#{ i'm gonna take a break from Tumblr and my blog will be running on queue ♡ }
munniexinsomnia · 1 year
// As someone who is been struggling with mental health issues over 10 years, these news about Moonbin have been shock. 💔
I wish that mental health issues wouldn't be so taboo in some cultures, because we all are humans and we deserve to be treated as ones too, no matter what and idols shouldn't be any exception either, they deserve to get help they need and they should be allowed to talk about their mental health / other issues too, none of us is perfect and we don't need to be perfect either, my friend took these news very heavily and me too, even I wasn't Aroha but I did loved Moonbin and some ASTRO's songs too, these kind of news are always so damn devastating and sad, my heart goes to his family, friends, other ASTRO members and their fans. 💔
But this yet proves again, that even behind brightest smiles and laughter, there can be darker and hidden side, people should really take mental health issues more seriously, because they can be more damaging and triggering than any other issues / injuries, be kind, care and love others unconditionally, you never know what they're going through. ❤️
My deepest condolences and prayers are going to Moonbin's family, friends, other ASTRO members and their fans, may his beautiful soul rest in peace, I will miss him and remember him always. ❤️
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sexyandhedonistic · 1 year
Hello! I read your post and would like to say a few things.
First of all, congratulations on finally making a main blog! I cannot wait for us to talk there. <3
You said you aren't sure if you wish to come back and write posts again, the main question here is, what do you really want? Because you cannot force yourself to come back here for the sake of your followers, write said posts, answer asks, etc.
I agree with what you said that answering the same asks over and over again, covering those same topics does get repetitive and if they wished they could read your FAQ or even your guides for a start. Maybe resort to Neville even because from my experience, he opened my eyes. Plus, there's always gonna be more people to write posts and answer them, you don't have to take it as your duty to do that.
However, I do feel like you've already covered everything there is to know, do you have any ideas on what to do next? You've made the most phenomenal guide on the law, not to mention your it girl post, the summary of Neville's five core lectures and some methods. I think you've done more than enough for a ten year old to read through them and manifest their dream lives. There truly is nothing more to know about anything else.
You mentioned you like the idea of not posting, by all means please do that! This is your blog, your wish.
In the future, if you do have ideas, it's best to set up a queue for them to publish and then select a day where you come on here for some time and chat with your followers.
At the end of the day, tumblr is a social media app, it's best you look after your own mental health and do what's the best for you because I've seen so many people deactivate because they're burnt out or feel overwhelmed with the pressure of maintaining a blog. It made me so happy to see you spend your break away so well!
Anyways, that's all. I hope I was able to help you. <3
Wow I appreciate the extensiveness of your response let me have a read
Thank you, I'm looking forward to it as well <3
I'm indifferent, honestly. I do feel like I could still continue writing because even though I did cover a lot of the basics in my guide I could also expand on them as larger posts and I do enjoy writing up posts and running a blog in general. I think the answering questions aspect of running a blog are what have me iffy about it though.
I agree 100% Neville > any LOA blog. I do understand that it does take some time to grow accustomed to and understand though. [Edward Art]
Thank you, sweetest <3 As I mentioned above ^ I reckon I could expand on some of the sections in my doc, I actually deliberately wrote it without too much detail to preserve the option to write more in depth posts in the future. But it's not like anything would be missed if I didn't write them since I wrote about what's most relevant. And I do have a couple more ideas on the side as well.
Yeah, if I did continue writing I think I'd choose a day of the week for my posts to go up and leave s+h alone but be active on heraisgod.
Correct again, in that sense I'm able to impose boundaries regarding my presence on Tumblr (and bu that I mean that if I don't want to be on I won't), so I don't think that would be much of a concern for me.
Thank you so so much again for providing such a thought out response, see you on heraisgod :)
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oloreaa · 3 years
A little update
Short and to the point: I'm taking a break from tumblr.
With so much happening, and there being constant hate, racism and drama going on, this website has turned from an escape from real life to another stress factor that I simply do not need. So much has changed since I joined tumblr less than a year ago, and I'm really hoping that it will turn around.
I'm happy to have found a lot of my dear friends on this site, and I will check in to talk to you every now and then. You all mean the world to me and I love you very much.
That being said, concerning my writing (what you're most likely here for lmao), I'm gonna be honest and say that I'm not particularly inspired to write at the moment. I have some WIPs and asks that are still unwritten and I don't think that I'm gonna get to them anytime soon.
Interaction is at an all time low now and I would be lying if I said that this doesn't bother me. It's just disheartening to put effort into something, and barely receiving anything in return, especially when a lot of people tell me that they like my writing and want to be tagged. I've been feeling like this for a long time now and this shouldn't come as a big surprise to you.
Maybe I'll still post my writing on here. Most likely not.
If you want to keep in contact, dm me so I can give you my discord, otherwise I don't think that I will be on here much.
Love, Rea
Edit: the blog is running on my queue now, I have cleared out my drafts so there will still be a few things posted every day, but it will run out in a week or so.
I will still be writing and try to make progress in my WIPs, focusing on Vencuyanir especially, but I don't know if I will be posting it on tumblr. I will upload on ao3 and just link the chapter here for those that are interested. Already posted fics will not be taken down at the moment.
Thank you for being so understanding, I love you lots!❤
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llawlieta · 2 years
my blog runs on a looong queue so it doesn't actually matter but I'm gonna be taking a break from Tumblr for a few days bye <3
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ettawritesnstudies · 4 years
Eyyyy saw that you were gonna answer some asks so I decided to turn you for some advice that I was thinking of asking you anyway. I want to be more active in the writing community, but since I was MIA for a bit, I feel a little bit weird becoming more active again, especially since most people I'm following aren't being too active in actually posting things for their wips, and I'd hate to focus on one person. Any ideas as of what to do without being awkward? Thanks so much lol ^-^
Hi there! I'm glad to hear you want to come back to writeblr - I know the school year is insane especially since you're taking a bunch of AP classes so I hope those are going well for you. I don't think it would be too awkward to send asks to a few mutuals and say something like "Hi I've been gone for a bit, what are you working on". In my experience most people would be happy to chat, or you could jump into the weekly ask games like STS and MGM again. Even if you don't participate in all of them, that's an easy way to interact within usual writeblr norms
You could also make one of those "Looking for active writeblrs!" Posts to go around and follow some new people. Those tend to go around like wildfire so it shouldn't take long to find people who are actively posting. Ive done queue fill up events too, where if people reblog the post with links to their work, I'll like it and add it to my queue so I can keep the blog running whenever I do have to take a break from tumblr, and that's a good way to meet new people and WIPs.
I hope that helps! It's nice to see you back online :)
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bengesko · 5 years
So I got an ask from a throwaway blog saying I'm worthless, a bad writer and I need to stop being a whiner asking for undeserved attention for shitty writing with shitty headcanons.
Considering I had just posted writing as a gift for the woman I love, despite my self doubt in my writing, and I poured my affection into it, I'm hurting. Badly. Seeing that ask was like a kick to the gut. It was enough to make me cry, and given that I have difficulty with that, physically, because of testosterone, it's a measure of how deeply that hurt me.
So I'm taking a break from tumblr. I switched my username to lie low for now but I'm just. Gonna let my queue run.
I won't bother y'all with my writing anymore. I'll just send it to @amemait, since she always supports me and actually reads and appreciates my work without me having to subject my mutuals with my shit. Because apparently I am so worthless and bad at it that random people have to tell me to stop.
Or I have a very awful follower hiding behind a proxy and I honestly hope you unfollow me because you are the worst kind of two faced, back stabbing person and I hope very soon in the future, you feel this kind of pain and rejection I feel. May Sekhmet spit flames in your path.
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I've been giving some serious thought to the fact that I keep promising myself to decrease my presence on Tumblr and spend more time on Pillowfort and well... working on fanfiction and various other creation projects. I've also been thinking about the fact that it's been pointed out to me how this site has affected me, and in some major ways, not for the better. And that maybe I should take a serious break from this place.
Because, in spite of not reblogging a whole lot, in truth I'm still looking at my dash almost constantly. Curating my dash (changing up who I follow) does help, as well as curating what I put on my own blog (for example, I've started to really put my foot down on wholesale avoiding reblogging posts with guilt tripping in them).
But even then that can only do so much. I've seen other people take breaks from Tumblr and lessen their presence on here, and even advised such to other people in the past. But as a wise friend recently told me, maybe I should follow my own advice.
So I'm going to, well, be a semi-hiatus of sorts. Because I want to take my own plans and advice seriously, as well as the advice of the people who care about me.
I plan to fill up my queue before and have that running and announce fanfic updates if those come up. I'll probably also still be making content for my sideblog. But, aside from those stipulations, I'm gonna be scarce for a few days. Maybe even as long as a couple weeks.
No looking at my dash.
No opening the app on my mobile devices.
Once I have my queue filled I'll make a post officially putting my myself on semi-hiatus.
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baekura · 5 years
Going on a Semi-Hiatus
Hey I need to take a sort of break from Tumblr for a while. This shit is honestly making me so unhappy bc I keep seeing shit that makes me miserable, and I've been actively seeking it out, too, which I guess I can chalk up to either mental self-harm or just poor impulse control. I'm going to have a queue going, and I'm gonna try to only be on to read messages from my friends, upload art to my art blog, and add stuff to the queue when it runs low.
See y'all someday ✌️
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