#[ i'm sorry my icon's so dark... i don't have any of my frozen 1 icons anymore so i had to MAKE DO ]
bluestmoons · 5 years
@solhjerte​ gets a starter 😏
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   Elsa had been avoiding her for days -- but, of course, that wasn’t hugely unusual of her. If she were even a particle less anxious, perhaps she’d feel more guilty over that. ( Guilt was a rather familiar companion, after all. She may do what was expected of her -- but that didn’t mean she oft enjoyed it. ) 
   Instead, her anxiety is making her more rigid than normal -- shut down and stern in a way she was so often with strangers and so rarely with Anna. Her gloved hands are clasped in front of her -- her back is straight -- her chin is tilted upwards -- and she feels too warm, and somewhat weak. 
   “We need to talk.” 
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