#[I've kinda felt like my Clive speaks a little more...]
valistheanshield ยท 11 months
Speech - Headcanon
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My Clive is a little bit AU. Not in terms of events in his life or how they happen, but in how he speaks. He's a bit more formal with people, especially people he doesn't know well.
He doesn't speak like one would expect a Bearer Assassin to do so, especially after 13 years of 'service' that he had escaped from. Sure, he still gets gruff with 'soldier' level people, speaking like them makes it easier for them to accept him, but anyone that he would have had to take notice of as the Son of an Archduke? He will address them carefully and cautiously.
Of course, during moments of emotional duress, this all goes out the window. Clive can be quite rude/foul-mouthed when the situation gets out of hand, but he tries his best to keep to a more formal manner of speech.
Part of this is because he felt like he had to be on his toes at all times. Showing proper respect/difference was important for the operations of the court, drilled into him with such force that his own father had to tell him to stop it when they were in small, unofficial company.
In short, his manner of speech tends to lean more towards 'Nobleman' than 'Outlaw', though it isn't a hard code swap for him.
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