#[me: oh let's sex Lucifer up as an easter treat!]
helldustedstories · 6 months
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@fearedelight asked: ❛ you don’t have to be gentle. i won’t break. ❜ // teehees and tosses Palan at Lucifer uvu
subtle smut sentence starters // accepting
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If Lucifer had known this would happen….., but they had both known that it was a possibility, from the first moment Palandriel had found him again, that first conversation they'd had when he'd come down to see Hell for himself. Lucifer had worried that his friend would Fall…., but after they had admitted their feelings to one another, feelings they'd both held onto for thousands of years…, he hadn't been able to bring himself to warn Palandriel away, to tell him that it was too dangerous.
He had selfishly wanted to keep him, as much as he could, while still allowing him to retain his divinity, to stay an angel. But Palandriel had made up his own mind, had confronted the other angels…, and had ended up in Hell on a more permanent basis.
And Lucifer had been there to pick him up, to tend to his wounds, to help him get back onto his feet.
But his wings were another story. They weren't as badly damaged as Lucifer's had been, but he was still checking on them, making sure they were healing properly. And while he knew full well that Palandriel was not fragile, that he would not break under Lucifer's ministrations, as the fallen angel reminded him, he was still careful.
Healing was a different branch of his powers than simple creation; it was far more difficult to properly knit what was already there back together than it was to make something new. But he wasn't going to let his lover suffer, not when he could do something to help.
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"I know," he murmured, stopping to press a kiss to Palandriel's back, between his wings. "But that doesn't mean I want to hurt you." A pause before he added, "Though if you do, that's an entirely different conversation."
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fk12b · 6 years
Some more request prompts
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So… if you need any ideas for your requests, here you’ve got some more dialogue prompts:
1 - “That’s starting to get annoying”
2 - “Who’s the lucky one?”
3 - “Who’s the unfortunate?”
4 - “Hey, hey, clam down. They can’t hurt you anymore?”
5 - “You can’t just sit there all day!”
6 - “People come into your life for a reason, and so did she/he. You might never figure out what that reason is, but you got the chance to know her/him. Doesn’t that mean something?”
7 - “You little shit!”
8 - “That was weird”
9 - “Missed me?”
10 - “At least she’s/he’s happy to see me”
11 - “I’m to sober for this”
12 - “I’m not here to make friends”
13 - “She/He said shut up to me”
14 - “Not a good sign”
15 - “I need a place to stay”
16 - “Well, that’s tragic”
17 - “You seriously are like a man-child”
18 - “Why do you always have to be such an asshole?”
19 - “If you’re going to keep running your mouth like that, I can think of a few ways to make you shut up”
20 - “Is there any reason as to why you’re getting drunk on a tuesday afternoon?”
21 - “I just don’t wan’t to think for a while”
22 - “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
23 - “Say it again”
24 - “Don’t lie to me”
25 - “I’m sick of being treated like this”
26 - “The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids”
27 - “I didn’t mean like that, and you know it!”
28 - “So this is it!”
29 - “I don’t want to go to bed angry”
30 - “I’m pretty good at providing distractions”
31 - “Don’t touch me”
32 - “Dear Diary...”
33 - “Just sit down and let me take care of you”
34 - “Is that... blood?”
35 - “I’m not saying I want a threesome, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it”
36 - “I just want you to help you relax”
37 - “She’s hiding behind the sofa”
38 - “Does that line ever work”
39 - “You’re the best I’ve ever had”
40 - “Does that feel good?”
41 - “Jealousy isn’t cute on you”
42 - “Don’t call me ‘princess’, asshole”
43 - “I lost our baby”
44 - “I lost our kid”
45 - “They’re so cute when they’re asleep”
46 - “Is that all you’ve got?”
47 - “Is that my shirt?”
48 - “Tell me this is a dream”
49 - “I’d kill for a coffee... literally”
50 - “Let’s keep this between the two of us”
51 - “It’s okay, I’m here”
52 - “I’m not that flexible!”
53 - “You’re getting crumbs all over my bed”
54 - “You don’t scare me”
55 - “What if I say no!”
56 - “Get out!”
57 - “DON’T LOOK!”
58 - “Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion”
59 - “I’ll take the couch”
60 - “Would you stop that?”
61 - “Take my hand”
62 - “What’s the matter, sweetie?”
63 - “So... you think I’m hot?”
64 - “Let’s run. Together”
65 - “What are you doing?”
66 - “You’re Satan”
67 - “You’re Lucifer”
68 - “Hiding”
69 - “Tell me a secret”
70 - “Did I just say that?”
71 - “I don’t want to hear your excuse. You can’t just give me wet-willies”
72 - “Stand behind me”
73 - “Do you know any jokes?”
74 - “I’m bulletproof... but please, don’t shoot me”
75 - “Did you just hiss at me?”
76 - “Are you hungry?”
77 - “Do you really need all that candy?”
78 - “Honestly bae, I don’t give a fuck”
79 - “Sorry I woke you up”
80 - “Did I interrupt something”
81 - “You have pretty hands”
82 - “It’s six o’clock in the morning! You’re not having vodka!”
83 - “I swear, I’m not crazy!!!”
84 - “Do I even wanna know?!”
85 - “Hey just be cool”
86 - “I got you, It’s okay. It’s okay”
87 - “The diamond in your engagement ring is fake”
88 - “How is my wife more badass than me?”
89 - “Be you. No one else can”
90 - “No regrets”
91 - “Sing to me”
92 - “What’s my prize”
93 - “You’re so cute!!!”
94 - “How drunk was I?”
95 - “I’m trying okay”
95 - “I’ll kill you”
97 - “I haven’t slept in ages”
98 - “And then you laughed”
99 - “I need someone to hear me”
100 - “I locked the keys in the car”
101 - “I was having a nightmare”
102 - “I didn’t know where to go”
103 - “Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?”
104 - “You work for me. You are my slave”
105 - “I know this song”
107 - “Why didn’t you ask me instead”
108 - “It’s about to rain, get inside”
109 - “Take your medicine”
110 - “We can leave, you know?”
111 - “Take me home... please?”
112 - “So... friends?”
113 - “The kids, they ambushed me”
114 - “They’re monster”
115 - “Welcome to fatherhood”
116 - “How could you forget your son’s birthday?!”
117 - “I’m his/her best friend”
118 - “Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?”
119 - “I’m trying, okay?”
120 - “It’s your turn to make dinner”
121 - “You have a picture of me? On your fridge?”
122 - “Breathe, okay? Just breathe”
123 - “But I don’t want to leave”
124 - “Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass!!!”
125 - “You look... okay... I MEAN...”
126 - “I knew I’d found you here”
127 - “Stop being so cute”
128 - "All I needed was my friend”
129 - “I feel like I can’t breathe”
130 - “You need to see a doctor”
131 - “You’re getting vasectomy. That’s final”
132 - “It was a joke, baby, I swear”
133 - “I like your new place”
134 - “I’m not lying”
135 - “... how did you know?”
136 - “Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
137 - “It looks like Cruella DeVile drenched in blood”
138 - “I’ll just burn”
139 - “You can only suffer through my whinning for so long, until you get up and make me a sandwitch”
140 - “I didn’t think you could get any less romantic”
141 - “... Kay, have fun that”
142 - “That’s a problem”
143 - “Safety first, what are you? FIVE?”
145 - “I can’t do that”
146 - “This is girl talk, so leave”
147 - “Are you a clogged artery couse you just made my heart stop”
148 - “Are you insulting me or did you just use the worst pick up line in the world?”
149 - “Tickle tickle, lemon squeezy!”
150 - “Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?”
153 - “I had a bad dream again”
154 - “Dude, why does it always smell like regret down here?”
155 - “Put those Cheetos away. You will atract humans like seagulls to a hotdog”
156 - They’re not your kids, back the fuck off“”
157 - “You’re not going to starve yourself on thanksgiving”
158 - “The store ran out of Easter eggs”
159 - “Have I mentioned, I fucking hate halloween”
160 - “It’s christmas, don’t be mad at me”
161 - “You’re a nerd”
162 - “I’m late”
163 - “Just get home as soon as possible, okay?”
164 - “You smell like a wet dog”
165 - “Are you going to talk to me?”
166 - “I could punch you right now”
167 - “Welcome back. Now fucking help me”
168 - “If you can’t sleep... we could have sex?”
170 - “You’re not insterested, are you?”
171 - “Tell me you need me”
172 - “Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you”
173 - “Flea markets don’t carry fleas, you know?”
174 - “Here, take my blanket”
175 - “I don’t want you to stop”
176 - “How could I ever forget about you?”
177 - “Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry”
178 - “Stay awake”
179 - “I’m not buying IKEA furniture again”
180 - “You’re bleedig all over my carpet”
181 - “Run for it!”
182 - “Run for your life!”
183 - “We need to talk”
184 - “Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that, it’s annoying”
185 - “I want a pet”
186 - “Just smile, I really need to see your smile right now”
187 - “I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor”
188 - “Does he know about the baby?”
189 - “I’m not wearing a dress”
190 - “I’m not wearing a tie”
191 - “Show me what’s behind your back”
192 - “Hold still”
193 - “Enough with the sass!”
194 - “I just ironed these pants!”
195 - “I hope I’m never stuck with you in a desert island”
196 - “Don’t argue just do it”
197 - “It’s a texas thing”
198 - “Quit beating me up!”
199 - “First place”
200 - “That’s all you’ve got?”
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