#[[ I love them sm I would devote a shrine to them ]]
holymost · 1 year
@hauntics - liked for a starter . song - Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men
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❝ the stairs creak as you sleep , it's keeping me awake . ❞
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nyxthejinx · 2 years
Yae Miko is woman of mystery who never tells you what she wants outright and keeps her true feelings hidden most of the time, however the moment her little one calls her Mama while tending to some duties with Ei , she cries. At first she doesn’t believe what she hears and asks Ei if she heard it too only for her little one to say it again, this time louder and Yae can’t help but to rush over and scoop them up and shower them in kisses. To make the moment even more sweeter they call Ei “Obasan” or aunty. Now the archon is crying as well
I'm so glad I had a chance to see my two of fave lesbians again while playing Inazuma quest, it gave me the brain juice I love them sm. Sorry for being atrociously late 🥲
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The night your presumed parents left you at the Shrine's gate, it was thundering as though the Shogun was trying to tear apart the sky. And Yae Miko, ever so attentive, was able to bring you in before you drowned in your own drenched covers.
She finds herself more intrigued than anything, wondering why such a small thing would be abandoned, so defenceless in a world so, so cruel. And by her door no less.
But she also knows that certain questions would never be answered, that it is a waste of time to ponder over something so meager. Instead, she focuses on tending to your basic needs and provides a home. Her home, for you.
You'd make a great devotee to the shrine, it's all she thinks at first.
And without realising it, a year or so goes by.
The Guuji doesn't sugar coat her words, but she also doesn't outwardly express her feelings. She's a skilled orator when it comes to pushing the conversation around as she pleases, the few who dare ask about her precious little one left with nothing but subtle hints to drop it.
Aside from the Shrine Maidens, who've been there long enough to figure things out themselves, nobody knows what is Yae's deal with you.
Even the mighty Shogun, presenting herself as Ei the first times she leaves her Plane, takes a bit too long to truly realise how smitten Miko is for you, human child, wobbly on your legs, who apparently has yet to utter a word.
Needless to say not even Raiden is immune to your adorable charm.
Both of them are quick to come to terms with this weakness of theirs, and devote as much time as possible to you, not noticing the second year of your life passing by.
But their profound affection also brings them -especially Ei- to frighten easily over the smallest things. You're a fragile being, after all, and they're not new to loss. If a god can die so easily in such a cruel world, what would it be of you?
This also means Yae silently worries over the fact that you still haven't spoken a world, despite growing at an incredible speed in the past two years. Is it a sign of physical and/or mental discomfort? Did she do something wrong, despite her best efforts on understanding deeper the human nature?
Miko lets you play with one of her Gohei's to entertain yourself, while both Ei and she voice their concerns to the Maidens. Some of them insist that kids grow and develop at different speeds, others remark that maybe grabbing a doctor would be best, just in case.
And never in the past five centuries the god and her pet had felt so distressed over someone they'd known for such a short period of time.
What is a couple years to endless beings such as them? What is two years to you? Too much? Not enough?-
"Mama! Mama! 'Basan! Look!!"
The Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine stills, barely able to take a look from the corner of her eye, as she sees you emulating one of their traditional dances at the best of your abilities.
It's wonky, mostly wrong, completely inaccurate and chaotic.
But her vision fogs up at how content and eager you are doing your little thing.
Ei lays a hand on Miko's shoulder, the other covering her mouth. The two share a quick look, then gaze back to your figure, utterly mesmerised.
"It good?" You pant, tired from the amount of effort you'd put into the performance. And the second after you're off the ground, in Yae's arms, as she covers your cheeks with affectionate kisses, Ei stroking your head with incredible delicacy.
Both smiling, uncaring of those around them. As the only thing that matters is you.
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DON'T copy/repost my work. REBLOG instead! ©nyxthejinx
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ryattcos · 2 years
i think the thing about tgcf/hualian that makes me the most feral is the way that it’s not sex-centric, but is more focused on the actual relationship between them.
i do love me some spice, my ao3 tabs are never going to be seen by another human ever. buuuut, the way that hua cheng is so devoted and will simply do anything he can to keep xie lian safe is beautiful.
it’s gentle. it’s delicate. it’s love in the most basic form.
hua cheng encourages xie lian to do things that makes him happy. things that hella cheng doesn’t necessarily agree with, but he’s never going to step in and tell xie lian he can’t do something. instead hua cheng will stand beside xie lian and keep him as safe as he can.
also, on that note, i really appreciate that even when xie lian does something that hua cheng doesn’t particularly agree with, hua cheng doesn’t guilt or lecture xie lian. they simply agree that it wasn’t the best way to handle something.
i hate slow burns, but this relationship and story is truly so captivating that i’m not even missing spicy scenes. i just wanna see them interacting and appreciating each other. they both have such a deep respect for each other.
i also can’t help but lose my mind at the fact that most power dynamics would have hua cheng treating xie lian like a baby, and he absolutely does not! it’s a breath of fresh air to see them both on equal ground regardless of one of them having significantly more power and money. hua cheng isn’t there to fix all of xie lian’s problems and i fucking respect the hell out of that.
yes, hua cheng has the thousand lights temple, and paradise manor and has invited xie lian to live with him. but it was a fleeting moment. hua cheng has even said that the puqi shrine feels most like home even though it’s an over crowded little shack.
and the use of spiritual power, even though hua cheng has a significant amount of power, he gives without question. and it’s never done in a showy way. he just offers the use of spiritual power when xie lian needs it.
also… the way xie lian is growing more comfortable in his relationship with hua cheng and gets more casual with touches and hand holding and what not. i truly cannot handle how soft they are with each other.
they are disgusting and i love them sm. 🥲
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eunsoyi · 4 years
I just stumbled on your blog with the we made it fic and it was so good 💗💗 I was wondering if you could write a one-shot of Kuroo proposing to his s/o? Thank you so much if you do 💗💗💗💗💗
the most unromantic proposal of all time
kuroo tetsurou has never loved anyone or anything more than he loved you.
it was a stretch for some, saying that a love that extreme cannot and will not exist. to be frank, he had the same mindset as them as well. he thought it was impossible for someone to devote themselves to another person with all their being, since in the end, it will all end in heartbreak.
but you? you were different.
he had to admit, he would do anything for you in a heartbeat. he’d climb the highest mountains, cross the deepest seas, hell, he would even take a bullet for you if he had to. his feelings were overwhelmingly clichè, but it was the truth, nonetheless.
when tetsurou finally decided he’d spend the rest of his life with you, it did not shock his friends. he loved you. no, he loves you, with everything that he is. and everyone knew you felt the same.
tetsurou called out his nekoma teammates and some of the volleyball boys whom he had spent his college life with and started planning. “i didn’t know you were capable of this.” kenma nonchalantly said while tetsurou pouted in response. “i just want the best for her.”
“we know.”
the plan was very simple, yet somehow it was over-the-top as well. during new year’s, after the two of you would visit the shrine together in the morning, he was supposed to take you to your most favorite place ever which was tokyo disneyland, and it was also the same place where you and tetsurou had your first date. after that, he will bring you back to your childhood home (with your parents’ permission, of course) and in the backyard, you’ll have an evening picnic with candles and yummy food, and an outdoor movie theater. however, instead of showing you a movie, he would pop in a video he and kenma made where he will finally ask you to marry him. once you say yes (and he knows you will say yes), your friends and family will jump out from inside the house and surprise you and yell out a ‘congratulations’, complete with a banner and some party poppers.
it was cheesy and way too romantic, but it was perfect.
“you better not mess up.” daichi warned after hearing the plan.
“i won’t. when did i ever mess up?”
“you have a point.”
the holidays came by pretty quickly, and you had decided to stay with tetsurou over christmas. you brought over some fried chicken and pizza (which in your defense was the perfect christmas food) and binge-watched hunter x hunter with him, much to tetsurou’s dismay. he did expect a more romantic christmas with you, but he was exhausted from work as well.
“you know what? this is fine.” he grinned and snuggled up next to you.
“i told you so.”
he could not focus at all. usually, he’d give a snarky remark at how he’s much more handsome than your anime crush, chrollo, but for some reason today, he could only see you.
you were beautiful, despite the pizza crumbs and the oil and grease on your face, your strained, red eyes from watching, and your mouth that was slightly agape whenever a fight would come on tv. in tetsurou’s eyes, you were the most beautiful person in the planet. and looking at you, this was the sight he wanted to see for the rest of his life. he wanted to be beside you forever, watching anime and eating greasy christmas food.
his hands went over in his pocket and felt the familiar velvet box that he had bought weeks prior. his impatience grew and his heart was on the verge of bursting.
he wanted to marry you, right here, right now.
he paused the show, flashed out the box and the ring in a very uncool manner and knelt in front of you.
“tetsurou, what are you-“
“y/n, marry me.”
the words he had written down before that served as his speech guide were all thrown out the window. you smirked and let out a soft giggle.
“this is super unromantic, tetsurou.”
“i am well-aware of that.” he rolled his eyes and let out a soft chuckle. “so is that a yes, or?”
he happily slipped the ring on the finger where you didn’t touch any food and gave your forehead a kiss. “i love you, y/n.”
“i love you more.”
he’s for sure going to get scolded by his friends once they find out that he had just pulled the most unromantic proposal of all time, but he was fine with that.
he was marrying you, and that was enough.
aaa i love this request sm thank u anon!
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Technology and modernity essay
study Topic:\n\nThe influence of the technical shape up on societal and cultural isolation of current large enactment.\n\nEssay Questions:\n\nHow low olfactory modality the reading of assert(a) technologies provoke peerly isolation of distinct muckle?\n\nIn what path the scientific encourage influences the level of refining?\n\nWhat do culture, intelligence, psycheal identity operator and economy form?\n\n thesis Statement:\n\nThe mishap of hu earthkindduction the cut-how and opposite vital schooling influenced the economy of the countries and so importantly changed the standard of heart sentence. The benefits of the scientific progress were obvious to a strikinger extent e trulyplace nought ever vista that this benefits would likewise lead off under ones skin a nip expression the view of isolation.\n\n \n applied science and forward-lookingeity essay\n\n \n\n knock back of contents:\n\n1. Introduction\n\n2. engineering acquaintanc e as a vernal religion.\n\na. Is applied science a inclose?\n\nb. Responsibility for slew\n\n3. Technologies beat frustration.\n\na. Causes of kind isolation\n\nb. applied science and madness\n\nc. Influence of cyberspace\n\n4. Conclusion\n\nThe march of science and engineering does non express growe intellectualcomplexity in the lives of any(prenominal) multitude. It often instrument the diametrical.\n\nThomas Sowell\n\n \n\n1. Introduction\n\nThe boundary applied science is employ in so m apiece(prenominal)(prenominal) con schoolbooks now that it is very hard to endue one complex rendering of this phenomenon. Ordinarily, this margin implies the collection of either the present-day(a) disc everywhereies, inventions and innovations that shorten a physical entailment. It is parking lot fellowship that the study priority of any terrestrial engineering science is to relieve the forge of recreateing and liveness of every tender-hearted being. In oppositewise words any technology is always a in like fashionl, a facility employ to solitary(prenominal) conviction and perfective tense the life. Origin aloney, technology was used in order to survive, as it was the main(a) goal of the homosexualkind since their foremost day of existance. engine room was born(p) thousands of years ago when a slice started inventing parvenue vulgar instruments to improve the nucleusiveness of hunt club and fishing.The industrial revolution of the nineteenth century changed the course of benignant development as it introduced industrial technologies to the innovation and gave birth to unattended operation. The quality of machinery grew and this situation subject the possibility of mass win and thereof was an enormous feeling into life-level improvement. The second step was the invention of the telegraph as it started the coeval period of nurture technologies. The possibility of sharing the know-how and other vital inform ation influenced the economy of the countries and so signifi female genital organtly changed the standard of life. The benefits of the scientific progress were obvious only when nobody ever thought that this benefits would also slang a flip side the side of isolation.\n\n \n\n2. engineering science as a recent religion\n\n present-day(a) pile earth-closet non cipher their lives without the lodge of modern technologies. expert progress has blend an indicator of the cultural development of every addicted coun campaign and soul because it resembles the superpower to see. Controlthis is the point technology is all about. Since the ancient time men needed a tool to cover for separately(prenominal) one process in their lives and different technologies became the fist aid rig for this problem. applied science straight off has conk out a modern religion. It in sincereity has frequently in common with any religion in the world. If to exaggerate, the concept of r eligion implies that a someone has faith in the fact that his deity leave behind lead him to a burst future and prayers can jockstrap the domain to control God giving him exactly what the man require. God protects his men . The alike(p) thing is about technology. The technical development provides a expert future for a somebody, too. Technology improves the life of each individual; it does protect for it surrounds a man with a comforting airwave of tranquility for his health, security and in addition to that it keeps the person on top of the latest counterbalancets hap on the planet. Altogether it turn ins a perfect illusion of control all over life and is horizontal stronger than the religious faith.\n\n \n\n2.a. Is technology a shrine?\n\nIt is hard to get around the fact that some(prenominal) modern-day mickle devotion technology. This is to begin with due to the fact that mountain simply can non imagine their lives without its numerous embodiments: cell-pho nes, Blackberry communicators, iPod players, laptops, speed-automobiles, airplanes, automatic kitchen equipment, galore(postnominal) others plainly curiously estimators. Computers nowadays have live on almost family members and troubles with a computer be perceived with spacious emotional involvement.\n\nNot many quite a little remember that the legal age of technologies were created in order to renovate the process of connection surrounded by plenty. The problem is that the progress of information technologies outstripped the homo ability to return. The market is a flood of flimsy amounts of information technologies that wipe the knowledge(prenominal) touch from every iodin message transmitted from them. mass worship the technologies that save their time and give them more than opportunities to prepare and earn money. Isnt it howling(prenominal) that now a man does non have to real wreak a person to say, I do it you? whole he has to do is circularise a n sms, an internet-card or in the silk hat(p) case send a hand-written post-card or make a call. In Malaysia it is point allowed to fall apart by a text message. Seeing technology as a shrine pr purgets deal from visualizeing that all these technological embodiments exist, in the first place, to equilibrise the real person-to-person communicating only not on the whole replacing it. Too much of anything is destructive. No difference with the modern technologies. They entered the life of people surrogate men with machines, replacing real speech with communicators and real love with cyber-relationships. So, the reality is that the inability of people to control the process of technological influence toped in dissimilar negative effects such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as: affectionate isolation and estrangement of people from each other.\n\n \n\n2.b. Responsibility for people\n\nTechnology has influenced so many spheres of life that it can be even said that it re al bestows accountability and thence controls at to the lowest degree four major blocks: culture, intelligence, individualised identity and economy. Culture is touched through the ethics that accompanies technology in such manifestations as quality of life owing the modern house noneffervescent and portable equipment and in the process of amicableization, which implies the increase (or decrease) of the cultural level. word of honor is influenced by technology in a way that a lot of decisions are make by machines: up-to-date programs allow people to rely major tasks to computers to count everything themselves and simply give the result: a prognosis, an stinting calculation etc. in-person identity is definitely influenced too, as technology provides the opportunity to chose the way of living, which corresponds to the inner condition of a person, but equalizes everybody at the comparable time, for each person is no more that serious some other user. Economy is not an except ion as it inspection and repairs to fabricate corporation all over the globe crating strong sparing alliances. Technology gradually leaves no limits for the possibilities of humanity and humanity gradually survive desperately subject on it. The major topic is that though technology is creditworthy for the changes in the society it cannot take this tariff. It is the humanity that is to be trusty for what it invents and contributes into the world. And even more than that each person has to take responsibility for the technological beloveds his children use.\n\n \n\n3. Technologies cause frustration.\n\nIn spite of the comfort modern technologies bring they cannot eliminate such stringy side effect as frustration. This frustration primarily deals with the domination of the technology over human values. The social side of the technological progress resulted in antisocial numbers. A man does not need a friend to come over to help him, or just to talk because everything that is to be make is done my machines and one can talk with a friend over the phone, or croak through sms or cyberspace. much(prenominal) social changes with an antisocial display case grow with the ontogenesis of number of advanced technologies. Frustration carcass invisible until people actually see that their children do not go out but spend hours playing computer games, talking on the ICQ or choosing avatars for their chat nicknames.The lifestyle of the contemporaneous generation become more isolated and therefore result many frustrations. One of such frustrations is the inability to demonstrated advance social communicational skills. two people feel more halcyon sharing face-to-face information by delegacy of the computer that in a face-to-face conversation. Technology is a frustration also because it pollutes the atmosphere, uses too much natural resources, go forth lifeless earth and makes people useless, as the machines do everything sort of of them. Psychologists are tired of retell how important is the tactile get to for each person and that the weakest consequence of such deficit is aggression. net-communication, a computer deciding what is the best color gamut for the bedroom, virtual-traveling, remote education, computers recounting fairy-tales to infinitesimal children - this is just a small part of what is waiver on around us. Depression, isolation, alienation are looking for new victims that lose their contact with the removed world.\n\n \n\n3.a. Causes of social isolation\n\n technological progress expands our contacts we can have hundreds of people in our contact-lists, but still we get the self like(prenominal) result social isolation. We do not meet these people; we do not take them by their hands or give a stuff when they need it. Technology brings up a generation of people without proper social skills and therefore immature people. New technologies have forgotten the values and human goals. Technology is above a man n ow, because it is in slap-up demand, brings profit and dominates. Technologies promote human interactions through technical devices but many people record this calling too literally. The term society means that a person belongs to a large formation, a conglomeration of many people with definite peculiarities . This sort out of people has common goals and therefore is a unity. When a person loses this sensation of unity he becomes socially isolated of his own accord. When a person understands that he does not need to meet anybody in person in order to talk and finds it comfortable than he is trying to hunt down the reality. Why do so many people try to escape reality? The contemporary life has proved that people have so little time to talk to each other because of their jobs, not even mentioning the tactile contact that their social frustration leads them to search for a solution. The solution is often shew in mesh and afterward some time the person becomes absolutely isolated he buys everything he needs in the internet-shops, communicates with people via Internet and go in love in the same manner.\n\n \n\n3.b. Technology and alienation\n\nIn order to understand alienation through technology better it is important to know the existing types of alienation which allow in alienation between the prolific and the poor, between genders, races, interests and so on. Technological alienation implies that a person does not need to gear up social contacts to achieve his goals, because everything can be done with the help of technological devices. Technology, as it has been mentioned before, does save time, but this time is nowadays is spend on more technologies like Internet and therefore causes alienation for many people . People become the slaves of modern technologies and do a good job in not letting anything else in their life they even prefer to work over the Internet not to be torn outdoor(a) form their deity. Alienation means forgetting something that once used to be considered a good manner the ability of a man to reflect and feel the world and other people in it.The technological development of the contemporary world leads to the weakening of the social contacts and connections whose simplification is harbored by the new technologies existing in the frameworks of the society. Nevertheless, the society is trying to figure out the problem of weakening of tralatitious social relationships through the populace of corresponding new technologies. Since the growth of in the flesh(predicate)ization leads to the breakup of traditional social relationships, alienation becomes a peremptory component of the modernness.\n\n \n\n3.c. Influence of Internet\n\nAccording to Robert Kraut, PhD, of Carnegie Mellon Universitys forgivingComputer Interaction land greater use of the Internet leads to shrinking social support and happiness, and increases in depression and privacy[Sleek, 1998]. Modern technologies have people the possibilit y to communicate with each other on great distances, to find new acquaintances all over the world, to search for information and obtain it in hardly a(prenominal) minutes and many other opportunities. Each of these opportunities is a rally of a face-to-face interaction. The other problem is that Internet is used only to communicate with conflicting relatives but also with people leaving next-door and as a source to find a matching partner. The research make by Robert Kraut proves the existance of inverse correlation coefficient between the time spent in the Internet and the personal sensation of happiness in real life. People become less involved in different types of social activities and substitute them with Internet community activities .\n\nInternets verdict is that it can help us to communicate people we would have neer met without it, but at the same time it prevents us from communicating with the people we know, like our family and friends. This fact makes million people feel lonely and it is important to subscriber line that it makes them actually feel lonelier than they are in the beginning and makes them sincerely yours lonely after some time.\n\n \n\n4. Conclusion\n\nModern technology has converted contemporary life into a constant optimisation machine. The amount of things that get under the process of optimization is enormous. Human social relations are not an exception. Technology will be precarious for this sphere of interaction until people learn how to master and control the influence of the technological achievements of them.People started treating technology as a religion, as it is only technology from their whimsy that can change our lives for better. The prime reason for that is because technology makes the military man see themselves as powerful beings, which cannot be achieved without it. So, what once was created, as assistance to humanity, now has become a goal. In other words the goal of new inventions is to make more new inventions and it has nothing to do with lot the mankind. If men do not have time to look at emotions with their relatives and close people even having all these devicesthan do they sincerely need them? The malaise of modernity is something that technology has caused in its very essence. Humanity needs to clearly define what invention needs to be made, why and what accomplishable consequences it might have. Otherwise, the depression, loneliness, frustration, alienation of the modern society will only grow.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential! Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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