#{I will break the mutual rule for some replies! Though only if you're going to the party and stuff!}
solheimisms · 2 years
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name.      Sera/Seraphina
pronouns.      she/her
preference of communication.      Discord if I've given it to you, otherwise tumblr IMs on my Ashley blog (virmireisms) as that's connected to my phone. It doesn't matter if you're messaging me on Ashley about my other blogs, it's just easier to reach me on that blog and keeps it better organized for me.
name of muse.       Miranda (Natalya) Lawson
rp experience / how  long.      I have been RPing since 2005/2006 or so, but only on Tumblr since early 2021. Prior to that I have been on other social media & primarily spent many of my years around the world of forum RP. I've been around a while, to say the least.
best experience.      I don’t think I specifically have any “best” experiences. I’ve had a mix of good and bad. I think so far the best I’ve had though is much of the welcoming and encouragement I’ve got in this verse from people & even from my mutuals that know nothing about ME who have wanted to write and interact. ME is a wonderfully rich universe with a lot of potential & I'm always happy to share my love of it with others.
rp pet peeves / dealbreakers.      People who don’t fill out my interest tracker and don’t bother to interact in other ways. My rules are pretty clear, and if you’ve no intention of filling it out, I won’t assume you’re interested in interacting and will likely eventually break the mutual, especially if you followed me first; I assume that by following or following me back, you’ve read my rules and actively chose to ignore it, and that is not on me. It's in my rules for a reason, & anyone who has filled it out can attest that I'm pretty quick to interact & reciprocate once it's filled out!
Multi-spaced text is another; it causes eyestrain and gives me headaches to read. My job requires me to be on a computer and extra spaced text forces my eyes to work harder to move from word to word, and my eyesight is bad enough as it is. Also, too excessively styled text is distracting from the writing for me, so I tend to avoid it. Lastly… prose that intentionally breaks grammatical rules or uses way too many archaic words is a no for me. If I need a dictionary for half the words in your sentence as a very fluent native English speaker, I'm sorry... but no.
fluff, angst, or smut.      Angst, smut, and fluff kind of in that order. I get times where fluff is great, but I find that it kind of peters out after a while and begins to feel repetitive. Angst is great as long as it’s not repetitive; there needs to be a break in the clouds, so to speak, when you’re writing it. 100% angst all the time is exhausting, and maintaining the needed ebb and flow of it is what keeps it interesting and engaging. Smut is smut, I’m neither great nor experienced at it but I don’t mind it; I don’t write extensively kinky things with muses & do prefer there to be some sort of basis or plot behind the idea, at least to set the scene, which is why I usually only write smut with the intent of or inclusion of a ship (even if that ship starts with a casual encounter/one night stand/FWB scenario). Smut for the sake of smut is boring to me.
plots or memes.      I’d say plots, but I’m not against memes. That being said, while memes can be great to start something, I do eventually prefer to transition to some kind of plot to work with around them. I consider all memes to be options to start a thread, so they’re always welcome to be continued as one.
long or short replies.      Long replies are preferable. I can handle short replies for a little while, but short threads don't often go anywhere. They're okay to feel things out, especially with a new partner, but I do greatly prefer longer threads. 3-5 paragraphs is comfortable for me, & I'm capable of keeping up with longer. I never expect partners to match exactly how much I write as it depends on the thread, but as long as the minimum is within 2-4, I'm usually fine with it. It really depends on the writing sometimes, as I’ve had partners who could come back with 3 paragraphs and I can work with that, but some who did more than that and gave me barely anything. It’s not so much about the length as it is the content of the writing and what you include—body language, habits, and facial expressions of muses, to me, are very key things to include in your prose & are what really set the scene for the interaction.
best time to write.      Late at night, honestly. I'm very much a night owl, so even when I work at 8am I'm usually up much earlier. Whether I wake up at 7:30am or 11am, I’m usually up til 2am anyways.
are you like your muse.      Not really. I'm not nearly the kind of flirt that Miranda is, nor do I have her level of confidence. I'm probably more like a few of my other muses (such as Ashley) compared to Miranda, but even then there's still some differences. The only thing Miranda and I do share is a preference for tea over coffee. I think Miranda would drink coffee but prefers tea, whereas I will not drink 99% of coffee. The closest I might get is an iced capp or a really sweetened iced coffee.
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tagged by: @waywardfeathered tagging: anyone who wants to steal!
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chaos--mode · 3 months
neph's guidelines
these guidelines apply to all my rp blogs ; chaos--mode, the-harley-files, the-d20-files
21+ only
racism, queerphobia, ableism, fatphobia, zionism, xenophobia, antisemitism, islamophobia, and general bigotry is an auto-block
no drama
mun ≠ muse
roleplay is meant to be fun, so just don't be a dick
no personals
mutuals only
no overt godmodding/metagaming
oc friendly (i love ocs pls throw them at me!)
crossover friendly across all blogs / muses
! things that i will NOT roleplay and will hardblock if you do: pedophilia, incest, bestiality, descriptive/in-depth abuse or bigotry, sexual assault/abuse.
! common squicks, triggers, and intense topics will always be tagged as #topic //, and any posts that contain descriptive or in-depth scenes with darker topics or acts will be cut with a read more and tagged appropriately.
my blog explores a wide variety of dark and sometimes disturbing and/or morally questionable themes and topics, so please exercise caution and don't follow if you'd prefer to avoid these. blood, injuries, violence/fighting, body horror, alcohol and drugs are all topics that will likely come up in many of my threads (though they will still be tagged). i am a horror writer at heart and this is reflected in a lot of my muses, their backstories, and their themes.
that said, mun ≠ muse. some of my muses are mean, or just straight up evil. please let me know if ever i do genuinely cross a line in a thread, but keep in mind that i am not my muses and i (very often, depending on the muse) do not condone their behaviour, thoughts, and/or actions.
on a related note, i always read about && rules pages for everyone i interact with and do my best to tag mentioned triggers (and obviously won't write something in a thread with you that you've expressly mentioned to tag or avoid), but please let me know if i miss something! you can also dm me if there's anything specific you'd like me to tag.
i've had some weird and off-putting experiences with people in the past, so i'm selective with who i follow/interact with and ask that only mutuals send in memes, interact with starter calls, reply to opens, etc.
i ask that you softblock if you're breaking mutuals. i will do the same, however that doesn't mean we can't revisit interacting in the future. if i genuinely do not want to interact going forward then i will hardblock.
some people suck, i get that, but the block button exists for a reason. if you have a problem with me or someone that i interact with, feel free to block whoever you need to. my dm's are also always open to have a conversation about any issues you may have, if you're comfortable with that.
if someone is doing something genuinely shitty and/or harmful (as one of my favourite youtubers says, 'it's not drama, it's dangerous') then i do want to know about it, but we can 100% deal with it without acting like petty teenagers.
i won't be writing smut, and if you write a lot (and i mean like excessive amounts, nearly every post) of smut/nsfw content then i won't follow you or will softblock you.
i'm also not super into romantic shipping, so if you're only looking to ship then i am not the blog for you. generally i only ship if i actually know && talk to the mun ooc, but once i'm comfortable i really do love shipping! i just need a good foundation first.
i use icons and basic text formatting, small font, coloured && bolded text/dialogue, and i also like to play with grammatical rules for emphasis and style depending on the muse. let me know if you have trouble reading my replies and i'll adjust as needed!
i don't expect anyone to match my formatting, and i'm fine with different reply lengths. that said, i personally tend to write multi-para to novella length replies.
my memes, opens, starter calls, meme calls, etc. never expire. i regularly clean out my meme tag, so if it's still up then it's fair game, no matter how old it is!
if we're mutuals you are totally welcome to send me multiple memes from the same starter list, the same meme to/from multiple muses, reply to a bunch of opens, etc. flood my inbox idgaf. seriously, i love having a bunch of different scenarios and interactions to choose from. i might not answer all of them, but also yes i probably will (it just might take me a while!)
i work mon-fri but also often work / volunteer outside regular office hours since i'm in the events && festivals industry which is by its very nature SUPER hectic, so i'm not around much during the week. i sometimes browse mobile on my commute since i take public transpo, but i'm only reliably active on the weekends. it will probably take me a while to respond (sometimes up to several weeks) depending on how backed up my drafts are, my current muse, etc.
on the flipside, i'll never pressure anyone to respond or get mad if you're "too slow", so don't feel bad if you take a long time to reply or just aren't feeling a thread we have going, an ask i've sent in, etc. roleplay is supposed to be fun, not stressful, so i'm not going to hold it against anyone or get mad at slow replies or dropped threads.
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songsfromheart · 1 year
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
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heartfrommountain · 1 year
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
solvingbillciphers · 1 year
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
pointofjustice · 1 year
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
fightingacrossages · 1 year
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
theoutlastboys · 1 year
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Selective but we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
constantbound · 1 year
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
divingdeepdown · 1 year
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
0 notes
fullmetalscullyy · 5 years
Hey Emma. I hope you're having a great day! From your prompt list of ANGST, write me up one of these prompts. “Get the hell out.” You're super awesome! -Stacy
so i know this is SUPER late. i have no excuses… just wasn’t in the mood for a while… however…
this is sitting at 20k words (not in this ask, i had to break it up into a full blown chapter story kjfkdgn) and i probably (finally) only have about 1k-2k words left to write. it spiralled waaay out of control (in the best way i hope D:)
it’s been a long time coming but it’s f i n a l l y nearly done.
aaaaand thank you stacy!!! you’re so great ilysm
sorry for the angst but u did ask uwu so here’s about 20k words of it :)
rated: t | words: 1978
read on ao3 and ffnet
His Protector - Chapter 1
“You did this?”
His Highness’ voice was low. She’d gone against his wishes, but it was for his own good. He couldn’t see that now, maybe he never would, but it would mean he’d be safe. That was all that mattered right now to his First Knight.
“I did, Your Highness.” Her tone was unapologetic, and rightly so, she thought.
“I explicitly told you not to carry out this request.” His tone was dangerous now.
King Mustang was angry, and Knight Hawkeye could understand that. She knew he’d be offended that she went behind his back, knew he’d feel betrayed, but she still did it.
“I told you I could handle it.”
The Knight didn’t doubt it, but she wouldn’t let him walk to his death. She couldn’t.
Her King was stubborn but had always heeded her warnings. This time, he hadn’t, and it was concerning. Riza Hawkeye had done some digging and discovered just how dangerous this venture may become. She had a bad feeling in general about the whole operation, and her gut had never failed her before. Only this time, her King had dismissed her concerns. He was dead set on following through with it. It both baffled and irritated her, as the head of his security.
If he wouldn’t listen to her as she tried to protect him, she’d have to step in to make sure that happened. She was protecting him from himself.
“I understand that, Your Highness, however given the evidence, I made an executive decision to call the meeting off.”
“What evidence?” he exploded, standing from his throne. “There’s no evidence to indicate this situation would threaten my life.”
“Your Highness, I’ve had a very bad feeling about this from day one,” Riza explained herself.
“I don’t work on bad feelings,” he interrupted.
Riza felt her irritation spike. “Yes, Your Highness, however, it’s saved my life, and yours, more often than I can count –”
“You disobeyed my orders and went against my wishes based on a “gut feeling”.” His expression was hard, his eyes unforgiving. This wasn’t how she anticipated this conversation going. It was derailing very quickly, but she was just doing her job. “That’s something I cannot have, and will not tolerate, in my court. Is that understood?”
“Of course, Your Highness.” She had to swallow past the lump in her throat to get the words out, but Riza managed.
“You no longer hold the status as my First Knight.”
That felt like a knife in her heart, but Riza had expected it. Harsh, but she knew the consequences of her actions and would accept them wholeheartedly, because it was for the King’s own safety.
“You’re no longer a part of my court. Get the hell out.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
Riza bowed as was etiquette, then removed the seal from the front of her armour. It was King Mustang’s personal seal and showed the title she held as his First Knight. She’d been his closest advisor, his confidant, and his protector. He felt betrayed by her actions, Riza knew this. She could see it in his eyes. It had hurt like hell to go against him, but she was simply doing her job.
Riza approached and placed the seal on the table at the bottom of the dais leading up to his throne. She patted it once, unable to help herself as she bid farewell to her old friend. It hurt. This seal had been a part of her for years and just like that, it was gone. It was him who’d taken it from her. It hurt like hell.
Turning, Riza left the throne room, her movements controlled. There was no argument because she knew he wouldn’t listen. It frustrated her completely. Irritated her, even. How could he be so blind and stubborn? He may have felt betrayed by her actions, but the feeling was mutual. She’d advised him for so long and suddenly, he brushed her aside? Dismissed her warning and concerns? That was a betrayal in itself.
However, she’d done her part to ensure his safety. Riza had done all she could – even went behind his back and against his wishes. There wasn’t much else she could do. The knight just hoped it was enough.
As she turned, her mask cracked, and she let out a shaky breath. It was silent, so he wouldn’t hear her, and her movements never faltered as she walked away from the man she loved. Tears crept up to her eyes and threatened to fall, but she held them at bay.
All her life she’d dedicated herself to King Roy Mustang and his family. They’d taken her in after her father passed away. Berthold had been Roy’s father’s advisor, and Riza had been accepted into the family with open arms. The last thing she’d wanted to do was betray him like this, but Riza felt she had no choice. She was doing the right thing, she believed. She’d prevented him from attending a meeting which would threaten his life. Roy had told her he was going regardless of warnings from the rest of the court, because he was determined to make things right and to create a peace treaty with the neighbouring kingdom.
The letter she’d given him tonight had been forged – by a friend of hers – to explain the meeting had been called off. The “sender” – a mutual friend and messenger between the two kingdoms – advised the King not to travel because of safety concerns brought forth by the First Knight. It named her because it was the only way the King would believe it was true.
Riza exited the castle and walked across the courtyard. Her horse was waiting for her, held in place by the stable hand for her arrival. Expressing her thanks, she mounted the horse and set out through the castle town. The roads were quiet. It was almost midnight, so not many people would be milling about, but the streets were almost eerie as she rode away from the only life she’d ever known.
Her future now was completely uncertain. However, she did have one last thing to do as the King’s First Knight. She had a plan and it was time to set it in motion.
After exiting the town gates Riza entered the forest and rode to a clearing. It was well used by her throughout the years as it was off the beaten path and far enough from the road that no one could eavesdrop.
“Knight Hawkeye?” a voice called out, unsure.
Riza dismounted her horse and approached the sound. A young man exited the cover of the trees and stepped into the moonlight.
“It’s just Hawkeye from now on, Alphonse,” Riza stated gently.
“Ah. Right. So, it’s done?”
Riza nodded, ignoring the pain in her chest. The wind from the ride had dried her tears. There would be time for that once this was all over and the King’s safety was secured. Until then, she would need to be level-headed and focussed. Even though she was no longer his First Knight, she still had a duty to her King, and a personal vow to protect him at all costs, no matter what her status was.
“It’s done. Step one is complete.”
“… Now it’s time for step two,” Alphonse finished for her.
Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Riza nodded.
She would attend the meeting in the King’s stead and try to bring about peace to the regions.
The threat on King Mustang’s life was very real, so there was no way Riza would let him go ahead with it. However, peace was still important. Riza believed that. So, she would go first to beat him there, and if they threatened her life… Well, she was better dying than the King. The kingdom needed him. He was a good and just King. Everyone loved him and it was the most successful ruling the kingdom had had in centuries. Riza wouldn’t jeopardize that.
Plus, then the King would have his damn evidence if she ended up dead. Hopefully that would penetrate his thick skull.
“When do we leave?” Alphonse asked.
“I leave tonight. You go home to your brother.”
His eyes flashed with indignation. “I’m not leaving you to do this alone,” he argued.
“Alphonse –” Riza knew there would be an argument, but she was too drained to start it with him.
“No,” he shook his head. “I’ve come too far to drop it now. This plan was my suggestion, and it’s the reason you’ve lost your place in the King’s Court.” The reminder was harsh, and there was another stabbing pain in her heart. “The least I can do is see it through.”
“Al –”
“No, Riza.” His tone was firm and unyielding.
Riza looked into his eyes and saw a fire in them. His determination and loyalty to her may end up being the death of him and that’s why she was so hesitant to bring him along. However, there would be no stopping Alphonse, Riza knew that much.
“I have so many more magic abilities and I’ll be able to get you out of there if things get too dicey. I can help.”
“You’re a teenager –”
“Who has, on more than one occasion, proved my skill and my loyalty to you,” he reminded her. Then, his expression turned hurt. “You still don’t think I can do it?”
Riza stared at him for another moment, then gave in. She’d lost her fight.
“No,” she replied. She approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder, softening her knees so she was eye level with him. He’d sprouted a few inches over the past few months and was almost catching up with her. “I don’t doubt your loyalty or abilities,” she reassured him. “It’s never been about that.”
“Then why won’t you let me help?” he pleaded.
“Because if anything was to happen to you, and you were hurt, or worse, you died, that’s something I wouldn’t be able to live with.” Her gaze was steady as she willed him to understand, her tone resolute. She gripped his shoulder tighter. “I would never forgive myself,” she whispered. “And I can’t bear the thought of it.”
They’d both worked closely over the last year. He was an advisor for the outskirts of the kingdom for her, and that was where he lived with his brother and his family. Alphonse was a bright and skilled mage, who’d learned the art from his father. He must have had a hell of a teacher, because at the age of nineteen, he was more skilled than most mages she’d been able to work with throughout her career.
It was also Alphonse who’d helped her come up with ideas to postpone the meeting, or avoid the King attending it completely, if they could. King Mustang was an immovable object though and would not heed her warnings. Alphonse lived near the neighbouring kingdom and had seen first-hand the affect the ruler had on their people. A kingdom where innocent traders and townspeople were left for dead on the road was not somewhere Riza wanted her King to go.
Too bad Roy is too stubborn to realise it.
Alphonse gripped the wrist of the hand on his shoulder tightly, his determination returning. “I won’t allow that to happen. I can get us out of there if things go south. I’ve got so many healing and protection spells because my father was paranoid about me and my brother getting hurt by the soldiers from the neighbouring kingdom. I’m well prepared.” His eyes flashed with the same fire that hadn’t wavered over the last few months. “I can make this happen, Riza.”
“All right,” she relented. There was no pleased look in Alphonse’s eyes, just determination.
“Let’s get to work.”
22 notes · View notes
Trust - Yvette Short Story
Tumblr media
(a continuation of Empathy)
"The largest cell in the human body is the female egg while the smallest is the male sperm. Now, I..."
I sigh boredly, my ears automatically tuning out the professor's blabbering. I have decided to return back to medical school after the whole assassin versus demon thing. It was an interesting experience to go through and a definite wake-up call for me. Seeing Wrath and her troupe protecting people from demons reminded me of the reason why I had joined medical school; which is to save lives.
Oh please MC, the last push to go back is because of Yvette's interest in biology too.
Speaking of her, it has been more than two weeks since that fight between Wrath and her happened. Things eventually go back to the way they used to be; with no more demons to chase after me, no more powerful assassins to protect my weak ass; no more chaos. I should be happy that I don't have to live in fear anymore.
But somehow, that feeling just never comes.
Instead, I'm stuck with a longingness in my chest, for a certain green-haired girl that has probably forgotten about me. Her gorgeous features ingrained in my memory, there is never a time when her face doesn't pop up in my head.
I doubt Yvette's gonna bother you anymore after getting what she wants. You can go back to your normal life now. Wrath's previous words sink in my head, and I release another breath of defeat.
"You okay?" Serena, my classmate, asks. "You've sighed like fifty times today."
I sigh again. "I'm just...tired. The class is so dry."
"I know, but what do you expect from studying in a medical school?" Serena offers an apologetic smile. "Just hang on for a few more hours."
"Ugh, I can't wait to graduate."
"Feeling's mutual."
When the bell rings to signal the end of school, I mutter a quiet 'yes' before packing my stuff into my bag. Saying a quick 'bye' to Serena, I head back to my dorm.
Being in medical school means there's a need to understand rich content from a heap of thick textbooks, so I'm required to lock myself up in my room and revise daily. Tedious, but it will be worth it in the end.
As I inch closer to my dormitory, a dark trail of green catches my attention. Out of curiosity, I follow the path.
It leads me through a narrow and dimmed alley, taking me further and further away from the sunlit pavement. I take a right turn, stopping in my tracks when I reach a dead end. The strange trail discontinues too, with no other traces in sight.
I decide to examine the green goo, racking my brain for answers as to what has caused this. A faint memory resurfaces, causing the blood in my veins to run cold.
Could it be...?
My stomach churns sickly at the first thought that comes to my mind.
Demon's blood.
"But how?" I mumble to myself, so deep in consideration that I don't realise that I'm not alone anymore.
Heavy footsteps can be heard behind me, and I turn to be met with two strangers. They block the only pathway, leaving no available space to escape.
"Uh, can I help the both of you?" I ask, apparently talking to the walls since they refuse to reply.
A smile spread across their faces; too wide for me to feel comfortable in their presence.
They start to approach me.
"Stop right there!"
They do as I say, still wearing that abnormally large smile. Their eyelids begin to stretch out, revealing huge eyeballs that threaten to pop out. Thin, green veins emerge into sight, spreading far and wide on every inch of skin. Saliva dripping down their mouths, they let out a loud, aggressive growl.
Ah shit, here we go again.
I yell for help when one of them dashes towards me, shoving me hard. Tumbling backwards, my head hits the wall.
Pain penetrates my head like a bullet; darkness engulfs my vision.
I wake up to the feeling of a soft mattress underneath me. Lifting my hand to my forehead, I feel the material of gauze bandage.
Wha-what happened? Where am I?
"I told you to bring her here, not break her fucking head!" a female voice booms, the familiarity of it igniting every muscle in me.
It's her.
My body snaps up, the quick motion causing a spike of pain to pierce through my head. I gasp, my hand instinctively flying to the back of my head.
The mattress sinks as two warm, gloved hands hold my shoulders to guide me back to the bed. "You need to rest MC."
Obliging, my head rests on the soft pillow again. The tension between my brows leaves and I slowly open my eyes. Air leaves my lungs as my vision clears.
It's none other than the girl that has been running through my mind for the past two weeks.
Seeing her in real life sure relieves the yearning feeling in my heart, and the pain in my head slowly dissipates. I don't hold back a wide grin.
"I...thought I'd never see you again," I speak, a little out of breath.
She smiles endearingly, shrugging. "I thought so too. But here we are."
I stay silent, taking the moment to admire the view before me. The girl's healing from her encounter with Wrath, which is a good sign. A cut on her lip and a square bandage on the right side of her head are still visible, but other than that, Yvette is beautiful as ever.
A cough breaks me out of my trance, and the green-haired girl's not looking at me anymore. A hint of pink colours her tanned cheeks.
Oh my god, she's so cute. Wait, stop it MC, you're making things awkward!
"Sorry, um, It's great that you're healing well."
"Yeah. Now it's your turn." Yvette offers a sympathetic smile. "Sorry about your head. I couldn't contact you or find you at the bike shop. So I sent them to search for you."
"Well, my phone broke after the whole incident, and I've decided to go back to medical school," I explain, sputtering the next sentence unintentionally. "I thought you wouldn't need me after you got the charm."
Yvette blinks at me. "You'd think so lowly of me?"
"No! As in...I thought you would forget about me eventually."
"I would never. Especially when you've helped me immensely."
It's my turn to blink blankly. "I didn't do much though. I was like a damsel in distress."
Yvette strokes my hair out of the way, offering a lingering look that makes my heart do somersaults. "You defended me when no one else would."
"I had to! You looked close to death when you were on the gr-"
"You helped drag the time while I was catching my breath!" the girl defends her ego, in which I roll my eyes amusedly.
"Sure Yvette, whatever you say."
She lets out a laugh, one that sounds so melodic and lovely that it makes the temperature in the room warmer. It is surely a tune that I would love to hear everyday.
"Do you want anything? Water or some snacks?"
"A glass of water sounds nice."
Yvette turns her attention to the regretful-looking demon who pushed me previously. "You heard her. Get me a glass of water. Now."
The demon straightens his posture and nods his head, quickly leaving the room.
"Do demons actually have feelings?"
"Of course. Remember? I'm a demon too," Yvette reminds, a sad smile settling on her face.
Way to go MC. You just made your crush sad.
"Right, I should just keep my mouth shut. Or you could just throw me out now."
A teasing smile returns on Yvette. "I could never get rid of a cutie like you," she teases, pinching my cheek lightly.
I fluster.
"Wa-err," the demon utters, his quiet entrance startling me.
Indifferent, Yvette takes the glass and shoos him. She then aids me in sitting up as I drink my water. The domestic gesture warms my heart.
She's not that horrible person Wrath have described to me. In fact, Yvette's caring nature reminds me of a kind doctor who takes care of her patients dutifully.
"Thanks doc," I playfully comment. "I could get used to this."
"Taking advantage are we?"
I smile innocently. "Just a little."
The woman reciprocates the smile and puts away the glass once I'm done. I shift myself so that I can lean on the bedframe, and Yvette does the same as well, our shoulders brushing against each other.
"How's school so far?"
I update Yvette on the modules I'm currently taking and the upcoming tests I have, not failing to mention that much memory power is needed to survive medical school.
"If you like, I can tutor you," the girl offers.
"Really? That'll help a lot."
I hand my new phone to Yvette for her to enter her number. This reminds me of the first time I successfully asked a girl for her number; the experience both nerve-racking and exhilarating.
We then move on to more serious topics; of the reason why she needed my charm.
"That...I can't tell you. I've agreed to keep this deal with the demons strictly confidential," Yvette explains with a frown. "But I can assure you that your charm will help me greatly."
Hopefully my charm isn't some key to demon domination, or the troupe will come for my head. But Yvette said that it will benefit her, so maybe...it will get rid of the demon essence in her?
Yvette's deepening frown brings me back to reality. Her eyes are studying me, wary of any change of emotions. "Look MC, I'd love to give you an explanation, but-"
"I understand," I cut off the girl, offering a reassuring smile and daring to hold her gloved hand. "I trust you."
Silence fills the air. The girl gazes at me, her eyes a mixture of wonder and vulnerability.
At times like these, where the girl is just silent, I wish I could know what she's thinking about. What she thinks of me. Her impression of me.
"You do?" she asks, tone full of uncertainty.
I ponder.
Do I? Yvette's an intelligent person, and I trust that everything she does, is for a logical reason.
The only concern I have is the intensity of it; of how easily I let myself to trust someone I don't know well; someone with intentions that I have no clue about. It might be to my demise, or benefit; whichever rules out the other.
Returning the gaze, I see myself in Yvette's emerald eyes. The sight of white bandage around my head reminds me that the girl has been nothing but kind to me.
...I'll take my chances.
"I do."
Yvette releases a breath, as if she has been holding it for a while. She interlocks our fingers together, sparking a connection between us. A smile tugs on her lips and her eyes are bright with gratitude and hope.
"I'll make sure that it won't die down."
We spend the rest of the day bantering happily.
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lady-snavely · 4 years
Sands of Time: Part Two
Year in Review
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x Fem!OC
Warnings: mentions of death, swearing, mutual pining, all the fluff
A/N: reblogs are super appreciated
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Time ticked by at an agonizing pace for Jade after that. The world changed, in some ways for the better, in others for the worse. She traveled because she had to. Faerie rule dictated she had to. She kept her heritage a secret because she had to.
After they became civil again, Nyra tried setting Jade up with a number of different Fae men. Jade, though she didn't have an interest in seeing anyone, humored her sister and at the very least would meet the men Nyra raved about. But her heart still yearned for Tetsuro.
Jade's latest story was that she was a part time college student, working full time at the local library. She still loved reading even after all this time. She'd only been working for a handful of weeks before the first term started. Online courses allowed her to easily complete classes for a degree she didn't need. It was more to pass time anyway. Jade insisted on taking the closing shifts, they weren't exactly the greatest shifts as they were typically slower, but she didn't mind.
The start of term brought on an increase in activity. Students of all walks came in to study, both on their own and in groups. It was on one slower day, in the middle of the week that a rather large group had come in, ten in total. They were all first years, not that it bothered Jade any, she was considered a first year in the eyes of the university as well.
They were a curious bunch with a number of subgroups making up the larger group. It was obvious rather quickly that some of the members had known each other for a long time, while others had only recently been acquainted. Regardless of the differing dynamics they all got along well and, outside of general questions, stayed out of Jade's hair.
They quickly became regulars over the term. They met three times a week, sometimes it was just two or three of them, but usually there were at least five of them who came. It was rare that all ten showed up on the same night.
By the time midterms rolled around she'd learned all of their names and how they knew each other. She caught on to some of their quirks as well. Like how Oikawa Tohru would whine to his boyfriend until he got his way which sounds annoying, and usually was, but Iwaizumi Hajime adored his boyfriend to no end even if he could be a bit harsh at times. Sawamura Daichi could be scary when he got mad but those moods were few and far between.
Kozume Kenma, a quiet boy who often had his phone or some handheld video game in his hand, had warned Jade to not mention Yaku Morisuke's height. Not that she would've without the warning seeing as he was just as tall as her when she was in Fae form.
Then there was Bokuto Kotaro, possibly one of the most energetic Humans Jade had ever come across. It wasn't uncommon for Jade to hear his voice bursting with energy when he came into the library. Akaashi Keiji had a preternatural ability to calm him however and after a couple of weeks Jade quit rushing towards the noise entirely.
The quietest of the bunch was Shimizu Kiyoko, she was also the only female in the group. She and Sugawara Koshi were exceedingly observant for Humans. Lastly, there was Kuroo Tetsuro. He didn't boast about it, but he was incredibly smart and had a knack for reading people.
Jade didn't care how it came to be that they had all come together. All she knew was that somehow, she and Kuroo were brought together again.
It was between her first and second term that Jade had to go home to her people. Her father was finally receiving a place on the Faery Council. It was something he'd been striving for for some time now. She stood with her siblings and mother, proud in the navy blue and sea foam green that were her family's colors. Around her were the families of other Council members, painting the floor in a splattering of colors.
The ceremony itself was routine and quick, Jade's father was given his pendant, he swore to uphold the rules of the Fae and drank from the ceremonial chalice with his fellow Council members.
Afterwards there was a banquet as well as music and dancing. Jade had humored her brother, the only son and youngest of the four siblings, and danced with him for a while before finally returning to her chair with a sheen of sweat on her brow and her heart racing in her chest. The table was vacant, not that it bothered her any, as she settled into her seat.
As much as the Human world intrigued Jade even after all of this time, it was freeing being home and surrounded by her own people again. Here where she didn't have to maintain her Humanoid form; here where she could be her true self. Even still her mind wandered to the Human boy who was probably hard at work on his summer assignments, if they weren't already completed that is.
With her mind elsewhere Jade didn't initially see her sister when she sat beside her until she cleared her throat. "Fawna, I apologize." Jade shook her head quickly to hide her embarrassment. Normally she would've seen her sister coming.
"Not necessary," Fawna grinned. "It must have been nice, whatever it was you were thinking of. You had a pleasant looking smile on your face. What were you thinking about? Or should I say: who?"
Jade gave Fawna a soft smile that was filled with guilt. "You caught me."
Fawna returned Jade's smile with one of her own. She was about a century older than Jade and did her best to understand the fixation with the Human boy. Fawna had been there to console Jade when Nyra had berated her for choosing to marry outside of their people so many years ago. "He's come into your life again, hasn't he?" The blush that colored Jade's cheeks was enough of an answer though Jade herself said nothing. Fawna held her hands out, palms up, and nodded her understanding. "What's he like this time?"
Jade's brother kept her company during her week-long stay. He did his best to keep her busy enough that she didn't have time to let her thoughts wonder but that didn't stop it from happening now and again. Sitting up late with her one night he was finally pulling together enough courage to say something when she spoke first.
"You probably think I'm weird too, don't you, Lark?" She asked as she turned her glass in her hands absentmindedly. "For having feelings for someone who is only here for what amounts to seconds of a Fae's life."
"Mother says you've always been intrigued by Humans." Lark shrugged after a moment. "I can't pretend to know what it is that draws you to them or what it is that keeps bringing the two of you together. Whatever it is, I know it's real, what you feel for him. I see it in the way your eyes shine when you talk about him; the way you always blush at the mention of him. You seem whole when he's around you again. But, no, I don't think you're weird, Jade."
Jade smiled across the table at her brother but said nothing. She stared at the glass in her hand, thinking. She and Lark, as the two youngest siblings, had always been the other's confidant. They told each other everything, so when she decided to integrate herself further into the Human's ways of living it had hurt both of them. She wasn't able to get away as often as she'd like since she had to keep up the life she created for herself. Lark had only visited her once since she started working at the library in the city and this was the first time she'd been home in years.
"You should come back with me," she said suddenly.
Lark gave her a dumbfounded look. "Excuse me?"
"I want you to see the city, Lark," Jade sighed, a content smile lighting her features. "Humans outdo themselves and they don't even realize it. Please, even if it's just a day or two."
He pondered the idea for a few silent moments. He had gotten lost twice the one time he'd visited her before, having gotten off at the wrong bus stop when he was looking for her apartment and then taking the wrong bus entirely when he was leaving. Despite those instances he'd enjoyed what he'd seen of the city even if it was just in panicked passing. Lark finally nodded. "After things settle down here," he decided.
Kuroo Tetsuro was a wanderer when he needed a break from his studies. Jade would often see him looping the aisles of books, stopping on occasion to look at something that had caught his attention before he continued. She did her best to stay out of his way when he was doing this but there were times when the restocking had other plans and she would have to weasel past him with her cart.
He wouldn't admit it to anyone, though it wouldn't surprise him if Kenma or even Sugawara were already aware, but sometimes he ventured into an aisle for no reason other than that Jade was already in it. More than once he'd heard her humming a tune he recalled his mother used to sing him when he was younger.
The first time he'd heard it, the familiarity of it alone had drawn him into the aisle. Jade had smiled politely when she spotted him coming towards her. "Looking for something?" She wondered.
"Just taking a break, Miss Meadows," he replied with a shake of his head.
To his delight, Jade had laughed, shaking her own head as she slid a book into place on the shelf in front of her before she corrected him. "It's Jade. How was your vacation?"
"Relaxing." Kuroo glanced at the books on her cart and picked one up just to keep his hands busy. "I imagine it was pretty nice not having the study group here."
Jade's nose scrunched in a grimace as she shook her head. "I like having you guys around," she defended. "It gives me something to look forward to. But I actually took a week off to go home and see my family," she explained. "Nothing fancy but it was nice to see everyone again."
"Been a while had it?"
Jade had remained quiet for a moment as she pushed her cart a few paces to continue her work before she answered. "Yeah, a few years. It's my own fault," she added with a shrug when Kuroo's eyes widened in shock. "I like the city life and they don't."
Kuroo leaned against the shelving behind him with a small sigh. "That's too bad," he decided to say.
"Everyone has their preferences." Jade shrugged again. It was something she did a lot when talking about her family. "Well, don't let me be too much of a distraction. You're here for a reason, remember?"
"Yes ma'am." Kuroo grinned when she smacked his arm with a book. He was only a few steps away when he stopped. "Actually, that tune you were humming not too long ago, what was it exactly?"
"Just something my mom used to sing us when we were little," Jade answered without turning from the shelves in front of her.
Though she hadn't seen it, Kuroo had nodded before finally retreating back to his friends.
"Took you long enough," Yaku teased when Kuroo sat beside him. "Where'd you go this time?"
"Around," Kuroo answered simply. His mind was elsewhere, the tune from his childhood replaying over and over in his head. Sometimes it was his mother's soft singing that graced his memory and others it was Jade's quiet humming.
Iwaizumi was the first to say something when he heard Kuroo humming the tune. His ears perked at the familiar piece of music before his mind played catch up and his head snapped up suddenly. "What is it?" Oikawa wondered with a frown.
Ignoring his boyfriend Iwaizumi stared hard at Kuroo. "Why are you humming that lullaby, Kuroo?"
"Hmm? What?" Kuroo turned his gaze up from the book he was taking notes from.
"The lullaby mother's sing to their kids to get them to fall asleep. Why are you suddenly humming it?"
Kuroo frowned then. "I didn't realize I was."
"I see I wasn't the only one who noticed then," Sugawara noted with a faint smile. "It is kind of odd though Kuroo."
"Did going home over break remind you of it?" Yaku pressed.
"No, I heard Jade humming it when I was walking around."
The group shared looks of confusion. It was Oikawa who spoke first, his voice a hushed whisper that only they could hear. "Why on Earth would she know that song?"
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