#[My brain doesn't wanna work cause of a sinus headache...]
diivergence · 2 years
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I’m honestly never one to get like really angry at the idea of someone having a different opinion when it comes to media that I particularly love. At most, I get hella annoyed, rant about it and continue on with my day. I don’t have the time or life energy to fret about someone having like a different opinion about something. So that being said, it really just... butters my biscuit when people say shit like this about Corpse Bride.
"Victor van Dort Sucks!!" "He should've had married Emily" "Victor is a jerk"
Like, I’m sorry bitch, but did we watch the same damn movie??
First of all, people making Victor out to be just as bad, if not worse than Barkis. Kindly stop. Victor deadass had the most realistic reactions to pretty much the entire situation. Like you’re gonna sit there and tell me that if you accidentally married a dead woman when you’re kicking it with someone else, you wouldn’t freak the fuck out and try to get back to the one you love no matter what? If you say yes, I’mma look at your ass sideways. Victor loved Victoria. He wasn’t just gonna drop her for Emily. I’m sorry. He stayed loyal to her till her heard she was marrying someone else and instead of trying to win her back, he lamented, but respected that, and agreed to marry Emily just to make her happy. He was going to throw away his happiness and his life so that he could make Emily happy, because he felt bad for hurting her feelings. He’s a good dude, dammit. Y’all leave my boy alone. He didn’t do anything wrong.
Ya know, on the topic of Victoria, STOP CALLING HER BORING. Kindly check your misogyny at the door, please and thank you. Victoria adored him. Their initial meeting, she fell for him playing for the piano and instead of interrupting him; she let him play. She tried to help and support him during the practice ceremony. When Emily takes him back to The Land of The Dead, she tries to rescue him, and escape so she can save him. She loves Victor to death (pun intended) and would do whatever it takes to protect him. I could honestly write pages about her as a character, but we’d be here all damn day... Point is, stop dissing her. Honestly, Emily's simps are like, so fucking annoying, and this coming from someone adoring the ground Emily walks on...No. He should not have thrown his life away to marry her. Victor should’ve had a happy and healthy marriage with a lovely woman that he adores.
“Victor and Emily had such good chemistry!! They should’ve gotten together!!” ...Yeah no. Not the point of the movie. Emily wanted to be a bride, but she also wants peace and happiness. Victor gave her that by keeping his promise to her. She doesn’t need marriage and a romantic relationship to be happy or have peace in her afterlife. Victor cares for her, and Victoria has sympathy and care for her as well by the end of the movie. Her memory will live on through platonic love from a happy couple that’ll get to live the dream she never got to have. Honestly? I would argue that Emily didn’t really want a relationship or marriage. She wanted happiness, she wanted freedom, and through her character arc she found that by herself. She found closure. The man that destroyed her is dead and won’t hurt any other woman again. The people she cares for a safe and will live a long happy life. She can find peace. The implications of slapping a forced love interest on that character would give them "happiness" is so allo it hurts....
“Emily DESERVES!! Victor!! Victor didn’t DESERVE Victoria or Emily!!” Shut the fuck up and stop acting like people are prizes. Holy shit, I hate this argument. So Victor is a bit of an anxious and nervous wreck. Some of y’all ain’t any fucking better, let's be honest! At worst, he’s clumsy and a coward, and the worst man in this movie literally prays on innocent and vulnerable women in order to still all of their money. Victor isn’t perfect, but he’s a decent guy who deserves to marry the girl he loves. Y’all stop being hateful. 
So yeah. Stop misrepresenting the main three please. The literal tag line of the movie is, “There has been a grave misunderstanding.” The key word being, “misunderstanding.” Emily, Victor & Victoria deserve better than their shitty parents gave them, and I want nothing but happiness for my babies.
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artemidian · 3 years
okay so first of all i did make bruschetta! my stomach kinda hurts now but like. it was still pretty good. idk i still feel like i shouldn't have and the more i think about it the more i'm like. that was a Bad Idea. if you can't tell i really do have some sort of issues <3. idk who will eat it all now tho cause it's a lot. i did eat a lot tho too so like. man idk. now i wanna go and move because i hate sitting after i eat but i don't have anywhere to go. my friend wanted to watch a movie so now we're doing a netflix party but like. idk it's not anything i'm interested in.
anyways the other paragraphs:
my sleep schedule is always a mess. i sleep best when i'm full on exhausted and there's not much exhaustion going on rn. that's why i load up my schedule during the school year (the year before this past, i was at my school from 7:30 to 8-10 pm all the time). i hope you can avoid any new burn outs, those are never fun. as for my sinuses—i've always had sinus problems. i used to have infections when i was little often (i once was on antibiotics for one for 40 days lmfao). and sinuses go hand in hand with migraines actually so. yeah. it's a normal thing and i usually can't move my eyes around too much or i get pain/headaches. i wake up with that pretty much everyday, usually sharp pain around my eyes, but today just my entire head hurt and my sinuses were just. yeah. no eye movement today ! my neck just started hurting too so that's the migraine setting in lol
also my nose is still hurt but i can't really do anything about it. i just hope it'll pass
and pre cal, rn it's vectors. not that difficult, but i have certain things (writing, tumblr, now pre cal) that just make me anxious at the thought of doing them. idk. it'll be fine
and my list won't be entirely unattainable. mostly just like. fix myself physically (i want stronger hip muscles, arms, etc.). figure out my hair, fix this shit on my arms, find shoes, find new clothes, etc etc. just that sort of thing.
and that doesn't sound fun. try hot water/shower/bath and massaging the area. and use some sort of cream/something to put on it (can't think of the proper terminology). and the hand thing sounds really painful omg. i hope it gets better soon. you have time today so you should relax, and i'm happy your meds + productivity have been good! that's always nice
once again response under the cut–
yay bruschetta! hopefully after you give yourself a bit of time to digest your stomach will hurt less? idk though, everyone's different. and idk if your neighborhood is safe to walk in, but if it is you could go for a short walk? i live in like. okay so it's technically a village. in the woods. but that makes me sound like i'm a medieval peasant so uh. long story short i can go for walks but idk about you– i feel like i remember you mentioning that your area wasn't very safe at one point. either way i hope you feel a bit better :(
with exhaustion: okay not to be *that* person but i'll tell you what my doctor told me my freshman year? sophomore year? it was basically along the lines of "your brain is still developing please stop teaching it that stress = good living conditions and start teaching yourself to work/sleep better" so. lmao and here i am djfhsfkjsd but yeah burn out is not fun but it'll probably happen again soon. i'm still not fully back from the last school year and just with things going on right now in my life it's just kind of– on the horizon lol.
yeah i knew a bit about sinuses because my sister tells me Migraine Facts from time to time and that was one of them. idk any condition where normal means functioning while in pain is hell, im sorry babe. i never know what to say but like. i'm sensitive lol. and i hope that your nose gets better and that whatever's wrong with it isn't too severe.
yeah i understand that. i usually try to break it down into the smallest bits possible to make it seem manageable. and at least you're on break with writing, so you don't have to think about it. you can always take a break from tumblr if you need it babe.
and yeah just make sure you keep your goals manageable, yknow? ambition and gentleness can co-exist, if that makes sense.
and YEAH my hand hurts this sucks. it's not that bad but yeah. because there's no way for it to not be in pain right now– because it's on my dominant hand, anytime i move my hand to do anything it pulls at it. i have a bandage on it but it's in a really inconvenient place to bandage? and i was going to take a shower to help with the soreness but it hurts my hand so <\3 and i wanted to workout today but i'm too sore, which is frustrating. but it's probably good that i can't right now for reasons but still. there was some stuff that i just wanted to mess around with, like some old choreo, but my entire body hurts so i'm just resting today. i was going to just daydream + write down notes on those daydreams but like. i have absolutely no ideas at the moment. @ the universe please give me new ced ideas <3 my brain is dead <3 also the "e" "l" "w" "k" and "j" keys on my laptop stopped working halfway through that sentence so i've got to switch to my phone and also figure that out now ;-; i used copy and paste just to finish but i'm not going to keep doing that
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