#{ you'll be in my heart; explodcor }
oncforallxbroccoli · 10 months
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"I wonder when Kacchan will stop calling Todoroki-kun his 'ex-enemy'. It's clear that he doesn't hate him as much as he did in beginning of our first year at U.A. And he can't keep saying 'ex-enemy' for the rest of his life." Izuku mumbles to himself knowing full that his boyfriend calls him 'ex-friend' as well -- even though they are currently dating.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 5 months
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Unprompted Ask (always accepting) || @explodcor sent:
“I know you’re fuckin' busy, but please add me to your list of things to do.”
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Izuku had been on his phone, he had just finished calling his mom to check in with her and let her know that he was okay, and as he hung up was when he heard his boyfriend's pick-up line.
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Letting out an exasperated sigh, followed by a "Kacchan..." as he tucked his phone into his pocket before turning toward him.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 9 months
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Unprompted Ask (always accepting) || @explodcor sent in:
The moment Katsuki spotted Izuku, he marched straight up to him and grabbed him by the jawline. Without warning or context, he leaned in and licked a long line up a freckled cheek.
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He abruptly drew back, feigning an obnoxious "disgusted" expression as he released Deku's chin. "Ugh! Gross! Tastes like nerd!"
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Izuku had been busy going over his notes about One For All when he suddenly felt his jaw being grabbed, and something wet hitting his cheek. When the hand on his face let him go, he looked over and saw Kacchan. Though, upon hearing his boyfriend's comment, Izuku gave him the most deadpan and partially offended expression that he'd ever given the other.
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"That's not what you were saying last night, Kacchan."
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oncforallxbroccoli · 9 months
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Izuku had overheard Kacchan's reply as he let a soft smile spread over his lips. He loved when his boyfriend got so passionate about stuff. And there was nothing that Kacchan got more passionate about than military weapons.
"If I'm a "nerd" for my hero knowledge than Kacchan is also a nerd for his in depth knowledge of different types of weapons." He paused for a moment, before adding on, "But.. that's something I love about him."
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oncforallxbroccoli · 1 year
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His boyfriend wasn't getting any kisses from him until after he brushed his teeth and used mouth wash. Izuku could handle spice -- but not to the same extent that Kacchan could.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 1 year
@explodcor || Kacchan's Birthday
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It was the first birthday since him and Kacchan started dating and Izuku wanted it to be perfect. He wanted his boyfriend to have the best birthday ever after all. So for the last couple months, the green haired teen had been trying his best to plan what he wanted to do for the blond in secret. And given his inability to lie -- and how much the two of them spent in the other's room. That was a tall task to accomplish but Izuku had /somehow/ managed to do it.
In fact, Izuku had been busy after school (and hero-in-training) the few hours left of the nineteenth getting the gift in order before sneaking into and hiding the present under Kacchan's bed. And he even made sure that the gift was hidden from view of the door so that it wasn't immediately seen until it was time for the reveal.
~~ Time Skip to midnight ~~
Izuku had been cuddled up against his boyfriend's body, sleeping, when the alarm on his phone went off. Quickly waking up, turning the sound off, and hoping that he was fast enough so that Kacchan didn't wake up too.
Sneaking off the bed, the green haired teen bent down and pulled the gift bag out from under the bed before sitting back on the bed (setting the gift bag on the bedside table).
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Looking down at his sleeping boyfriend, or at least he assumed Kacchan was still asleep, as he said, "Happy Birthday Kacchan!" before kissing the blond's cheek.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 1 year
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Unprompted Ask (Always Accepting) || @explodcor asked:
Katsuki was supposed to be studying math, but instead, he was studying the nerd's face. Studying how cute Deku's freckles were. How cute his nose looked all scrunched up when he was concentrating so intensely. How pretty his green eyes were. "Oi--" Katsuki reached a hand out to grab onto a freckled cheek and leaned in close. Before he could even process what he was doing, he pressed their lips together.
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Izuku had been concentrating hard on the math homework, as the current problem he was working on in particular was stumping him a little bit. Scrunching up his nose in a combination of concentration and frustration. However, the moment he heard Kacchan speak his mind calmed down as he looked up at his boyfriend.
When the blond grabbed his cheek, he felt his face turning a light shade of pink, as he stared the blond in the eyes. Izuku opened his mouth to speak but was only able to get out, "What Ka--" before the words were cut off by the kiss.
Eyes widening in shock for a moment, before he closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. Izuku didn't know why Kacchan suddenly kissed him but he certainly wasn't gonna be complaining. The green haired teen's arm moved up to wrap around the blond's neck -- wanting to pull Kacchan closer to him.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 1 year
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Unprompted Valentine's Ask (Accepting) || @explodcor asked:
Given that this was their first Valentine's Day together, Katsuki pulled out all the stops. He cooked them a fancy dinner and spent the entire day with the nerd. Though, when Izuku went to do whatever the fuck, he used the opportunity to sneak into his boyfriend's dorm room with his guitar. Now, he just had to wait.
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Izuku still couldn't believe that he and Kacchan were dating.. or even that this was their first Valentine's Day together as a couple. And Kacchan didn't waste not making it the day amazing; from them spending the entire day together to his boyfriend make them dinner.
He really was so lucky.
However, when he had figured their time together for the day was done -- at least, unless Kacchan wanted to spend more time together and do something tonight. Izuku was about to go back up to his room, when Eri-chan called him over to give him a little Valentine's day card. After giving her a hug and thanking her for the card, Izuku made his way up to his room.
Reaching the door to the room, the green haired teen turned the knob and pushed it open -- only to stare dumbfounded at Kacchan (who was sitting on his bed). The hand holding the card from Eri at his side.
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"WAH-- Kacchan??"
It took him a moment to register that his boyfriend had his guitar with him, but once he did, emerald iris glanced from Kacchan to the guitar than back to Kacchan as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 1 year
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Unprompted Ask (always accepting) || @explodcor asked:
Katsuki left a small box of caramel on Deku's desk before taking a seat in his own in front of him. There was a hint of a smirk on his lips as he waited for his boyfriend to read the gift tag attached to it. The tag read: "When you want a piece of 'Kacchan' but I'm not around~" //YOU KNOW WHY I SENT THIS
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Izuku had been running a little late in getting to class, or at least, later than he usually did -- and it was all because he couldn't find his notebook for class. Apparently his ability to 'summon' notebooks only applied to his Quirk, Kacchan, or hero notebooks. Though, thankfully he wasn't too late and school had started yet and when he walked in and saw the gift sitting on his desk. He was slightly confused as he walked up to the desk.. smiling at his boyfriend as he passed, before sitting down and taking notice of the tag that was attached.
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As his bag sat on his lap, he reached over to open and see what the gift was -- before reading the tag -- and seeing the caramel box. Blinking, still confused, as he finally read the tag:
.....a piece of 'Kacchan' but I'm not around~
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Izuku's face instantly turned the darkest shade of red it had ever turned as he quickly shoved the message into his bag before anyone else (namely Mineta) could see it. Mumble whining, "Kacchan..." as his brain processed the reasoning for the caramel gift now.
Grabbing the gift and shoving it into his bag before anyone else could see what it was -- even though it was just caramel. Kicking at the leg of his boyfriend's chair, and putting a little bit of One For All power behind it, to be able to move the chair while Kacchan sat in it but not wanting to say anything. He was trying his hardest to stay subtle about the gift but the dark red on his face wasn't helping the subtly he was attempting.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 1 year
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"Kacchan, I'm not kissing you until you've brushed and washed your mouth out." He was staring dead straight at his boyfriend, knowing full well how hot and spicy that ramen was if it made Kacchan tear up -- even if it was only slightly.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 8 months
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Random Asks (always accepting) || @explodcor sent:
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Katsuki approached the couch after watching his favorite nerd munch on a piece of Pocky. He waited until Izuku placed a second one into his mouth before appearing in his line of sight. "Hey, Izuku~" he greeted with a knowing smirk.
He bent down until he was level with Izuku's face and leaned in like he was going to kiss him. Instead, he bit off a large chunk of the Pocky stick hanging out of the nerd's mouth and stood back up with a triumphant look in his eyes.
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Izuku had been relaxing on the couch, eating a Pocky, and watching -- or re-watching an old All Might documentary that was playing on TV. However, as he put the second one in his mouth, he heard Kacchan's voice call him as he looked up and over at his boyfriend. And before he could react, or take the Pocky stick out of his mouth to say anything, the blond was bent in front of him and had put his mouth on the other side of the stick to bit it.
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Izuku blinked a moment, and once Kacchan stood back up -- the rest of the Pocky stick (that was in his own mouth) fell out and landed on his lap as his brain registered what his boyfriend just did. Before he suddenly let out a whine, "Kacchaaaann" as his face was bright red and a pout had formed on his lips.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 8 months
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Random Ask (always acceping) || @explodcor sent:
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Katsuki was smirking to himself as he sent a picture to Deku with the following text: "Good morning, nerd. Looks nice outside, doesn't it?"
Said picture included him fully nude on their porch with a strategically placed plant hiding an obvious area between his legs.
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Izuku had taken a break from his usual morning jog in the park near his and Kacchan's apartment, when his phone suddenly buzzed to indicate a text came through.
Pulling the device out of his pocket, he saw that it was from Kacchan, and without hesitation he clicked the message to see what was sent --
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However, the moment he saw the picture, his face instantly went pale before it lit up bright red as he quickly pulled the phone to his chest and looked around to make sure no one was nearby.
Sighing with relief, Izuku slowly looked back at the picture that the other sent as he replied back:
{ Kacchan } KACCHAAAAAN { Kacchan } >////< { Kacchan } GO { Kacchan } PUT CLOTHES ON { Kacchan } WHAT IF { Kacchan } SOMEONE SEES YOU { Kacchan } LIKE THAT????
The texts were going to be all be in one reply but his fingers kept accidentally sending them from how flustered he was. But also he was glad about that because all of the messages were pushing the picture more and more out of view. Though, before it fully went away he did make sure to save it to his phone.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 9 months
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Send in a ♬ for your muse to catch mine singing (accepting) || @explodcor sent in:
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Izuku had been in the bathroom and no one, at least, he thought that no one was around as he was getting out of the shower as he started singing Shakira's 'Whenever, Wherever'.
"Whenever, wherever We're meant to be together I'll be there, and you'll be near"
However, as he got to the chorus, he happened to spot Kacchan staring at him as his singing faded after three lines.
"Ka--kacchan... I... I was just..... ah.." He was pretty sure this was the first time his boyfriend had ever heard him singing, as a blush instantly flared up on his face as he looked away from the other.
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"I... I'm just gonna finish drying off, get dressed, and go back to my room to get homework done." ..he really just wanted to go hide out in his room for the rest of the night.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 9 months
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Unprompted Ask (always accepting) || Anonymous asked:
"What's Bakugou's hair care regiment? Do you know?"
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Don't ask him where the notebook came from. It's best not to know.
"Oh, yeah, he uses Oribe for both shampoo and conditioner."
Izuku stated, before adding, "But also you'd be really surprised with how much care and attention Kacchan pays to his appearance. It's not just I'm gonna use this cheap brand and be done. He needs to make sure he gets a more expensive brand that also deals with excess oil on the scalp because of his Quirk."
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oncforallxbroccoli · 1 year
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An ask from the multi's ask box || @explodcor asked:
Feeling mischievous and rather curious, Katsuki approached Deku after training. "Good job out there today, nerd," he commented before his hand "slipped" down low enough to give the nerd's ass a squeeze that very much lingered long enough to show that it wasn't an accident. With a satisfied smirk, Katsuki promptly made his way back to the locker room.
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Izuku smiled when Kacchan gave him the compliment about training, however, before he could even say anything he felt his butt getting squeezed -- making him jump in shock.
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Though, when Kacchan's hand didn't move immediately after, the green haired teen knew that it was intention as a red tinge spread up over his freckled face.
"Kaaaacchaaan~" He whined out before running after his boyfriend to go to the locker room as well.
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oncforallxbroccoli · 1 year
//btw I updated this on to the boy's relations page already ;; but he's currently dating @explodcor. And this is definitely not me saying that ;; I'm not gonna be exclusive to one romantic ship with only one Katsuki, but I figured I should post this up. Especially since MOST of their interactions (that made me even think about doing this) happened via discord.
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