dunno. :0 Probably Klavier? Most likely, the dork. 
Has to Eat Fast Food, Like, Three Times a Week: Klavier needs to stop. XD Clay is the healthy cook cause astronaut health and all.
Enjoys Hugs: Both. Cuddle pile.
Could Kill With a Stare If Their Partner is Flirted With: Klavier. Don’t make him mad, now. 
Remembers All the Holidays and Goes Above and Beyond on Gifts: Clay can’t beat Klavier when it comes to gifts, tbh. Klavier is a huge spoiler and no one can stop him. 
Would Cosplay as Their Favorite Character: Clay. …And then Klavier probably gets into it as well, haha~
Stares Dreamily at Their Partner Like They’re the Sun and Stars: Klavier is such a guilty offender of this, oh lord. XD Clay might do it every so often, though. 
Could Fall and Still Look Annoyingly Perfect: Klavier doesn’t have a single bad picture, it’s ridiculous. (Okay except that one time he fell into a mud puddle but we don’t talk about that.)
Loves Pumpkin Spice, Like So Much: Klavier is basic and loves pumpkin spice anything and Clay just goes along with it. XD
Would Fight For Their Partner’s Honor: Listen. Both would be on that. The press better not talk smack about Clay, and no one better regard Klavier as some trophy husband. Both will fight til the end. 
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stardustclay · 7 years
Daddy, Daddy, you should learn how to play an air guitar like Papa does! Then we can be the coolest rock n roll family!!! :D
{Pretend to Be Clay’s Children}; Always Accepting
“Ahaha, I wish I could, dear. Sadly, I’m not too big on the rock and roll as Papa is,” Clay stated, gently patting the child on the head. “Your Daddy isn’t very good with instruments.” 
“But, how about Papa teaches you to play air guitar, and you can be in a band with him when you’re big and strong?” He added on, an encouraging smile on his face. “That’d be fun, right?”
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