#[ ooc. ] — wanted opposites !
pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
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“I’ll keep you safe and warm on the lonesome and cold nights that you can’t find any comfort.”
Further Rambling below
Yeah it recently occurred to me that I have not ever drawn a sick Makoto getting comforted by Yuma before (shocking)
Tbh, I think part of me was afraid to, thinking Makoto being clingy or afraid was out of character. (and yet I wrote a 25k long fanfic about that exact premise, but to be fair I was super nervous about that too when I released it to the public 💦)
But I also see Makoto as a very lonely person. So when he feels genuine warmth and comfort for the first time in his life, he probably eats that up and is likely very touch starved. Add a fever and delirium into that mix and he is SUPER clingy and needy.
I also hc that he sees his mask as a comfort item. Similar to kids having security blankets or adults finding comfort in a familiar object. So when feeling anxious, he’s either already wearing it, or he clings to it like a child would a comfort plushie. (so I drew it here lol)
The short story is that Yuma came to visit and look after Makoto on a day that he was not doing well. (overworked and stressed with a 38 degree c fever) Makoto is his normal sarcastic and playful self the whole day despite this, and he and Yuma bicker and argue a lot while Yuma takes care of him. Until the time comes for the two to sleep, which they do in the same bed. While asleep in the middle of the night, Makoto has an awful nightmare (likely of his UG lab experiences as a test subject) causing his fever to spike. He shivers in the dark whimpering, eyes shut and clinging his mask thinking he’s still in the dream. As Yuma wakes up hearing the noise, he notices his clone beside him in such a pitiful state and he assumes he’s merely shaking from his illness getting worse. Yuma decides the ideal solution is to aid him by warming him up with his own body heat. So he gently pulls Makoto’s shivering body into his own. While Yuma tries to go back to sleep still holding onto Makoto, the homunculus unconsciously snuggles deeper into his original’s frame. Finding even just a little bit of comfort and security in Yuma’s warm embrace as he tries to fall to slumber once again. He was in a safe place…for now.
I essentially got inspired by my own fanfic for this, it’s not the same, but it is similar. Also this is my first (or second?) time seriously drawing Post Game Yuma. I tried to make him look calm despite the situation. (unlike my fic where I made him super emotional lol) I really love the idea of Yuma being Makoto’s comfort and security person on the days he’s unwell or going through too much.
Featuring the stupid little pjs I gave them in my other art lol I’m not very creative, but these grown (4’11 foot tall) men look good in graphic patterned pjs x’D
This took me a few days to get done. Not the best but its okay x’D Cuddle poses are always tricky x-x
Well regardless, hope you enjoy the fluffy comfort 💜💙
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eorzeashan · 3 months
oughhhh I need to. revamp my fake companion quest series for Eight. but it's been so long and I have too many ideas I've lost my touch.... however still obsessed with the concept of Eight being the Commander's first real friend who sits down with them and says, I'm not asking you to save the galaxy, that's spoken for, but are you saving yourself? Are you doing this for you? Who are you in this war? and Whoever you choose to be, I want to be by your side.
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lucidrims · 1 month
ooc psa:  okay  soooo,  i  added  2  new  muses  (  suho  &&  harin  )  to  my  roster  !  please  like  this  for  a  starter  from  either  of  them. ♡
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realmyths · 16 days
I still have mutuals on @realmythsmoved that haven't followed me over here. Like, a lot of them. Idk why. I don't know if I've (unknowingly) done something wrong or something. Or if it's just a case of writing styles not meshing etc. Either way, I would like to know, but I guess I never will.
I'm sorry to put this on your dashes. I just...wish I understood what makes people not want to follow back. I'm the same person, writing the same muses so idgi.
I just...feel blah. And this move is having the exact opposite effect to the one I wanted. So IDK what to do about that. <3 I would just move back to the old blog but I've already moved. And I don't really want to move this blog & @doctorofhope back to the old blog. But if people refuse to follow me here, I might not have much of a choice.
I can't RP with myself lol.The RPC is a community, for a reason. It's a collaboration. Obviously, if someone doesn't want to follow me for whatever reason, they don't have to. But I'm following like 800 people. 271 are following back. That's a big difference. I just wish I could understand what people's reasoning is behind following/not. Especially those I had active threads with. I really wish I could just...send a polite message like 'hey, I'm over here now.' But Idk. I don't want to bother or pressure anyone. I just don't understand how they're still following the old blog yet don't want to follow the new one? (And I'm talking more than one person here. Like I said, I'm following 800 blogs. Only 271 follow back. Obviously, some are personals/musing blogs/rph and I don't expect a follow back there. But most are RP blogs. And I would love it if they would follow back.)
I guess I'll have to get comfortable with not knowing why people aren't following back. But it's always been one of those things I could never wrap my head around. Especially when I'm mutuals for so long with someone only to not be. I don't want anyone to feel forced to follow me or anything. Or to follow me out of pity. But I do want to RP with so many of my old mutuals. And genuinely, I just want them to know that.
If anyone's read this whole thing, thanks. And sorry for ranting/venting so much. It's just...this whole situation is really not helping my RP insecurities lol. <3
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euphoriclusts · 4 months
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nytehavyn-circle · 2 months
I am in need of these muses to play against/ship with:
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch A Gwen Cooper (for my Jack Harkness muse). Catwoman (comics/game/movies version, idc) Gwen Stacy Mary Jane Lois Lane Lana Lang Harley Quinn She-Hulk Lady Sif Batwoman Black Canary Emma Frost Kaylee (Kaywinnit Lee Frye) Maleficent (Angelina Jolie's version) Cat Grant Faith Lehane Martha Jones Lena Luthor Adult Hemione Granger
Since Tolaas has a problem with cops and thinks most of them are crooked, I need a cop love interest for Tolaas, someone who can convince him that they're not all bad. (He knows of a couple of cop informants/friends that Terramn has in his network, that's about it.)
Need a Morgana, too. (From Merlin) Warehouse 13 H.G. Wells Need a Supergirl Myka Bering A Narcissa Malfoy, as an enemies-to-lovers or forbidden lovers or whatever-type of thing...
A Dean Winchester to play Tolaas against, because Tolaas doesn't like/trust Dean, and thinks he goes off half-cocked in his Hunting. So this could be enemies or acquaintances to actual friends.
Some of my muses could use friends, too - like Tolaas needs more male friends because all of his friends are played by me and I don’t wanna have friend threads with just me. All of my muses' friends are played by me. Need more that aren't.
For anyone I currently RP with, that are RPing any of the above with me, you're awesome.
I need some love interests for my girls (male or female). Need more OCs to play with!
Give me some gods, demigods, deities to play with!
Definitely need more redheads. >_> lol
This list will be updated as needed. Nothing above is 100% important or set in stone, but it is a bit important because I wanna get some more shipping going, and get more of my creative juices flowing.
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h-a-unted · 1 month
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Adding Dharma to the pile of wanted opposites (where only Caulder is) cause I need a daughter figure for Bear.
Any daughter/son figure you can offer, I'll snatch so quick, too, please I beg.
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and then!! AND THEN!!! this man, isolated in his brilliance with no community or identity to associate with aside from his own (because he may be a part of the intelligentsia guild but he's not, he's isolated from them too, he does not associate with them) finds another in someone who should in all aspects be his complete opposite in the form of aventurine. aventurine, also with no community. aventurine, also gifted (though in a different sense; luck, not logic). aventurine, isolated in his identity as the last Avgin and ostracized endlessly for it. someone who is in total opposition to ratio's mentality, methods, manners, but who can resonate with him and for this reason he is captivating, and he can keep up with ratio and challenges him with his unpredictability and gives him a puzzle to chew on and ratio has likely never had someone he could see as an equal who also wanted him around the way aventurine does. and against all reason, they work together and just click. i'm sure there was no small amount of needing to get used to each other but to get to where they are now with such implicit trust and ability to adapt and improvise off of each other just??? shows such a unique chemistry??? how beautiful is that? how beautiful is it to find another lonely soul and take comfort in how it matches with yours? and i'm unwell about ratio stepping back and letting aventurine do his thing but still requesting for him to live, because although he will never ever force someone into action (it is a desire they must find within themselves), he wants him to stay, and he lets him know this, and i think about how profoundly lonely ratio was before aventurine and vice versa (think about how warmly aventurine thinks of ratio in the mission descriptions of 2.1) and i just die a little inside because no wonder he would get so attached. no wonder ratio wouldn't want to lose someone that finally understands him like that. of course he wouldn't want aventurine to go, aside from his own belief of the inherent value of a human life. and of course he would never ever make that decision for aventurine.
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araneitela · 5 months
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So, on the topic of female muses. Right, I’ve changed my mind, I want to separate these two topics as this one is really on the forefront of my mind. Man, not once have I ever thought that I'd write a post in which I would genuinely ever use 'as a woman' as part of enforcing my argument, but here I am: May 2nd of 2024 marks the day.
So, here's the band-aid that I'm ripping off: if you follow me for the sole purpose of showing support because I write a female character: don't. As a woman, I actively don't want that mindset anywhere remotely near me. I don't want that kind of support from you, I don't want that kind of pity from anyone, I don't want the 'sisterhood' to rally around me, I don't want 'our girls can be besties' on the simple and mere premise that they're both women. Get out of here, I don't want anything to do with it. If you follow me, I want it to be because I've piqued your curiosity with my analyses, and that I've earned your interest (yes, just like you earn everything in life, including someone's attention and respect), and that I've made you want to approach and interact with me because the character that I write appeals to you on the premise of being a good presentation of a character, regardless of whether she's a woman or not. Do not think for even a moment, that you are under any obligation of interacting with me because I write a female character, because you're not. And honestly, on top of that, I don't deserve any sort of special recognition for writing a woman, I don't face any kind of daily struggles in life for writing a woman on Tumblr.com. I do not and have never felt 'lesser' or 'prejudiced against' for writing a woman throughout all of my years of writing them off and on across so many different fandoms, both canonical and original alike; nor have I ever needed to work harder to get them any sort of interaction(s).
I genuinely hate reading so many posts that tell me to 'hang in there', and to 'stay strong, girlfriend' as if I'm fighting some war: I'm not. I don't want to be associated with this kind of mindset and/or behavior, I rebel against it and would shout it from the highest rooftops if my lungs permitted me to do so. I do not write a woman because I want to 'represent women', I do not write a woman because I'm 'fighting against discrimination', I do not write a woman to get respect from other women, I do not write a woman because I love women more than anything else in this world, I do not write a woman to help carry any sort of torch for my sex, and I certainly don't write a woman to say 'fuck you' to men. Honestly, and I say this as a woman: it would be pretty devastating to know that you, a (most likely) fellow woman on this platform, would reduce a female writer to wanting to write a female character for those reasons, and nothing else. My rage then, would be aimed in one direction, and one direction alone. And quite honestly, it's already there; my respect is more than halfway out the door.
I write the female characters that I do, because they're amazing characters that happen to be women, and I've written amazing characters that happened to be men. And guess what, many of those amazing female characters that so many of us love so desperately? Have been written by men, just like women, too, have written incredible male characters. I wish that were a reality that many of you could look at and realize, instead of pointing fingers at 'cishet men', as if they are the huge majority within this RPC.
Any way, I'm getting a little off-topic so let me get back to my point, because I sure as hell want to be sure that it's read, understood and that it's taken at face value: every single follower is appreciated more than they realize. However, be here because you appreciate what I do because I do it well, that I've earned your attention and am deserving of it, and not because I'm a woman or because I write one, because that would be one hell of a disappointment (and quite frankly: an insult) to come to terms with.
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berylcluster · 5 months
if anyone could give me a logan or a bucky for my clint i would be eternally grateful
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rosysins · 8 months
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me falling in love with any manhwa chara with pink hair and gold eyes just cause i can delulu eri.
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godblooded · 8 months
hey little gay people in my phone: i’ll be around later and frankly i’m excited about it.
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ofxendless · 1 day
life is testing me again and all i need is a bill skarsgard opp (bonus points if he’s a vampire)
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ofemeraldstars · 13 days
/ someone give me an anthony bridgerton for thinya to love dearly <3
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GIF is mine.
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euphoriclusts · 2 months
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troublcmakcrs · 16 days
//it is so fucking hilarious to me that craig & tweek have ended up in basically completely opposite social circles so their only real overlap is each other
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