#{ the chief of sinners }
hopelessh0st · 3 months
Dear lord...
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Suspect R Chief truly is.. Something else....
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roysristi · 2 months
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Their Goodbyes
Chief was well loved
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shrimshrim4fun · 2 months
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The Chinese 2nd Anniversary, THEY LOOK SOOO GOOD!!!! I need Shalom so bad 😔 Dreya is so precious I can’t and Cabernet’s side view. Also the new Sinners look great:
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From what I know I think S-000 is a cosplayer or like some type of shapeshifter but I’m still trying to figure that out. New Sinner attire + new Chief attire. Also event for a band for Zoya, Serpent, Bai yi, and Eleven
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risilence · 3 months
Like.... why is she so cute?!?!?!
😭😭😭 You best know she came home!!! How was I suppose to save after being blown away by her charisma?!!?! I would die for this gurl 😭😭🥹😭😭 (And fell off my chair when we had our shoujo-soulmates-meeting-destiny encounter🤣🥹🥹)
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wiirocku · 2 months
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1 Timothy 1:15 (NKJV) - This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.
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introvertfox · 2 years
If... If villain... Uh...
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...yeah go try out Path to Nowhere
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mingot-studios · 4 months
I really don't get why people want Adam to have been black...
Do you not understand the implications of having the main antagonist who is a misogynist who likes killing a population for fun and who ultimately is killed by season's end by the heros, be the one explicitly black character in the show?
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EDIT: Ok so I should've said Middle Eastern, but my point still stands
(Also I think having Adam be Middle Eastern might've been worse than him being black since ya know, the most prevalent depiction of Middle Eastern men/people in Western media is that they're violent, genocidal, and misogynistic so 😬)
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holyhomo · 5 months
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lanibijou · 11 months
If the Chief is gonna do anything for their sinners its gonna be understanding them and making them know theyre loved. Just did Deren's interrogation and it's so sweet of what she's going through—also just Chief doing what Chief does and pulls
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As sweet and heartfelt as Deren's interrogation is we are lowkey flirting with her 😭 this is one of my favorite interrogations tho—esp since Chief does what Chief does and enables her sinners for some mischief
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shackld · 4 months
someone, a sinner would go "OH IF U CARE ABOUT ME SO MUCH YOU'D UNLOCK THIS CELL DOOR RIGHT NOW" like clearly edging chief on cuz they want to call her bluff, that she really doesnt give a shit and theyre just looking for a fight but then all that aggression sloooowly dies down as they watch her actually take out the keys and unlock their cell door-
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matchapig · 7 months
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solinmoirav · 1 year
Your Monthly PtN Spoiler
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roysristi · 2 months
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She wanted to cut off others worries.
Also, there are some worries which are adored by people.....
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risilence · 2 months
What do you mean Chief's first kiss was stolen?!?!?! 😭😭😭😭 Are these spoilers????
Nightingale where were you?! Why didnt you stop 000?! And why are you always conveniently there to stop other sinners!?!
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nomorefstogive · 2 years
Nightingale and Cinnabar Deserve A Vacation
Hello my fellow Chiefs of Minos, I am posting this to remind you all that there are exactly two individuals who qualify as having even a modicum of sanity within the walls of Minos and we are not one of them.
So please remember to show your support to the pair of individuals responsible for keeping Minos from descending into the pits of utmost primordial chaos and dragging all of Dis down with it in an orgy of madness and chaos. 
Because, let us all be honest with ourselves for a moment here, without Nightingale being the hyper competent and dutiful Adjutant she is, and Cinnabar being the security expert and loyal guard she is, Minos would have become something straight out of an asylum workers worst nightmares. 
So let us all agree these two deserve a chance to take a vacation and relax and not have to worry about coming back home to find Minos either in ruins or having declared succession from dis and began a campaign of world conquest while the chief sits and vibes with some of the other sinners. 
With that said, let us offer our gratitude towards these two brave souls who shoulder the weight of being the dams that hold back the flood of madness that is the antics of Minos and offer them a toast to their health and sanity.
Because if they ever lose either then all of Dis is going to descend headfirst into the hell it claims to have risen above. 
Is this a crack post? Maybe.
Or perhaps a glimpse into a future idea for here or ao3...only time will tell.
Till next time.
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edeldoro · 8 months
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