#{ it's HEEE-REEE ♡ }
nightmarefuele · 1 year
“Well that’s an interesting predicament…” at Joker
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The clown looks up — or is it down? — and's gotta contort his neck backways to do it. The vertebral column (all its weird and complicated dis-cs) creaking with marionette crookedness.
❝ Speak fer yerself. ❞ All the way over there, this slim shape of blonde staring up at him like his mirror image. (Well sorta, not really. Maybe if his mirror was lacking in fashion cen-tss.) She's street-level, but the street's turned upside-over into his ceiling, dark as midnight and sweating residual rain. ❝ Where you see pre-dicament, I say experiment. ❞
Joker dangles at the end of a wiry string. Purple coat flaps (he may be slightly overdressed for the occasion) dangling with him, in his face. Starting to think his ankle might be going somethin'-like numb where the thing is tied, but while his joints feel all crackly, real heavy-like, the rest of him just floats.
❛ upside-down ❜ is perfectly rightside-up ❗
❝ Juuuss-st, ❞ in a high(ish) grunt (his poor vocals' all confused, working overtime), ❝ hangin' around, testing out some-uh, spelunking thingy. You know. ❞ Ooh. Blood in his head. He might be giggling. Flaps a leather hand in her general (very blonde) direction. ❝ No big deal-uhhh, just a littllle ... testhey. D'wye know you? Yer-a bit, ahah, head over heels, hmm; a bit downside-up, s'hard to tell. ❞
Dumb (or very smart) luck brings his face around, white as a sheet, his field of vision clear. The clown looks dopey as dope-can-be.
❝ What's a pretty place like y-ouw doing in a girl like this, mmm? ❞
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