#[don't muddle your words. speak up.] queue
arthuriangodel · 2 years
A simple knock on the doorframe of Godel’s room, a warning before Trey makes his way through the open door. He lacks a delicate hand for wrapping anything, and little in the way of gift-giving instincts outside of his wheelhouse of talents, so he’s chosen to play to his strengths: a green box rests in his hands, a white package bow stuck on top.
“Surprise, although I think I gave myself away from the jump.” Trey’s only a little bit sheepish—he hadn’t taken the surprise part too seriously from the start. Didn’t see the need, and he’d rather just focus on the parts that mattered most. The quality of the letters, for one—negligible for interest, but Godel had entertained his ramblings all the way through—and the gift.
“I agree with you about moderation (maybe not so much about the leftovers) so I hope that in mind, these cookies will last you and your daughter a few days! It’s a mix of white chocolate peppermint cookies, sugar cookies, and a few pumpkin cookies with a sugar glaze, to mix the flavor variety up a little bit. They’re not the fanciest, and it’s a little hard to corner the cafeteria kitchen when everyone’s this busy, but I did my best.
“Hope the last few days of the year don’t give you too much trouble, and thanks for entertaining the letters, Professor.”
The knock came as a slight stirring for the bundled-up professor as he looks up from his book, which seems to be centered on something concerning health. There's also a small box by the window, which has the faint aroma of potatoes. Placing down the book, he gives a smile to the incoming student and stood up. "You have me surprised for a second, I'll owe you that much," he says humorously. He takes a peek at the present, mostly examining the handiwork and giving a small, good-natured sigh. It's clumsy, but it's certainly fitting for the student.
With the mention of cookies, the professor's eyes lit up. "Why, you shouldn't have," he says as he accepts the present. "Rose would definitely enjoy the sugar ones." He then goes to the side and places it next to the box. "Well, I managed to finish up grading the final exams, it's now a matter of making sure the next year's plans are written up." He nods with a grin. "And thank you for the cookies. Merry Christmas to you and if you're looking to send another letter or to talk to me in person, you can always go to my office."
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