#[ooc: hi alani :3]
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♡.the ship challenge.♡ 
what was the first ship you remember creating? do you remember how they came together?
I genuinely cannot remember, I’m so sorry :’) 
which ship breaks your heart most frequently?
Ruby and Rosalie 
who is your newest ship?
Tanner and Alani and Yannis and Blair 
do you have a nearly-ship that never quite made it or haven’t made it yet? do you wish they would?
Addison and Cindy, only real ones remember. 
a ship you were GENUINELY rooting for ooc and it broke you a bit when they didn’t work?
Soraya and Dallas, I don’t care, but also Ryan and Athena.
which of your ships is the most pure?
Zara and Danny 
which of your ships is the most messy?
Nate and Imogen, for suuure, but Evie and Jack are catching up. 
which ship makes you feel the warmest/is the most safe?
Flo & Dom :( 
is there a ship where your character has found themselves falling out of love?
Every Park ship, and lowkey Adrian and Holly but but but I don’t think he’s fallen out of love, I think he just needs his space and to remember who he is outside of Holly & Haley. 
a ship you never saw coming but now they feel like they should’ve been a thing from the start?
Tanner and Alani! 
can you remember the cutest moment that happened in one of your ships?
It’s SO specific and I don’t know if people will even remember these but there’s a few:  1. Dom was in a really bad place & Flo took care of him and I remember so specifically they were in the bathroom and he handed her over pills & she put them away and hugged him. It was too cute.  2. Danny & Zara when they definitely weren’t cheating and had a sleepover with one another. They got into an argument over Dallas and Zara stormed out of her own house but they made up & they ended up reading or, you know, making out.
3. Holly and Adrian after the cruise ship was sinking and they were cuddling and holding each other the whole way home and it was so quiet and safe <3 
4. RECENTLY, Ivy bringing Jude as her wedding date because he didn’t go to prom and they had his first slow dance outside. 
5. EVERYTHING Alani and Tanner 
a ship that you’re lowkey biased towards as a writer?
Zara and Danny 
which ship would make the most interesting book to read? why?
Janey with or without ships. She’s been through so much. 
is there a character you lowkey ship with yours, but they’re not together? who?
Park with Charlie tbh, but also Jack with Phoenix LOL......I understand where Cameron and Zara shippers are coming from too.
a ship that’s currently alive but you probably wouldn’t be rooting for them if they were real people?
Soraya and Dallas 
a song that summarises the first three ships that come to mind?
Lacey & Marcus: favourite crime  Zara & Dallas: getaway car  Park & Charlie: cardigan 
which of your characters struggle the most to develop in a relationship?
Park and Soraya in her own way.
which of your characters focus more on finding love before careers/personal goals?
be honest, your overall fave ship?
Jude and Ivy & Dom and Florence & Tanner and Alani & Jay and Sylvia 
your favourite ship that doesn’t involve your characters?
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corinthbayrpg · 4 years
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“My life, immortal though it be, Is naught!” she cries, “for want of thee, Persephone––Persephone!”
He was Epimetheus, the afterthought. 
Humanity tried to blame Pandora, but it was her husband, the brother of Prometheus, that knew what this evil would unleash upon the world. That Hope would follow closely behind and attempt to aid the struggling humanity when Pandora opened the jar twice. 
She was Demeter, goddess of the harvest, daughter of Titans.
When Persephone was taken, Demeter’s grief caused the earth to become barren, and winter came to be. With her daughter’s cult at its strongest, Demeter could not sit by and wait for both of the cult’s plans to finish. As it may be, she could only disrupt one. If the veil were to fall, her daughter would give up her need for vengeance. 
It was Demeter who gave power to Atalanta within the city, and in turn, she blessed the two remaining originals – Nemea and Phoenix – to fight back against the curses that had rendered them trapped. Nemea, in her lioness form, was given the direction to the caves beneath the hotel. Breaking down stone was simple enough, as she burst through in her anger and glory. 
It was Hektor who was waiting for the original, a knife to Katerina Alanis’ throat. The woman could not be changed, but that had never been the plan for the Alpha, and the knife never the real issue. It had been enough to stall Nemea, even as Hektor’s hand burst through Katerina’s chest with her heart within his palm. The bloodied organ was dropped, Hektor laughing as he escaped from the room. Nemea would give chase, though her hunt would end at the cliffside portion of the city, with the vampire no where to be found. Phoenix was left to deal with the prison itself and those that remained, his healing abilities able to fix the delusions from those who had ingested the tainted vampire blood, and the wounds the others had suffered. Once they exited the hotel, their magic was returned to them. 
The cult members who had taken the blood of the victims were gone, their faces replaced in those that had been taken with that of Hektor’s. When they recalled who was their jailer, it was Hektor– though they remembered the faces of the vampires that had taken them to the hotel. Markus, Ares, and Antony had their anonymity back. Persephone, however, had her single sacrifice. That was all she wanted, after all. Maven Lockwood lay motionless on an alter, the ruins of the temple within the caves serving as consecrated ground, who would awaken hours later with a set of fangs, heartbeat and magic gone. 
Epimetheus had received the taken blood of every different species thanks to the cult. His brother had created the veil to protect his beloved humans, and to protect the supernatural beings they had become. Epimetheus whispered to Pandora on earth that he had what he needed to repair it, and he would tell her what would happen in the near future – and what they had to do to fix it. 
Hades had his own plans. After all, Apep was on earth. With the destruction of the veil, the souls trapped within vampires would come to his underworld, where they belonged. Hades had done his part. He’d supplied a curse that he had taken from Scylla’s very essence, leaving a scar on all those affected by it. He told Apep what Epimetheus was planning, Pandora’s part in it, and what they needed to do. If Apep could bring the blood of every species within the city to Hades – they’d have a weapon of their own.
OOC information under the cut:
That was a lot! Hope you enjoyed it!
For our prisoners: Hektor and other “nameless” vampires were present with them in the caves. Markus, Antony, and Ares were wiped from their minds by Hektor. He can compel any creature, even if your character’s species says they can’t be compelled. 
Katerina Alanis was murdered in front of everyone. Maven Lockwood was also “murdered” by Hektor, successfully changing into a vampire. They all would have witnessed this as well.
Dionysus’ Bar: Those who were within the bar and suffering from the skin disease now have a single scar from where the disease began on their body. 
Hospital: As the water receded and the sprinklers finally went off, the fire department was able to put out the fire. The moment Hektor left the city, those within had their powers returned to them. A mortal character would be suffering from perhaps smoke inhalation or burns. No one saw Ptolema leave.
Police Station: The debris was finally cleared when the rain stopped. Those within would have suffered minor cuts and bruises, but the pain from their old wounds stopped. No one saw Petrichor leave.
If you are playing a fury, they would be busy altering the memories of any humans who might have seen something they shouldn’t have. 
The city will be in disarray for a while, with most of the ancient parts of the city, located closer to the water, would have crumbled. Repairs have already began, and going most places will be difficult for a little bit. 
You’re all free to continue any event threads you would like for the next week of course, just tag them appropriately! After the first three starters are posted, please remember to reply to at least 2 before writing your own. Once there are at least 5 of them on the starter blog, please answer at least 3.
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royalrpg · 8 years
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Congratulations, Brianne, you’ve been accepted to Royal as Ryan Reynolds!
Unpack your things, get settled, have a look around the town, get to know some people – you’re here to stay, after all!
For your first steps, please read this page.
Name / Preferred Pronouns: Brianne, she/her
Age: 23
Timezone / Country: EST/United States
How did you hear about us:
Roleplaying Experience:
Activity Level: 6 - 7 / 10
Contact Information (not your rp blog):
Name: Ryan Reynolds
Age / Birthday: 39 / October 23, 1976
Profession: Actor
Personality (keep it short to include it on the bio page, full sentence, ca. 50 words): Ryan is sarcastic and honest, sometimes blunt, but he means well at least nine times out of ten. He loves spending time with others and is very out-going, but he’s definitely the type of extrovert who needs time to himself to recharge. His family and friends are the center of his world, especially his little girl, James.
Place of Residence in Royal: Royal Gardens
Personal Status (single/married/divorced/children, can be AU): Single | 1 child
3 things your celeb can’t live without
Dopinder the Cab Driver
3 things your celeb hates with a passion
The serious wedgies he gets from the Deadpool suit.
Long illnesses
a positive memory they have – Without a doubt, the best memory Ryan has is the day that James was born. He’ll never forget how Blake was cracking jokes with the doctor, how strong and brave she was. He’ll never forget the first time he saw James’s beautiful little face, or the first time he held her in his arms. The moment when she grasped his finger and looked up at him as if she recognized him.
a negative memory they try to forget about – Despite two divorces and a failed engagement, the worst memory of Ryan’s life is the day he found out his father had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Though he knew his father would fight with everything he had, it broke Ryan’s heart to think of his suffering, to think of the fact that he would lose his father by degrees.
Why did your celebrity decide to come to Royal? What is their backstory, and what are they looking to find here? – Pure and simple, Ryan came here to be with James…and with Blake. Ryan has always been a family-oriented guy, has always wanted a big family himself. He’s the youngest of four kids, and he was close with his parents growing up, particularly his dad. He’s been acting for over twenty years, though he didn’t really achieve commercial success until the past year or so with Deadpool. Deadpool was a project of love for Ryan, one that he worked on for years, on and off, like a relationship he just couldn’t quit…which brings him back to Blake.
Not that she holds any other similarities with a story about a mealy-mouthed, horribly disfigured mercenary, but…whatever. The point is, one of the major regrets of Ryan’s life is letting their relationship end. More than Alanis, more even than Scarlett, it’s Blake than Ryan has loved the most, the one he thought – and still thinks – was his soul mate. A native of Vancouver, Canada, Ryan never expected to fall for a beautiful blonde from LA, let alone one so much younger than he is. But when they met on the set of Green Lantern, it was like Ryan’s world shifted on his axis. But after everything he’s been through in his previous relationships – and yeah, he and Scarlett are on good terms now, which is great; but that doesn’t mean their breakup any easier…and that’s not even touching on what happened with Alanis – Ryan found it hard to believe. Not hard to believe in Blake, or even in love itself, but in himself. After all, the one common factor in his failed relationships is him.
Now that Deadpool has finally come out and reached so much success, and with the sequel still relatively far away on the horizon, Ryan is ready to take a second chance with her – as friends and co-parents, if nothing else. They lived in the same town together for a few months, and things were getting better. They decided to give dating a try, although they haven’t put an official label on their relationship yet. Ryan has just returned from doing press for his new movie Life, and now he’s ready to settle down for a little while and focus on his family.
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