#[I know I'm gonna be hella pressed for time tomorrow since I'm covering for the Jr. High Math teacher.]
I'm requesting angst please don't hate me. Could I get s o after del's death?
so this is hella late but like i did it fam. 
It’s tagged as Russel x OC bc Russel and OC are best friends. 
And I had so many ideas for this, I made an OC. Alexa is an adopted Bengali girl from Brooklyn. Del was her boyfriend and the love of her life. She knew Russel since they were in the second grade. They went to Elementary school together. They he went to Xavier School for Young Achievers and she ended up going to a public middle school and eventually Brooklyn High School. When he transferred to Brooklyn High School after his supernatural experiences in the other school, she’s the one who introduced him to the group which included Del and a bunch of others who became some of his best friends. 
She’s probably one of my favorite OCs and I have more about her and her backstory if anyone would request it. 
Also, I wrote more to this if anyone cares. Not posting it bc I’m not so sure about it yet but if anyone requests anything more I’ll probably end up posting it. 
I’m using my phone’s hotspot to edit this because I really couldn’t post this without it being formatted. Kms, i’m gonna get charged so bad for this. 
Warning: It should probably be obvious from the prompt but there is hella angst and shit below. Talk about death and existential shit and stuffs. 
Part 1: 
It was a dark day, one of those days where you just want to lay in bed and forget everything exists, that’s exactly what happens. Nothing matters, nobody matters, everyone dies in the end anyway. Why are we even trying? Why do we try to get up at the right time, make it to school, get good grades, get a job. Why do we bother falling in love if the person you love the most will be torn away anyway?
These thoughts swirl around in her head as she lays down in bed with the covers over her head. Tears are running down her face again. Her tears threaten to spill every couple of minutes as everything she looks at, everything she thinks about reminds her of Del.
The door to Alexa’s room slowly creaks open and in steps her cat who leads in her friend and the only survivor of the incident, Russel .
Russel steps in to the dark, messy room, his knock not being acknowledged by the crying mess in bed. He clears his throat when he steps in the room and sees Alexa’s shaking form under the sheets.
“Lex…” He says in a low voice. “Lexie…” He repeats.
“What are you even doing here? ” She snaps from under the covers with a shaky voice.
Russel approaches the bed and puts a hand on her blanket covered shoulder. Her back faces him and her head is still covered by the sheet.
“The funeral is tomorrow, L. I know they would have wanted you to be there. I know…he would have wanted you there. He wants you there.”
After a minute of Alexa trying to keep quiet and stop shaking while crying, he speaks up again: “Please…”
She scrambles around and jumps out of bed, jabbing a finger at the person she used to laugh at the school lunch table with’s chest. “You… you survived. You don’t get to mourn. You don’t get to tell me what to do, man. You get to celebrate the life you got because other people died in your place!” Alexa  explodes, yelling this out in a shaky yet sure voice with fire in her eyes. Her cheeks are still wet and her hair is a mess. She’s wearing nothing but underwear and an over sized shirt she stole from Del from when she slept over at his place. Alexa roughly pokes at Russel’s chest and with every furious step she takes towards him as she yells, he takes one step back until he’s pressed up against the wall. “You… survived. And he didn’t... You survived, Russ.”  Alexa collapses into him, feeling broken, hurt, defeted, guilty, and then terrible for projecting her anger at one of her best friends
Part 2: Alexa’s POV as the reader.
Russel grabs you by the arms tightly and looks you dead in the eyes. His eyes take on an unusual white glow you’ve never seen before. You knew Russ since the 2nd grade and although Russel seems to be prone to weird shit happening to him, this is probably the weirdest thing you’ve seen. You now notice that his pupils are nowhere to be seen. He has new and very prominent dark bags under his unnaturally glowing white eyes and he looks at you intensely, his hands move to your shoulders as he leads you, walking you backwards to sit you down on your bed. He gets on his knees and takes your hands, looking into your eyes, trying to project his sincerity, trying to project his genuine feelings of loss and hurt and love and pain for Del and for you. 
“Del was my best friend, Lex. They were all my friends too, sis.” He bows his head. “I will never celebrate this. I will never look back and thank the grim reaper for sparing me. How could you think that?” Russ says with a shaky voice.
“The grim reaper?” You couldn’t help but ask, unsure if this has to do with some weird shit or if Russel is being uncharacteristically over dramatic. 
“Some messed up shit happened that day, Lex… It was real messed up, it was…”  He shakes his head, tearing up. Soon the tears spill over and he can’t take it anymore. He leans over, his head falls in your lap and he cries. His back shakes, his fists tighten in the sheets next to you and he sobs into your lap, making your own tears well up. You lean over with your face to his shaking back, hugging his large form,  both of you cry together, mourning the loss of both of your your best friends and your boyfriend. Whenever it seems like the pain is ebbing away, a new wave takes over and one of you starts to cry again causing a chain reaction where the other joins in. Russel ends up spending the night, you two go through old photo albums and pictures of your friends and talk about memories you two had with Del, occasionally breaking down. 
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