#{ I mean he is also solid muscle (shout out to Cilius for walking around shirtless I guess) but he's mostly just tol jriedgf }
aaetherius · 4 years
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♞ -(She's gonna try I'm so sorry luci XD)
♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them
Manhandling Symbols || Always Accepting (feel free to turn into threads)!  
                                                        ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ―☼ ― ★ ☆ ✮ ✯
     The earthy, yet distinctly bitter scent of coffee clings to the air within the ever crowded kitchen of the Grandcypher - something new stacked in the shelves or shoved into the drawers every single time he enters simply because the number of people within the crew grows by the day. Normally, he would have made coffee in the cafe, but Sandalphon was busy toiling away with his own duties there, it was always the most crowded in the morning, and he didn’t wish to be in the other’s way so he found himself here instead - plucking supplies from various shelves that had little organization to them. He had offered to help, but had been shooed out by the archangel the moment the suggestion fell from his lips. He can assume it was a result of his rather constant meddling and just how tired he was well aware he looked. Sleep is still something he struggles with, even in a mostly mortal body that requires it and, save for times when he simply can no longer function, he finds it near impossible to actually rest. This morning was no different - exhaustion threatening to grip his hazy mind as he went about motions that were so ingrained into his very being that he could manage them with little more than muscle memory alone; his mind on everything but the beans he was currently grinding. The soft clank of the crank as he did so the only sound that echoed off of the walls as he stood before the counter. 
    Or, well, it had been until he heard the door click open and he craned his head - downy, white locks still messy from a fitful night; strands poking up in various directions that very resembled the fluffy tips of feathers that had once adorned his back. Tired smile worming its way onto his lips as the sight of the blue haired princess as she enters the room. By now he had become accustomed to Lucina’s presence in and out of the kitchen or the cafe - she harbored their same love for coffee so often joined them for a cup, or just him on days like today when Sandalphon was swamped and dismissing him, likely for his own good, and assisting her with her wedding meant he saw her rather frequently as she explained various aspects of the ceremony he often found himself struggling to grasp, but ever willing to learn. He assumed she had sought him out to discuss something related to it or coffee this morning. 
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     “Good morning, Lucina. I will be finished soon, you are more than welcome to take a cup for yourself when I am.” Though his gaze is no longer on the grinder, he still manages to continue working without pause. By now, making coffee has become second nature to him. He can so without much thought. A blessing, really, when he was tired enough at the moment that he barely registers when she comes up to his side. “If there is something you would like to discuss, I would be more than happy to join you for a -” words are promptly cut off but the rather grave expression on her features - perhaps Sandalphon had sent her to pester him about getting more rest, and he very much intends to ask if everything is all right until the option of doing so is all but stolen from him when he feels her reach out and wrap about his middle. “Lucina?” Surprise manages to taint his voice and swirl about in deep, blue irises as he looks down at her and then -
     He feels his feet just barely leave the ground as she manages to pick him up, and something akin to a startled gasp forces its way past his lips. One hand comes to rest upon her shoulder as the other reaches out to press against the counter for support because he has no idea what she’s attempting to accomplish, but she doesn’t make it terribly far, an inch or two - their difference in height making it difficult to manage much more than that,  before he feels the soles of his boots touch back down against wood and he’s grounded once again. A sigh of relief is expelled, and he steadies himself once again. He appears more surprised than anything else - seemingly unbothered by attempt. “Do try to be careful, Lucina, I would not want you to strain yourself.” Concern comes before curiosity as he tilts his head to the side to make sure she hadn’t injured herself. “But may I ask what that was about? Did you need me for something?”       
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