#[ lucy's is short but I wanted to add her bc this pet peeve is a huge part of her character ]
quiiscnt · 3 months
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@resolvebound said :
meta - any/all - things that annoy/put them off other people - traits they cant stand
meme // always accepting
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Olexa: There are a few things that could be considered pet peeves. Mainly one being people getting far too familiar with her. She does want to make friends and grow close to those around her, however it needs to be done organically and on terms she is comfortable with. Some she has realized like to assume things about her, speak on her behalf, or even touch her. It is irritating and results in her shutting down communication with that person.
Another trait is those that treat her as if she is weak. It is odd, and maybe makes her a hypocrite since she views herself as weak. However, there is just something about a person taking a look at and assuming all she has to offer is requiping plain instruments. She works hard on her spells and enchantments. It becomes a challenge, making her want to prove them wrong when it happens.
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Rayne: Like Olexa, she hates others assuming things about her. She adores Juvia, and finds it amusing they share so many traits despite growing up apart. Yet, when someone acts as if she is her sister's copy, it is annoying. Although she will usually brush off comments made about her in a negative light such as those ones.
On the other hand, comments made about those she is close to is another story. When she hears anyone speak poorly of Juvia, Olexa, or Monday, it takes a lot of effort for her to not snap back. Sometimes she does, but it usually leads to her just getting frustrated and losing the verbal argument since she isn't good at confrontation.
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Juvia: in a similar manner, it hurts when others assume she is cold or gloomy due to her rain. However, unlike the other, she is the type to take it. She is the type to prove them wrong through her actions rather than speaking up in the moment.
In general it takes a lot to get on her nerves. Juvia is very forgiving, maybe sometimes too much at times.
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Chico: Her biggest pet peeve is being told what to do. Nothing else will drop her cheery demeanor faster than someone being too pushy when she had tried to politely decline their wishes. She is young but in charge of two business, it lets people think she is a "daddy's money" girl and can be easily influenced or manipulated. The girl works hard though, and is smarter than others may give her credit for. She will stand her ground and probably put a curse on them once she is home.
She also dislikes it when those she cares about do things that put themselves in needless danger. It is a dark fear, but she worries about seeing any of her loved ones as ghosts. The idea of herself aging while watching their face stay the same is a sickening one that Chico can not remove from her head.
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Lucy: Like Chico, she values her friends', and in general all, live. It doesn't matter the type of being, she will get angry over anyone treating a life so carelessly. Her empathetic nature makes it hard for her to see others in pain, and perhaps she is soft for that, but it is who she is.
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