#{ Mika's like 'I may be a vampire but I'm not fucking stupid. I'm not just gonna place my foot into it's mouth.' }
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miyakuya · 2 years ago
— So… no blood?
request: Maybe a one shot with Mikaela and an S/o. Something with S/o comforting Mikaela about drinking from them (they/them if that’s okay?). Also maybe something with s/o feeling insecure because they think Mikaela would pick Yuuchiro over them anytime, for anything. Just s/o feeling like they’re second best
a/n: this is so fucking bad i’m so sorry 🥀 anon😭 i rewrote it 9 times and can’t get it to be as good as i want it to be😭 also thank you coward and astro for beta reading this <3333
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“Why do you only drink Yuuchiro’s blood?” It was a simple question, one that you didn’t really expect would catch your boyfriend by surprise. But from the way Mikaela’s head whipped around and he stopped what he was doing, you’d think that you asked him something completely different.
“What?” Mikaela stares at you, waiting for you to elaborate further and you give a small shrug in return, hoping that if you seem like it’s not a big deal, he’ll stop staring at you as if you grew two heads.
“You only drink Yuuchiro’s blood when you need to drink… why is that?” you ask, a bit hesitant if this was something that you truly wanted to know. He continues to stare at you, the wheels in his brain slowly beginning to turn as he processes what you were asking and how to even respond to it. His mouth opened a few times before closing almost instantly as he still couldn’t find the words that he needed.
Eventually, a quiet sigh escaped and he looked away, a bit frustrated. Not at you. But rather at himself. “I just… I don't want to hurt you and… I feel better drinking his blood instead of yours. I know that I won't do it with him but I’m scared that I’ll go overboard if I drink yours.” Mika explained. It made sense, all things considered but you really couldn’t help but think about how… stupid it seemed? Mikaela, even if he can be a bit frustrating to deal with sometimes, would never hurt you so you don’t see why he’s worried about it.
“Mikaela, I trust you. I know you wouldn’t hu—” Mika let out a frustrated sigh, stopping you from continuing any further.
“Yn. I'm still a vampire. There will always be a chance that I can hurt you. Why are you even wanting me to drink your blood? It’s not that pleasant.”
“It’s not that I want you to drink my blood, Mika. I just… feel like a second choice. You go to Yuuchiro for everything. Whether it be for blood, to talk about things that are bothering you or anything in general, you go to him. I have to hear about them second hand because Yuu already thinks that I know about them.”
Mikael scoffed, looking away and focusing on something else to keep himself from looking back over at you. You noticed right away that he was refraining from saying something that he would regret but the moment he looked back at you and his eyes narrowed, he stopped caring. “Really, Yn? I don’t have to tell you every little thing that goes on in my life.”
“That is not what I'm saying Mikaela and you know it.” You let out an exasperated sigh, your hands immediately going to the temples of your head as you tried to keep yourself from getting any more annoyed with him. “What you do or don’t tell me is completely up to you, I don't care. I'm just tired of hearing things second hand from Yuuchiro or any of our other friends and I’m annoyed that you act like my offer to suck my blood so you’re not suffering, is the worst thing that has ever happened to you.”
“I’m sorry.” Mikaela’s voice was quiet and if it weren’t for the fact that he was close to you, you would assume that he didn’t say anything at all. You couldn’t help but look at him with a confused look as he let out a small huff, realizing you want more than that. “I never intended to make you feel like you were a second choice to me, yn. No matter how much I care about Yuuchiro, you’re my partner so I’ll always care about you more. I’m scared of hurting you or showing you sides of me that you may not like so I stick with Yuu on those occasions so I don’t risk losing you. I’m sorry and I promise that I’ll try to at least communicate with you better.”
You nod, smiling at his words. You knew Mikaela was being genuine, he always was with you. “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you apologized and I promise that I'll start communicating better with you as well, especially if something like this bothers me. And.. you know that you can trust me with whatever is bothering you, right? I promise no matter what you say to me will make me love you any less.”
“I know and I’ll try my best to start communicating with you more. I never intended or even wanted to hurt you.” He replied and you nod again, knowing that he was being genuine once again. However, no matter how genuine and sweet he was, you couldn’t help but tease him
“Ah wait… does that mean that you still won’t drink my blood?” You asked, your sweet smile that he loved turning a bit more mischievous. He scoffed and rolled his eyes at your words, regretting apologizing to you.
“You’re so annoying. This is the last time I’m ever apologizing to you.” He grumbled and you laughed, quickly placing a gentle kiss to his cheek and pulling away before he even had the chance to respond.
“But you love me~”
Mika was silent for a moment, staring at you once again before he looked away and pink beginning to dust his cheeks. “…yeah.”
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nono-uwu · 1 year ago
hi this is kind of random but. ive seen a few posts so far from people in the fandom expressing they don't like/aren't interested in mikayuu anymore and i was curious if you knew why? it's been like a long time since i was into ons (like 2018? 😭) so im pretty out of the loop and was wondering if smth crazy happened ig lol 😭
I'm more of a recent addition to the fandom (watched/read ons for the 1st time in 2021 lol) but here's what I observed I think (not sure if you've read the manga but just in case huge spoiler warning)(also I may or may not be biased against them since my favs are the vampires and shinoa squad without mikayuu lol):
- there is just too much of them. Obviously they're the main characters but ons always had a colorful cast of characters and a lot of them (mainly Shinoa squad tbh) were sidelined during the shibuya arc and basically turned into cardboard cutouts that shout "Yuu!" every few chapters. Though they did get their personalities back in ch 133, it took way too long imo.
- Mikayuu barley changed as people and their relationship stayed basically the same. Once they reunited and Mika 'joined' Shinoa squad their relationship dynamic could be boiled down to: Yuu is kinda stupid and wants to do smth bc fAmLIy or whatever, Mika disagrees, Yuu does the equivalent of puppy dog eyes, Mika begrudgingly agrees, Yuu gets what he wants with minimal consequenz. After a while it's just not interesting to have the main character constantly winning. Heck, Mika's 'death' and demon transformation barley did anything in the long run.
Like at one point, it got brought up that Mika is losing his emotions for everything except Yuu, which was a pretty interesting idea and could have brought conflict into their realtionship. But a few weeks later (in-story, took a few years irl lol) Mika gets turned into a demon, regains his emotions and the former conflict is left in the dust.
Now with Mika as a demon, he lost all of his agency. He is literally stuck to Yuu and the most he can do against him is refuse to give him power but Yuu can just force it out of him so. Pretty fucked.
After they split off from the main group post Shibuya arc, they once again have an inkling of a conflict.
For context, they split off bc Yuu had to either choose between resurrecting humanity or only Mika (at least that's how Guren phrased it). Yuu's gayass chose Mika and at first they had an argument bc Mika doesn't value his life and would rather have everyone revived at his expense. Yuu goes 'nuh-uh' and makes a run for it, devoures Asuramaru/Ashera in the process.
Once they've run off, Mika confornts Yuu and shouts at him, saying he should have a happy life with his human family instead of Mika. Yuu once again goes "nuh-uh" and decides to revive all of humanity, Mika included.
- They restate their goal, plans and whatnot too much. Ons is a monthly manga with ~35 pages per chapter. In Mikayuu centric chapters, almost half (if not all) are wasted on restating the goals they've stated LAST FUCKING CHAPTER. Maybe Kagami doesn't trust the readers memory but man, you didn't do this before, did you? Why now all of a sudden? There's plenty of plot to get through, we can reread old chapters if we forget something.
There's also way too much goofing around. Obviously down-time is needed in any action packed series but we've gotten so much random cut-ins of Yuu needing food in what are supposed to be tense moments. Also we do not need an entire chapter of them hunting, eating and talking about their plans and others plans.
This is all I remembered off the top of my head, anyone feel free to add more
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yuichiroswife · 3 years ago
@s-talking​​ asked: no house is ever truly ' evil. ' most are looked upon as charming, even endearing. the house which mika came to live in is also of no exception ------- its crooked walls cannot listen, the covered windows cannot see, the rotten doors cannot harm ------- you are safe, most people would say, however, such words couldn't be anymore wrong.
as mika slowly descends down the creaking steps, a voice suddenly calls out from the basement below, " mika.... come here.... " it's without a doubt envy's.
the only issue...?
the basement is pitch black, & envy isn't home.
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✠ || Many often believed that being within the walls of one’s home were meant to be tranquil. Bringing about comfort and ease to those that lived within, serving as the one place you can truly be considered safe. After all, home is where the heart is, no? Home is most certainly not, or at least, it wasn’t in this case. No. The place that he now called home was nothing of the sort, but instead served as some kind of never-ending nightmare that he just couldn’t seem to escape and even after spending about a year within these walls... he just couldn’t shake the feeling of dread and fear that attached to his shoulders like a parasite. He had seen things, far too many things, and even though he should be used to it, he couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes for even a moment without imagining some kind of unspeakable horror. How could he? He knew there was something wrong, more than just the things he’s seen — something about that godforsaken basement — and yet he can’t seem to bring himself to investigate it as he did before. That doesn’t seem to matter though...
✠ || He finds himself making his way towards the basement door, feet slowly shuffling against the floor. He places his hand against the knob and decides to give it a turn. It’s not like it’d open, right? The door is always kept locked. But much to his surprise, it wasn’t. Instead the doorknob turns and he’s able to pull it open, allowing him to stare down into the darkness, and if feels like he’s standing there for hours until he finally starts to descend the stairs — the very same stairs he’s traveled down before all this madness occurred. Even though he tries his best to take light steps, the stairs still creak loudly underneath his weight, causing him to stop and listen for some kind of sound. And that’s when he hears it... the sound of Envy’s voice calling to him.
✠ || It was enough to startle him slightly, especially because he wasn’t expecting to be caught doing something he shouldn’t so suddenly. He hesitates to respond to the other, eyes somewhat wandering the darkness as if looking for something, left hand coming to find itself pressed against the wall while the right rests upon his chest before finally answering. “Ah... I’m coming...” He should have expected the other to know when he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to, especially since he’s had a very close eye on him from the start. He continues to make his way downstairs, quietly trying to think of a way to explain what he was doing, but then it hits him.
✠ ||                                               Envy wasn’t even home.
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✠ || Steps suddenly come to a complete stop, refusing to move even an inch further, but alas... he was already at the bottom of the landing. He doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do, he doesn’t even know what he can do in this situation, but everything in his body is screaming at him to run back up the stairs. So that’s what he did. Taking only a second to see if perhaps he was wrong and Envy was indeed home before turning his body in one swift movement, footsteps frantically rushing back up the stairs, practically throwing himself through the doorway and slamming it shut behind himself. Back pressed up against the hard surface as eyes quickly look around the room in hopes of finding the key nearby, but he’s certain that he won’t find it because he was sure Envy keeps it on his person. He would just have to hope that whatever was down there isn’t smart enough to come up. But that was what he really wanted to know... What exactly was in the basement and how was it able to mimic Envy’s voice so perfectly?
✠ || Just what had he gotten himself into?
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revchainsaw · 4 years ago
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Ninja Assassin (2009)
I love the idea of applying horror movie logic to other kinds of things. We've had our fill of vampires and werewolves, don't get me started on zombies, but we fail to often imagine ourselves in the worlds of other genres, and comprehend just how frightening some things they present may be. In a world where highly trained killers can come out of any shadow and slaughter you without mercy, why should we limit that kind of play to only a martial arts film. Though many may disagree with the dear reverend here, I think Ninja Assassin is what happens when you apply horror movie rules to a martial arts film, and that's pretty neat! but does it do this well. Let's take a look.
The Message
Ninja Assassin is a 2009 action film that stars Korean pop star Rain as Raizo, a renegade ninja on the lamb from his vengeful and supernaturally deadly clan, the Ozunu. The Ozunu are also the target of a sharp and fearless interpol agent named Mika; as she is about to break the lid on an investigation regarding several unexplained high profile assassinations across the world. Through the events of the film the Ozunu ninja clan are agitated and become increasingly active. This over the top ninja action eventually brings Raizo and Mika together.
Mika and Raizo decide to combine her resources with his insider knowledge of the group to bring down the Ozunu clan once and for all. In a bad ass bloody spectacle all of the Interpol forces that Mika can muster are brought down by the ninja clan, and Raizo and Mika are brought face to face with Raizo's old mentor and father figure Lord Ozunu.
These events may seem rushed but actually the film intersperses them with flashbacks about the tortures and discipline Raizo went through as a ninja child growing up in this clan and being shaped into these insanely effective killing machines we have witnessed throughout the film. It also reveals how his spirit was never completely broken and bent to the will of the tribe, and his eventual rejection and escape from them.
Raizo does exact his revenge on the leader of the clan in the climactic battle, but in the melee Mika is supposedly fatally wounded. She is however spared due to a freakish medical condition that is foreshadowed earlier in the film: her heart is on the wrong side.
The Benediction
Best Sequence: They Fucked Up!
Without a doubt the scene that everyone thinks of when they think of Ninja Assassin is the sequence where Interpol attempts to commit a military style raid on the ninja clan and in turn they get absolutely fucking slaughtered. It's a pretty long sequence but you don't even really need to see the rest of the film to enjoy it. Just google Ninja Assassin Raid Scene and I'm sure you'll have a pretty good time just watching these Fed's getting fed their own asses. It's probably some of the best ninja action ever put to film.
Best Kill: Uneven Load
Somebody attempts to carry out an assassination attempt on our hero Raizo in a laundromat. Their head is later discovered when a thumping dryer starts to bleed. The dryer door is opened a a bloody head just tumbles out. It's pretty darn hilarious.
Worst Concept: Anatomy! My Only Weakness!
The heart on the right hand side thing is pretty stupid. For one thing the heart is slightly more on one side of your body but a direct shot to the chest is still pretty likely to kill you. It's a real condition called Dextrocardia but it was used as kind of a Deus ex Machina in this film, and the film makers seemed pretty proud of themselves for "foreshadowing" it in an earlier scene, and I use foreshadow very loosely.
Best Aspect: We Don't Think You're Dumb
Ninja Assassin attempts to do the Grindhouse thing that was very popular around this time, by taking a concept like Ninja Action Movie and playing up the gore and the extreme nature of the action as far as they can. I have to give the film makers props for playing the plot straight too, the bonkers grindhouse action of a movie can only be winked at so many times before it just becomes too stupid to care about. The characters can totally play the story straight and the audience doesn't need them to plant their tongues firmly in their cheeks for us to get that it's supposed to be absurd. So very good job Ninja Assassin.
Worst Effect: Look at all this ... Blood?
However, the movie would have benefitted greatly from an exorbitant amount of fake blood. buy gallons of the shit, throw it everywhere!!! please! I know it was cheaper to do the CGI blood but it looks bad and is way less fun, I want the practical effects version of this movie. I want actors slipping in the shit.
Best Effect: Shadowy Figure
A combination of CG and Camera Tricks was used frequently when our villains appeared on screen. The ninjas in this film had a power to jump in and out of shadows, to almost teleport using darkness, to watch the silhouettes of the assassins materialize from every dark corner and narrowly cast shadow was a pretty freaking sweet and unique little touch that added a lot to the menace the ninja clan represented.
Best Concept: Their Ninja Way!
As mentioned earlier the Ninja in Ninja Assassin are a lot less like a group of martial artists, or poor farmers rebelling against samurai warlords like in history. These Ninja are the way you thought about them when you were 7 years old. They are almost a category of mythical being, like a vampire or a Pegasus. They have their own distinct look, powers, and rules. I really wish we had gotten a sequel or a spin off of this. The way Ninja operate in this film is so damn American, and so damn fantastic. It's utterly absurd but that's just what the doctor ordered in a dumbed down action flick. I want to see more of these kinds of Ninja.
Ninja Assassin is a movie that sadly, you will not hear many people bring up. Everyone was talking about it for like a week after it came out and then it disappeared. That's not terribly hard to understand. Raizo is not a particularly distinct character, and in a world where Anime is so readily available to give audiences this kind of over the top ninja action, this hour or so long film really doesn't stand out. I sincerely believe if it had relied more on solid landing action choreography and practical effects for it's violence it would have had more of an impact on audiences. But it's as fleeting and material as a spray of computer generated blood, and that's a shame. I think we should petition to get Raizo put into the Mortal Kombat games, because that is exactly where he belongs. I predict that cult film status will eventually find it's way to this movie, once the kids who saw this when they were far to young, finally start making movies.
Overall Grade: C
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