#{ also yo is butthurt don't mind him
thesagedahlia · 4 years
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💎Ari Fletcher & Moneybagg Yo💎
I had to update my reading that I've done on this couple in the past, but let me just say that when I did it THEN, everything was good, but it seemed like a small power struggle & an issue of boundaries. I don't remember most of it, but it was relatively okay, as far as the interest, & it was a highly passionate relationship, if you catch my drift. Mind you, this was BEFORE 👩🏾‍🦰Wig-Gate👩🏾‍🦲 (which I pulled on at the time & got the feeling it was about a BM), so before anything really incriminating or negative attention on them, as a couple. Since then, every other time I pull cards on them, it's a see-saw; I'd pull to find out that they had a blow up, or argument, not even two days later, they were together & were doing good, but when I go to pull again, they WOULD be better but after some peaceful resolution. So I figured that this would be an ongoing cycle for them as a couple, but all of that is NEVER to say that they don't have feeling for each other or are making a genuine effort, on both parties. I really feel like this reading is very contradictory to what is portrayed on the outside, to warn you (good readings usually are ones that are contradictory), so before you get butthurt, remember that I'm only reading the cards...though, the cards have a tendency to tell the truth. & I thought Future's reading was a long one, this was way too much. So allow me not to wait any more time.
I am not declaring, nor am I insinuating, that anything I say in my predictions are true accounts of any of the parties involved. This reading is for entertainment purposes only, & should only taken as such. All in good fun, folks 🤷🏾‍♀️🧿
💎Energy surrounding Ari & Moneybagg Yo💎
I get the feeling that their security was threatened with in the relationship. I feel like Moneybagg Yo is always making moves, & I feel Ari's paranoia getting the best of her. I feel she is always accusing him of cheating or of talking to one of his BMs more exclusively; it feels like misinformation or accusation, but it began to be a lot of stress on Ari, & I feel her reaching a limit & withdrawing from Moneybagg. I feel Ari really suspects him to still be dealing with one of his BMs in a romantic sense, & that he may seem manipulative or controlling when it comes to her, to Ari. I feel they've had a lot of conflicts & arguments (some being solved physically), & I think this has caused Moneybagg problems with his BM as well. There is an unfulfillment & dissatisfaction here, & I feel they separated a few times. I feel a power struggle in this relationship as well. I feel these instances to also be what has brought out Ari's emotional instability in aggression. This relationship isn't allowing for Ari to see her paranoia for what it is. She seems to be overlooking the negative of the relationship, & remains hold of it; deeming their circumstance unconventional. There's a lack of growth & cooperation, but Ari demands a lot from Moneybagg, in order for her to trust him. She has a choice to free herself, or trust in the love & hope for it to improve, but there is a lack of clarity within the relationship that causes her stress & anxiety. It's stems around the possibility that he is withholding secrets from her, because he may have been trying to manipulate her emotionally before. I think she tries to balance her emotions (her paranoia is up-and-down), but it may be hard because Moneybagg has caused her pain through lies or manipulation in the past already. I think they really overlook the power struggles, & lack of collaborative or compatible energy between them. There is also one sided clarity, because they both exhibit emotional immaturity. Aside from all the sexually active energy, there isn't much positive progress. Ari tries to find pleasantries in their relationship after the disharmony, but ultimately, they will keep repeating negative patterns past all the efforts of balance. I'm also picking up one of financial dependency here, that is what is keeping her in the on-going battle of the relationship. Ari has the option to move away from the hostility & painful treatment, but I feel one of her underlying worries is being lonely. She stays for the sake of being in a relationship, & it feels like a regretful, yet necessary transition that is being delayed, but the disorder feels it will continue until some kind of change occurs.
💎Ari's feelings toward Moneybagg Yo💎
I feel like Ari is infatuated with Moneybagg & she is very territorial over him. She could be so much into wanting to be in the relationship, that she ignores any warning signs that come up for her, & she overlooks the negatives within the situation, & becomes blind to the truth of the Monybagg's emotionlly withdrawn nature. I get the feeling that the fighting is exciting for her, & she finds him to be a sexually satisfying partner. She doesn't only find joy there, but she feels it is a financially stable relationship. She feels lack of growth, however, or doesn't see much for the long term, only because she would eventually become impatient of finally recovering from the worst they've endured. They've had a bout in the past that resulted in them walking away from each other (I can't tell how recent it is), & it put Ari in a position where she felt powerless. I think one thing about Ari is, she tries to have control over Moneybagg & the relationship. She may also be unclear of her belief when it comes to the relationships he maintains with his BMs. Ari feels like he is still messing with one in particular, & it's because of some information that supports this belief. I feel there are some messages that were sent to Moneybagg of a flirtatious nature, & that was a base point for some of their arguments. It was pain behind this, but she is hoarding the relationship.
💎Moneybagg Yo's feelings toward Ari💎
It feels like the fact that they fight the way they do isn't as much of a turn on for him as it is for Ari, in fact he feels trapped within the relationship. I feel like he tries to give to this connection as much as he can in order to heal it, but it still isn't all of him. He feels she is the source of a lot of their arguments, & he drew back from her emotionally because of it. He also feels Ari acts out of emotions & that she doesn't have control over her actions. He feels she always accuses him of cheating, or doing wrong (& this could be where the BM comes in). He feels she can be caring, sweet, & emotional one minute, then cold, & accusing the next. I feel he's been conflicted because he does care about her, but the false accusations cause him a lot of grief. Ari has extreme trust issues, & that causes a heavily emotional experience for him. I do feel like he wants to take a break from the relationship because it's put a lot of stress on him. He wants a happy situation with her, but she is pushing him away with all of the accusing. I feel like he contemplates a lot to himself about this, & he is conflicted because he feels they can have a successful relationship. It's become overwhelming to him, & he's coming close to giving up.
🔎👩🏾‍🦰Was 'Wig Gate' a hoax or real❔ Why/what happened❓👩🏾‍🦲🔍
A transformation did take place within this situation, & it was due to one-sided clarity that caused disruption within the relationship. I feel there was gossip, or information relayed to Ari, that was incriminating communication against Moneybagg Yo. This information was of him dealing with another female, or him spending time with/money on his BMs (either one in particular, or more). I am picking up on a violent/abusive nature, & things getting attention surrounding this conflict; what was witnessed was the aftermath of a volitile breakdown. Infidelity, or the paranoia over it, is what triggered this event, Ari has a huge lack of restraint when releasing her emotions, & she can become pretty reckless; this is also being noted as repeating negative patterns as like past relationships. It's also coming up that Moneybagg willingly debunked the 'rumor', because he has love for Ari, & he didn't want to have her publicly embarrassed. By that point, they have separated in order to cool off the attention on them. Meanwhile, Ari was dealing with the revelation behind the scenes, & I even feel like them getting back good with one another was prolonged because of how hurt she felt. Since then she had a chip on her shoulder. Moneybagg may have been having a hard time prioritizing his relationship with Ari & his relationship with his BMs simultaneously, because the back-and-forth of it seems to catch up with him; it is coming up as a conflicting situation that would inevitably clash. Overindulgence of liquor/drugs may have played a role in this trigger as well. Ari has an insecurity when it comes to Moneybagg in his relationship with his BMs which brought out the shadow side in Ari. This tension/hostility may be a continuing factor within this relationship. I feel Ari tried to mind her business & keep the peace when he came to his BMs, but it is still change that is unwelcome to her. Unfortunately, with the energy they're in, I don't think this will be the last time this will cause conflict; slowly but surely, this will be revisited. This was a building conflict/tension within Ari & an unspoken & security that blew up in the public. I'm also seeing it as a financial issue as well, oddly enough. I feel Ari is 'spoiled', if you will, financially in this relationship, yet she doesn't get as much of his money as she would hope because a lot of it goes to his BMs as well as her. These issues with Ari are starting to get to his BMs, when Moneybagg was trying to keep them separate. These changes are unwelcome for Ari, & will continue to make her feel defensive & uncomfortable.
💎Ari's Feelings toward the BMs/Juicyy💎
I feel like Ari is putting herself in this self imposed prison when it comes to the BMs as a collective. She isn't too friendly, nor has any desire to be. She would rather not have a relationship with any of them (not a surprise), & I'm picking up that there was one in particular that it was revealed about some kind of flirtatious environment. She feels like she has the perception of them still wanting to be with Moneybagg, & she's sure that he is being deceptive about them, & i feel like her paranoia may prompt her to anticipate getting into it with one of them (which it is showing that she has), all while displaying her relationship with Moneybagg to, in a way, provoke them to say something. She also feels he is back-and-forth with all of them & her, & she doesn't necessarily trust the situation with them.
With Juicyy specifically, Ari feels like they are, or he is, doing more with her than just visiting their child. She feels he has been controlling or manipulating the relationship with both of them to his advantage. I feel this is her perception & paranoia, but I feel a suppressed anger or hostility because of this. She feels he gives Juicyy attention, & in Ari's mind, she absorbs that attention. She feels, in him trying to keep the relationship together with Juicyy, he is causing her to be mentally unsettled by the fear of it. Ari does feel like she is still dealing with him in a passionate way, which has, in turn, caused her to become more & more of a possessive, combative, & accusing. Ari feels he deals with her this way in particular out of the other 3, yet she still is not putting anything past the other BM's. I feel an insecurity around their relationship & it can even be an intimidation, & that is unspoken but I'm also getting a sense of misinformation relayed to her. She feel she can't compete with Juicyy's relationship/bond with Moneybagg & she fills Juicyy has an emotional hold over him, much to her disadvantage. I feel like instability contributed to her perception of this, & it is almost as if it is rumor/speculation that is causing anxiety for her as well.
💎MBY's relationship with his BMs/Juicyy💎
As a collective, I feel like Moneybagg wasn't a saint to these women, in fact, I feel he caused confusion to them. I feel like they were relationships he wanted to make work, but I feel like he would deal with these women as well as others. I also feel like hes back-and-forth with some of them at least (2 or 3) in communication, as it may be an up & down type of exchange with them. There seems to be an energy of having control over these women & playing a balancing act with these relationships. I feel it is an ego boost to him to hang on to these women in certain degree (aside from coparenting), even within his relationship with Ari, as he feels he can fall back on his BMs if Ari & he were to get into a fight or break up. I feel like he does still pine after on BM in particular, but she isn't falling for it; she knows what she dealt with when she was with him, & she has a guard up although I also feel Moneybagg is a soft spot for her. She has love for him, & they have a very tight knit & solid relationship/bond, but she knows better than to cross certain lines with him because of why they separate in the first place. They have well established feelings for one another, & they both know it, but there was a resistance to renew a cycle because of repressed anger from past secrets, or awareness of past secrets of being unfaithful. I feel they have a mutual exchange & an agreeance to keep the peace between them, but it is almost as if the cycle between them has yet to close out completely, yet the movement has been stagnated or slow. There is a strong defense to this relationship, but I'm feeling 3rd party conflict, in all honesty, Ari could be someone who is highly intimidated by this relationship because I'm possibly seeing conflicts here ( I see there has been confrontation in the past with this BM & she had to defend herself over confusion). Over all I feel collectively he possibly has in emotional hold on these women and at least 3 of them may be clean to a possibility of a romantic relationship and they may be confused about where his head is at emotional I and there may be some recklessness or naivety, & one BM can see straight through the BS & has her guard up against it. I feel they all still have love (to a point) for him as he does for them.
With Juicyy specifically, She is well aware of what comes with being with Moneybagg, & it has caused her a lot of stress & burden. He bring cycles of disappointment to her & he seems to be the type to like to keep a woman in confusion, when it comes to love relationships. He tries to have his cake & eat it too, & Juicyy doesn't expect to be accepting any invitations because of it. She knows there is shit he likes to hide, & that he can be sweet one minute then secretive the next. She knows he lacks the emotional maturity for a relationship & that he can't seem to be with one person. I feel even though she feels this way, it isn't to say that she is wanting to be malicious to him by way of their child(ren). A romantic beginning is not welcome for her, but she feels she needs to stay focus on the family, co-parenting aspect of it. She is also respectful of the fact day he has a public relationship elsewhere, so she doesn't want to insert herself in that. She feels like the relationship will become less and less organized & she'd rather mind her business & allow it to unfold. I feel she does acknowledge that he has a good fatherly energy & they are able to coparent, but I feel he does miss being with her & he does occasionaly shoot his shot. She would rather not engage because he can never be straight up with her within a relationship. As of late, she's dealt with Moneybagg's current woman, Ari, & she won't allow that to penetrate the mutuality of her relationship with him, but she won't back down from his woman, no matter who she is. She usually shifts her focus away from his relationship with Ari, but if conflict is brought to her she will address it & she wore hesitate to do.
🤼🏾‍♀️Will Ari & Juicyy ever CLASH again❔🤼🏾‍♀️
Well, I feel Ari can get in her own head about Juicyy, her connection to Moneybagg, & in her perception, she feels he is still attracted to her. Meanwhile, Juicyy isn't intrested in that kind of attention from him. Ari doesn't trust her in the slightest, but I don't see her outwardly causing a problem. I feel there is peace for now & it is more so for the sake of portraying that she is happy with Moneybagg & they have a better bond between one another. Ari is under the impression that he is still attracted to her & that they still have 'relations' (which, of course, isn't necessarily true), which brings her confusion & jealousy, but I see she is wanting to remain unbothered on the surface. I feel like Ari is threatened by her relationship because of Juicyy, so she has her defenses up & will defend her & Moneybagg's relationship in any way she ever needed to, against her. I don't feel there will be any outward hostility expressed, in an effort to not start conflict from a dry place. I do feel Ari needs to be careful not to let her distrust or misinformation to allow her to make irrational decisions out of pure emotion or ego.
💎What lies in the future for Moneybagg & Ari's relationship💎
I feel like there is a factor of jealousy that still looms under this relationship. Ari feels like she is still bring up things from the past, & it makes her want to make Moneybagg value her worth & this can be brought through monetary means. This feels like a vengeful tactic for her through emotional manipulation; she feels suspicious of him & her emotions go up-&-down. I feel there is a genuine attempt at dating & building with one another, but she's remaining in the mind set of feeling confused & she's trapping herself in that confusion. I also feel she's faking her happiness at times, & is only holding onto the relationship for the potential of a firm foundation, both emotionally & financially. I feel like her suspicions get the best of her, mostly when he's away, or traveling. I also feel she has insecurities about being separated from him & could be worried the most about him dealing with a BM/someone he could be DMing. She may feel stressed with the lack of stability she feels within the relationship. I have a feeling that because of this, Ari feel she should detached from the situation, but this is a relationship built on financial security as well as 'love'. This is an unhealthy transition for since she is in her head a lot about it. She could make the choice to release herself due to her lack of clarity since it is continuing to cause paranoia for her. There is a need to discover her value & find a deeper feeling/meaning out of herself away from the relationship. From what I can tell, this will be a cycle with them the majority of the relationship. Emotional instability is a problem between them, & while Moneybagg wants to have a stable connection, the past tends to rear its ugly head yet again.
🤼🏾‍♀️Why did Ari come for Juicyy on Social Media🤼🏾‍♀️
She feels boundaries have been tested & she doesn't fully believe that they aren't still dealing with each other romantically (or even sexually). She's not only fairly suspicious of him of keeping things regarding her hidden, she also feels like they have a pretty solid bond, much to her reluctance. I feel like every time he is with Juicyy it angers her, & she has a very codependent & insecure energy behind it. I feel like she can be a little obsessive and her intuition regarding compare relationship is blocked or misguided; I don't think she has all of the facts straight, per say. I feel like she doesn't enjoy sharing Moneybagg with Juicyy, simply because of her own suspicions & paranoia. I do feel Ari finds Juicyy to be a threat to her relationship, so she could have had some building hostility toward her, & I feel like she didn't want to come at her out of emotions, so she figured to do it about the driest shit possible (🙄 she needed a reason to say something to her). Per the fact them Moneybagg is going to do what he wants, he is going to have Juicyy's back due to his loyal to her.
👍🏾How did Moneybagg Yo feel about Ari vs. Juicyy👎🏾
I feel like it did bother him, that as well as having to deal with a girlfriend that doesn't trust that he is committed to the relationship, & he sees how difficult it will be that she doesn't wish to compromise her feelings for the sake of keeping things civil. He is also overwhelmed by the way Ari can be very accusing. He's aware that she feels there is a deeper meaning behind his flattery towards Juicyy, & that she feels he is giving her certain attention. He feels it was all just really petty & that it was stressful news/dirty gossip that may have taken him a lot to get around. He doesn't care much for social media beef, so it was really a nuisance to him. He finds it to be a problem that they aren't on the same page, & I think that it made things worse by Ari taking it to social media (even if it was over something petty). He feels home life can get chaotic with this kind of approach to it, & he also feels that its bed for him financially, as far as business is concerned. Moneybagg tries to be a loving leader for his family, & having a well off relationship with his children's mothers is a priority as well (regardless of which mother). He feels there is tension there, but he is still going to work on his relationship with Ari & working on balance between that & maintaining his family.
🤳🏾Did Moneybagg try to recruit a second girlfriend, or Ari's replacement🤳🏾
This is definitely a person that he's been holding onto, as if he has a certain roster of women he's been putting on reserve, so to speak (7 women it feels like; 4 being his BMs). I do feel like he hit her up for his own self interest, & I feel like he has perpetuated confusion for her in the past, but I think he's kept her around even though he's cut her off in the ways he has before. I feel like it was a situation where, even though he got blasted in the past, he still doesn't seem to have any shame about it. This DM seemed to be triggered by/coming from an energy of losing hope, or difficulty having hope, within a love connections, & a strain caused by worrying about painful feedback from gossip. I also feel like he was initially going to keep this a secret from this connection (with Ari), but the girl ended up blasting him; I also don't feel like he was expecting the response he got from her. It also feels due to repeating negative patters or stagnation within the connection (with Ari).
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