#[You'll probably be seeing this after you get up and I'm offline but hope you slept well o/]
gothwineaunts · 3 months
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I tried my best to replicate the post that Tumblr ate earlier.
It’s not as good but you'll get the jist I think. :’)  
Hi again! I wanted to follow up on my post from yesterday. I’ve been mostly offline since then, and I feel much better now, especially after seeing the thoughtful responses y’all left. Where did you all even come from!? I don’t think I’ve ever posted this account anywhere, haha. But thank you so much. I’m horrendous at taking a damn compliment but I read all the replies and reblogs and I’m just incredibly humbled. You all brought up my mood a lot and highkey made me feel sane again. I’ve been so confused at why everyone in the WEBTOON comments seems to be so mad all the time, it kind of does my head in if I’m being honest.
But please don’t worry about me or Flynn. Or about Nevermore! We’d never change the story to fit what we think the commenters want us to do, for a lot of reasons. The most important of which is. If we had to do that, I think we’d rather just stop making it. What they seem to want is a story we’re not really interested in telling.
Wholesome wlw is a wildly important thing to be able to find if you’re looking for it. That really cannot be overstated. Until very recently, queer characters have been subjected by popular media to a disproportionate amount of anguish and violence. So the concept of seeing two women just, living a safe and fulfilling life together? I get why people want to see that so badly. And there’s so much beautifully written aspirational content for queer audiences out there now, and I’m pleased to death over it. But the thing is, it’s just not what we’re making.
Nevermore was always intended to be a dark gothicky romance with horror elements. Like Wuthering Heights, or Phantom of the Opera. Because those were the stories that always inspired us when we were young. Bloodsoaked stories of melodrama, intrigue, grief, and passion. Those stories would captivate me and get me asking all kinds of questions. Why can’t the Phantom be a beautiful woman? Why does Christine have the agency of a desk lamp? Why can’t sapphics have something cool like this?
So we decided to make it. Nevermore is not a wholesome romance. It doesn’t try to be. The point was never to explore sapphics having a healthy and (heavy air quotes here) “normal” relationship, like heterosexual couples get to have in real life. We already have that, together, Flynn and I. We live it, everyday.  In Nevermore, what we wanted most was to explore a sweeping sapphic romance full of danger, like heterosexual couples get to have in fiction. That’s why we love those kinds of stories so much, because of how divorced they are from the mundanity of real life. They’re fantasies.
I know that I'm preaching to the choir, aha.
But my point is: if you go to a hardware store to order a cake, you’re probably going to be disappointed. If what you crave is aspirational wlw content, there are so many bakeries you can go to that will give you exactly what you’re hoping for, and more. I especially recommend Muted by Miranda Mundt. It’s also on Webtoon, it’s completed, and it’s free to read.
And please know that I’m not saying to stop reading Nevermore, just maybe to adjust your expectations a little bit. We don’t sell cakes here, but I am pretty sure I've got a few 12ft tall skeleton lawn ornaments in the back if you're interested.
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12romy · 1 year
Could we maybe get a small Smick roc os?
I'm sorry it took me so long, I'm having a bit of a writer block and it's the first time in a month I complete something! It’s not very long and I’m not entirely satisfied but I hope you'll like it ^^”
"You know, you don't have to pretend to give me a kiss, you can just do it," Mick blurted out once they were back to their cabin after filming some stuff for the ROC.
It had taken him all his courage to say that, and he probably wouldn't be able to give his name if Seb asked him right now. He's afraid he'll just screech loudly if he opens his mouth because that's what's going on in his head. A string of thoughts going from "why did I do that" to "oh god I'm an idiot".
And then, Seb speaks.
"Kiss you?" He has an eyebrow risen, a little smirk on his face, and Mick can almost feel his knees give in under him. "Kiss you where, on the cheek?"
Mick nods frantically, blushing and fustigating himself.
Wordlessly, Sebastian leans in and drops a peck on his cheek, almost at the corner of his mouth.
Mick is a proper shade of tomato-red, now. You are a tease, Sebastian Vettel, a tease, Ted Kravitz's words pop into his mind. He doesn't know what Seb is doing, whether he's amused by the whole thing, or just a tiny bit serious.
"You- you can kiss me somewhere else," Mick pushes on, suddenly bold. God, he's so going to regret this when Seb is gonna turn him down.
When he looks up - of course he had been staring at his shoes, what did you expect - he sees the glint in Seb's eyes. It's a light he knows all too well, a mix of mischief and seduction that has been directed at so many people but never at Mick. Suddenly, there's hope.
"Oh yeah? Where should I kiss you?" Seb asks with a Cheshire cat smile that means trouble. Mick is too glad that smile is aimed at him to worry.
The problem is, he can't find the words.
"On the forehead, perhaps?" Sebastian offers. Mick wants to scream because sure, the forehead is great but that's not where he craves to be kissed right now. He nods anyway.
Sebastian cups his face with both hands and gets on the tip of his toes to reach Mick's forehead. His lips leave a searing kiss on his skin and make him speechless once again.
"What about here, can I kiss you here?" he asks, his fingers tapping gently at his temple. Mick simply turns his head, allowing Seb to kiss him again. Sebastian repeats the game with his cheekbone, his nose, and that one spot high on his neck, just under his ear.
Mick's breath itch when Seb's thumb grazes at his lower lip. His head is spinning, and he feels a little dizzy as he nods to answer the wordless question.
Their lips touch and his arms fly around Seb's waist to pull him closer as he kisses back hungrily. Their bodies fit together perfectly, and he can feel Seb sigh happily into the kiss.
He would've been freaking out about kissing Seb if his brain wasn't completely offline.
"I love you," he breathes out when they pull apart for air, barely thinking before saying it. Sebastian looks at him, eyes round, mouth opening and closing without a single sound coming out.
This time, Seb is the one at a loss for words. Mick starts panicking then. God, what an idiot, he had to go and ruin everything, what an idiot!
His fear is shattered in pieces when Sebastian pulls him in another kiss, deeper, softer. It feels like he's pouring all his love into it, and Mick doesn't need words when he's got a kiss like that
"I didn't think you'd-" Seb starts, blushing, and wow, that's an incredible view. "Didn't think you'd feel that way, that you'd..."
"Seb, how the hell did you think for one second I wasn't helplessly in love with you?" Mick asked with a shy giggle.
"I've never been very lucky when it comes to love, I just assumed I wouldn't be this time either," Sebastian admits with a shrug, but his smile doesn't falter.
"Well, you better start believing it," Mick tells him.
And just because he can, he kisses him again.
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lifetimeshipper · 2 years
Love For A Millennia
Chapter 1
Next Chapter
Chapter 13
"Hey, Bulk. Did you hear about what was going on?" Wheeljack asked as he walked back into the base.
"Yeah, it's all over the news and everybot is talking about it. Did Halogen make it back to the house?" Bulkhead replied.
"Yes. But he was beaten up pretty badly. The doc said that he'll be alright with some rest."
"Did he say who did the attack?"
"It was Megatronus," Wheeljack spoke the mech's name with anger.
"Megatronus? Why?" Seaspray asked.
"Apparently, the High Council picked a bot named Orion Pix or something like that. Megatronus got upset and started going crazy."
"Orion Pax? The High Council picked Orion Pax?" Kup came out of nowhere and asked.
"Yeah. Do you know of this mech, Kup?"
"When you're as old as I am and you've been around as much as I have you get to know pretty much everybot on the planet. I've met Orion Pax before and he's a really nice mech."
"Any idea why the High Council might have picked him instead of Megatronus?" Seaspray asked.
"Probably because he had a better outlook on things than Megatronus did," Wheeljack replied.
"How did Megatrounus see things?"
"He thought forcefulness was the way to go to keep every bot on Cybertron in check."
"Wow. What made him think that was a good idea?" Roadbuster asked.
"Not sure."
"Anyone know where the boss bot is?" Seaspray asked.
"He's at the High Council building for the military leaders' meeting. He ordered me to bring you guys to the building," Kup explained.
"I hope the High Council members are going to be alright. I heard that two bots were offlined and the others were severely injured," Bulkhead stated.
"That's what the news bots are saying," Wheeljack put in.
"You youngins coming?" Kup spoke up as he was heading out, "It's sad I'm the old one and I move faster than you guys."
"We're coming," Seaspray grumbled as he and his fellow Wreckers followed after Kup.
They head out and soon arrive at the High Council building. They go on in and see the military leaders all in the meeting with the rest of the upcoming warriors like themselves standing in the back. "We can not allow another war to start up. My foretelling sights tell me something horrible will happen if another war starts up," an old mech with a long metallic beard said.
"So he's a fortune-teller?" Roadbuster asked in a whisper to Kup.
"That's Alpha Trion, he's part of a group of Cybertronians that can foretell the future," Kup whispered back.
"If he can foretell the future then why didn't he see this coming?" Seaspray muttered.
"He did. Why do you think we've been gathering up young ones to train in fighting and battle tactics?"
Just after he finished speaking Alpha spoke up again, "But I know it's inevitable, I saw this coming and war following it, I just didn't know exactly who was gonna be the cause of it."
"Do you really think that Megatronus will start up the war?" One of the leaders asks.
"Given what has happened today he has already declared war," another leader spoke in anger. "We should never have trusted him in the first place, I mean two High Council members are dead because of him!"
"That's true, and I've received news that he is changing himself into a different mech as we speak, one that is fit for war."
"And how is he changing himself?"
"From what I understand he's changing his body form."
"So, what do we do? You saw the aftermath of what happened here, if he's changing his body into something more dangerous then more lives will be at stake," another bot spoke up in fear.
"That's why you all been training those soon-to-be warriors back there," Alpha Trion stated as he pointed at the bots standing in the back. "Preparing them for the case scenario of a war breaking out. You'll need to train them even more than ever. I understand Megatronus already has two mechs on his side supporting him, his fellow gladiators Soundwave and Lugnut."
The soon-to-be warriors started whispering amongst themselves once they heard the names of the gladiators. The Wreckers were the only ones who stayed silent, they heard of Lugnut's fierce strength and Soundwave was famous for his strategies.
"He has a couple of the best fighting mechs on Cybertron on his side," one of the leaders spoke up.
"Don't underestimate the new recruiters, you never know what they're capable of when well trained," Alpha Trion speaks up.
"At least someone has some confidence in us," Roadbuster whispered.
"He's right, we just need to train our recruiters harder," Impactor spoke up. "Alright, we'll train harder and make sure we're ready," he told Alpha Trion.
"Where's the new Prime?" One of the trainees asked.
They all turned to look at him, "He's gone to see Primus to get the Matrix of Leadership which will officially make him the Prime," Alpha Trion replied.
"Hold on, isn't this Primus like your god or something?" Miko asked.
"Yes?" Bulkhead replied trying to figure out what she was getting at.
Miko soon started shooting out questions, "What does Primus look like? How big is he? Does he like dune bashing?"
Bulkhead facepalms, "Miko."
"He's a big glowing orb," Optimus responded. Miko groaned in disappointment.
"If you interrupt again you will have to do all the chores for a week," Jack challenged the girl.
"You won't be able to last without asking a question or making a comment. At this rate, it'll take Bulkhead all day to tell the story."
"Alright, you're on. I won't interrupt again."
The two shook hands while Raf let out a sigh before turning to the Prime. "What was it like meeting Primus, Optimus?"
"As you humans would say, it was awesome."
Everyone looked at Optimus, they didn't even think that awesome was in his vocabulary.
"What? I learn some things from you guys."
"Sorry, I don't think any of us expected you to say something like that," Jack replied.
"Anyways, let's move on with the story," Miko said, feeling anxious to hear the rest.
The meeting ended and they all went their ways, the Wreckers headed back to base. "That was some meeting," Seaspray said.
"I'll say, this whole thing is making every bot paranoid," Roadbuster added.
"Yeah, really."
"Does this mean Arcee's dad is calling off the thing with her and Megatronus?" Seaspray asked Wheeljack.
"I think so."
"That means you really have a chance with her!" He exclaimed with a wide grin.
"Yeah, so it does," Wheeljack suddenly got a ping on his comm, he excused himself and answered it.
But before he could say anything Arcee started speaking. :: Wheeljack, I got some great news! ::
:: What is it? ::
:: Father said he's breaking off the arrangement with Megatronus and gave his permission for us to mate. He said I can mate with you if I want to. ::
Wheeljack felt his spark skip when he heard the news.
:: Isn't that great, Wheeljack?::
:: Sorry, I needed to take that in. You said your dad broke off the arrangement with Megatronus?::
:: Yeah. Aren't you happy?::
:: I'm beyond happy. ::
:: I love you, Wheeljack. ::
:: I love you too, babe. How's your dad doing?::
:: He'll live. ::
:: I'm glad. ::
:: Were you called because of the attack?::
:: Yes, the training is going to be kicked up a notch. ::
:: Let me guess, preparing you for the war. ::
:: Yeah. ::
:: I see. So does this mean we won't be able to see each other all that much?::
:: I'm afraid not, but I'll spend as much time with you as I can. ::
Arcee felt her spark sink, they're finally able to be together for real and they won't be able to all that much because of everything that's happening. :: Alright, good luck with the training. ::
:: Thanks, you keep up with yours. Who knows, it may come in handy one of these days. And I promise I'll take the time to come to see you, babe. :: Wheeljack vowed with a heavy spark. :: I love you, 'Cee. ::
:: I will. I love you too. ::
They hang up and Wheeljack goes to start the training. "You alright?" Bulkhead asked.
"Not really but I will be, I'll just have to find the time to see her."
Before Bulkhead could say anything Impactor interrupted, "Alright Wreckers, you heard what Alpha Trion said, we must prepare for war. There's no telling what Megatronus has planned but whatever it is we'll make sure we are ready for it."
"But that may not be anytime soon," Wheeljack grumbled.
He felt something hit him on the back of his helm, "Shush and pay attention," Kup came from behind him and said. "It's never too early to improve on your battle strategies and tactics." Rubbing the back of his helm, Wheeljack glared at the older mech. Letting out a sigh, he did as he was told. "And no glaring at your elders," Kup added without turning around.
How the Pit did he know?
"Thank you, Kup," Impactor said before he continued with his speech to lead to the training.
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I've notice before that, even though Dream loves to tease George, he can't help but be honest or praise him right after. it's like he's scared George might think he's serious and that he's gonna take it personally. this last clip shows it perfectly, cuz not even 10 secs ago he's was like "haha George is cheating what a loser", but then as soon as George starts complaining/getting annoyed, he reassures that George is worthy and important immediately.
he also always says things like "i just wanted to talk to you", "you're worthy and I appreciate you", "you're more than you think you are" (not all direct quotes, but you get what I mean). I'm convinced Dream just knows George is or too humble sometimes or thinks too low of himself.
if you pay attention enough, you'll see George never compliments himself. he will always say "I'm alright... i guess", "I'm not that good at this", "I'm trash at this kind of stuff" even though he's really good at what he does. he just goes too harsh on himself and pay too much attention at this mistakes, getting annoyed and frustrated pretty easily when it comes to himself.
in his speedruns streams, when things go wrong, he will always get soooo frustrated cuz he feels like he owns god-like skills and entertainment for us. that everything has to be perfect and every little thing will make us hate him forever (although that's clearly not true). you can see he struggles a lot with it, bc almost every friend of his tries to calms him down pretty often. Dream does it, Sapnap does it, Quackity and Karl too. okay, they go hard on him sometimes, but all of them have such care and are e-word by George. you can feel the need to reassure that "everything is fine" when things just don't go well in his streams. and I think that's the cutest thing about them.
people love to criticize them for being "mean to George", but they are all friends after all. i get that can be too much and hard to watch sometimes, but if George was really annoyed by that, i believe he would say something. you gotta remember he's offen described as someone who "doesn't let things get to him" and "don't really care that much".
and I say we don't see not even half of all the love between their friendship. just to imagine how they interact when there's no cameras around, a smile grows in my face. they are the best.
ps: I'm not saying being annoyed at the "bullying George" bit is wrong! it's totally valid!! i do get overwhelmed by that too, but i guess I just like to see the bright side of the things hahah
ps²: I'm sorry if that's too long, i just love rambling about them lmao. hope you're having a wonderful day :]
— 🌙 (hope no one has ever used this one before lol)
The reason Dream says stuff like that is because George will say something like, “I’m worthless” and Dream says,”You’re not worthless,George, we love you” in return and sometimes other people, like in the clip you linked, will say “you’re nothing” and Dream defends him, “he’s not nothing”. I don’t think it’s about George being humble, although I agree he is and it was even the word Dream used to describe him, I just feel like Dream doesn’t like when people joke about themselves or other people like that and he wants to remind people of their worth.
I get what you’re saying about George getting frustrated with himself but later on you say he’s someone that lets things go quickly so I don’t think he gets worked up all that much. He’s just vocal when he makes mistakes in a way the others are not. I would say Dream encourages him and is his moral support“pretty often” and Quackity does too but idk about the others. Although I’m sure there’s examples.
I’ve already stated my opinions on the way they bully George. I don’t like it and I think it’s completely overused and I don’t like the “they’re all friends” argument because first of all yes, we know they are but friends can tease and hurt friends feelings. the problem is most friends are not bullying their friend streaming live in front of thousands of people and a lot of those people think it’s okay to tease that singled out friend on Twitter. So George isn’t only teased by them, he’s teased by some of Twitter too.
And I think it’s mostly when Karl and Quackity get together that they immediately jump on the “bullying George” jokes, because when they’re apart and with George they don’t do it as much. But if Quackity, for example, is streaming with George the vibes are great but then if Karl joins its immediately teasing George time. And that to me, in my opinion as a audience member and as a fan, is annoying. Plus I found it very interesting that they kill George all the time but then in Karl’s VR stream they turned the tables and killed Karl and he was annoyed by it. He was almost self aware.
Yes, I get that they have offline lives are offline friends and all that but if they are the same people offline, which I generally believe they are, then they probably tease George off camera too when they get together. Like the “what’s this then?” thing they do I don’t think that happened on camera, so that’s another teasing “hahaha George has a British accent hahahaa” joke that they probably came up with off camera.
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annoyed-galaxy · 3 years
Post-Destroy Ending
I bring from the grave of the beyond a fix-it fic serving up fresh angst and some fluff. Mass Effect destroyed my heart and with that major fucking cliffhanger, I just had to write something. But since there's a lot, I decided to break this up into chapters. Well, who knows how many chapters there will be, but just stick around I'm sure you'll have a great time. My writing is still rusty as hell, but I needed to get SOMETHING out. Anyways enjoy this! It's also on AO3 if you want that link.
It was the last thing she had ordered when she ran off into the jaws of death. He hated watching her go. Hated seeing her run back towards the beam with Harbinger raining down death. Tali had to tear him away from watching her run, dragging him back into the Normandy.
Garrus was on his fourth bottle of alcohol. The other three bottles were littered across Shepard’s nameplate. He ran his fingers across each letter of her name. It had been a couple weeks and Garrus still refused to put her name on the memorial wall. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. And he sure as hell wasn’t letting someone else do it.
They were still grounded on the uncharted world they had crashed into after the blast from the Citadel. While the Normandy was relatively fine, there were still some repairs that had to be made. There was also the issue with EDI. When the blast caused the Normandy to crash, EDI had suddenly collapsed, no longer functioning. Whatever the blast was, it didn’t kill just the Reapers.
The mass relays were destroyed, comm buoys were in pieces, so communication was very limited. Whatever happened back on Earth, whether people had recovered or not, was not making it to the Normandy anytime soon. The Reapers were defeated, but at what cost?
The door to the lounge opened and Liara sat next to Garrus. She grabbed a bottle of wine and began to pour herself a glass. “How are you feeling?” she asked, taking a sip.
Garrus grumbled to himself. He was drunk, his mind fuzzy and numb. “I’m fine,” he mumbled.
Liara nodded, not buying his story, but knew he hadn’t been okay in a while. “Tali has been working on EDI. She also brought Glyph back. In return, Glyph has been helping Tali with bringing EDI back,” Liara explained, hoping some good news would brighten his mood.
He looked at her, his face plates shifting. Part of him was annoyed that she would bring that up, knowing the possibility of Shepard truly being gone was most likely. But he was happy for Joker at the very least. “That’s good,” he mumbled, returning to his drink.
Liara frowned, worry crossing her face. “Garrus...I know you’re hurting, but...” Liara stopped herself. She didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry, Garrus. I know Joker has been talking about trying to make it back to Earth. But with the mass relays out, who knows how long it’ll be until we get there. Communications have been scrambled too.” Liara put a hand on his back. “It’s going to be okay Garrus. I promise.”
He stayed silent. He had nothing to say. He wanted to go back to Earth, back to the Citadel. He wouldn’t put Shepard’s name on the memorial wall until he had seen her cold corpse himself.
After a few minutes of silence, Liara finally decided it would be best to leave the turian to his sulking. She left with comforting parting words.
“There’s a body over here!”
Her head was pounding. There were noises. Faint. Distant. Her body burned, stung, felt battered and bruised. She was breathing, but it stung. The voices came closer. She could no longer make out words, but she saw blinding lights come into view. She felt a weight lift from her, probably some rubble, and she couldn’t make out any faces. There were just blurred shapes and bright lights.
“Holy shit, it’s Commander Shepard!”
More shapes rushed over to her. Rubble was being dragged off of her. The light began to fade, her breathing slowing. She felt something cover her nose and mouth. Air filled her easily now. Her eyes fluttered shut and the noise faded away.
“EDI!” Joker cried out as the robot sat up, blinking. He hugged her, tears forming in his eyes.
“Hello, Jeff,” EDI replied, slightly confused. She returned the hug, tentatively patting his back. He moved out of the way, allowing her to stand on her feet. “What happened?” she asked, looking around the room. She was in the AI core, Tali, Liara, and Glyph all stationed behind Joker, watching with held breaths as she was brought back to life.
“The blast from the Citadel took you out,” Joker explained, his arms on her shoulders. “But the Reapers were taken down too. Tali and Glyph have been working day in and day out to bring you back.”
EDI looked back at Tali and Glyph and smiled. “Thank you, you two. I did not realize I had...died.” EDI looked down at her hands, stretching her robotic fingers. “It felt like I had just stopped working. There was no afterlife.”
Joker put a finger under her chin, lifting her eyes to meet his. “It’s okay, you’re here now.” She smiled and took his hand.
“So what did I miss?” she asked, as they left the AI core. Awkward glances were shared between Tali and Liara.
Joker cleared his throat and took EDI to the bridge of the ship, letting her settle back into her usual co-pilot seat. The door to the cockpit closed as Tali and Liara stepped in. “Shepard activated the Crucible,” Joker began to explain. “Whatever it did, it destroyed the Reapers and other synthetic lives including you. But it also destroyed the mass relays and left comm buoys in scrambles. We’ve been stuck on an uncharted world for about a month now, trying to get you working again.”
“We didn’t feel safe, nor comfortable, taking off without you working again,” Liara added, offering a small smile to EDI. “That and the fact that the Normandy is currently offline.”
“You keep the Normandy in full function,” Tali tagged on.
Joker nodded. “Now that you’re back online, we’re hoping to make it back to Earth. The only issue with that is...”
“We don’t know how far away we are, nor how long would it take, or if we could even get there via FTL,” Liara explained, her voice low and sad.
“Is there a specific reason to going back to Earth?” EDI asked, pure innocence and naiveness in her robotic eyes.
Joker looked at Tali and Liara, asking for some backup with his eyes. Tali rubbed her hands together nervously. “We want to try and find Shepard.”
EDI tilted her head. “Is Shepard alive?”
The three of them exchanged looks once more. “We...we don’t know,” Liara sighed. “But Garrus seems determined to find out.”
EDI lowered her head. “Oh. Right. Garrus and Shepard were in a romantic relationship weren’t they?” Everyone nodded. “I will begin to run diagnostics on the ship then, to see what repairs will be required to get us off the ground once more,” EDI said, more optimistic and hopeful. It seemed to work as Joker, Tali, and Liara smiled a little more.
“I’ll let Garrus know,” Liara said before leaving the cockpit. She went to the crew deck, in the lounge looking for Garrus, but he wasn’t there. She went to the other side, the starboard observatory, but he wasn’t there either. She went to the main battery, wondering if he had gone back to calibrating to distract him, but he wasn’t there either. Liara could think of only one other place he would be grieving in.
As she suspected, the door to Shepard’s cabin was open, a somber tune of a piano playing through the speakers as she stepped out of the elevator. Laying on the bed was Garrus, a picture in his hand. Liara could tell it was the picture of the Normandy crew they had taken back on the Citadel. “Good news, Garrus,” Liara greeted, standing next to the fish tank. He looked up at her, his mandibles parting in curiosity. “EDI is back online. She is going to run a systems check and see what it will take to get us back to Earth.”
Garrus sat up, putting the picture on one of the bedside tables. “That’s what everyone wants to do?” he asked, not looking at her, still looking at the picture.
Liara moved closer, sitting on the end of the bed. “Garrus, you’re not the only one who wants to find Shepard. I, for one, do not want to see her name on that wall either. I want to at least see her body if she is...gone.”
Garrus snorted. “Weren’t you the one who recovered her body last time? After the Normandy’s first destruction?”
Liara nodded. “I was. Until I found her, I never lost hope. Even when I recovered her body, I still didn’t lose hope, especially since Cerberus planned to bring her back. I thought it was crazy, but they did it.” Liara smirked. “Death and Shepard are not good friends. She defies him at every turn.”
“I just...I don’t want to put her name on that damned wall. Because if I do, then it may be as well saying she’s gone. I...can’t accept that.” Garrus’s voice faltered, weak and strained. Liara couldn’t hear his sub-vocal very well, but she knew it was worse than his regular voice. She knew the pain of losing Shepard would be hard on him.
“Then let’s hope we can make it to Earth soon,” Liara comforted, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
He silently nodded as she left the cabin.
Another month had passed by, the Normandy was still grounded, but basic functions were online. Power kept the basic necessities alive, powering Liara’s room where she spent most of her time, using her Shadow Broker resources trying to gauge the aftermath of the Reaper War. No matter how much she tried to get any information, with comm buoys out of commission and them being on an uncharted world, anything she received was scarce at best. She still had received no status about the Citadel, Earth, or what state the galactic civilization was in. The only information she could glean, was what everyone already knew; the Reapers were dead and the mass relays were broken.
Voices were raised in concern about food supplies. There was still plenty of food for everyone, including Tali and Garrus, but supplies would run out soon if they didn’t restock. James, Cortez, Tali, Garrus, and Javik all decided to explore the uncharted world in hopes to find some food. Tali had a scanner in her suit that could identify whether something was poisonous and dextro-friendly or not. The only thing they had managed to find was some berries for everyone except the quarian and turian.
“Great, we’re going to be living off berries,” James groaned, picking the bright red fruits from the bush Tali had just scanned.
“Be lucky we found anything at all,” Tali retorted. “Garrus and I still have to find food that we can eat.”
“To be fair, you guys are the only dextros on board so you’re not going through your supply as fast,” Cortez pointed out.
“Hopefully we won’t run out in general,” Garrus said, looking aimlessly at the horizon. The system’s sun was equal to the sun, Sol, providing the same warmth and light on this world’s surface.
“If we do run out of food, we can just eat one another,” Javik suggested. Everyone turned and looked at the Prothean.
“Of course the Prothean would say that,” James cackled. “Talking about salarian soup and shit.”
“Let’s try to avoid that outcome,” Cortez suggested.
The idle conversation continued as the group continued looking for more food.
“Liara.” EDI stepped into the Shadow Broker’s cabin, her arms behind her back as she waited patiently for the asari to notice her.
“What is it EDI?” Liara looked up from her computer screen, frustration painted on her face.
“I found something. Upon doing an internal scan of the Normandy, I discovered a signal that was sent about two months ago. A distress signal,” EDI explained.
Liara looked at EDI in curious surprise. “Oh?”
EDI motioned for Liara to follow back up to the bridge of the Normandy. Joker was sitting in his pilot’s seat, the seat turned to face the door of the cockpit. His hands were templed together and worry was bright across his face. “Jeff and I have already listened to the signal. I had to clear it up in order to understand it since the signal was so ruined.” EDI explained as she stood next to Joker.
“Keep in mind, it’s two months old,” Joker grumbled as EDI used her omni-tool to play the signal.
There was a lot of crackling in the beginning and then a cough. “Help...” Liara strained to listen to the static in the voice. “This is...Com...mander...Shep...ard. I’m...still alive...Please help...” The signal cut off then with one more cough from the sender.
Liara’s eyes widened as EDI and Joker looked up at her to gauge her reaction. “Don’t get your hopes up. The signal is two months old,” Joker repeated.
“Do you...do you know if this signal was received by anyone else?” Liara asked, her voice soft and quiet. It was hard to determine what her reaction was.
“No. As I said, I just received this signal when I was doing diagnostics on the Normandy,” EDI answered. “I cannot determine if the signal was sent to any available ships or if it was sent to the Normandy specifically.”
Liara crossed her arms, bringing a hand to her chin, stroking it thoughtfully. There was a reason Joker reiterated the fact that the signal was two months old. With no knowledge of whether or not the signal was received by anyone else, there was no guaranteeing Shepard was alive. Liara sighed. “There’s nothing we can do about it. But whatever you do, don’t show it to Garrus. Unless we can find out whether or not the signal was received by someone else, there is no reason to bank our hopes on this.”
Joker nodded. “I agree. And honestly, Liara? As much as I want to hope...I don’t think she made it.”
Liara smiled sadly. “We can only hope she did, Jeff.”
Not sure if turian heaven is the same as yours, but if this thing goes sideways and we both end up there...meet me at the bar.
She was standing in the forest. There was no child there this time. No copy of herself. She was alone. There were voices surrounding her. She looked around. Her body didn’t hurt. She couldn’t feel anything. There was a bar on the opposite end of the forest. She could have sworn she saw a turian sitting on one of the stools, a bottle in its hand.
Her legs began moving, but like all the other dreams, she moved slowly, felt weighed down by a crushing force of gravity, moving impossibly slow.
She heard his voice again. All around the forest. She reached out towards the turian sitting at the bar. She wanted to call out for him, but her throat tightened and no sound escaped. Fire started to form around the turian and the bar.
Not again. Please. Not again.
Come back alive. It’d be an awfully empty galaxy without you.
The flames consumed the bar and the turian, just as his head turned to look at her; the blue eyes, the blue colony marking across his face, his visor, his mandibles parting at the sight of her.
We’re in this until the end.
She tried crying out, but the flames consumed him and the noise of the Reapers echoed all around her. A bright flash of red came into her view. She felt sluggish as she brought her arms up in a futile attempt to block the beam from disintegrating her. But the pain never hit.
Six months had passed since the Reaper War ended. Food supplies had started to run short, even for the dextros on the Normandy. Despite all the exploring the adventuring party had done, they still found nothing more except for berries for everyone else. However, progress on getting the Normandy back online was going well. EDI had predicted that the Normandy would be airborne within the week.
The mood on the ship was tense. Everyone was excited to be airborne again. Garrus still kept Shepard’s nameplate close to him. People stopped talking about the possibilities of Shepard’s fate, not wanting to further upset the turian and the rest of her close friends. Games of poker were used to distract crew members from the low running food supplies and the restlessness of being grounded for so long on an uncharted world.
“Man I can’t wait to get the hell off this planet,” James chattered, fixing himself a plate of berry flavored scrap food. “We’re pretty much out of food and have been surviving off of berries and MREs for six goddamn months. We haven’t been getting nearly enough proteins we need in a daily meal.” He sat down at the lunch table where the other crew members sat. Tali and Garrus looked at him pointedly. He lifted his shoulders. “What? You guys still have food.”
Tali scoffed. “Barely. There wasn��t that much dextro-food compared to your guys’ food. So we started running out around the same time you guys did.”
Cortez smiled, offering some hope around the table. “It’s okay guys. EDI said we should be taking off here soon.”
“Yes, but how long until we get to a known system?” James countered. “The mass relays are still screwed and we haven’t even received communications in forever.”
“Not to worry,” piped the synthetic voice of EDI who had just rounded the corner of the mess room. Liara stood next to her, a small smile on her face. “Communications have been reestablished.”
Liara sighed softly. “The only problem is that the communications we do receive are delayed. Say, if something was sent four months ago, we would just be receiving it now, or later. So any news we do get is going to be late.”
“Fantastic,” Garrus mumbled, looking down at his plate. He had barely touched his food and Tali was half-tempted to snag what he didn’t eat.
“Getting communications up at all is a start,” EDI admitted. “As I said, it shouldn’t be long before I can get the Normandy back into full motion.”
“Please hurry,” James begged, leaning back in his chair. “I’m sick and tired of this planet. If we had more resources, I wouldn’t mind living here. But I’m gonna lose it if I managed to survive the Reapers just to die to starvation six months later.”
Cortez raised a glass towards James. “Cheers to that.”
Liara rolled her eyes just as Specialist Traynor rushed around the corner. “Everyone! Come quick! I just received a message from Admiral Hackett!”
Everyone perked up a bit at that statement. Most of the communications they received were garbage or were so insignificant that Liara had immediately deleted them. But a message from Admiral Hackett? This had to be good.
Everyone rushed to the elevator, cramming inside of it before stepping out into the CIC. Traynor rushed over to her computer and pulled up the message. “I haven’t listened to it yet, I just saw who it was from and decided to call everyone up.” Joker was leaning on the opposite side of Traynor, by Shepard’s personal computer. There was a glint of hope in his eyes at the news of the message from Hackett.
Admiral Hackett played a huge part in the Reaper War, commanding the forces that brought the Crucible to the Citadel. If he was sending a message directly to the Normandy, then hopefully it was good news. Or news in general.
The message came up, but the frequency was all scrambled, too much static to even hear words. A few tweaks later and the old man’s voice finally came through.
“Normandy. This is Admiral Hackett. With the comm buoys in disarray and mass relays destroyed, I don’t know if and when this message will reach you, but you need to come back to Earth as soon as possible. Do whatever the hell you have to to make it back.” There was a pause in the message as everyone looked at each other. Then the voice spoke again and the words that came out struck everyone.
“We found Commander Shepard. She’s alive.”
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch four
read ch three here
an; i hope everyone out there is staying safe and sound. also, feel free to give feedback! i love to hear from you guys.
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.1k+
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edie's pov
"give up now, parker. i can do this all day." i say with a heavy breath as i hold peter in a headlock between my legs. we've been messing around with each other, showing off what we're capable of. somehow that led us to this moment.
he's struggling to break away from my hold. using all his strength to squirm away, he lets out grunts that eventually end with a big sigh as he gives up. only to try all over again a few seconds later.
"god it's like your legs are made of steel, this is inhumane." he puffs out, finally accepting defeat.
"oh. oh! my eyes! what is going on in here?" a voice booms throughout the room.
both our heads snap to the sound at the doorway to see happy standing there with his hands over his eyes. tony's voice can be heard in the hallway.
"what? why are you doing that, happy? oh lord! jesus children, it's only the first day." he shouts as he shields his eyes away from our general direction. i scramble away from peter and we each end up on either side of the blue mat that covers half of the room. both of our faces are flustered and shaded a guilty hue of red even though we weren't doing anything worthy of that feeling.
tony saunters over to a table on the side of the room and motions for us to join him. i hop up off of the ground, brushing myself off and moving my hair out of my face. i take my place next to mr. stark and peter follows in suit on the opposite side of him.
"okay so as you know- peter, take your mask off. what is this a kid's costume party?" tony pokes fun at peter who rushes to take the mask off and holds it down by his side. i can't help but let out a muffled laugh at the embarrassed boy. he meets my eyes with no readable expression, only holding it for a moment before focusing back on mr. stark.
he continues on, "alright. now that that’s handled... let's get some ground rules on the table." he looks at both of us in the eyes before talking again.
"rule number one, you must always be on alert. you'll be the only ones here for the most part, aside from the occasional visits from happy or myself.
number two, one of you must be here at all times. you can take turns going out and helping old ladies cross the street, or whatever it is that you guys do. hey, hey, i'm kidding don't give me that look, peter.
number three, i expect weekly updates from you. edie, you'll probably want to handle that.
and lastly rule number four, i just added this one because i didn't think it would be a problem, but who am i kidding? no hanky panky in my compound. got it?"
i snap out of my focused state at that last part. my mouth bobs open and closed like a fish as i search for something to say. never in a million years would i think about doing things with peter. just the thought of it made me shiver.
"hello? i need an answer." tony says as he looks between the both of us. it's then that i notice peter- again- is flustered beyond belief.
peter's pov
"you got it mr. stark." i blurt out. he gives one last glance between us and nods his head in satisfaction.
"good. i'll see you two crazy kids later." he responds with a wink as he walks backwards towards the door, giving us laser fingers before he turns and is gone from the room. i move my attention to happy who was trailing behind him.
"don't make me come back here more than i have to." he says with a fake smile and wave before disappearing as well.
i turn to the only other person left in the room. the said person who suddenly makes the butterflies in my stomach turn on each other to form an all-out war. the scary part about this feeling is...i have no idea why i feel it. and it's sprung up on me out of nowhere. all i know is that as of late, being around her makes me nervous, and sweaty.
"i'm gonna go...take a shower," i say pitifully. i internally scold myself for being so weird all of a sudden, but without waiting for an answer i bolt out of the room and make my way to my own space i’ll be staying in this summer. during my escape, i hear the faintest 'bye' coming from edie's direction.
finally in my room, i press the button that releases my suit from my body and shimmy out of it, starting to feel claustrophobic beneath its tight hold. while showering was just the first thing i could think of for an excuse, the idea doesn't sound so bad. i scramble through my suitcase and find all of the things necessary to take a shower. i carry it all to the bathroom and turn on the water.
while waiting for it to warm up, i stare at myself in the mirror. my hair is damp from the sweat that always comes when i wear my mask. i just look rough. my cheeks are red and flustered- an emotion i find myself feeling a lot lately- and the only reason as to why, is the reminiscent feeling of edie's thighs wrapped around my head. a combat move that is a bitch to be stuck in is now sending shivers down my spine in the strangest way. the feeling of her soft, yet durable suit against my cheeks is fresh in my mind. part of me wants to feel her actual skin caressing my face. just the palm of her hand. or maybe even her lips.
the scandalous thought hits me in the face when i remember who it is i'm thinking about. no no no. i'm just a horny boy who is thinking with the wrong part of his body. there is no way i can be thinking these things about edie. not my best friend, that would be so weird.
it's nearing dinner time the next day after mr. stark and happy left to meet up with the others. i've done my best to stay in my room, but the nagging feeling in my stomach craved for any food other than the peanut butter crackers i smuggled in the middle of the night.
with a groan, i peel back my sheets and crawl out of bed. i walk over to my door and pull it open, checking both ways to see if it was clear. i sigh with relief as i see no signs of edie and step out into the hall.
it's not that i don't want to see her, but...i kinda don't want to see her. i took the time to myself to think of my messed up feelings. i haven't always felt this way. edie has always been my best friend, and that's all i saw her as. but when i realized i wouldn't see her for three months, my heart hurt and my stomach twisted. now that it's just the two of us, those feelings are magnified and blaring and overwhelming.
halfway to the kitchen i hear footsteps bounding down the hallway behind me. i whip around just to be tackled to the ground by an alarmingly strong body.
"where ya been, pete? i've tried to get you out of your room all day. by the way, i like the shirtless look." edie pants from above me with a cheeky wink. i feel myself melt at her words. she wanted to see me. who am i kidding? of course she did, i'm the only other one in the compound and she’s probably bored.  i'm dragged out of my thoughts when the rest of her sentence hits me.
looking down i do realize i have no shirt on, only a pair of sweatpants that are now sitting a little too far down on my hips due to the way edie is sitting on me. i scramble out from underneath of her, keeping hold on the band of my pants to ensure no more embarrassment. my movements send her flying on her butt a few feet away.
"oof, okay. my bad." she says awkwardly, but continues, "hey i was thinking of going out tonight? kicking a little ass and whatnot. wanna be my guy in the chair?" she asks from the ground as i stand to fix my pants. i curse my cheeks as i feel them redden.
jumping at an idea, i suggest something else, "actually i-i'll go out. don't worry about me though, i've got karen. wouldn't wanna make her jealous." i say, trying to joke. her face drops slightly before covering it up with her bright smile. i wonder how many times she's done that without me noticing.
"right. spider boy doesn't need little ole me. i'll be here when you get back." she chirps as she hops up from the floor, "at least keep me in mind when you're out there. i'll be right here." she taps her ear and i notice the tiny piece of metal made to fit her ear perfectly. it's her comm that tony gave us to ensure we're always sure of each other's safety. mine is sitting in my room, untouched.
"okay, e. i better get r-ready to go." i stammer out and turn back to my room.
"aren't you gonna eat?" she calls from behind me as i make my retreat.
my mission to get food was unsuccessful.
edie's pov.
i watch peter stumble back down the hall, seemingly eager to be anywhere i'm not. i brush the thought away and cop it up to nerves. we're officially here by ourselves, i'm nervous too.
i turn on my heel and head to the kitchen, where i begin making mac and cheese. it's one of my favorite things to eat, so i double the portions for later. or maybe i'll be generous and share some with peter.
my ear piece makes a short static noise and soon peter's voice is flooding through my head, "i'm heading out now, edie. uh, i guess let me know if there's an emergency or something. but other than that i'll be offline." he says, immediately doing so before i can respond.
i huff and plop myself down on a stool, waiting for my water to boil on the stove. my heart begins to sink. if peter is going to be acting this way the whole time we're here, i don't know if i'm so excited anymore. sure, i know this is a huge responsibility on our shoulders but we can still have fun, right?
"a watched pot never boils." i whisper to myself as i let my head fall into my hands. soon after that i feel my mind start to slip into a calmer state, easing me into a sleepy trance. i try my best to fight the feeling, but as soon as my eyes slide shut, i'm done for.
"edie? e? what's going on over there? there's an alarm going off, edie. edie!"
my head snaps up off of the marble kitchen island as i take in the room around me. the pot of water is definitely boiling now. so much so that the smoke detectors have started going off.
i stand up, still trying to gather myself and run over to the stove.
"pete? gosh, sorry. it's nothing i'm fine, i was just- FUCK. oh ouch ouch ouch." i put my thumb in my mouth and begin to suck on it, apparently i'm not awake enough to realize the pot is hot as hell before i tried to move it from the burner.
"e? are you okay? i'm coming back, hold on." peter says, worry lacing through his words. i hop up and down silently, holding my hand to my chest.
"no, no. i'm okay, just a little accident in the kitchen, i'll live." i reply, doing my best to not worry the boy protecting the city.
"oh my god, you cut off a finger, didn't you? i thought knives were your thing! i'm almost there."
"no! gosh, peter, i'm fine. finish your patrol. i'll see you later." i rush out, now at the sink, running cold water over my burn.
"too late i'm already here." he says. there’s some rustling coming through the comm, and he lets out a faint curse, "the doors aren't opening. what the hell?"
there's a silence.
"mr. stark never logged my finger print." he says, defeated. i can't help but laugh at his misfortune.
"don't worry, peter i'm coming to save you." i say with a coy smile, glad he can't see how much i'm enjoying this moment.
"totally unfair," he mutters, "i was supposed to come save you. but then again, what ever would i do without you, wolfie?"
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit
wanna be added to the taglist? comment or send me a message :))
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sungwanns · 3 years
holy crap your family IS tall! i'm just seeing rowoon from SF9 in my head (he's the only one i can think of that's above six feet tall) then adding more inches to him...i'm sure you guys look up to each other (≧◇≦) awww that's so cute tho! couple outfits with seungmin would DEFINITELY be easy - you can literally just buy the same kind of clothes. size and all.
...huh oh yeah. with felix and minho in the same dorm, i can definitely see the others still coming around for dinner/late night snacks. i think hyunjin mentioned he and minho recently ate in minho's room, too. and wow, you're going to have so many SGs! how many groups do you follow btw, and are you going to get all of their seasons greetings?
oh dang jungkook? ...maybe since he's also an idol, your brain just figured that's close enough HAHAHAHA. ah well - i'm sure the boys will come around soon enough.
YES JULY BABIES ARE THE BEST - whether cancer or leo (my mom's a cancer too, actually). and thanks for linking the site - i tried it out and put in an estimate of my time of birth, and apparently i'm a libra rising. can i just say the part where it said i'm a perfectionist yet indecisive is very accurate. have you tried putting in the info for your biases here? tho i imagine it would be hard to know their times of birth hahaha
AWW THANK YOU TOO XD tho tbh just picture a skinny, small-ish high-school-student-looking asian lady and i guess you'll get me HAHAHA.
RIGHT?? and you just know chan's concern is genuine - how can we not just melt?? HAHA yeah i'd hope he gets the reference too - i know he's lurking around here somewhere...and in case the day comes that i DO throw that danny devito comment at him, he better know where it's from too!
man we all need vacations - i hope school's winding down for you already. and thank yooouu i'm trying not to do too much anymore, but there's just so much going on all the time! all these kpop companies should be paying us - WE'RE the ones promoting their groups for free! ( ;∀;) and i feel that - that's one of the reasons i can't make myself start dramas sometimes too. too much work to process what's happening. OH AND CROCHETING! that's so cool! do you make your own clothes? the best i can make is a hat as for my own offline hobbies...dear lord i feel like i have none. i make graphics or watch youtube videos during my spare time...yeah okay it's probably time i start reading physical books again or something.
eyy fruits basket! i've been meaning to start that - is it good? and holy crap, one piece. if anything, that just tells me you have dedication. how many episodes are there - 900+? and the manga - i don't even know how long that is anymore. 30 eps behind is definitely not bad XD ooh my brother loves jojo...maybe i'll finally give it a shot when i get the time. as for cheesy ones, i'd probably recommend kaichou wa maid-sama/the student body president is a maid, and kimi ni todoke/from me to you! if i remember correctly, the anime doesn't cover the whole story, so you may have to read the manga afterwards, but even on their own they're pretty cute.
ahh maknae on top! that's actually my favorite too! if they release this as a physical single i will DEFINITELY buy it but yesss alien has a special place in my heart, together with minho's DAWN choreo. hyunjin's play with fire too, just because it was a very hyunjin way to announce "I'M BACK!" after his hiatus ♥
awww you are DEFINITELY felix! and i have to agree - you give off a very sunshine-y, happy, vibe even just from the few messages we've sent each other. now i wonder what aura i give off - maybe black? or maybe like a neon color that kinda hurts the eyes LOL
animation! okay that is VERY cool/impressive! ah but yeah if you're getting too tired, i agree you should just take a break before you burn out. i can imagine that even though you like drawing, having to do it for 3-hour long classes every week would be tiring for both your brain and your hands (i hope your wrists are okay). ah i've been okay for the most part - thanks for asking ♥ definitely need more sleep, but i'm not hallucinating (yet) so it's all good! ohh now i'm curious tho. have you made any animations of skz?? because i would LOVE to see those!
oh wow that's another difficult question...all their albums are so good! hmm, but if i had to choose, i'd probably say go:sei/go:live because it's what hooked me into this mess in the first place, and all the songs are just so good! phobia is still wrecking me hard i love yellow wood and noeasy too, tho...i guess that's my top three. i think i know what your favorite album is - is it i am YOU?
AHH ALSO have you seen the MAMA performance??
Yeah HAHA whenever my extended family goes somewhere together people are always like 👀👀 LMAO but yeah im pretty average height for a girl in my family!! Ah that would be so cute 😭 I have a few kinda wild clothes im a hyuna wannabe 😔 so i would love to put some of those on him LMAO
Hopefully that’s something that keeps them going to each other’s dorms!! Especially bc i know that none of them can pass up felix’s sweets <<3 But i follow a lot of groups 😭 including but not limited to: woo!ah!, aespa, fromis 9, itzy, txt, mcnd, enhypen, the rose, twice, and hyuna, sunmi, somi, and woosung for soloists!! i’m sure there’s more i can’t think of off the top of my head!! And there’s some more too that i follow but i can’t name all the members like weki meki, loona, & nct !! I indulge myself in random albums from these groups but for big stuff like SG i only let myself buy for skz and red velvet since those are my ults or i would be broke 😭
Right HAHA i woke up and i was like ??? I guess kinda close??? I haven’t tried again bc i just fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow LMAO
Oh a fellow cancer!! But i totally agree!! my aunt is a leo too and she’s the best <<3 Oh a libra rising!! now i just KNOW you’re so pretty!!! but yes HAHA i have some of my fav idols birth charts saved… Yeah haha it’s like impossible to know what their risings are but other things aren’t as influenced by the birth time so it doesn’t matter as much!! like i know that jisung is a pisces moon (so am i!!) and seungmin is a cancer moon <<3 I love my water moon boys <3 but luckily someone asked chan his birth time on a vlive and he told them >>:))
it really is he’s the sweetest :(( HAHA right like ik you and felix are floating around here you can’t pretend 👀
No i totally feel you!! Like everytime you think you’re done something else pops up!! like ive been doing a lot of last minute holiday things so sorry ive been a little slow in my responses!! 😭 and so true!! especially when i promote their group better than they do … I’m looking at you sm But i do sometimes!! ive made a top or two but clothing wise i like to make sweaters/cardigans the best!! but i think i make amigurumi the most!! but a hat is still so good!! what color would you make your hat? 🥰 no but that’s still good!! whatever you find relaxing!! I watch a lot of youtube too!! especially while im crocheting and during my occasional embroidery projects!! I can’t really watch anything when im drawing or i’ll get distracted lol
For fruits basket yeah!! i really like it!! It like gets more intense as it goes on!! HAHA but yeah i like hate finishing shows?? like i hate getting attached to characters and then never seeing them again so when i first started watching anime when i was 14 i finished a show i really liked and i was devastated AJHDKS so i looked up the longest anime and the rest is history 😭 but yeah they just recently hit the 1000 episode!! But i go through phases of watching a bunch of it and catching up and then not watching it for a while and falling behind … talking about it is making me wanna watch it again… but !! my brother loves jojo too haha he’s actually the one that told me to watch it!! Omg i’ll definitely have to give those a try!! thank you for the recommendation!! :))
Oh me too!! I hope one day they just put all the skz players together and sell physical copies that would be great😭 like it can have a cd for the songs and a dvd for the dances!! But you’re so right about hyunjin’s!! It was the perfect way to come back !! When it came out I was like !!!!!!
!! Thank you !! 🥺🥺 I would say you give me very like warm color vibes?? like maybe a warm darker purple ?? like a deep magenta?? Like this!!
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HAHA thank you!! my wrists are always being put through it with all my dexterous hobbies LMAO Ah but the worst part is having to stand at my easel for three hours straight it always makes my feet hurt 😭I’m glad you’re doing well!!💙 I hope you don’t start to hallucinate any time soon LMAO but i have not :(( however i do have random bits of fanart on my blog!! they’re pretty old though & i did some of them super fast so i wouldn’t say any of them are particularly good but i haven’t had the time recently to really make personal drawings!! My favorite one on my blog though is probably the one where i drew changbin as zoro from one piece !! <3
Omg those are such good choices!! I’m gonna struggle to answer my own question… AKHDKSJS you really called me out like that😭 but that and i am who were my favs for so long but now their newer ones have been so GOOD UGH … hmm… i think nowadays i would have to choose noeasy, in life, and miroh as my top three in no particular order!!
Ah!! yes i did!! they’re so amazing and talented!! and 3racha!!!😭 and I adore their outfits!! especially seungmin’s i loved the colors in his!! and jisung’s bandanna 😭
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