#{ t'challa is the rest of marvel tbh }
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fandom-101 · 4 years ago
Korath has major 'you can step on me, kill me, run a truck over me and id still say thank you' energy and, honestly, i felt that.
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thesharondefenseleague · 4 years ago
Ok I'm not going to deny that Sharon could have used alot more limelight and she didn't get as much focus in the movies as the Avengers characters. It was a cap movie but Disney when making these movies always had the thing in the back of their mind that these characters are avengers and these characters will become Avengers we gonna do alot with them. So they get more love while non Avenger characters and characters not getting their own spin-off don't. Even if it's a Captain America movie and it makes more sense that Team Cap would be the focus.
So Bucky T'Challa, Peter Wanda etc get more time to shine than Sharon.
And since we didn't get as much of a chance to know her in WS this was the chance to flesh her out and they made poor use out of that opportunity favoring other characters over her.
What you do get from Sharon gets down played by the fandom. Like the example of her giving Steve the heads up about closing in on Bucky. Or later on when he's being interrogated and they just all waiting stressed and she just clicks on the button allowing them to see the interrogation. They don't even have to ask. And then when things go south she immediately tells Steve his location. And of course her bringing them all their equipment before the big fight .
So i wouldn't say she just constantly isn't given relevance to that extent. And the fandom still diminished her importantance.
But the anon was more focused on how the writers and directors screwed Sharon over and focusing more on that .
So I will say they do because of what general audiences and also fandom seem to latch on to in these movies. And for the most part that's the big action sequences. It's a superhero movie obviously that's what people are hyping over the most. Sure fandom is also here analyzing Buckys breathing techniques in his non action scene. But he got to have that really cool action sequence. Winter Soldier doesn't have the most screentime in that movie. But he's so important every time he's on scene and alot of that time he's doing cool actiony plot stuff.
The kinda thing that fans would find really cool and then if they are the obsessive kind, obsess about everything else with that character.
That's kinda what you need that moment of cool badassery that makes you stand out from the rest to make the audience hyped. It doesn't have to be in a punchy punch way all the time either. Shuri in Black Panther does it with the cool shit she makes sure he has the action sequence too but you probably would have thought she was cool before that point. Fury has a similar effect by faking his death in WS which isn't an action sequence but a moment of cool. Natasha too does it by out smarting Loki in Avengers to find out his plan and then just gets sooo many moments that would be cool in WS.
Sharon gets 1 in WS the "depends on where you are standing" line. But her role is still pretty minimal.
But in CW I don't think she has a single moment like that and since she's not very well known by the audience and she could use that to be more drawn to her. But they don't get that.
I can't say the writers didn't know better and they thought understated would work. I know they knew better because they pulled it off with Peter and T'Challa in that movie. Peter they did it with a cameo pretty much.
They just did not care about doing it for Sharon. And while I do think the last anon cutting the fandom too much slack I do agree the creators should be called out more. Especially since it's clear they know better and can do better since they do better in the same movie with other characters.
I agree with you 100%.
Screenwriting may allow you to throw in as many characters as you want, but if you can’t balance out your main and minor-but-still-major characters that you insist on having and people have to get more out of them by buying the comics just to know who these people even are after several of your movies have done this to them (it’s not just Sharon who fits this, TBH Sam and even to an extent Bucky too) because you’re too busy saying LOOK WE GOT PETER HAHAHA SONY, then you’re a bad fucking writer.
It’s also because these movies don’t give a shit about developing characters in the slightest, and this covers all of them, and this is why characters like Sharon get left behind. They aren’t writing cohesive full-fleshed stories. They’re writing maybe fifty or so movie moments that’ll make audiences go OMG or LOL and then putting loose pieces of string between them to say they all connect, then barely giving two fucks about the rest of what’s happening. It’s the reason no one talks about how great the script is, and the only reason these movies get so far is because of the cast being that charming. And this isn’t just this movie, every Marvel movie has this problem, especially the ones that want to create funny moments for audiences, and if any of the films have a proper balance to them, it’s Thor 3 because the director/writer is a comedic artist. BP also succeeds because Coogler isn’t trying to make funny moments left and right, he wanted to tell a story, and it’s why it’s miles ahead of every other film in this franchise. But he also knew to tell it, everyone had to have a story and a purpose, and that is severely lacking in most other MCU films, especially the Cap ones, where his three major supporting characters, especially Sharon, getting getting shafted for characters who aren’t even fucking Cap characters like Natasha, or Wanda, or T’Challa, or Tony who already had three movies of his own but gets to play second fiddle in a movie that just shouldn’t have been allowed. And we’re lucky that in a month, we’re getting a show where the three major Cap characters are finally getting some genuine development, 7-10 years after being introduced to this franchise, because it’s being done by someone who cares about storytelling over funny joke or hard punch.
~Mod R
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thatgirlinskullz · 3 years ago
1. Party Thor.. i mean come ON! this episode was fkin fun!! yeah, it might not be the deepest or most important Marvel things ever created, but you can't deny it was fkin fun! Giant blue Loki?! Spoiled Frat bro Thor?! HOWARD THE DUCK MARRYING DARCY?!! HELLOO?!! i mean this one's a winner for that wedding scene alone 🤣 but there were sooo many little tidbits that are worth a mention i can't even list them all. it was just a breath of fresh air and i loved it!!
2. Zombies... not much else to say honestly, it's zombies. 😅 i really didn't think i would like this as much as i did, but it was just so good! the selection of characters, their dynamic, the stakes, the sacrifices, and the tragedy of WandaVision once again. ugh, this was very entertaining in so many ways! (and yes, i know it was kinda stupid, but i still very much liked it. sue me)
3. T'challa as Starlord because... Chadwick Boseman, may he rest in peace 💖 but also because it was super fun, a really interesting take on the Black Panther/Starlord storylines and characters, and it was just a whole lot of fun! also Howard the Duck was there and i don't need anything else tbh 😅 (this one is still high up mostly cuz of Chadwick Boseman, and because it was a whole lot of fun too)
4. Doctor Strange... because it was super dark and emotional and really pretty in the animation at times. was really well paced imo, probably the best paced episode so far, tbh. the voice performances were surprisingly good, and loved how the Watcher was actually part of the episode this time around (also love how his story comes back into play later)
5. the REAL age of Ultron.. i guess.. yeah this one was interesting, and as much as i like the idea of everything being connected after all, and the multiverse actually playing into each universe, maybe even crossing over somewhat, i really enjoyed these stories being standalone by themselves.. but then again.. this connection does make up for some of the shortcomings of some of the stories that i felt were pretty much unfinished. so.. idk. pretty good overall, but i'm not sure we needed to connect these stories. loved the dbz-like fight animation tho, that was pretty fkin cool. 😅
6. Captain Carter... i wish i could put it higher because I LOVE PEGGY 💖 and her love story with Steve, but the pacing was pretty off, it felt rushed cuz they basically went through a 2hour movie in 30 minutes. loved the disney-esque animation at points, tho, as well as Hayley Atwell returning.
7. Black Widow... idk what it was about this episode that didn't really work for me.. i like Widow, i like Fury, i like Loki, and i liked the twist at the end, but.. idk. it just didn't work for me as much as the others. maybe because it wasn't that drastic of a deviation from the original universe? idk
8. Killmonger meets Tony Stark and become bros. until they're not. and honestly, idk why i didn't really enjoy this one. yeah killmonger is interesting and all, but i really didn't like him in this one. he was the villain i never wanted him to be in Black Panther. i loved that he kinda got a redemption in his last moments. but here he's just a dick - rightfully so, yes, but still he's a dick. and ngl the best part of this episode was T'Challa 💖 being there for some more much needed wisdom.
(this is probably gonna change with later episodes/ the final? episode of the season.. or if i just change my mind..so will likely update this)
ps. can't wait for the Buff Marvel Women Team-up episode!! 😍
my What if...? episode ranking so far: *slight spoilers..maybe*
1. T'challa as Starlord because... Chadwick Boseman, may he rest in peace 💖 but also because it was super fun, a really interesting take on the Black Panther/Starlord storylines and characters, and it was just a whole lot of fun! also Howard the Duck was there and i don't need anything else tbh 😅
2. Doctor Strange... because it was super dark and emotional and really pretty in the animation at times. was really well paced imo, probably the best paced episode so far, tbh. the voice performances were surprisingly good, and loved how the Watcher was actually part of the episode this time around
3. Captain Carter... i wish i could put it higher because I LOVE PEGGY 💖 and her love story with Steve, but the pacing was pretty off, it felt rushed cuz they basically went through a 2hour movie in 30 minutes. loved the disney-esque animation at points, tho, as well as Hayley Atwell returning.
4. Black Widow... idk what it was about this episode that didn't really work for me.. i like Widow, i like Fury, i like Loki, and i liked the twist at the end, but.. idk. it just didn't work for me as much as the others. maybe because it wasn't that drastic of a deviation from the original universe? idk.
(this is probably gonna change with later episodes so will likely update this)
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cursologist · 7 years ago
Fandom tag
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Tagged by @anili2
Three four fandoms:
Harry potter
The first character you loved:
• i fell in love with shiro instantly
• my son genji shimada
• i think it was tony but just because iron man is the first mcu film
• man hagrid
The character you never expected to love so much:
• tbh lance and keith
• man i cant just choose one but i love lucio so much michael chu please give him lore
• everyone disliked the thor movies but tbh i love him too hes a feminist icon
• hnnnnngggg draco
The character you relate to the most:
• my headcanon lance, mostly. Havent been in the fandom hole for too long
• surprisingly jamison or at least again my headcanon version of him and also mei
• probably peter and shuri
• harry tbh give that kid a rest,,,,
As for me I would had choose:
"for me" as in dating or???
• i would absolutely date hunk and pidge but shiro has my heart
• jesse mccree absolutely but also genji and jamison and lucio and angela and hana and satya and brigitte and jack and tracer and mei and----
• fuckinnn,,,,, shuri pleaSE
• like, man, luna or draco but rather luna
The character you would slap:
• tbh zarkon or haggar or something
• i would slap thanos and give him a fucking lecture
• beat the devil out of the devil umbridge and snape
Three favourite characters:
• shiro keef and alluralotorhunkpidgelance
• genji tracer and jesse
• peter stephen tony loki thor t'challa shuri natasha nick fury i cant count to three
• luna harry and draco im so generic lmao
Three OTPs:
Sheith, klance, shotor
Mcgenji cyberbunny hanji
Stony, spideypool, yukio and negasonic teenage warhead
Drarry, drarry, drarry (tbh i dont ship anything else from harry potter but im up for anything so)
tagging: uhhhhhh nobody? I dont remember tumblr usernames so,,,, if you wanna do this feel free to do it
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