#{ the sea monster's heir | verse: fandomless Ragnor }
unearthlyxones · 4 years
{ Non-Sexual Acts of Dominance | Accepting }
@waywardsignns sent:
[ groom ] your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . (Aubrey / Ragnor)
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The wind had picked up from nowhere. Ragnor was almost worried Aubrey was going to be blown away, slight as she was, and he held onto her as they hurried back towards the house.
Once inside, he let go of her so he could force the door closed against the gale. When he turned to look at her again, he couldn’t suppress a sharp burst of laughter. Her hair was all over the place, covering her face in a bird’s nest of a mess.
He reached out and gently attempted to fix it, pulling out the tangles with his fingers. It wasn’t perfect, but at least she could see now. After another moment of looking at her with an expression akin to awe, he rearranged his face into his usual scowl.
‘Actually, you looked better before.’ And he reached over again and ruffled up her hair, so that it covered her face again.
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unearthlyxones · 4 years
{ The Hunger Games | Accepting }
@waywardsignns​ sent:
“You’re still trying to protect me. Real or not real?” (Ragnor / Aubrey)
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The question caught him by surprise. It had been a long time since their argument, since Ragnor had tried to push her away, and he hoped they’d moved past it. A lot had happened since then. But it was clearly still playing on Aubrey’s mind, wondering when he was going to snap and attempt to push her away again, just as he was worrying when he’s eventually do it by accident.
‘Real,’ he said with a sigh. ‘I’m always going to try and protect you, Aubrey. But I’ve realised that it’s much easier to protect you when you’re with me.’ The barest flicker of a smile. ‘Not that you need protecting. But I’ll always worry.’
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
‘ one more word and i’ll burn your breakfast. don’t test me. ’ (psych Aubrey's gonna burn Ragnor's breakfast anyways. Never let her cook. Ever)
{ Pick A Fight }
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If he’d been awake earlier, he’d have cooked breakfast before Aubrey got anywhere near the kitchen. The fact that she was a terrible cook didn’t deter her in the slightest, so the best way to keep her out of the kitchen was to simply intercept her. But, of course, if sleeping was an Olympic sport Ragnor would win gold every time. He’d slept right through Aubrey getting up. It was the smell that had woken him.
‘I thought my house was on fire,’ Ragnor said, standing in the doorway and watching Aubrey. His hair stuck up at odd angles around his horns, mussed from sleep.
‘I’m making breakfast!!’ Aubrey said brightly.
‘You’re making a mess.��
‘One more word and I’ll burn your breakfast. Don’t test me.’ For someone so small and bubbly most of the time, she could be surprisingly stern. Not that that would deter Ragnor.
He raised an eyebrow. ‘I don’t think it’s possible to burn it more than you already have.’
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
@hebled​ [ liked for a starter ]
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Ragnor sat in a quiet corner of the bar, hands wrapped around his glass of whisky and shoulders hunched, trying to disappear into the background. It wasn’t often that he left the safety of his secluded home, and now he was beginning to wish he hadn’t at all.
But his eyes landed on another man at the bar. He’d watched the man enter, a slight limp in his left leg. Ragnor had never seen the man before, and he had a feeling their backgrounds were very, very different from one another, but different or not, a soldier recognises another soldier.
Ragnor sipped his whisky, eyes still on the man, watching him with open but shrewd curiosity. 
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
@waywardsignns [ cont. ]
Ragnor was still trying to figure out exactly how Aubrey had convinced him to come sunbathing. Not that he was sunbathing. Aubrey was stretched out beside him, while Ragnor lay on his stomach, fully clothed, with a book in his hands. The heat was ridiculous. He’d never liked the heat. Dammit, he was Scottish. This was the stupidest thing he’d been talked into this century. But he wasn’t really mad about it. Not when he cast the occasional glance over at Aubrey and could tell just from her expression how much she was enjoying herself. He supposed he could keep his complaints to himself.
He hadn’t bothered to glamour himself. The magic took too much energy, and there was no one around anyway. He didn’t give any thought to the fact that that meant he hadn’t glamoured the scarred, puckered flesh that covered most of his right forearm. Not until Aubrey reached over and touched it, speaking gently.
Despite the soft touch, Ragnor jerked his arm back like he’d been stung, dropping his book into the grass. He saw a flash of fire. Could almost smell the smoke and burning flesh. Suddenly the heat of the day was too much, too overwhelming, too much like flames licking at his skin. Ragnor gasped, feeling like he couldn’t pull in enough oxygen.
He dropped his face into his arms, trying to block out the light as he struggled to calm himself down, breathing raggedly. 
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
"Ragnor?" Her voice was thoughtful as she shifted and looked over to him from where they rested on the couch, "...Are you ticklish?" These were important questions she had to ask... nevermind the fact she was currently sneaking her hand closer to him in preparation to find out herself
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He could sense Aubrey shifting closer and closer, but had continued reading as if she wasn’t there.
‘No,’ he said flatly, still not looking up from his book as he calmly turned a page. ‘And I don’t recommend that you try. You’ll regret it, you ken??’ In other words, he’d tickle her right back.
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
“ Dunking for apples is a basic part of the Halloween party experience. You gotta do it. “ (Aubrey / Ragnor lol)
{ Hallowmeme }
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‘And what makes you think I’ll be attending any Halloween parties??’ Ragnor asked, raising an eyebrow. He fully intended to spend the ridiculous holiday in his home in the middle of the countryside ignoring the existence of the rest of the world.
That’s what he intended. But he had a feeling Aubrey was going to try to persuade him to go to a party with her. And he had a feeling he was going to end up agreeing. But there was no way he was sticking his face into a bowl of water and trying to pick up apples with his teeth. Ridiculous.
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
‘ why insult someone when you can say something nice in a very sarcastic tone. ’ (From Emma at whoever this woudl be funnier with lol)
{ Twitter Starters }
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Talking with Emma still felt weird. It felt very much like meeting the partner’s parents, and he wasn’t even dating Aubrey. Fortunately, Ragnor was not the type of person to seek approval from others. Either they liked him, or they didn’t, and he didn’t really care one way or the other. Sure, things would be easier if Aubrey’s mother liked him, but he wasn’t going to be someone he wasn’t to make that happen. She’d already seen him at his worst, how much worse could it be??
That statement though. It brought the smallest smile of amusement to his face, barely noticeable if not for the mischievous little spark in his eyes. 
His voice was deadpan when he spoke, but still. There was that look of amusement. ‘You and I have a lot in common.’
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
[ 📞 ] ‘ it’s good to hear your voice. ’ (aubrey / ragnor)
{ Some Meme }
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Ragnor’s phone didn’t ring very often. Very few people knew his number and he liked it that way. It was hardly even worth keeping the phone at all, but the odd few people he’d actually managed to form a relationship with had insisted that he did.
So when it rang, breaking the quiet solitude of the house, Ragnor was so startled that he dropped his book. He took a few moments to compose himself, picking the book up off the floor and mumbling a curse at the bent pages, and then picked up the phone.
‘It’s so good to hear your voice.’ Aubrey. How long had it been since he’d spoken to Aubrey?? Too long, probably.
Ragnor frowned, immediately assuming the worst. ‘Is something wrong??’
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
"Are the fishes being turds again?" Aubrey's voice coming from the doorway of the room, her expression was filled with an incredible fondness ... and her smile was a fairly prominent part of her features at the moment, unable to help her faint sound of laughter as she came in further
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‘I’m watching you,’ Ragnor said, jabbing his finger at a fish in the aquarium. ‘Don’t think I’m not. This is your final warning.’ He was bent over so he could watch the fish as it swam lazily around it’s enclosure, clearly oblivious that it was on its final warning.
He looked up at the sound of Aubrey’s voice. He didn’t even look embarrassed to have been caught reprimanding the fish, just frowned and pointed at it again. ‘This wee bugger keeps eating everyone else’s food.’
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
[ text ] : EAT (Aubrey and Ragnor LOLOL)
{ 100 Ways To Say ‘I Love You’ }
[ text: Aubrey] Eat what??
[ text: Aubrey ] If you made it, I’d rather not
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
"...You're not tired of me, are you...?" The question coming seemingly out of nowhere, the demoness looked down to her hands, fussing and picking at her own fingers to a point she began to draw the smallest amounts of blood as her own insecurities churned in her mind.
It was no secret that Ragnor liked his own company. He tended to retreat into himself, to ignore the world around him. He was unused to being around anyone else regularly.
At Aubrey’s words, Ragnor thought back to his behaviour over the last few days. He tried to remember a conversation they’d had, anything they’d done together. He recalled Aubrey being there, an occasional word passed between them, but he could remember little else. Had he really just ignored her for three days?? Without even realising he was doing it??
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‘No,’ he said quietly. ‘I’m not bored of you.’
He watched her picking at her fingers. Felt a spike of guilt when he saw blood. He knew she didn’t like physical touch, so he hesitated for a moment before leaning over and gently taking her hands in his, stopping her. Her hands were so small compared to his.
‘I’m not used to anyone else being here. I’ve.. been alone for a long time.’ Aubrey knew that, but he wondered if she really understood it. If she’d wondered at the portrait of a beautiful woman displayed over the aquarium in the living room. The dust sheet covering the old piano that he never played. She’d never asked about it. He never mentioned Elayah. ‘I’m sorry, I just… I’m not used to anyone else being here. I could never get tired of you.’
If anything, he was surprised she hadn’t gotten tired of him. He was surprised she was still here at all. But he’d made her doubt, which meant he was already starting to push her away. Part of him was relieved. He could be alone again. If she left, he wouldn’t have to worry about making sure she didn’t leave.
But it was already too late for that. Just the thought of her leaving caused his chest to tighten, his stomach to twist, and panic begin to rise.
He’d kept his eyes on her hands as he’d spoken, but now he finally raised his gaze to meet Aubrey’s. When he spoke again, his words were barely a whisper. ‘I can do better.’
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unearthlyxones · 5 years
😦 to slip in the mud (bonus points if Ragnor and Aubrey slip together and fall)
{ Outdoor Memes }
There had been a lot of heavy rainfall recently which Ragnor suspected he was responsible for, and not just because it had stopped shortly after Aubrey’s arrival. No need to read into that, it was clearly just good timing.
Aubrey had suggested going for a walk now that the rain had stopped, and Ragnor had not left his house in almost a week now so he grudgingly agreed. Now, as they made their way around the lake situated just a few minutes walk away from Ragnor’s home, he was starting to feel grateful to Aubrey for dragging him out. The air was crisp and clean after the rain, and the solitude in which he’d chosen to live meant that the only sounds were the rustling of the leaves, birdsong, and the lake lapping up against the bank. And the squelching of their feet in the mud. That too.
Aubrey was chattering away as usual, Asher bounding along ahead of them. Not for the first time, Aubrey was too busy excitedly telling him a story that she wasn’t paying too much attention to where she was putting her feet. She slipped. Ragnor made a quick grab for her. Unfortunately, his lunge threw off his own footing. He succeeded in wrapping a hand around Aubrey’s wrist, but her momentum and his own unstable footing resulted only in pulling him down with her. 
The pair of them toppled straight into the mud. Ragnor felt it squelch under him as he landed on his knees, felt it oozing between his fingers as he threw out a hand to break his fall. He was luckier than Aubrey, who had gone over onto her back. At least he could say he’d tried to catch her.
Ragnor lifted his hand, which was caked in mud. Mud had splattered up onto his shirt from the impact of his fall too. He flicked some of the mud off his hand, in Aubrey’s direction.
‘This is why I don’t leave the house,’ he grumbled. But there was a spark of amusement in his eyes, and he couldn’t hold back a snort of laughter. ‘You have so much mud in your hair.’
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unearthlyxones · 6 years
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