#{ hellscapist - D M }
diss0nant-a · 5 years
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      ➥       muse page       ➥       behind the muse
      ➥       amelie holt’s page / text post bio       ➥       dean winchester’s page       ➥       drew murase’s page       ➥       e/a>eve polastri’s page       ➥       valya astankova’s page
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amelie holt //
`     is that all you wish for me motherfucker     ♗       a h
`     a h     ♗       aesthetic `     a h     ♔       interactions
interactions by user; 
xvillainoux / villanelle brokenspy / sarah docquinzel / harley cheapxseats / tara curiositas-et-robus / villanelle
{{ i gotta recognize the weapon in my mind }}
`     i did something bad, maybe i was wrong      ♗       m j `     m j     ♗       aesthetic `     m j     ♔       interactions
interactions by user; 
evilsded / charlie
`     m j     ♕       open starter `     m j     ♜       self para `     m j     ♞       visual `     m j     ◄       back in time `     m j     ♘       ipod `     m j     ♛       answer
dean winchester //
verse page `     that’s not who i am     ♗       d w `     d w     ♗       aesthetic `     d w    ♔       interactions
interactions by user; 
norighteouspath / castiel evilsded / ashley thekingsparty / crowley montanamiracle / gwen fellcrown / crowley havensuffered / claire singersonlydaughter / griffon
`     d w    ♕       open starter `     d w    ♜       self para `     d w    ♞       visual `     d w    ♘       ipod `     d w    ♛       answer
              verse tags;
{{ finding my own way }}         late s4 {{ if i die before i wake }}        s15 {{ i’m a threat - maybe off with my head }}         demon dean {{ our dreams will break the boundaries of our fear }}         private w/ evilsded
              dynamic tags;
`     but what is and what should never be    ⇆       c a s t i e l `     you’ll find no ever after here    ⇆       c r o w l e y
drew murase //
`     nature took two tries to make the man in white     ♗       d m `     d m     ♗       aesthetic `     d m     ♔       interactions
interactions by user
hellscapist / karras
`     d m     ♕       open starter `     d m     ♜       self para `     d m     ♞       visual `     d m     ◄       back in time `     d m     ♘       ipod `     d m     ♛       answer
if you wish to see more check out my old blog
eve polastri //
`     my body’s rotten filled with pests     ♗       e p `     e p       ♖       aesthetic `     e p       ♔       interactions
interactions by user
sorrybvby / villanelle curiositas-et-robus / villanelle
`     e p       ♕       open starter `     e p       ♜       self para `     e p       ♞       visual `     e p       ♘       ipod `     e p       ◄       back in time `     e p       ♛       answer
if you wish to see more check out my old blog
oksana astankova
to be added
valya astankova //
`     i forget everything that hurts me so i can get hurt again     ♗       v a `     v a       ♖       aesthetic `     v a       ♔       interactions
~your url could be here~
`     v a       ♕       open starter
`     v a       ♜       self para `     v a       ♞       visual `     v a       ♘       ipod `     v a       ◄       back in time `     v a       ♛       answer
if you wish to see more check out my old blog
0 notes