#{ but i gotta hand it to him he's smooth for suggesting that game xD }
mcltiples · 4 months
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@countlessrealities sent; Rick's head was swimming, which was on its own quite a rarity. After spending decades dosing himself with all the kinds of substances and poisons hee could get his hands on, with the aim of making himself immune to them, finding something that could intoxicate him was a challenge.
One that that he welcomed now that he had a partner who was just as hard to affect as he was. Good think that he was a genius chemist.
The word came out slightly slurred as Rick struggled to keep himself steady. They were sitting on his partner's bed and the headboard was looking more and more inviting with each passing minute.
"Humans usually play games when drunk. We should to. Let's play a game."
[[ Evil Rick for Weird Rick for the lil drunk inbox call || As requested, they are getting drunk together...and my Evil Rick decided to bring up some Earthen stuff x3 ]]
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Downing a portion of the bottle of who knows what, Rick quickly swallowed it down before turning to look at his partner. This was a nice moment. He rarely had the occasion to get drunk. Let alone doing so with company. Not just any company, but someone really special. At least, in his own words, he would say that.
He scoot closer on the bed. Until their shoulders were touching. He put the bottle in between them. Smiling at the way his kitten was already drunk.
From his perspective, the other looked so cute right now. Though, he knew better than to ruin the moment by saying that out loud. Even in his drunken state.
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"A game? I'd really like that, kitten," The only game that seemed to come to mind were the rather risqué ones. Though, those required more participants to play and there was only two of them. "It's not really a drinking game, but I have an idea,"
Getting up from the bed, he went rummaging through his closet. He knew there had to be something here. Within minutes, he found it. A deck of cards.
As he plopped back down onto the bed, he leaned in close. "Have you ever played strip poker?"
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faeriexqueen · 7 years
Oh myyy- I just discovered your blog and I'm like omfg very good things we've got there, don't we? For the drabbles prompts, I can't decide between 13 and 36 sooo I'll let you choose? The pair is Tyki/Allen, because I saw that you put them in the tag and I was so happy!
WOOP! This was my very first Poker Pair ficlet, so hopefully it’s ok! XD  Thank you so much for your patience, dear!Title: Cheater, CheaterPairing: Poker Pair (Tyki Mikk/Allen Walker)Chapters: 1Words: 2,255Summary: Tyki asks Allen to play poker, but it's not money he's putting on the table. 19th century AU, non-exorcist and non-Noah.AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12107922FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12654603/1/Cheater-Cheater
Tykicouldn’t say he was disappointed to see the kid show up.  In fact, he’d been anticipating it.  
A cigarette between his lips, Tyki sucked in some of the smoke before inhalingsoftly.  As he exhaled, hismolten-colored eyes flickered back to where the boy was.  Snowy hair. A scar on his face.  
Allen Walker
– that was his name.  At least, that was the name the boy had giventhe first time he had ever come into the pub, as well as every time after that.
Tyki wordlessly turned his attention back to his cards.   He had four nine’s: a club, a spade, aheart, and a diamond.  Then a three inclubs.  A four of a kind, and a stronghand.  Tyki smirked.
One of the men play – a middle aged guy with sandy brown hair – noticed Tyki’sexpression.  He eyed Tykiskeptically.  “Bet that smirk is abluff.”
Tyki’s brow arched, and he took the cigarette from his lips.  “You sure about that?” He asked.  He was rather amused by the accusation, and aglimmer of laughter seemed to spill through his gaze.
The player frowned.  He looked as thoughhe were trying to gage if Tyki actually
bluffing, but his expression grew confident. He showed his cards.  An eight, anine, a ten, a jack, and a queen – a straight.
It was a good combo, but not good enough to beat Tyki’s.  Tyki put his cards down, his amusementincreasing when he saw the other player’s smugness falter.
“Better pay up,” Tyki suggested, as he leaned back in chair.
The player sighed, before reaching into his pocket.  “You don’t want to do another round?”
Tyki’s eyes didn’t leave the man’s, but his mind briefly returned to thesnowy-haired individual who had recently arrived.  “Nah, I got another person to play.”
Shrugging, the defeated player tossed a box of cigarettes to Tyki.  “Enjoy your nicotine then.”
Tyki pocketed the cigarettes.  He tookone last hit off of his current smoke, though Tyki had just about used this oneup; he often made sure to pace himself while smoking.  There was just no pleasure in a rushed smoke.
Placing the bud in the ash tray, Tyki stood. He turned to see where the boy from earlier had gone, and it didn’t takelong to spot him.  Just a few tables awayAllen was seated at a table that could have potentially sat four, and looked tobe engaged in some kind of card game with another person.  Tyki noticed that Allen’s opponent lookedrather frustrated.
As Tyki headed in that direction, he was able to catch some of what was beingsaid.
“Man, you gotta be cheating or something!” The opponent was starting toargue.  “There’s no way you were able topull a royal straight like that!”
“I did say I wouldn’t go easy on you,” Allen replied, seemingly unfazed by theother player’s agitation.  A small smilethen appeared on his face.  “But we canalways go for a round two if you think this one was unfair.”
The other player only appeared more aggravated by Allen’s words, and his eyesnarrowed.  “Listen here, if you think youcan get away with
“What’s all this about?” Tyki cut in, as he slid into one of the vacant chairsat the table.
Allen’s eyes darted in Tyki’s direction, wary and distrusting.  The other player merely looked somewhatcaught off guard before irritation returned to his expression as he nudged histhumb in Allen’s direction.  “
bloke here,” The other playerseethed, “Is cheating me out.”
Tyki raised his eyebrow, feigning surprise. “You mean
?” Tyki asked,as he nodded his head in Allen’s direction. “You must be mistaken – I mean, just look at that sweet face.”
Allen whipped his head in Tyki’s direction. “What are you-“ He started to hiss quietly, before Tyki cut him off.
“Anyways, he’s the most honest person I know here.,” Tyki continued, beforeeying the man with a challenging expression. “Unless of course you can prove he’s cheating.”
At this, the man faltered.  His gazeflickering in-between Allen and Tyki before he scowled; he then angrily tossedseveral gold pieces onto the table.   “Idon’t have time for this,” He huffed, before he stood and abruptly stalked off.
Once the other player had left, Allen swiftly took the coins before sharplylooking at Tyki.  “What was that for?” Heasked.  His tone was cold, with the maskof politeness dissipating.
Tyki leaned back in his chair languidly. “Aw.  No ‘thank you from thebottom of my heart’?” He teased.  
Allen’s eyes – a strange, silvery purple – narrowed.  “No. And I didn’t ask you to come over here either.”
Lips upturning into something of a half-smirk, Tyki’s molten-colored eyesremained locked onto Allen.  “I know,” Hespoke.  “Just wanted to give somefriendly backup.  You know, since he wasaccusing you of cheating.”
Tyki then paused, as he glanced at Allen’s card deck that had remained on thetable.  “Which,” Tyki went on, “I’m sureyou
Allen tore his gaze from Tyki’s.  He tookhis deck, and put it into his coat pocket. “Yet you gave him some bullshit about me being most
person you know…”
Tyki shrugged.  “I said the
honest I know,” He clarified. “Doesn’t mean you can’t be a cheater. You’re just more honest a cheater than all the other bastards I knowaround here.”
Allen gave Tyki an unimpressed look. “If that’s your logic,” He muttered,before sobering up a little.  “You didn’tcome over here just to help though.  Sowhat do you want?”
Sighing, Tyki closed his eyes.  “Do you
to be so accusatory?  I only wanted to see if you were up for around of poker.”
Intrigue flickered in Allen’s eyes, before skepticism took over.  Allen frowned.  “Why? I’ve already played you before, and you lose every time.”
A dry laugh escaped Tyki.  “I do.  But I want to play again.  Just not for money.”
Allen crossed his arms.  “Sorry.  I only play if there’s money on the table.”
“I know.  You nearly took all ofmine.  Plus my jacket.  And my shirt,” Tyki reminisced.   He looked at Allen curiously.  “Have you worn it?  That was a nice shirt.  You better not have let it go to waste.”
Allen rolled his eyes, but Tyki thought he caught sight of a blush.  In the dim lighting, it was hard to tell.  “It was nice, and it made for a quick sell.  Don’t think anything of it,” Allen spoke,before pausing.  His eyes flickered toTyki questioningly.  “What were you goingto bet this time?”
Tyki smiled.  He knew Allen wouldn’t havebeen able to walk away from a gamble. The boy might have exhibited a polite face to some, but Tyki had seenenough to know that Allen was too much of a card-playing devil to walk awayfrom a game.  The boy hated losing asmuch as he hated missing out on a chance to gain something (preferably money,and Tyki couldn’t help but assume the boy must have been in some kind of debt;he didn’t strike Tyki as the type to say have an addiction or anything).
When he saw Allen was waiting expectantly, Tyki answered.  “If I win, I get one request.  You have to do it.”
,” Alleninterjected.  “I’m not going to agree tothis when you could tell me to do anything after.”
“So you’re afraid you’ll lose?” Tyki questioned.  He appeared thoroughly amused by Allen’sreaction.
“No,” Allen countered, though he sounded frustrated.  “I just don’t
“Fair enough.  Though knowing will takethe fun out of it, don’t you think?”
“No, I don’t.  So what do I have to do ifyou win?”
Tyki sighed.  God, the boy could be sucha moody little thing sometimes.  Tykiwasn’t about to let Allen completely ruin his fun though.  His eyes moved to meet Allen’s.  “Kiss me.”
Despite the fact that he wasn’t even drinking anything, Allen coughed as thoughhe had suddenly choked on something. Complete bafflement took over his expression, and he started at Tykidisbelievingly.  “I’m sorry –
It was difficult for Tyki not to laugh in that moment.  Allen’s expression was
 But, if Tykilaughed the boy might have gotten angry and flustered, and left.  Tyki didn’t want him to leave just yet, so hesimply smiled.  “If I win, I want you tokiss me.”
“Have you lost your
?” Allenasked, still in something of a state of being shocked.  “Why in the blazing hell would I agree tothat?”
Oh, Tyki could have spent
watching Allen get this psyched out.  Theboy’s face had even colored to a noticeable pink.  Tyki pretended not to notice.  “Well, if
win, then you could tell me to do something and I have to do it.  Obviously it doesn’t have to be the same aswhat I’m asking.”
This explanation caused Allen to hesitate, and he actually appeared to beconsidering it.  However, he wasn’t quickto agree to anything yet.  “How do I knowyou won’t back out or break your word? I’ve seen you cheat others out here too, you know.”
“How do I know you won’t break
?”Tyki challenged, voice smooth.  “Guesswe’ll have to rely on the honor system, won’t we?”
Allen didn’t answer immediately.  Tykihad a point.  He exhaled.  “You know I’m going to probably beat you,right?”
“If you cheat, then definitely,” Tyki mused aloud.  “Maybe you won’t this time.”
Allen said nothing, but apparently had decided to go along with Tyki’s“bet.”  He reached for his deck of cards.
Tyki stopped him.  “Not your deck,” Hesaid, before pulling out his own.  “Thistime we use mine.”
Allen seemed to freeze a little.  Healmost looked as though he wanted to argue, but instead he slowly put his owndeck back.  “Fine,” Allen conceded,though his tone was somewhat grudgingly.
Tyki tossed them to Allen suddenly. Allen almost missed catching them, but managed to grab the deck.  His eyes were puzzled as he looked at Tyki.
Understanding Allen’s confusion, Tyki explained.  “You can still shuffle them.”
Allen narrowed his eyes, but remained quiet. He started to shuffle.  As he didso, he looked down at the cards.  He felthimself tense slightly when he saw there was a small pentacle in the bottomcorner of each card – meaning it wasn’t a standard deck.  It was some kind of custom one.
Allen internally cursed.  He couldn’t usehis backup cards if the deck was of some unique design.  Allen always kept an extra hand in hissleeve, slipping them out as he drew his hand – but if Tyki had each cardmarked…
Tyki watched Allen’s irritated expression. He seemed to know what Allen was thinking, and smirked.  “Don’t worry. I’m playing fairly, and you’re the one dealing the cards.”
This wasn’t exactly comforting news to Allen, but he couldn’t really back outnow. Swiftly, he continued to shuffle before he finally dealt them each ahand.   First Tyki, then himself.  
Allen placed the deck down, and picked up his hand.  Tyki did the same.  
Tyki looked at his hand, then back to Allen. “We can do this quickly if you want. Show our hands, and end the round there,” Tyki suggested.  
Allen was still looking at his hand, but then looked back at Tyki.  He laid his cards down.  He had two threes (a heart and a club), ajoker, a queen, and an ace.
Allen looked up.  “Your turn.”
Tyki said nothing as he laid his cards down.  Two nines (a diamond and a club), two fives (a heart and a diamond), anda three in clubs.  A two pair inopposition to Allen’s one pair combination.
Tyki crossed his arms, and smirked. “Guess I win this round.”
Allen’s expression was pensive, and he looked mildly annoyed.  “Guess you do,” He muttered, before slidingthe deck across the table to Tyki.
Tyki took his deck, and put it away.  Hethen stood up from the table and made a move to leave.
Allen was instantly confused.  “Where areyou going?”
“Bed.  I have a job to work in themorning,” Tyki answered simply as he put his coat on.
The answered did nothing for Allen’s bewilderment.  “What about-“
“The kiss?” Tyki asked, before he chuckled softly.  “I don’t want it yet.”
Allen appeared to be at a loss for words, and when he said nothing Tykicontinued.  “That was a pretty weak handyou had.  You could have folded.”
These words seemed to snap Allen out of his silence.  “What are you getting at?”
Tyki shrugged.  “Even with a differentdeck, you don’t lose
easily.  I don’t think you mindedlosing.”
Allen grew defensive.  “You don’t knowthat.”
“No,” Tyki admitted.  “But I think you’llkiss me eventually.”
As Tyki said this, his eyes met Allen’s. Allen’s whole body immediately went still, and for the third time thatnight Tyki saw a flush of pink on Allen’s cheeks.  Tyki smiled fondly.
It was also Tyki who first broke his gaze away. “Don’t get into too much trouble tonight,” He advised before leaving thepub.
He’d see Allen Walker again soon.
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