#{ lemme know if i need to change anything ! }
kingscyrus · 5 months
❛  this day feels like it's never gonna end.  ❜ for the dark verse of fantasy, if OK
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Cyrus's mischievous smile curled along his lips as he spoke. "Oh, but my dear, the day has only just begun. And trust me, the darkness that awaits as night falls will make this day seem like a mere prelude to the horrors that await. Embrace the endless night, for it is where my power thrives." He held his hostage, a beautiful woman with alabaster skin, by cupping her chin with the tip of his thumb and pointer finger. His rough fingers felt cool to the touch, matching the region's mood. He wondered how long such beautiful skin would continue to glow before the darkness of the kingdom nullified it - weeks, months, or years? The King then raised a thick brow and asked, "You will join me for the hearings of my people... won't you?"
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redjaybird · 1 year
The dust at the hole of what once was July had already long been settled. For the most part, save for the occasional wind-blown sands. What once was a great city had been completely reduced to ruins.
The part-time magician, part-time.. other, was just surveying the area a bit. Maybe find some usable scraps or something. Until he thought he heard a voice calling for someone. A kid? Did someone lose a kid out here? "Hello?" he called out. He didn't recall seeing anyone else around when he came to the ruins. "Oy!? Who's there?"
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mrzanebastias · 6 months
who: dara @dara-bythemoon
where: masquerade
Zane tugged at his suit jacket faintly, trying to distract himself from adjusting his mask. He wasn't surprised that he received more than one text reminding him to wear a suit. While there were some in his line of work that got a thrill from working a room like this, grifting their way through the room. Zane preferred the shadows, preferred variables he could predict. Still he'd play his part.
Tucking a newly acquired watch into his jacket pocket he made his way through the room toward the bar. Before he could make it though, he collided with one of the other masked party goers. Catching himself before reaching out to steady her, he offered a nod in apology. "Sorry about that, wasn't watching where i was going"
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wolfkcst · 8 months
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The woman causes the wolf-kissed to pause in the raiding. It was almost as if she just appeared there. Eivor's eyebrows furrow, and raises their hand to pause the others from going forward. Something did not feel right... Is she here to warn them? What is her purpose here? ❝If we were lesser people, you would have been slaughtered among the guards, but we are not for killing innocents. Tell me now why you wish to stand there - stopping us from going further?❞ They ask, tilting their head with a confused expression. Despite their people's blood thirst, they did not let them past this woman. Just in case. sc. || @rivalsunraveled
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hidesinhisarchived · 1 year
@whatsbehindthefacade asked: ‘ i can’t believe a year went by so fast. ’ (from Roger)
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a faint smile appeared at roger's words, one tinged with a bit of sadness. it felt like the year had tumbled by in a blur of images and events, slamming into them like an unstoppable force. "yeah. it's been one hell of a ride." losing mimi had been a very painful start to the new year, then they'd had that scare with collins, and it felt like things just snowballed from there. the one bright side was that mark had managed to get his documentary out, but it'd taken him far from home numerous times for festivals and meetings. he had never been so glad to be home in the drafty ass loft with roger.
"did you know that my father implied that he was almost proud of me? that's the closest thing that i've gotten from that bastard since i was in middle school." and it only took mark managing the near impossible for it to happen. go figure. "maureen and joanne are having a party tomorrow if you want to go."
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gvldntrbl · 1 year
Daphne + Iris @theartofruling
Location: Coronation Celebration Dinner & Party, Kings Hill Castle
There were times where, regardless of being a nymph and constantly feeling the emotions of others, that Daphne genuinely felt bad for those who either did not know and understand the intimacy that came with having a mate as well as having a mate whom, at the very least liked you, and that you liked in return. As she spoke to an enamored guest who seemed unable to concentrate on their attraction to both her and Iris, who was nestled against the earth nymph's side, Daphne knew that not everyone with a mate were as lucky as she. And the sudden, quiet sympathy that usually signaled the emotion - of her feeling bad for them going without such a thing - washed over her. She sent the guest a toothless smile, one that did not reach her eyes, as they poorly shared a joke. Wordlessly, the pads of Daphne's fingertips from where they resided as they lightly danced back and forth along the other nymph's arm stopped in their rhythm and her hand slid down to gently squeeze at the skin above Iris' elbow. Daphne was ready to go. At least, from their social interloper.
"Thank you," She muttered, gratefully once they were alone again. Finally. ...Well, as alone, as the couple could be at Sebastian's Post Coronation Celebration Dinner. "Did we get him a gift?" Daphne asked Iris after the thought crossed her mind. She led them towards the dance floor. Hopefully, at the very least, any guest with working eyes might not interrupt them then. "May I have this dance, Goddess?" Daphne asked Iris in a faux serious tone before she took the petite woman in her arms. A near quiet huff of affection left her. Perhaps it was in her very nature as a nymph but whenever Iris rest against her, a specific sensation washed over Daphne. ...It felt like home. "I'd ask you why we don't do this more often-" Daphne meant dancing, as she glanced down at Iris. "-but knowing you, you'd say that technically we've never stopped. That we just change the kind of dances that we do. How right am I?"
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xallmywolvesx · 1 year
who: caress @secondhnd
where: Ignition Kingdom
Drew nodded politely to the client as he finished checking them out and giving them the keys to their car. Another car finished, another day down. Running a hand through his hair he made his way back into the garage nodding to Caress. Though he didn't really know how to say it, the crew at Ignition Kingdom kept him together. He'd originally only applied as a mechanic cuz of the more illegal side of things but it was the team on the legal side that kept him sane. Daniel was always fun to talk to, Clary made him leave the house, and Caress made sure he ate. Her lunches were a favorite part of his day. Offering her a smile, "Up for dinner at the diner? My treat of course, i'm pretty sure I owe you for all the lunches"
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" i'm a monster. "
Burntrap laughs in the technician's face.
It's a reflex. A foolish one, at that. But having already provoked someone he possibly shouldn't, Burntrap isn't so timid as to back down of his own volition. So he presses forward instead.
"You? What have you done?"
Such a ridiculous confession made to him at least confirms that Dave knows very little about who he's really talking to. "By all means, confess. I'm reasonably certain the cameras here don't have audio."
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dionadaiiraaa · 2 years
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It had been nearly two years since Eden had returned to Kaer Morhen. So it see her steeples in the distance and the old familiar scent of woodland pine filled the air; he was hit with a pang of nostalgia--he felt like a young lad again walking through the threshold for the first time. 
He attempted to keep in touch with his brethren but things had gotten chaotic and now that he was home; perhaps he could find some peace for the winter. 
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Eden strolled through the stone laden corridors. Perhaps he arrived too late and everyone had gone to sleep for the evening. Just as well, he was never one to be precisely punctual.  He would see them in the morning. 
He turned the corner to retire to his room; when he nearly collided with a familiar face. Emerald hues fixated upon Eskel ( @eskelwolf​ )  and a smile grew upon his lips. 
“ Well met, Eskel.” he greeted in a happy, albeit quiet tone. “ Ah’ve missed ye, mate.” he grinned and patted him on the back. “ Yer up late, up to nae guid?” 
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compassionatekiller · 2 years
Random Starter Call
Unohana stood in the training hall, practice sword in hand as she deftly ignored the stares and whispers her presence was receiving.  Normally she wouldn’t have bothered coming here; no one who trained in the common hall was capable of properly sparring with her, and none of the wounds that occurred on occasion were serious enough to warrant her personal attention.  However, the present situation demanded a change in her usual routines.
After all, a personal favor asked by the head of the Kuchiki clan himself was not one easily refused.
Apparently, today was one of the days he was meant to train Jezebel-san.  However, an...internal matter had transpired within the clan, and as the reigning head, he had little choice but to personally oversee the situation.  Even so, neglecting his obligation to his student was out of the question.  Thus, he had bitten the bullet and requested that Unohana attend in his stead.
Now, to be frank, Unohana was not sure that she would have chosen herself in his position.  Certainly, in terms of pure skill with a blade, she was still unmatched in all of Soul Society.  As a peerless swordswoman, she might seem the ideal swordsmanship instructor.  However, Byakuya’s blade-and thus, the blade he taught-was based on the foundation of Kendo.  Unohana’s was based on Kenjutsu.  They may have seemed similar to the untrained, but they had completely different philosophies shaping them.
Yet he had come to her, and she had agreed to his request.  He had not shared his reasoning, and he was under no obligation to do so.  Whatever questions she may have regarding his decision ultimately did not matter; all that did was to properly instruct his student in his stead until such a time that he could resume his duties personally.  One trait that Unohana and Byakuya shared was a tendency to take their duties extremely seriously, no matter what those duties happened to actually be.
Unohana was roused from her musings by the sound of the sliding doors opening, and she smiled slightly as she saw Jezebel-san being led by one of the Kuchiki clan servants.  She walked over to the pair, her soft and steady steps barely making a sound on the tatami mats she strode upon.  “Hello, Jezebel-san.  Have you been doing well?”
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xmadeoflightningx · 7 days
who: @fairytailskies Aki
where: Road somewhere
Damien had always been good with mechanics. Most of his life his focus had been boats. There weren't many places he couldn't fit in when he was a child. The skill did him well in the Navy, kept him busy as he transitioned back to being stateside. So when he spotted anyone on the side of the road with car trouble he couldn't help but stop to assist.
Pulling up to the other car, he stepped out of the car to knock on their window. "Need a little help?"
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blackhardtt · 10 days
@mundmutter liked for a v. curious panther starter
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The panther’s ears twitched, attuned to the faint rustle below. Its sleek, black form was draped effortlessly along the thick branch, muscles coiled with latent strength, yet its presence was nothing more than a whisper among the trees. The jungle's shadows embraced its body, the fur blending seamlessly with the dappled light filtering through the canopy. Only the subtle gleam of its golden eyes betrayed its presence, fixed on the stranger below.
Perched high within the twisting limbs, Roderick—known as K’arothen in his panther form—watched with predatory curiosity. His head tilted slightly, the movement slow and deliberate, mirroring the graceful, calculating nature of the great cat. His paws, as silent as the wind, shifted gently on the branch, claws flexing into the bark for better grip, though no movement was wasted. Every fiber of his being was attuned to the scene below, his senses alive, picking up the stranger’s scent carried on the warm breeze.
This person was different. Out of place. Roderick’s whiskers quivered as he inhaled deeply, the scent foreign yet lacking the telltale signs of fear that usually clung to outsiders who wandered too deep into the Nurelé's jungle. It was unusual—few dared venture this far, and fewer still would remain calm in the presence of such an oppressive wilderness. The stranger was either bold or utterly ignorant of the dangers that lurked here.
The panther’s tail flicked once, a smooth, measured motion, before settling once more. His gaze never left the intruder. Intrigue rippled through him, as rare as the human that stood beneath him. Could it be bravery? Or sheer naivety? Perhaps they were new to these lands, unaware of the stories—false and twisted—that surrounded the jungle and his tribe. Roderick’s muscles tensed imperceptibly, his body a coiled spring, ready to move if needed, though he remained still for now.
A silent shadow draped across the branch, ever watchful. Roderick, whether in man or beast, was driven by a relentless curiosity, and tonight was no exception. His golden eyes flickered with intrigue, following every subtle movement of the stranger below. But it wasn’t just the human that held his attention—it was the creature at their side, standing as a sentinel, vigilant and unwavering.
A wolf.
The beast was a striking figure, its fur a blend of silvers and grays, sleek and well-kept, yet with the wildness of the untamed jungle about it. Its sharp, piercing eyes constantly scanned its surroundings, always alert, always ready, as if aware of the lurking dangers of this unforgiving land. There was a regal air to it, a presence that spoke of both grace and power. It was unusual, an anomaly in this part of the jungle. Roderick’s tail swished quietly as he shifted his weight on the branch, the movement so fluid it barely stirred the leaves.
A wolf. He’d encountered many beasts in his time—companions to outsiders who dared stray this far—but wolves were a rarity. Most wanderers came with Araths, the sturdy horses that traversed the dense jungle paths with steady hooves, or Viyar, the sleek cats whose presence was as common in the Nurelé tribe as the panthers themselves. Occasionally, there were Rithun, faithful dogs trailing at their masters' heels, ever loyal, ever alert. But wolves?
This was different. It piqued his interest even further. The few times K’arothen had ventured beyond the jungle’s borders, he had not encountered such a companion. It was beautiful, this wolf, with its silent strength and noble demeanor, standing guard by its master as if they were a part of the wilderness themselves.
He remained there, blending with the shadows, a predator as much a part of the jungle as the towering trees themselves, intrigued by both the stranger and the wolf that accompanied them. This was no ordinary traveler, and Roderick's feline senses tingled with the anticipation of discovery.
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mrzanebastias · 6 months
who: Olivia @criminvls
where: Camden Market
Some figured that when his simple life had burned, Zane had reverted back to his old one, but really he found a new one. Before, he did heists for fun, for his crew. Now, he did them for focus. Tinkering with his little side projects, cracking new safes, and planning new heists kept his mind busy. Granted it also meant he hardly left his place, when he did he preferred crowds. There was a certain anonymity in Camden market, with so many people he could hide easily. It was rare someone would recognize him.
As he made his way through the market, his eyes caught on one face in the market and he froze. Doing a double take his body moved of its own accord stepping closer to a face he'd never thought he'd see again. He was clearly losing his mind. "Liv?"
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makeembcw · 2 years
Enjoying the perks that came with being a victor, but not a mentor, Diana had settled her daughters with their nanny for the day after breakfast and then she’d come to the Tower to watch the launch. She’d been a few minutes behind what she’d wanted and ended up stuck in the lobby to see the launch and bloodbath. The arena was anything but what she’d been expecting. It was strange and seemed to have every season, but also... a kingdom in the clouds. She wasn’t sure what to think of it. She waited it out in the lobby, ensuring the Sapphire was safe and rolling her eyes at the struggle with the girl from Ten. Stupid. But at least Sapphire was alive. 
Sure that Sapphire was okay for now, Diana shot Onyx a text to find out where he was. Confusion etched across her face when he said he was on District One’s floor - unusual, but alright. She didn’t question it though, instead heading to the elevator. The elevator doors opened and she stepped off, peering around before spotting her husband. “You’re not down smoozing the sponsors?” She questioned by way of greeting as she approached him. 
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tatteredxsails · 11 months
[ ONE ]  for sender to take a bullet for receiver / ed for stede
@smokedanced sent a meme
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Stede reflexively winced at the sound of the pistol shot. At this point, he was certain he'd never truly get to a point where he didn't. It was different, of course, when he was the one holding the pistol. But the sound of a round fired by someone else always seemed to momentarily place him in a dark place in the trees, listening to a man who had lost everything tell him the truth.
Just for a moment. Usually. This time, that edge of panic clung to him because he could smell blood intermingled with gun powder. That panic sharpened, crawling up the back of his throat with a metallic taste. No... this couldn't be happening. Not this. Not Ed. Clearly, the shot hadn't taken him down but...
"Edward!" his voice came out even higher than usual. Tight and strangled. Speaking seemed to let that anxiety take more shape within him, loosening the joints of his knees. They didn't have the time for him to fall into a panic like this. They were in the middle of a raid, for fuck's sake.
Stede was usually so good with words but he couldn't have articulated a thought if he was at gun point.
... He was at gun point. Right.
"Fuck, are you alright?" he asked, gripping on to Ed's leather sleeve. Those were technically words, as choked as they sounded. They were in the middle of a raid and the entirety of his attention was on Edward, who had just taken a bullet that had been intended for him. It only took so long for someone to reload a pistol.
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xallmywolvesx · 1 year
who: Stefan @fadiingliight
where: library
Carleigha smiled as she watched the kids settle in on various bean bags and comfy seats they had scattered around the kids area of the library. Storytime had taken a different turn today, each kid picking their own books to read, with Carly's help when needed. She loved watching how enthusiastic they got about reading on their own so she often kept to the side. Letting her arm fall to her side, the bracelet on her wrist jingles annoyingly. Her doctors had recommended the medical alert bracelet back after her diagnosis this year, but she hadn't really gotten around to picking one out until recently. It felt heavy on her wrist tugging at her attention. Inwardly shaking her head she lifted her head to look around smiling faintly as she spotted Stefan making his way across the library floor. "Hey there" Holding a finger to she lips she motions to his twins sharing a bean bag and a book. "They are about halfway through Library Lion and loving it"
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