#{🧠} miranda domingo ; v. it's not what i asked for
painofhumanity · 5 months
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” /Morgan or Miranda
Dissociation Starters
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She didn't know how long Miko had been crying before Yuki came home. She just knew that she didn't trust herself to pick up their daughter right now. Yuki must have gone to calm the baby first, because she didn't hear the shrill, desperate cries anymore, and he wouldn't be with her if Sumiko was still in distress.
The words didn't set in right away, and when they did, Miranda just shook her head slowly. She put her head on his shoulder once he was sat down beside her. Tears were starting to fall, but her face remained blank. "She-- She started crying, and it just. . . It sounded like him. And it was like it was happening all over again, the panic, the- the helplessness. . . Then I didn't feel anything at all, and that seemed worse, so I just. . .sat here. . . I didn't want to hurt her."
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painofhumanity · 6 months
verse tied to @lostxtosunlight's muse Yuki Hashikawa tw: torture, dubious consent, child death, postpartum depression
Miranda was kidnapped and held captive for over two years by a mob boss obsessed with the supernatural and paranormal. He never did tell her how he knew about her, but then it didn't really matter at the end. During her time there, she was subjected to experiments and cruel tests to learn the extent of her abilities, alongside a man named Yuki who was similarly gifted.
As their powers progressed, the mob boss, Isen, wanted more. He wanted the perfect psychic soldier at his beck and call. His plan to achieve this? Breeding the two of them like race horses. They both tried to refuse, but once a gun was brought out, they didn't have much of a choice. They had multiple "breeding sessions" until Miranda finally got pregnant.
After nine months of pregnancy, and hours of agonizing labor, she gave birth to a baby boy. She was only able to hold him for a few minutes before he was ripped out of her arms and tested to see if he had the same genetic markers as his parents which meant he would develop powers. . . He didn't. Isen had no use for an ordinary baby, so he killed the baby right in front of her.
Miranda and Yuki were forced to conceive again, and this time, she gave birth to a little girl. She did have the genetic markers. A few weeks later, when Isen was going to start running his little experiments on their baby girl, they escaped. His goal had been to amplify their powers to make them more potent, and he'd succeeded. He just hadn't counted on them using their powers against him or his men.
Once they were free, they agreed to stay together, both for their daughter and because they had formed a deep bond during their time in captivity. They raise their baby Sumiko together as platonic partners and co-parents.
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