#[ i dived into our convos to bring this 'cause im doing things and no fun allowed in this house ]
nazorneku · 2 months
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idk if i will expand on this more and write smth more lengthy and explanatory— some time ago i shared with Sophie @entides a headcanon and lbr meta-worthy fact
i talked 'bout the possibility of Senhime (the sovereign of the Seas) knowing the younger version of Susabi, who as we know, lived in fishers' village and divined prophesies to help ppl survive and avoid tsunami— however he was driven to suicide by ppl he was supposed to protect and after resurrection there was nothing left of the cheerful and innocent child, only resentful and scornful towards humanity adult
so when Sen anew meets SSB, he already looks more adult, grown up and changed in more ways than just physically— if before it was SSB who peppered Sen with various inquiries 'bout Sea of Eternity, now they both arent masters of idle chatter and just enjoy the comfortable silence... not to mention now SSB possesses a fear of deep waters and big pools of water... though curious 'bout such drastic change, Sen would occasionally wonder if he is doing good, he will tell her that he is ok obv… just doing his emissary job, but there's no happy/curious glint in his eyes as if he saw a lot and got disappointed, there's no aura of innocence around him as he went through a lot... and what is more horrifying, Sen def would be able to tell
i also have this HC across my muses, that ppl who died once can recognize others who also went through similar experience, 'cause even if they were brought back they never forgot how death felt like
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