#[ i couldn't finish this on valentine's day BUT i DID finish it on my birthday! lmao
sat0sugu-angst · 1 year
Fight Me, Fuck Me
a/n: happy valentiiiiiine's day!! Sorry this is a lil late i ended up picking up a shift at work so I wasn't able to finish it until this evening (which is kinda ironic ig but whatever). I seen a vid kinda similar (but less horny) on tt n couldn't resist imagining you and bkg getting in a fight on date night and lowkey being all hot n bothered with how yall are mean to each other 🙈 then w V-day around the corner I thought why the hell not lmao
wc: 3.5k
cw: afab!reader, reader is described as feminine but no pronouns are used, prohero!bkg, reader has a healing quirk and works at the hospital, yall can be toxic but that's why it's fun, established relationship, pet names (babe, my love), bakugo pays a lot of attention to your ass and thighs, reader and bkg are switchy asf, multiple orgasms, creampie, squirting, light spanking
all characters aged up +24
You were silent as you continued doing your makeup, looking past yourself in the mirror to find red eyes focused on you.
Considering it was Katsuki, there wasn't a lot of aggression in his expression, but still, his eyes on you pissed you off. "Can I help you?" You asked, your attitude seeping into your tone.
He sneered, pushing off the bed and walking into the bathroom. "Not unless you can hurry that lil' ass up." He shot back. "We're gonna be late."
You and your boyfriend had impossible schedules. With you regularly pulling doubles at the hospital and Katsuki working his way up the hero rankings, you didn't often get a night off together for date night. Even the important couples holiday, Valentine's Day, was a day neither of you could take off. So this year, you decided to celebrate your own V-day, nearly two and a half weeks after the actual holiday.
The problem was you had mixed up your days, rushing home from the hospital in a flurry after getting a confirmation call that afternoon about the reservation from Katsuki’s assistant. You felt guilty, especially since he'd taken on planning the date night. But in typical Katsuki fashion, he'd blown up at you, yelling his head off as soon as you walked through the door. Then, despite your guilt, you were pissed at him.
"I told you on Tuesday that I was gonna be working today." You raised your brow, looking toward the bathroom with lips pursed. "If we're late, it's because you don't pay attention to anything I tell you."
"Babe, I already said I was sorry." You huff, unsatisfied. You turn back to your face in the mirror, reaching for your eyeliner. "And you told me that while I was in bed. You think I can remember the shit you tell me when I'm half asleep?"
You narrowed your eyes, trying to keep your hand steady as you did your eyeliner fuming mad. "Nice apology, Katsuki." You said dryly.
He emerged from the bathroom, and as he passed behind you toward the door, you caught a whiff of the cologne you'd gotten him for his birthday. God, it smelled so fucking good. Normally when he wore it, it was only a matter of time before you were on top of him, unbuttoning his belt. Not now, though. Not unless you were gonna use the belt to strangle him. "Don't fuckin' talk to me about apologies. You're the one who forgot about tonight in the first place."
"I didn't forget!" You whip around to face him. You had crazy eyes, you knew, but fuck, your boyfriend made you feel crazy sometimes. "We had different dates down, and I couldn't exactly leave work immediately. There was a bus accident today. The hospital was overrun. I can't just leave when people need me."
"People are always gonna need you. They're always gonna need me. Doesn't mean we don't need each other." You stilled, recognizing your own words. You'd said them early in the relationship, the first time your jobs were making it hard to be together.
"Are you trying to make me feel guilty? I can't even count how many dates we've had to cancel because you had a mission! But oh, because it's my job, it's a bad thing to be dedicated? Do you not take my job seriously?"
He groaned. "Babe. Do you know what I had to do to make tonight special for us? The strings I had to pull to get us a spot at this restaurant for tonight? If we were just gonna sit at home in our fucking underwear, it wouldn't be a big deal."
You were glaring, but turned your attention back to the real task at hand. "You know what, I can't even fucking talk to you right now. I need to finish getting ready." You could argue, or you could do your makeup. You could not do both.
He let out a bitter laugh. "Well, thank god for that!" He yells back, walking out of the room. You flushed with anger, the sudden urge to throw something at him. But you couldn't chase after him to scream anymore; if you really were late, you'd never hear the end of it.
Ten minutes later, you were off, heading toward the restaurant in silence. Well, silent except for the occasional passive aggressive sighs and grumblings about the music you passed back and forth during the twenty minutes it took to get there.
When you got there, the host offered to take your coats, and Katsuki’s hands were on your shoulders, helping you out of yours. The rough pads of his fingertips grazed over your shoulder, and you were acutely aware of his breath ghosting along your neck.
Fuck, you think, annoyed at the way goosebumps rise along your skin, always like a live wire when it came to his touch. You had to fight your body's urge to lean into his touch, your anger still simmering but somehow making everything hotter, more volatile. You needed to keep it together. You couldn't let him win the argument because you were a little horny.
The restaurant was elegant, elevated. The low light was warm against the white tablecloths, and you were glad you had purchased a new dress for the occasion.
Katsuki was dressed to impress, too; charcoal colored trousers and a black cashmere sweater. When he took off his own coat, you had to remind yourself not to check him out. At least not obviously.
You followed the host toward your table, Katsuki behind you. “Are you gonna be pissy the whole night?” He asked as you were sitting down, realizing the attitude had yet to leave your expression. He couldn’t admit the reason it’d taken him a second to realize you were still pissed was because he’d been too focused on the way your dress hugged your curves, or how he had wanted to run his hands over your hips as he’d taken your coat. No, he wouldn’t admit the reason his ears were red was because he couldn’t stop thinking about dragging your ass to a restroom, or back to the car, to fuck you so hard you forget about why you were mad in the first place.
You sneered at him, about to pop off with an insult, and maybe a curse or three, but you were greeted quickly by your waiter.
Katsuki ordered wine for you, and a dirty martini for him.
When the waiter left, you shot a narrowed look to your boyfriend. “I’m not pissy.” It was a blatant lie, but you couldn't be bothered to care about being fair.
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, sure. You have been since you got home.”
“Well, I kinda had a shitty day,” you said, honestly. “Can’t imagine why you thought yelling at me would make me feel better.”
“Babe, really? You were supposed to be off today, then you text me that you were staying late. And you still stayed later than you said. I almost lost the fuckin’ table tryna change the reservation. We don't get to do this often, I'd like my fucking girlfriend to at least pretend to be excited about it.”
You groan a little, trying to not be loud and draw attention. This is not the place you wanted to have this argument, especially with someone as explosive as Katsuki, but you weren’t ready to concede, because if you did, he’d think he was right. “I told you since last week that I’d picked up the extra shift, on this day, and you didn’t say anything. I didn't do it to spite you, and I don’t really appreciate being blamed for an honest mistake as if I did it to piss you off. We’re here, aren’t we?”
“Yes, and this is just how I wanted to spend the evening with you.” He said dryly, sneering and turning his attention to the menu, effectively ending the conversation.
The rest of dinner, and even the drive home, was much of the same. Neither of you were able to drop the bickering long enough to really talk about anything. Over the course of the meal, one martini had turned into two, and you’d finished off the bottle of wine. You both were still mad, senses dulled, and emotions amplified. When you glared at him, you couldn’t help but focus on the shape of his eyes, how pretty he looked even when he was mad.
And all he could think about was how he wanted to fuck the attitude right out of you. Every sneer, every glare sent his way, pissed him off, but he couldn’t deny how fucking sexy you were when you were mad. Without even trying, you had him half hard in his pants, like he was some fucking teenager on his first date. He couldn’t stop thinking about it, even by the time you’d gotten home.
He rounded the car to I open the door for you, offering you a hand. You raised your brow at him, but let him help you out the car. Katsuki set his hand on the small of your back, just barely above your ass, only because he needed to touch you. He wanted to get you hot and bothered, until you were begging for him.
The heat from his hand did stir something low in your stomach, and you tried not to show how he affected you, not even looking in his direction. As his hand dropped from your back, his fingertips grazed your ass, and you rolled your eyes as he unlocked the door. “Don’t think that’s gonna make me forget I’m mad at you.”
"Tsk," he clicks his tongue at you, pushing open the door and flashing that smug smile he knew you couldn't resist. “You can be mad at me and still want me to fuck you.” He said shamelessly.
You felt your face heat at his boldness, and you had to look away, focusing on the door as he pushed it open. He moved, if only slightly, for you to walk in passed him, and you fought to maintain your composure. You loved it when he was like this, and he knew it was a sure way to get you in the mood and give whatever he asked of you.
He wasn’t wrong, either. You weren’t even really sure why you were still fighting, other than that you were being stubborn and, in a sick way, loved fighting with your boyfriend.
You walked past him, keeping your expression level. Katsuki watched you move through the house, following you into your shared bedroom. Despite your efforts, he saw right through you; he was certain he could have you apologizing and begging him to give you attention.
But you were determined, and when you wanted, could be even more stubborn than your boyfriend. Through the wine, or maybe because of it, you knew you’d succumb to him eventually. You always did, and happily. Tonight though, you wanted him to fold first.
So, you took your time getting undressed, going so far as to ask for Katsuki’s help unzipping your dress when you could've done it easily, letting it pool around your ankles before you stepping out of it. As you stood in front of your dresser, examining its contents and deciding what pajamas to slip into, Katsuki slipped his hands around your waist, settling on your hipbones. He pulled you back into him, and you felt him, hard, pressing again the small of your back.
You bit your lip, stifling the urge to lean into him, to rub against his erection, or worse, let out the sweet moan that threatened to expose you. After so many years together, he knew exactly what would make you crumble, and fuck, you almost did.
“I’m trying to get ready for bed.” You say instead, voice clipped. You reached for a pair of black shorts from the drawer, but his hand was covering yours, intertwining your fingers. Fighting to keep your expression even, you leveled a glare on him as he leaned over your shoulder. “You really wanna piss me off tonight, don’t you?”
“Definitely wanna do somethin’ to ya.” He shoots back quickly, the thumb at your hip rubbing slow circles into your skin, promising more. You narrowed your eyes. There was no way you could resist him, you needed to act quickly.
You turned around, looking up at him through your lashes. His hand was on your ass now, fingers squeezing and pulling you closer to him. You placed your hand flat on his stomach, trying to put some space between the two of you. You were flushed now, and he knew it. “C’mon,” his finger came up from under your chin, forcing you to look right at him as he smiled sweetly at you. “Don’t be a sore loser. Admit it. You’re turned on.”
You lean up onto your toes, pressing your lips against his, reaching down and untucking his shirt the best you could. He helped you, getting his belt undone and stepping backward out of his slacks as you pushed him back toward the bed.
He was pulling his shirt off as he sat on the edge of the bed, before pawing at your hips so you were sitting in his lap. The heat of him pressed right against you was delicious, and you rolled your hips against him. He swallowed your sighs as your tongues danced together, flushing with pride at the noises you pulled from him.
He was impatient, meeting the wave of your hips with thrusts of hie own. But this pesky fabric between the two of you. "Fuckin’ take these off already.” He grumbled, pulling at the fabric of your underwear where it covered your ass, and you wasted no time getting rid of your last layers of clothing.
He nearly cried out as you lowered yourself on top of him, leaning into you so that you could feel his heavy breath tickling your neck. You allowed yourself to enjoy it momentarily, before pushing his shoulder with a finger so he was laying back on the bed, his legs over the edge of the bed. You squeezed around the tip of his cock as you got used to the stretch. “Fuck, you’re so wet already.” You hid your satisfied smile by leaning down, sucking kisses from his chest up his neck. With each hitch of his breath, every moan, you rewarded him, clenching around him, or shifting the angle of your hips, lowering down until he was pressed flush against you.
You were used to the stretch, but with the way he filled you, and the lovely friction against your clit, you could already feel how the tension in your stomach was ready to snap. You needed to calm down before you came undone, biting into his shoulder as you found the rhythm that would make him crumble.
The drag of his cock along your walls had you clenching, and then you started to feel the telltale signs that he was close. His fingers tightened on your hips, almost painfully so, unable to control the way he thrusted up into you.
"You gonna come?" You cooed, sitting up a little, pulling out slowly and dropping down on his cock. He looked so close, his eyes fluttering each time he filled you. His resolve was crumbling, too lost in the feeling of you around him to remember that you were the one who was supposed to be one begging.
"Fuck," He whimpered when you clenched around him. You settled your hands on either side of his chest, leaning forward so you could keep bouncing on his cock. "You wanna come, my love?" You ask, crumbling at how Katsuki blushes under you. He nods, melting for you. You lean forward, pressing a messy kiss against him. You were close, too. If you looked at that expression one more second, you'd come undone.
You shift the angle of your hips, and he let out a clumsy grunt, fingers squeezing the fat of your hips for some stability. "Fuck, baby, just like that. I'm gonna—"
That's when you lift your hips, until only his tip is inside you, and still. You reach down, wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock. He cries out, a moan turned sour as deny him. You smile down at him, and he knew by that look in your eyes that he was in for it.
You leaned down, lips brushing over his slightly as you said, "I'd like to see you beg me to let you come." He couldn't even find it in himself to be mad, not with the way you looked above him, your hair messy from him running his fingers through it, the light sheen of sweat on your skin from riding him so well. He doesn't care who was supposed to punish who, not when he was so close to coming, not if all it would take was a little begging.
You continued edging him, bouncing up and down on him until he got close, then cockwarming him until he calmed down. His sweet pleas grew more desperate. You almost let him when you came yourself, squeezing around him uncontrollably as you stilled on top of him to ride out your orgasm, and he nearly lost it at the feel of you so tight around him.
But even though you came, you weren't done with him, continuing to roll your hips over him, looking right into his eyes as you fuck him.
He has tears pricking his eyes, and he's whimpering. “Baby, please. Please let me come. I’m fucking sorry for yelling at you today. I got lost in wanting things to be perfect, but I was an ass for getting mad.” Your expression softens for your boyfriend, and before you can even speak, he’s leaning in. His kiss is rough, hurried, and he’s thrusting up into you harder now than before, shifting so he hits that spot that has you moaning into his mouth. Unexpectedly, you fall into your next orgasm, and he feels you clenching. “Baby, please can I come?”
Words elude you, so you simply nod, leaning against his chest and resting your hands on his shoulders, bracing yourself as he uses you to finish. He’s twitching inside you, and after only a couple more thrusts, you feel his warmth flood your cunt, as he fucks you through both your orgasms.
You’re breathing heavily, body feeling heavy as you lay on top of him, hands still resting on your ass, holding you against him. You feel his cum, and yours, seep out of you onto him, but he makes no move to get up to clean.
“I’m sorry, too.” You say softly, tracing your finger over his chest. You look up at him, and his gaze is already on you. “I was being kind of a bitch. I just…felt guilty, for almost ruining tonight, but it was easier to be mad at you than admit I messed up.” You feel your cheeks heat, looking away from him and resting your ear against his chest. “So, I’m sorry for being so sour all night. And for getting the day wrong.”
He rolls you both over, easily moving you both so your head was back against the pillows, still snuggly pressed inside you. Still hard, you realize. “Cute apology, but I can’t let you off that easy. You were a bitch tonight.” His eyes shine wickedly, his smirk smug as he pulls slowly out of you. You whine at the lovely drag of his cock along your walls.
He leans down and, kissing you hard, knocks the breath out of you with the way he thrusts back into you. “I'm not done with you, yet." He thrusted into you again again, hitting that spot that had you already craving a third orgasm.
You’re gasping curses, then his name, as he fucks you, slowly but with strength and precision. You couldn't help digging your nails into his back as you feel the first wave of your orgasm. "Fuck, I'm gonna come again." You say breathlessly, and bite into his neck as you tug on the hair at the nape of his neck right as you come. You feel a rush of liquid, making a mess between your thighs and dripping down your ass, ruining the sheets beneath you.
The way you're clenching around him has him seeing stars, and feeling you squirt around him spurs him into his next orgasm, keeping himself buried in you as he cums. You pull him in for a kiss as he fills you, his lips grounding you as you come down, chests heaving against each other.
After showering and changing the sheets, you’re back in bed, curled up into his side and playing with his hair. You’re both smiling, fucked out and tired, though unwilling to end the night. “We should just sync our calendars.” You say finally. “That way we won’t get anything confused, and we can avoid pissing each other off.”
His hand, which had settled on your hip, landed a couple light smacks on your ass. “I don’t think I mind us pissing each other off. Not with the way you fight.”
You roll your eyes, grinning even as your face heats. “Please, you were the one who couldn’t stop pawing at me when we got home.”
He snorts. “You liked it,”
“Yeah,” you say absently, eyes growing heavy. “I guess if we settle our arguments like that, I don’t mind getting into a fight every now and then.”
a/n: thanks so much for reading! I hope you like this spicy little valentine's treat <3 if you did, pls lmk with rbs and comments! happy v-day <3
taglist: @asmaechan @animexholic @justanothernpcartist @inumakicanrailme
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overnowsfcb · 6 months
valentine; pablo gavi
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summary: experimenting love for the first time feels kind of weird, in the best way of the word.
warnings: none, just fluff.
word count: 1,8k
it was the first time you felt like you were inside a love story, the first time you empathized with the protagonists who felt butterflies in their stomachs every time they saw their beloved or smiled at the mere thought of them.
throughout your high school, you were that girl who had to witness your friends telling stories about holding hands, kissing and having sex with the right person, and helping them write and decorate letters for their partners on valentine’s day.
the only solution you found to dive into that world was in the books and movies. all you read was romance, hoping for one in real life. a kiss underneath the rain, a jacket around your shoulders when the air got cold, someone to accompany and hear you.
fortunately, your friends never made you feel left out. but you couldn't help but feel that way every time you saw them smile with their significant others. the epitome of that feeling was when you blew out the eighteen candles in your birthday cake, it felt like sealing your fate.
everyone applauding and cheering that you reached the majority of age. the only thing you did when everyone left wasn't opening the amount of presents they had given you.
you sat on the couch with the lights off and put your favorite rom-com on the tv, searching for ice cream on the fridge and a blanket. you knew every word of the movie, every scene, every detail. 
you had the same reaction as the first time you saw it. in a slumber party, when you were twelve. and that contrast is what gave you distress and shame, it had been six years and you still haven't had a romance. tears began to fall from your eyes, thinking that that person who would make you feel unique would never come.
it was almost funny how you manifested it in your life after watching it over and over again. after holidays, you applied for the first job that had vacancies to help your mother with your two younger siblings; she was having trouble covering everything with a single income.
your job at a small bookstore hidden in a secluded corner of barcelona didn't pay much, but it was your favorite place. you enjoyed organizing books, recommending them, and having conversations about them with interested customers.
you never would have imagined seeing one of your brother's favorite football players enter that store. the little bell above the door chimed, and you quickly looked up from the book you were finishing, right at the best part.
"buenas," (hi.) he said, approaching the counter. you tucked the book beneath it and stood up from the stool.
"buenas tardes, ¿cómo puedo ayudarte?” (good afternoon, how can I help you?) you smiled formally, just as you did with all customers. you were amazed at how pretty he was; your brother always watched his interviews, and you knew quite a bit about his life. however, you couldn't understand why it felt like a breeze of air had reached your face when he stood up in front of you.
"i was looking for a book for my sister. a birthday gift." you nodded and asked him to specify a bit more about her interests, and what genre she liked.
"ah, she's into mystery novels," he replied, his eyes scanning the shelves as if trying to find the perfect gift.
you led him to the mystery section, explaining the different authors and their styles. as you chatted, you couldn't help but notice how down-to-earth and friendly he was. you were an expert talking to new people, but this felt different, it was the perfect cadence.
he eventually settled on a classic detective novel, expressing gratitude for your assistance. as he paid for the book, he asked, "would it be too much trouble to have it gift-wrapped? it's a surprise for her, you see."
you gladly agreed, and as you carefully wrapped the book, he continued the conversation. he shared anecdotes about his sister's love for mystery stories and how he hoped this gift would bring her joy.
little did you know that after that interaction that brightened the rest of your day, it would turn into something much more significant.
you pondered whether you would see him again. had he felt the same as you? or maybe it was just your desperation, and how notting hill was engraved in your subconscious.
but sometimes, movie scripts weren't entirely wrong, like when you heard the little bell of the store ringing again a week later, this time while you were arranging some new books that had arrived, perched on the ladder.
"hi," he greeted excitedly. you directed your gaze to where the sound came from, and a smile appeared on your face. you were almost overcome with excitement, but you held on tightly to the ladder to not fall.
"good morning," you said, finishing arranging a book and descending from the ladder.
"my sister loved the book! she said it was the best gift ever," he beamed, making you feel great. he extended an invitation for coffee as a token of appreciation.
you didn't even know if it was professional to accept it while you were working, but you weren't hurting anyone. and that was the best decision you could ever make in your life.
every hope that you had murdered with resentment now resurrected with a new shine. what you thought was your destiny was just a moment in time.
it had been a challenge for pablo to make you believe that he truly wanted to be with you. countless times, he felt the need to explain how wonderful and precious you were.
you didn't know how to react to his compliments or sudden kisses. he was so spontaneous and impulsive, and you were so calculated and cold because he was everything you had ever dreamed of. but what if it was just a dream that could crumble at any moment?
yet, he took it upon himself day and night to make you feel like the most cherished woman. and how could you not feel that way with those crystal-clear eyes looking at you as if you were a sunset over the ocean?
he loved your laughter so much that he couldn't help but make jokes or clown around at every opportunity that presented itself.
he showed you a new way to see life, to explore a new spectrum of colors that had been withheld from you for so long, and dispelled certain beliefs that were imposed on your mind.
even your mother and your own friends adored him; they couldn't ask for more than your first love to be with such a dedicated and understanding guy, dispelling any lingering doubts.
he was the person who listened to you talk about your favorite books but also, had no problem listening when you complained about something going wrong.
the smallest and most imperceptible details were what made you fall a little more in love with him every day, confirming that you wanted to be by his side for eternity.
his angelic voice was engraved in the back of your mind, the first “i love you”, the sweet nothings he whispered in your ears the first time you decided to make love, assuring you that he would take care of you at every moment. and, of course, he protected his word, a man who never failed you.
sometimes, just sometimes, when you understood the great person the universe put in your path and remembered that you haven’t lose your mind trying to find a man like him. when you remembered his touch was completely real —something that took quite a while to accept— you flaunted him in front of everyone.
his eskimo kisses every time you felt down had become so essential and pure that they automatically reset your mind.
and you couldn’t forget how he had the gift of turning the simplest things into memories that you would fantasize to tell your grandchildren, sitting side by side, full of gray hair and wrinkles. the beauty of simplicity.
it was truly a movie-like love. a movie that your 16-year-old self would love with all her heart, and now you were living it firsthand, and it was true. it existed, and no one could take it away from you.
“i don't ever wanna let go of you. i want us to stay like this, like sloths, for the rest of our lives.” you giggled, amused by his antics and nose nuzzling affectionately against your neck. he squeezed your waist with his hand and got you trapped with his leg over your body.
“i would love to do that too, baby. but unfortunately, we're only human, and i still can't be late for work.” you moved his leg and replacing the pout of his lips with a sweet kiss. you could spend hours listening to him talk. 
he grabbed your cheeks and showered your face with kisses while you laughed. “seriously!”
“i hate that you have to work.”
“you should be grateful, because if i didn't have this job, you would've never meet me.” his eyes sparkled with affection as you headed off, leaving behind the warmth of his presence but carrying the glow of his love within you. 
he often wondered if you knew you were his first true love. none of the women who came before you stood up to the way he couldn't help but think and speak of you, of your remarkable essence as a person.
it was as if meeting you had illuminated a part of his soul he didn't know existed—a feeling so profound, it reshaped his understanding of love. your presence felt like the missing piece he'd been searching for, and with every passing day, he found himself falling deeper.
once, he couldn't fathom the allure of romantic movies, convinced they portrayed an unrealistic, overly idealized version of love. how could it possibly measure up to reality? it felt like a sudden twist in the game when he discovered the depth of love in the embrace of a girl who adored those movies. it was through this realization that he understood—love was far more beautiful than any screenwriter could ever capture. 
the movies could never capture the immensity of his emotions during those fleeting moments when he danced with you, be it in the disco or under the soft kitchen light because it held the same intimacy. it was in the way your voice still trembled ever so slightly when you praised him and the way your cheeks flushed with color when he returned the compliment.
for both of you, it was a fairytale woven into reality. you, always yearning for it, and him, a skeptic who never believed in such tales.
the enchantment and genuineness were evident in every shared glance and each entwined finger. it was etched in the lines of your palms, you were meant to be timeless.
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alviy4n · 6 months
" hey emma... " mikey peaked through the kitchen while she's cleaning the dishes they used this afternoon. draken sitting near emma looking at him.
" where can i get, you know that uhm, what's that sanrio character named again? ponyurin? the yellow one? you know that cat looking one? " mikey rambles on flailing his hands describing the character
draken looked at him in confusion while emma who finished her work dries her hand and sits down a seat apart by draken.
" what? " emma says and giggles at the actions her brother is using " do you mean pompompurin? that dog guy with a pudding? " she lets out a giggle again making draken look at her through his peripheral vision secretly admiring her
" yeah yeah! that one! so do you know where i can get some of those? i want to give one to " mikey pauses, smirking and faking a cough in the process " my girlfriend " he says in such a proud tone smirking like an idiot.
" WHAT YOU ACTUALLY GOT TOGETHER WITH MY BESTFRIEND?! " emma stood, palms hitting the table. She couldn't believe that her brother who is usually not one to bother and take interest on teenage love have a girlfriend
" you idiot, you two aren't even dating, Y/n just said hi and waved at you " draken laughs at how his friend is behaving, being delusional in such a simple act you did
" WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! I just know y/n likes me too because she EVEN approached me and asked about my day WHILE BLUSHING "
mikey said with pride while scoffing " i even got to ask her about that ponyurin keychain that dangles on her phone " he scoffed again with his hands on his chin and smiling all widely
" wow what a progress mikey, i mean that sounded like that conversation went well "
emma—who is now sitting beside draken replied with her words laced with sarcasm
" i know right, so this upcoming valentines im going to give her a BIIIIG one of that ponyurin! " mikey smiles dearly at his sister remembering her birthday that draken gave her a stuffed toy and she looked so happy " and i swear that i will ask her to be my girlfriend when i give her that gift " he is practically up in the dreamworld while awake daydreaming about your reaction to his surprise on a special day
" okay! you seem very serious and genuine about your feelings to my bestfriend so i will help you. wait a minute i'll go get changed " emma smiled back and then went away.
Today is valentines day and emma asked me to go to their house so that we can hang out . " i wonder if i can bump into mikey " you thought while skipping on the way to their house
" hi y/n! how are you? " mikey said with enthusiasm to hide his nervousness.
" oh im all fine mikey, how about you, how are you? " telepathically thanking emma for this opportunity while hoping your voice don't give away the nervousness you're feeling.
" oh emma is out with draken at the moment and they'll be home soon. come on lets go to my room while you wait for her " mikey grabbed your hand leading you to his room.
'i hope my hands dont get sweaty now because im so nervous' mikey thought while smiling to himself because he get to hold your hand 'thank you emma, i will treat you to a cafe tomorrow!'
" so what were you going to do with emma anyways? " he asks purposely pausing and facing you so he can see your reaction when he opens the door
" oh i dont even know, maybe watch a movie or just stay inside her room and gossip and do each others makeu— OH WOW SO CUTE!! HI PURIN HI BABY YOU'RE SO CUTE " you sprinted when you saw a big pompompurin sitting on his couch and immediately started squishing his cheeks and fondling with his ears
" i didn't think you even KNOW purin let alone own a big one! " you looked at mikey, mouth agape, rosy hues tinted your cheeks
" no i don't know the guy, i bought that for you y/n " he told you with a grin his signature smile plastered on his face " happy valentines y/n! " he gave you a heart boxed chocolates and a small bouquet of gardenias
still shocked by the gifts your mouth and eyes wide open " w-what are you talking about mikey? do you mean that y— " mikey cut you off, closing the distance between you two and handing you the chocolates and flowers again
" i've always loved the way you care about emma, when you notice your ponyurin keychain and start playing with it, when you talk to her about your day and even recreating the moments in front of her, i also love that no matter how hard your life is, you always find a way to make other people happy. I like you y/n and i want you to be mine. " his eyes staring right at yours make you want to break the staring contest you two have been in for quite some time. Not wanting to break the eye contact you meakly said " isn't it already obvious that i like you too manjiro? " you quickly went and grabbed the big yellow furball so you can hide your face. Your deep red blushing hell of a mess face.
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camellia-salazar · 1 month
May's collection of fan art. I was a lot prepared this month.
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All the characters I Kin. Originally without Terrence, Bluey, Edd, and King Dice, but at the end of the day, I couldn't leave those four out. Took basically a week or so to finish.
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Two douch bags i felt like drawing. "The Plan (F**k Jobs)" by The Front Bottoms reminded me of them somewhat. Especially Ram.
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These two had birthdays this month, so I drew these. I was wrong about Denzel having a birthday in March.
(HC) Pinkie looks forward to her growth while Denzel is feeling depressed because of it. I'll probably draw a better birthday drawing for Denzel later on (most likely next year).
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I finally got to listen to the Apple Sleep Experiment sequel. This was drawn during a relisten of the first one. I was trying to draw the sequel version, but I wasn't sure.
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This is a drawing for my mom for Mother's Day. She cried from seeing it. Especially the words. (which were from the Valentine's special from EEnE but i thought it was perfect for this piece.)
I'm so glad she loved it :)
I got an idea for Father's Day, too.
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"Imagine drawing May 1st art at the end of May. Lmao couldn't be me." Couldn't include May from Twelve/Origins, but I don't think anyone would really worry about that anyway.
Extras without extra stuff:
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Personally, I like these. Possibly more than the ones with words and reference pictures. What do you think? I think they're much cleaner, idk.
I had a lot done towards the beginning of the month, so I was actually prepared this time. I'm really glad for all of these, especially the Mother's Day fan art.
Even the people at my program were impressed, and someone even asked if I did commissions. I said that I hadn't been thinking about it. They said they would pay me to draw something for a relative of theirs, but I haven't been talking to them about it since.
Overall, though, I'm just glad that I'm getting better at drawing anything. I've also been looking through my old art recently, and yup, a lot of my style has changed.
I was even drawing some old characters into my recent work. Idk if any of you want to see them, tho. I would like to compare my first time drawing them to my latest time, I just need to find my old old work.
But yeah, thanks for viewing my art and reading my rants. Y'all are awesome! Cya around. I'm looking forward to drawing some Total Drama and That's Not My Neighbor fan art next month. 😁✨️
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wendyslegalwife · 5 months
Could you please write a Wendy x femreader fluff!(I’ve been so obsessed with her these days)
I’d love to see a cute story of how reader and Wendy’s first kiss was like🫶!!
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Entitled: My heart went, boop!
Warnings: maybe slight angst?
Genre: fluff
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✸ Both of you have been the bestest of friends since elementary days, wendy was one of the popular girls meanwhile you were the quiet academic achiever. You both became friends because of a special science project, you were paired by your science teacher to be with wendy and that's when it all started of the two of you being the best buddies.
During Freshman year, both of you were rocking throughout the whole school year having high grades, awards, and even the topping the whole class! By your help wendy couldn't have done all of this without you and your kind heart. She would always treat you with lots of foods, plushies, and all the things you could think of. Despite refusing her offers she always insisted with an honest heart which made you feel happy.
One day you were both at your favorite area in the school, it was only the two of you who knew this spot which was perfect. "Yah y/n you know I think we should try something different?" You looked deep into her eyes, "owh and what is that wannie?" Wendy blushed lightly. "Yah! Kim y/n! you really have to stop calling me that.." You smiled at her adorable face. "Why is it because you like it?, owh what is that! Your blushing wannie.."
Wendy pouted and crossed her arms feeling annoyed yet she loves the nickname you gave for her, wannie, wannie. It just keeps ringing in her head she loves it whenever you call her "wannie". "Ugh whatever! anyways I wanted to hangout with you after school today, would you like to go to my house?"
You nodded, "Yes I'd love that wannie, but will your parents be home?" Wendy shook her head "nope they're not home they will be out of town for a month so I have to be responsible for myself." "Aww you poor thing no more mommy or daddy's credit card to use hm?" You laughed softly as she stared at you in pure disbelief, "well they left some cash at least.. But no more shopping for me"
✦–—— ✣ Time Skip ✣ ——–✦
School was finally finished, at last the both of you were finally able to do whatever you'd like, history class really made you joyful and energized. As for wendy she was sleeping the whole entire class which she was lucky enough not being caught because a book was covering her face.
Wendy linked arms with you as you both walk out of class, you unlocked your bicycle and so did wendy together you both drove out of school the fresh breeze brushing against your soft skin. It took about a 6-10 minute drive to Wendy's house, you both parked your bicycles inside the garage before you both sat down comfortably on the couch.
Wendy huffed, "Waahh! Finally school is over, what do you want to do y/n?" You looked at her with a grin. "I actually been wanting to go to the beach near my home, it's a pretty long road but still it's worth it. The sunset there is beautiful." "Yeah sure! Let me go grab something from my room first.."
Wendy hurriedly entered her room going through her drawers before finding the gift she's been wanting to give to you, she sat down close to you and smiled happily as she handed you the present. "Surprise! Happy birthday y/n!" Your eyes widened with surprise and happiness, "Thank you so much wannie-ya! Hmm I wonder what is it?"
You slowly opened the gift by untying the beautiful pink ribbon and unwrapping the paper, there you see a big adorable plushie it was my melody! That one plush you've been wanting for so long, you couldn't earn for it since you had to focus on earning for your tuition fees. "O-oh my wannie, it's the plush I've been telling you for so long aww.." You felt a tear in your eye, "Thank you very much wannie, it's beautiful.." "You're always welcome y/n, anything for my sweet girl and also I bought the kuromi one so we can match our plushies." Wendy then showed her kuromi plush happily to you with a wide smile on her face.
"It's so precious, they're just like us! Besties!" Wendy forced a slightly weak smile on her face hearing you say that word. "Besties" only if you knew how much she loved you more than a friend, you mean so much to her more than you knew but she didn't know the right timing to tell you so. "Yes! Besties.." A weak forced voice came out of Wendy's throat.
"Well let's go to the beach now? We can't miss the beautiful sunset" "Yes let's go now.."
Both of you went out and unlocked your bicycles, before driving out going to the nearest beach which was a long road to drive on but it was worth the wait. After driving for what felt like an hour you both arrived at the beach.
You both ran towards the beach, running and laughing happily like there's no tomorrow. "Yah y/n don't run there! You might slip and fall.." "No no I won't!" Wendy felt worried so she decided to run to you but then she accidentally slips making her fall ontop of you. "Ah wannie are you okay?" You looked at her feeling worried. Before wendy could respond she shook her head and stood up, she pulled you up and laughed awkwardly.. "Haha yeah I'm fine.. Sorry.." "No it's fine wannie I'm okay don't worry.. Let's just sit down here and watch the sunset."
You both sat down side by side on the sand, she laid her head on your shoulder as the sun slowly goes down. "The moon is beautiful isn't it?" Wendy spoke softly. "What silly! There's no moon yet, there's still a sun.." Wendy lifted her head up looking at your beautiful face, "I know there isn't a moon.. But there is you." You tilted your head to the side and pouted curiously. "Hmm what does that mean?"..
Wendy didn't speak, she just stared at you as if she we're being pulled into a different dimension, into the abyss, into the unknown.. Finally she took the courage to hold your face onto the palm of her hands before pulling closer and slowly kissing you.. So passionate so heavenly.. At first you felt weird but eventually you gave in and closed your eyes enjoying the kiss. As you we're both kissing the sun slowly went down as the moon rises 🌙.
You slowly pulled back from the kiss creating a pop sound, "w-woah.." Wendy looked down in embarrassment, she covers her face with her hands as she blushes intensely.. "Hey why so shy wannie? You were actually good.."
"I am? Really?.." "Yeah you are, that was really nice.." Wendy pouted. "W-wanna go again?" You gave her a side eye, "you really enjoyed doing that huh?" Wendy immediately got annoyed, she was indenial that she didn't enjoyed kissing you. "N-no! Why would I enjoy that.."
Oh, one more thing your birthday happens to be February 14, 1996 which is valentines day. "You do realize it's valentines right?" You asked wendy, "y-yes I know.. I-I like you.. So much.. D-do you like me back?" Wendy asked nervously, her hands trembling in fear of rejection. You held her soft hands and whispered "I like you too wannie.. Your my world, my sunshine, my love, my darling, and my everything."
Wendy's eyes was filled with tears of joy, she hugged you tightly as if she never wanted to let go of you.. Just wanting to keep you close forever and ever.. "I-I love you so much y/n!.. Happy birthday and valentines day.."
"Happy valentines to you too wannie.. I'm looking forward to our future together." You held onto each other till she fell asleep in your arms.
The end... - wendylegalwife🩵🩵
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imaginecolby · 1 year
forever and ever || c.b.
summary: colby makes this valentine's day more memorable than any other one you'd celebrated together.
a/n: just a quick lil something in honor of today. happy valentine's day! <3
valentine’s day. you and colby never made a huge deal of the holiday, but you did exchange gifts every year. they were usually smaller gifts, as the biggest ones you gave each other on your birthdays and christmas. 
but this year was different. colby had a big surprise in store for you. 
“i cant believe you’re finally going through with this.” sam said to him. he and colby were sitting on the couch, the engagement ring colby bought for you sitting in the palms of his hands. 
“i’ve been holding on to this for too long. i’ve been trying to figure out the best time to do this, but i think valentine’s day is the best option.” colby said. sam patted him on the shoulder and wished him good luck.
later that evening, colby had gone over to your place to decorate your apartment before you came home from work. 
he knew better than to try and cook a meal for you, so he elected to order dinner from your favorite restaurant instead, scheduling it to arrive just before he knew you’d be getting home.
he decorated with a few small decorations throughout the living room, streamers and a few balloons and center pieces. he’d fluffed up the bouquet of flowers in a vase on the counter, setting the box of chocolates next to it. once he was done, he snapped a few pictures, proud of the work he’d done.
once you were finally off work, you were more than excited to finally get home. colby let you know he was coming over, so you were excited to see him. once you stepped inside, you were taken aback by the decorations, and looked over to colby, who was standing in the kitchen, a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in the other. 
“oh my god.” you smiled, on the verge of tears.
“happy valentine’s day.” he said softy as you walked over to him. you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly.
“happy valentine’s day.” you repeated, kissing him again. “i can’t believe you did all this.” you said, fully taking in the decorations around your apartment.
“only the best for my favorite girl.” he said, kissing your cheek. he led you over to the table where your food was set, sitting down to dinner with you. he poured your glasses of wine, and you started eating, light chatter being exchanged while you did so.
after dinner, you exchanged your gifts. you bought him a new jacket that he had been dropping hints about. but you had no idea that your gift would pale in comparison to the one he had for you.
“okay, my turn.” he said, moving the jacket to an empty chair. he took your hands in his, and smiled at you. “y/n y/l/n, my love, my sweet, the most beautiful girl in the world. i cannot tell you how much the years that we’ve spent together have meant to me. you make me so incredibly happy, and i feel so grateful every day that i wake up knowing that i get to see or talk to you. every day is a gift, knowing that i get to bask in your love and support.” he moved to kneel on the floor in front of you. your heart was racing and your hands were shaking as the tears started to fall. “all i want is to spend the rest of my life with you. will you marry me?”
as he finished, you felt a huge lump in your throat. you couldn't even speak, you were so shock. all you were able to manage was a nod and the quietest “yes.” you met his eyes again, and were finally able to speak.
“yes, yes. oh my god yes!” you squealed, colby smiling as he slid the ring on your finger. you stood up with him and hugged him tight, peppering kisses on his cheeks.
“i love you so much.” he said, his lips meeting yours.
“i love you so much!” you said, out of breath and through tears. 
later that night, you and colby had finished dinner and had cleaned up your apartment a little bit. you were cuddled up on the couch, the box of chocolates sitting between you. you’d found a movie to watch, tipsy as you finished the bottle of wine colby brought.
he smiled as he caught you fiddling with your ring, moving it around and watching as the light hit it in all the right places. 
“so, i did good this year?” he asked.
“oh, you did perfect. A plus all the way around.” you said, turning to face him. “i love you so much. i can’t wait to marry you.” you said as he leaned down to kiss you.
“me and you, forever.” he said with a smile.
“forever and ever.” you said, reaching up to kiss him again.
this was the best valentine’s day you ever shared with each other.
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nivtee · 1 year
i NEED a part two to falling girlie
: ̗̀➛ WOKE UP. sirius black.
sirius black x gn!reader
angst ! mention of coma ! happy ending ! description of medical technology ! yes, hogwarts has phones now !
sirius black can't sleep without you, so he doesn't
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sirius black hasn't slept in four days.
staring at your body, lifeless, laying in the hospital bed with tubes in your mouth and nose, it hurt- no, it killed him to sit and watch. but he couldn't just go back to hogwarts, sleep it off and wake up.
as much as he wanted to, he feared that if he fell asleep he'd believe it was all a dream, and he'd imagine you waking him up from a nightmare where you couldn't breathe without muggle technology, where your limbs had to be rebroken to lay straight, where your lungs didn't work.
he was afraid of waking up from that reality just as bad as he was afraid of you not waking up.
he'd seen you cast the spell, falling towards the ground, and he'd watched your body slow down but not fast enough, hearing the sickening CRACK from all the way in the astronomy tower.
he'd almost pushed those fuckers off the side himself.
furiously rubbing his face with a wash cloth, he glanced at himself in the mirror. he kept himself clean, yes, he couldn't imagine you waking up to a version of him you found unattractive, and he made sure that he styled his hair the way you liked, with a man bun and your wand wrapped tightly in his hair.
maybe you'd need it when you woke up, so he kept it for you.
he also kept your textbooks by your side, he knew how badly you'd cry if you couldn't finish your homework, and he'd made sure to get your homework from your friends, your teachers, hell- he'd even asked Dumbledore to owl any homework you had to St Mungos, just in case you woke up.
he'd put all of the letters you'd received, 'get well soon' and 'champion of the diving squad (courtesy of james potter, everyone) up in a nice pile on your bed side table, so that when you woke up, you'd be able to grab them and read them all again.
after two weeks, he was starting to get worried. he started sleeping, only with a sleeping drought every night, and only if he had seen you during the day.
you never moved, exactly the same position when he'd arrive the next day.
you lost weight, despite the feeding tube you were given you had become somewhat gaunt, him being able to feel through your hip when he hugged you goodbye.
he left a few snacks in your bed side draw, incase you woke up and needed something to eat, so he'd stocked it with everything you could want.
he still got you a birthday present, and a valentines day gift, and he still spoke to you about everything that happened during his day. you'd respond when you woke up.
even when he couldn't be with you, he'd sent you funny texts and memes he found during the day, smiling to himself when he imagined you reading through them once you were awake.
he'd stopped visiting for a week, exams were approaching and he knew that once you woke up and found out he'd failed because he was stuck to your side, you'd go balistic.
and then one day, he's visiting again, with a fresh new bouquet of flowers and freshly styled hair, still just as nervous when he first met you.
he waved hello to the nurses, winked at the kids running past and walked into your room like he owned the place, like he did when you were asleep. only...
"i was wondering when you were gonna replace my flowers, these are starting to smell like you."
you woke up.
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
Mikey or baji + chocolates plz?
Mikey + Chocolates
Valentine's Day Shorts
don't ask why this is coming out now, but AFIM chapter 2 is going to be bumped back again (it'll be out sometime next week I swear!) cause I'm still not finished and at the same time I also think we deserve some soft Mikey, so Happy Birthday Mikey!
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"Mikey! I'm home!"
You braced yourself, but as several seconds ticked by undisturbed, the expected tackle never came. Your house remained excruciatingly quiet against your better knowledge - no thumping of footsteps, no rustling of him jumping out of your pile of clothes, pretending he hadn't going through them again. Silence was your only response.
And the alarms in your head started to blare. Your very needy boyfriend, much like a pet with separation anxiety, have never been quite okay with letting you leave his sight, and any adventure that took you out of his presence no matter how long always warranted him jumping you upon your return. Cautiously setting down the single grocery bag on the ground as you slipped off your shoes, you raked your brain thinking back to when you had first stepped out for a quick run to the store for just the last bit of ingredients you needed. You were sure you had left Mikey upstairs messing around with your things as always, while you were downstairs in the -
The color faded from your face as you all but rushed to the kitchen where you had left your handmade chocolates on the counter, though the sight was far from a comfort for sore eyes like you had hoped.
"Mikey!!" You could only gape at the trail of destruction that had been left, your counter the savage scene of a brutal crime. "Wha- Did you eat all of them?!"
Once full boxes of chocolates - hours and hours of hard work - gone in the few minutes you had left Mikey alone in your home, their empty shells scattered across counter tops and floor. And the criminal himself sprawled out across the table surrounded by the evidence, black eyes popping open on your approach.
"My tummy hurts." Mikey let out a pathetic whine, grabby hands reaching out for you as soon as you stumbled within range, your bag swinging loosely from your grip. "I want kisses."
Looking back, you didn't quite know why you had thought it would be safe to leave your chocolates unattended. You tried to huff, yet all that came out was a half-puff, half chuckle; your boyfriend looked just too sad with his watery puppy eyes and quivering lips for you to actually stay mad (and you suspected that he knew that well).
Still, you dodged his attempts to tug you into his lap, instead dropping to pick up the fallen empty boxes and stacking them neatly into a pile on the table. "Serves you right. Why did you eat them all?"
"I don't want you giving chocolates to anyone," Mikey pouted, though he was quickly distracted rummaging through the bag of groceries you set down next to him. "You're my girl."
You couldn't hold back the laughter, the blond-haired boy's pout only growing while you tried to stammer out your words between your giggles. "Oh Mikey. They were for Ken-chin, Baji and the others."
The realization dawning on his face almost sent you back into another fit of laughter. Instead opting to turn your attention back to the chocolates, you rolled up your sleeves, surveying the damage. There was no way you could make enough chocolates for everyone with what you had left on hand, and you didn't exactly have time for another trip. But you did have one last batch that had been tucked away separately - the only chocolates your boyfriend hadn't gotten into. "Looks like I'll have to give yours to them, Mikey."
"Noooo!" The boy flung himself at you almost instantly. "You can't do that! Those are mine!"
A peck to his forehead did seem enough to quieten his fussing, and you let him bury his face into the crook of your neck, running one hand through his hair. "You can't give them my chocolates," he whimpered into your skin, and you melted. How could anyone stay mad?
"We'll go out for taiyakis later, okay?"
His gaze shot up to meet yours, tears that had been threatening to fall already (unsurprisingly) gone. "Promise?"
You kissed his forehead again. "Promise, you big baby."
A pause, then another wear tug at your sleeve. "My tummy still hurts. More kisses."
You rolled your eyes.
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voskhozhdeniye · 7 months
My mother was a teacher's assistant. After school, while waiting for her to finish her after-school responsibilities, I'd hear her and the other teachers gossip about teachers, students, news, and pop culture. The thought occurred to me the other day. I wondered what the other teachers thought of her?
I know my parent's religion is a cult, but I always find myself going it's not a "CULT" cult. I know being raised in it did some damage to me, but my days of analyzing it have thinned out.
They don't do holidays. Easter is the only holiday that gets any acknowledgment, and it's strictly viewed through a biblical lens. No Easter Bunny, no egg hunts, we are celebrating the rise of Christ.
No, they don't acknowledge Christmas, and you don't celebrate your own birthday. 30 was my first and only birthday cake.
There are many different examples of this that can come up, but I'm going to choose the one I remember the most.
Because we don't celebrate holidays or celebrate them in the same way as those who are not, "in the truth," we do not participate in "worldly" celebrations.
So, when a holiday came up, I was not allowed to do class work that used the holiday to educate. I had to be given alternative work.
Now I must be honest, part of me also enjoys this. I see the holidays as the capitalistic bullshit they are, but that's not the point.
The two exclusions I remember most were not being able to give or receive valentines on Valentine's Day and not being able to join in dancing to The Monster Mash around Halloween. I couldn't learn Christmas songs on the recorder, but I never really cared about that.
These ideas were also enforced at home, of course. I've talked on here about my fight to watch Pokemon as a kid, and so on. My parents still believe TV can infect you with demons.
I was thinking about it this morning. There's a post on the blog somewhere that talks about how cults operate. One of the main talking points is separating your followers from identifying with people outside the cult.
Did you notice how I spoke about those who aren't in it? They aren't "in the truth." They're considered, "worldly." You don't want to associate with the world. Associating with the world will bar you from reaching god's paradise.
I've talked on here for years about how I've always felt "outside."
I'm beginning to realize this is the intentional result of being raised in a cult.
My rejection of the cult has left me in no man's land. An outsider everywhere. I enjoy being an outsider of the cult, but the feeling following everywhere has taken its toll.
I've hated myself for so long. Intentionally destroyed myself for so long because of how paralyzed I've felt by this. I've hated how it feels like I'm the only person dealing with these feelings. I know it isn't true. I read y'all blogs. But I am chained to this. The white hot anger I've felt through the years when people dismissed my inability to overcome this mountain.
More and more, I feel like recovery from this is unattainable at this point in the world. There are too many external struggles occurring to truly deal with internal struggles in their full scope.
As I read this back, I realized this may come off as a suicide note. It is not! I'm just going through a reappraisal.
Thinking about how my mother couldn't stand the first noticeably gay male teacher the school got. She blocked me from being instructed by him. I doubt I knew what gay was at that time. I do remember finding the way his masculinity contrasted with the other male teachers fascinating.
Looking back, my fifth grade language arts teacher was most likely a lesbian. I loved her. She'd die before putting on makeup. Each wrinkle was hard fought for. She had to be in her late sixties or early seventies.
She was able to get me placed in an advanced reading program. They read us the first Harry Potter book in the class. She made sure my parents didn't find out what we were reading, and I had the best school attendance in my life.
I never became a Harry Potter fan beyond that class. My one high school friend took me to see Half-Blood Prince. I think I pissed him off. I guessed the "twist" five minutes in and criticized it for being juvenile. 🫠
(Looked it up, 2009, I was 20. I was already a snob by then.)
It's going on thirty years now, and that little act of indulging a child's imagination in the face of massive repression is the coolest thing anyone has ever done for me.
Love how the queer people my mother hated actually recognized my humanity.
Also, I wouldn't put a suicide note under a read more. I'm a vain bitch. I'm pinning that mother fucker.
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99% of these r really incoherent because I wrote this like last month at 3am but I'm not rewriting this I'm so eepy (also almost finished pokemon violet woo!! I originally beat scarlet but then my switch that I've had since like the year after launch finally gave out on me and we couldn't find me Nintendo online again so yeagh.) so sorry of some of them make. no sense. but they might. what do I nose/ref
-Nemona once tried cleaning up pennys dorm as yk like a nice gesture but she ended up ruining an insanely specific organizing method penny used for her collectables (for figures she had them in rainbow order; for snowglobw it was rainbow and categorized by theming) and then Nemona had to watch penny fuck up(/sillie) her cleaning while they told her about the 'right way' to organize things
-Nemona is formerly banned from Arvens kitchen (almost set him on fire (papyrus I burnt the water/ref)) but surprisingly not Penny's. penny also really likes to bake but is shit at cooking (the fuck do you mean "add some of this" how much??!!? (she needs specific instructions or she's dead on the floor)) also is the designated cake maker for birthdays. they also definitely tried teaching Nemona how to bake and it went decently well. Nemona did get sick though because she kept eating the cookie dough
-on the topic of baking Penny's favorite thing to make is apple pie (is that a pjs- gets fucking shot gets brutally killed)
-SPEAKING OF PJSK,,, they are so nenean/mizumafu to me
-before they were dating Penny started leaving notes (and occasionally some candy) at Nemona's door and she thinks she nnever got caught until Nemona mentions one time opening the door and seeing penny running down the hall like she was running a marathon
-pennys also insanely fast at running (downside is that she literally dies for the next 2 hours afterward)
-id like to think Nemona like vaugely knows a bunch of celebrities and actors and shit and Nemona's like "hey penpen do you like [insert popular artist in the Pokemon universe]" and they're like "no??? who the fuck is thay". on the other side penny was saying something about Hatsune Miku (probs a concert or a cool figure they saw) and as soon as Nemona askked who Miku was penny freaked the fuck out. "YOU DONT KNOW FUCKIGN HATSUNE MIKU!?!!? WHO ARE YOU??!!" and then explained what and who Miku is for the next hour
-also penny definitely has a shitton of Miku merch like posters all over their walls and a while spot in her shelving thingy just for miku
-(penny) has probably gotten Nemona into some weird ass game nobody even cares about except for them
-either penny is asleep all day and makes everyone think it's dead or stays awake for like a week straight and passes out at her desk
-i wanna talk about their confession but there's so many ways it could go. all of them involve it being penny the one to confess on Valentine's day/in october because erm idk I'm just attached 2 that idea <3
-Nemona's love language is probably words of affirmation and Penny's is physical touch (and probably gift giving she'd defo give Nemona some cool rock she found and like a puzzle piece she stole from a puzzle of Arvens. like hey babe here's this cool stick I found <3)
-they both use pet names for eachother but Nemona probably uses them more tbh. aside from more normal ones (dear, honey, darling, etc) Nemona calls penny her star and occasionally her moon) and penny calls Nemona her sun/sunflower. Nemona also calls penny penpen but it's more of a silly thing rather than an actual nickname. same with penny calling her 'mona
-penny is a hoodie stealer (on purpose) Nemona is a clothes stealer in general (on accient)
-penny totally does the hand flap thingy but she also wears bracelets so whenever she's excited she turns into like a maraca idk
-id like to think both believe in ghosts. Nemona is more afraid of them (like more traditional ooh spooky ghost yk) and penny is just like yeagh they probably exist
-ooh nother confession thing Penny totally gave Nemona an Applin and kind of forgot only people back in galar really do that so Nemona's really confused and penny has to explain the entire thing while really embarrassed and trying not to collapse onto the floor
-penny has 100% punched a hole in her wall it's canon I'm penny
-they share two pokemon, although they mostly stay with penny which is their appletun (evolved from the applin penny gave nemona) named candy and a houndoom named pomeg
THESE ARE ALL SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanmk you for telling me all of this i think this ship is very cute ::3
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signs-of-the-moon · 4 months
Hi guys! Sorry for the radio silence throughout most of February. I stated it on my main blog, but I'll also mention here that for a while I was going through a strong creative block. Literally couldn't do anything creative--no writing, drawing, even daydreaming. It was very frustrating and did not help my mental health at all. I think it was a residual side effect of burnout from both work and the holidays. Not to mention there's still a bunch of special occasions going on that take my energy (Valentine's day, my datemate' bday 4 days after, then President's day which made work swamped with irritable customers. Now I've got my sister and mother's bdays coming up in March and they're both milestone birthdays too).
I think another reason for the block was that I wasn't consuming enough media, stories, and fanwork to be inspired. But I've been reading a lot of fics recently, as well as trying to reread TNP, and that's brought my spark back! Idk if it will last, or for how long, but I'm riding this train til I can't no more.
All that's to say more from Signs of the Moon will be out soon! I've got the newest chapter of Moon High ready for a final edit. I'm trying to get the next chapter of Snowfrost's Fate finished as well (I haven't abandoned the story, it's just been put waay back on the back burner while I write Moon High 'cause balancing multiple POVs is challenging). And the next chapter of MH is also being written. I have plans for some mini drabbles/one shot pieces as well but no promises on those coming out. I also want to make some art but that might have to wait til I take vacation days from work in March.
As always, thank you all for your patience and support <3
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shizuokadivision · 1 year
Sharp Heels and Painted Nails
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(TW: Gore)
Reika couldn't help but feel annoyed. She was supposed to be spending her birthday with Kanon and Sakura after finishing up the final touches on her Valentine's Day gala. However, here she was in an abandoned warehouse after some thug decided to kidnap the wealthiest woman in Shizuoka and hold her for ransom for what he assumed was to be an easy payday. 
Reika knew she could've easily beaten this man. For fucks sake she had been one of the more dangerous fighters in an illegal fighting ring. However, the man made the decision to kidnap her in front of a crowd and no matter how much she wanted to crush the man Reika knew she had a reputation to uphold as a gentle socialite. So she had teared up and begged the man not to do this. Reika could only huff as he forced her into the back of his car driving both of them to an old warehouse.
“He didn't even bother tying me up. Does he really think I am that harmless? Well at the very least Kanon and Sakura would’ve heard the news by now.” Reika thought knowing that Kanon and Sakura would tear up the city to look for her. “Although they could hurry it up.” 
Brought back by the voice of the man, Reika narrowed her eyes as she noticed the man began to speak. Reika didn't particularly care what he was saying mostly drowning out what he was saying. Up until the man made a comment about Reika learning a thing or two from her whore of a mama.
"Come. Again." Reika's voice is calm and calculating. "I believe I heard you wrong." It isn't a question. It's a mercy. It's grace. She is offering the man a chance to save himself.
The man instead laughs. He twirls the gun in his hands and presses the barrel into Reika's temple.
"C'mon, now," he said as if they are friends. His free hand comes up to dig into Reika's hair. "Surely your mama taught you a trick or two?"
Reika's face retains its resting bitch appearance, even as her black-painted nails jump up to dig into the man's right eye socket. He immediately jumps back, the gun dropping as he races to cover his eye. He falls to his knees in his shock. Something bloody and almost round drops from Reika's hand. She turns, deadly, to face the cowering man.
"I know," Reika starts, her voice thick with rage, "that you did not insult my mother."
She takes a step forward, her heels clicking against the floor of the warehouse. The man does nothing to stop her, scared of the woman in a white dress now joined by bright red.
"Do you know what I do to people who insult my mother?" Reika asks conversationally, inching closer faster than the man can move away in his shock. "Yoko Miyano. She said my mother deserved what she got for being a good-for-nothing whore." It was Reika's turn to laugh, loud and haunting and filling up the whole warehouse.
"Miyano was a prominent member of high society."  Reika kicks the man. He grunts and goes down. "Now? She little more than a rotting corpse in the ground."  She stomps down on him, her heel going through his thigh. Reika smiled as she heard the man wail in pain. When she lifts her foot, the heel is dripping with his blood. 
"You see people bad mouthing my mother is the quickest way to end up on my bad side." She walks stopping only when she stands next to the man’s head keeping her incensed gaze on his bleeding body. "I let you in on a little secret. My bad side? Very few people live long after they get on it. And you, right now? Have risen your way to the very top.” Reika raises her leg and the last thing that the man ever sees before she stomps down is the red sole of Reika’s heel. 
When they had finally made it to Reika neither Kanon nor Sakura had expected her to be standing in the middle of a warehouse lighting a cigarette with the impaled skull of her kidnapper at her feet. 
“Today's been a lousy fucking day,” Reika snaps, quickly taking a hit of her cigarette. No one would blame her after the day she’s had, except that her entire right leg is coated in blood and brains and bits of the skull that she just stomped the shit out of with her high heel. The skull of the man that decided to kidnap her. 
“I was unaware that they made heels that strong.” Kanon thought raising an eyebrow at the scene. 
“This is going to be a pain to get the Shizuoka Police Department to ignore.” Sakura thought already feeling a headache.
It was an accident," Reika intones flatly, "Self-defense. I was frightened." She kept glaring at Kanon and Sakura, eyes narrowed into slits.
“Of course.”
“That’s a fucking lie but sure let's go with that.”
“Good,” Reika advised. “Now then let's go. I need a new outfit not covered in blood and  a shot of vodka.” Letting her cigarette fall to the floor Reika gave the corpse one last glare before turning and walking away leaving a trail of red behind her. The thought of a strong drink made her much better.
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi, I'm in a self indulgent mood. So I decided to just do this whole list for fun! Here is the link to the Ask Game.
I'll add all my answers and such under the cut so it's not just a wall of text in your face!!
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
I don't have any but I do have a few I really want. I'd love a d20 on my wrist, my mom and brother's birthdays on like a scroll with extra space (so I can put any kids I might have on it), and a full moon over a waxing crescent. I'd probably let my mom and brother pick a tattoo for me to get as well.
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Green and blue have always been colors I've loved since I was little. As I've gotten older, I really grew to love pink and yellow too. I do prefer the lighter shades (and I find pastels v cute). While I mostly did my blog theme for like Valentine's day, I would say rn pink is def my favorite.
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Baked potato 🥰 it has to be my favorite food. Potatoes are just godsend and baked potatoes? Hell yes
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
As if right now, it's 8:50pm. No idea what time it'll be when I post this.
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Scorpio! Nov. 11th is my birthdate. Although wasn't there like a new zodiac sign that was introduced a few years ago? I think technically my zodiac should be that one, but I think I want to keep Scorpio.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Accents are so cute you guys. I'd probably go with the lighter, airy Irish accent.
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
I have a couple small ones on my hands due to burns while cooking (the amount of times I've been splashed by oil 😅)
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
I took the test just cause I don't know how much it changed from the last time I did it. I got INTP: The Logician. It's interesting cause I think every time I've done the test, it's swapped between INTP and INFP
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
Oof. It's probably between Coraline, Spirited Away, and The Corpse Bride.
📺 - Favourite show?
Critical Role (webshow), Madoka Magica (anime), Teen Titans (cartoon)
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yep! I don't know how ticklish tho since it's been a while since anyone has tried tickling me. I know I was v ticklish as a baby child but now I think it's mostly my feet that are ticklish.
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Absolutely! I'd love to be married some day and have kids. Or if I somehow end up really rich, I might adopt. I mostly want to be a mom. But if I can find someone that can deal with me then I'd like to marry too!
😳 - Do you like your name?
I didn't when I was younger but since becoming an adult and applying for jobs (since you have to use your full name and not a nickname), it's really grown on me. Yeah Kat isn't my real name, but I enjoy it v much as a nickname.
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
It's a fucking green screen Green. I wasn't around when my room was being painted and my mom mentioned being afraid it'd be too bright. But hey, at least I have a green screen whenever I want to clear space and do weird stuff.
🤓 - How did you get your name?
Ooh so without giving away my whole name, my initials are due to a bet my dad made (some thing was being named and my initials were one of the options, which won). One of my middle names is because my mom's aunt (my great aunt) was a nun and so she couldn't have kids so my mom named me after her (she was my favorite aunt, I very much miss her ❤️). My first name is based on a character from my dad's favorite book.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
2018 was when I finished High School. I haven't done college yet just cause I want to save up money and see if I can figure myself out a bit first before doing that.
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Man I'd love to get piercings but when I first got my ears pierced, they swelled up real badly in like 2 days. I know I have real sensitive skin, but I thought real metals wouldn't affect me that badly. Boy I was wrong. So for now I'll just longingly look at facial jewelry and sigh.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Hazel! Depending on what I wear they can look more on the green side.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Pixie cut! I don't have an exact style of pixie, I don't know that much about hair 😅 but I love getting pixie cuts.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Yes. Never anything good though since it was mostly beer or whatever was being drank due to the holiday.
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Nope! I've been tipsy but I always get super tired when I drink so I haven't been able to stay awake long enough to get drunk (which I always do around people I trust, not to worry anyone!)
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Claustrophobia. I can probably deal with it better if I'm around someone I really trust so they can help calm me down. This one might be more niche, but being eaten when I'm in some body of water terrifies the shit out of me. I'm decent at swimming, but there's no way in hell I'm going to outswim anything that wants to eat me.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
God I hate both of them so much. I prefer cold weather so I can bundle up and be comfy. But I'd rather be too hot. Maybe I can sweat off some of my water weight 🙃
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
If I don't have to go anywhere, I love the rain. It's just so soothing and a good time. I also love the sound of thunder. I still love rain even if I have to go somewhere, but I'd prefer lighter rain and hopefully it's not cold out while it's raining.
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn/Fall. It's just cozy and the vibes are immaculate.
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
I am an animal lover so this is tricky. I've been really into pigs lately. They're v cute and I'd love a little piggy (good for hiding bodies too).
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
I mean, I'm not shy about sharing my babies. I have three cats and a dog. I have a few chickens too but I wouldn't really count them as pets.
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Back when I was in high school, I could go a couple nights without sleep. But now, I am an old lady with my sleep schedule.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Besides the obvious, I can loom knit (well I can make an octopus and that's it) but I've made so many for friends and family. It's v fun although I got a new knitting needle and have stabbed myself so many times cause it's ungodly sharp.
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
I'm overthinking this and that's the issue. If traveling was free then I know I'd be on some waiting list to travel some places because everyone will want to go (trips to Japan would take years). Honestly, I'd probably go to Texas because I have a very good friend that lives there. We've been online friends since I was in middle school and so I really would like to meet her IRL
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Haven't looked yet but I'm nervous laughing because it could be so many things. The amount of times I've looked up "What happens to a body in these conditions..." 😅
I'm dumb, my most recent thing is the MBTI test since I retook it for this
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
I don't have that many apps on my phone tbh. Webtoons is probably the one that gets used the most (I do have the tumblr app but I much prefer browser). I guess I'd have to go with Discord tho just cause it's how I communicate with friends and there's many fun memories there.
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I live in the country right now and while I love all the open space and there being no rules about what I can and can't do, I do miss being able to go out and do stuff in the city. If I lived in a city that doesn't require driving to get to places then I'd be city girl 100%. So I'll have to go with country just because driving scares me (well other people driving scares me, especially in the city. Everyone is chill driving in the country).
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akocomyk · 1 year
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It just dawned on me that the last time I blogged about my current life was back in January—my birthday post.
And aside from the usual answers to anonymous questions, I haven't really posted much.
So... Here's another occasional bulleted list of life updates.
I've been jogging regularly since the year started. You may have caught this back in my birthday blog because Gerald gave me face towels as a gift. I've been meaning to do this since December but I couldn't do so because I was adamant in completing the nine days of Misa de Gallo.
When I jog, I wake up at around past 5 in the morning, and then walk/jog for 5 kilometers in forty-five minutes or so. I started with an average pace of 11'14/km, and I just got my fastest pace earlier with 8'18''/km.
I haven't finished reading any book and February's almost done. I'm starting to get scared I won't reach my reading goal again this year.
I'm still undergoing physical therapy, though not as frequent as before. Now, I only have sessions once every other week.
Mel, JK, Annie, and I reported to the office last Thursday. Annie brought us their family's signature tikoy-turon.
There's a steady progress at work in the past two weeks. Compared to last December, I'm getting more tasks now.
Gerald and I didn't go on a date last Valentine's, but I did sing to him until we're both very sleepy.
We've been trying to have another e-numan session—with my friends Monica and Trish. It's just... we still can't find the right time to do so.
I've been also trying to schedule a date with the other former editors-in-chief of my college newspaper. Also unsuccessful, as of this writing.
Speaking of being an editor-in-chief, I kinda want to write some deep opinion writing some time—like those I did back in my campus journalist days. And I also plan on resuming my caricature project. I had a very small progress this year with the one next in line, but it's still far from done.
I'm thinking about organizing my blog. I mean... just adding tags on the past posts so that readers can have easy access on related blog posts. I don't have the habit of adding tags—not unless I do so intentionally. Then I would have a post I'd pin on the top of my blog as an introduction. I'd also create avatars and write short backgrounds for the most common people I mention on this blog.
I think... That's it for now.
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crackshots-a · 2 years
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(valentine’s day ( a little late! ) | @lunabrae​ )
" while i'm sure you've received plenty of these already, i do hope you'll save room for mine. " lunafreya first presents prompto with an elaborate set of assorted altissian chocolates, procured from her accompanying bag; she thought better than to greet a friend with her arms full. " and --- i suppose this was more inspired from an off-handed comment made by noctis. " she laughs. next, is a stuffed chocobo toy, with an adorable smile stuck on its face. lastly, she gently urges a large spread of sunflowers into his arms, wrapped in themed paper, accompanied by a handwritten note inside. her hand rests on his shoulder in a half-embrace, and she places a kiss on his cheek before pulling back. " happy valentine's day, prompto ! i hope you feel just as loved and appreciated every day, as today. even if it isn't demonstrated as often as it should. "
     valentine’s day was always busy. not because he was drowning in valentine’s gifts or anything, but because he would spend the day taking pictures. pictures of decorations, of fancy chocolate in even fancier cases–––– he’d even taken a few candid pictures of couples before showing them & watching their reactions like one of those cheesy videos ( that he definitely did not watch! ). gifts, even the ones in his backpack for his friends, were the last thing on his mind. 
     until he finally met up with lunafreya.
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     he bit his tongue before he could tell her that hers was the first gift of the day, & instead he allowed his attention to be stolen by her gift. he took the box of chocolates in his free hand, the other still holding his camera despite the strap around his neck. his eyes looked over the packaging, his jaw slightly dropping. ❝ these look amazing! don’t tell anyone you got me these, i don’t want to share! except with you if you want some! ❞
     he would have been more than content if that had been it. the fact that he had been thought of on this day would have been more than enough, but then luna was continuing, & his jaw dropped before his smile grew at the sight of the stuffed chocobo. he took it without question. gasping softly as he finally took in the little smile up close. ❝ he’s perfect! so fluffy! he needs a name. but, not just any random name. i gotta pick a good one! i can pick something like, uh... ❞
     his sudden trailing off had little to do with his desire to pick a nice name & everything to do with the bunch of sunflowers suddenly pushed into his arms. he finally had to relinquish his hold on his camera & let it hang from the strap around his neck, its weight against his chest nothing compared to the rapid beating of his heart as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder & kissed him on the cheek. her gifts were kind, & her words left warmth in his chest. he was sure his face was pink ( in reality, it was worse than that, a bright shade of red giving away just how flustered he was from the whole thing ), & it took him a moment before he could even think about what to say in return.
     ❝ thank you, luna. all of this...it’s––––.  ❞ a part of him wanted to say too much, but he didn’t want to sound ungrateful, & the self––––deprecating side of the statement certainly wouldn’t go unnoticed, so he let himself smile again. his original thought process derailed, he started again. ❝ i’ve never gotten anything like all of this. it’s awesome, luna. seriously!  ❞ & though he had said it once already, it was definitely worth saying again. ❝ thank you. ❞
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     prompto couldn’t help but laugh as he took another look at the chocobo. ❝ i’ll have to thank noct, too. you know, for the inspiration! ❞ & then, he was struck with a brilliant idea. ❝ i should name him after noct, right? noct or noct gar or something! whaddya think? ❞
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celestiababie · 2 years
Valentine's Special | Jeong Jaehyun
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Title: Valentine's Special
Pairings: idol!Jaehyun x idol!reader, Jaehyun x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff, established relationship, idol!au, suggestive, angst but barely any
Warnings: I'm not quite sure...comment if you think there's anything I should add
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: My favorite time of year to read is legitimately February because of all the amazing fics about Jaehyun. I've had this account for a while but I've never written anything for Jaehyun's birthday and I wanted to contribute. Happy birthday Jae! I hope all of my fellow Jaehyun lovers enjoy it. Please don't be a silent reader!
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Four months, that's how long you've been dating Jeong Jaehyun. On paper, Jaehyun was the pinnacle of a perfect man and boyfriend. He was undoubtedly handsome, intelligent, humourous, caring, and somehow humble but, you were lucky enough to see sides of him that people rarely did, flaws included. Sometimes Jaehyun was too busy, and you'd have to remind him to eat. Sometimes he was clumsy, and you'd have to warn him to be careful. Sometimes he kept all of his stress and worries locked away for the sake of his idol image. Jaehyun was a man with his own set of flaws, but you wouldn't trade him for anyone else. Maybe it was too soon to call your feelings love, but you knew you were quickly falling more and more for Jaehyun.
It wasn't easy dating a popular idol. You came from a pretty small label, in a group that wasn't too popular. So netizens were beyond shocked when they learned NCT's Jaehyun was dating you. Hate was inevitable, though you and Jaehyun persevered. Jae always reassured you that you're all he ever wanted, that you're beautiful, that he enjoys being yours.
And you enjoyed being his. As difficult as things occasionally maybe, there's something about staring deep into his warm coffee-colored eyes that made all your worries melt away. Something in the way his skin radiated as the sun rose and light crept its way through your window. There's nothing like moments shared with Jaehyun.
"Stop staring and tell me what you want to do for your birthday!" You shyly averted your gaze to find something more fascinating in your room. Despite being an idol in a group of five, you were fortunate enough to get your own space. The corners of your lips curled up in a smile as you recalled fumbling with Jaehyun in the dark on the way to your room, him knocking over the lamp in your living room, waking up each of your members.
A sudden weight on top of you pulls you out of your reminiscing, a breathy chuckle fleeing from your lips as you aimlessly try to push Jae off of you. It was no use; his workout regimen added a few pounds of muscle. He groaned and burrowed his face in the crook of your neck.
" I already told you. All I want is to do nothing all day and spend time with you. I don't mind," he mumbled against your skin. Your face scrunched as you felt his lip move with each word against your sensitive skin. With all your might, you rolled the two of you over until you were on top of him.
"This is my first time celebrating your birthday AND Valentine's day. We can do nothing next year, promise." You ended your words with a pout, hoping it would sway him, but his focus wasn't on that. A grin broke out on his face before he gently pulled you down closer to let his lips press against yours.
"Next year, huh? You want there to be a next year?" You could hear his deep and husky voice ooze with cockiness.
Pulling away from the kiss, you stare down at him with sincere eyes, " of course, why wouldn't I? I love-" Your eyes widen tremendously before the infamous three-word phase can finish. Jaehyun stares back at you with an unreadable expression, staring into nothing for a considerable amount of time that has you anxious. Four months isn't that long. Did he think it was too soon? Was it too soon? You hadn't meant to let the words slip out of your mouth, but you couldn't deny the truth the unfinished sentence had.
"Do you love me?" As much as you wished Jaehyun would snap out of his daze, now you were hoping he'd go back, his question ringing in your ears.
You did. But it was too soon, right? You didn't want to scare him off with the seriousness of an I love you so you did what any clueless and borderline dumb person would do; you pretended like it didn't happen.
" We should get ready! Maybe we can walk around a park? And get dinner? Or go to a dog cafe- you like dogs- I like dogs- it'll be great!" You frantically moved off of Jaehyun, his eyes watching you like a hawk as you began to tear your closet apart in hopes of finding an outfit.
" Y/n-" he called out.
" I found this dog cafe a week ago, and I forgot to tell you, but I didn't want to go without you." You kept your back turned away from him, too embarrassed to face him and his stupidly perfect face.
"Because you love me?" He probed once more, your emotions too high-strung to hear the smile in his voice.
You took a deep breath and finally mustered up the courage to turn around to face him. You brushed off the amused look he had on his face.
"N-no, because it would be rude of me not to bring you along as a fellow dog lover."
"So you don't love me?" Jaehyun cocked an eyebrow at you with a sly smirk as he sat up from the bed and made steps towards you. The beating of your heart amplified with each footstep, the sound resonating through your ears. Your muscles relax as his warm hands slide up your waist.
Jaehyun watched you with soft eyes as you avoided his eyes at all cost. He didn't know what was going through your head exactly, but he liked to think he knew you well enough to have an idea. Jaehyun cracked a small smile as he let go of your waist to cup the sides of your face. Leaning forward, he captured your soft lips with his, kissing you with an underlying emotion present. Your heart swelled with passion, your hands quickly reaching up to wrap around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair.
Jae's lips pulled away from you, "I know what I want for my birthday."
"Hm?" You hummed out in a post-kiss trance, drunk off of Jaehyun's lips.
"Say it."
Your arms unraveled from his neck as you pulled away from Jaehyun. Your eyes searched his momentarily, making sure he was serious. There wasn't a single trace of uncertainty in Jaehyun's eyes. Instead, you noticed a hopefulness residing in those rich pools of chocolate. Jaehyun bit down on his bottom lip in anticipation as he watched you take a deep inhale.
"I love you. A lot, Jae," you exhaled out, finally feeling a weight lifted off from your shoulders. Jaehyun broke out in a smile and quickly pulled you back into his arms, crashing his lips against yours once more. The passion he held in the kiss left you momentarily stunned, not expecting the sudden reaction. A small moan escaped from your lips once Jae sank his teeth into your bottom lip with just enough pressure. Your fingers trailed up his shirt before bunching the fabric in your grasp. So lost in the moment with Jaehyun, you mindlessly chased after his lips with a subtle whine as he pulled away.
"I love you too, Y/n."
As you open your eyes, your eyes meet the endearing sight of Jae looking down at you with nothing but pure affection in his eyes. Jaehyun loves you. He found himself falling more and more for your charming personality ever since he met you backstage at Music Bank when both of your groups were promoting. You were now a constant in his life, someone he couldn't imagine without in his life. Four months wasn't a long time, but it was long enough to know how much he loved you and cared about you.
"You should have just said that then! I was about to have a heart attack over here," you teased, your hand reaching up to push his shoulder.
Jaehyun let out his infamous hearty chuckle and placed his hands to rest on your waist as he leaned down to press soft kisses along your neckline. You bit your lip to keep a smile from creeping up on your face.
"I'm sorry, baby. I'll make it up for you."
"Jae...it's your birthday, not mine." You breathed out as he sucked on your sweet spot.
Jaehyun guided you back to the bed, pushing you down before climbing on top of you. He held himself up by placing his hands on either side of your face. He leaned down and kissed up your neck until he reached your ear.
Your breath hitched as you felt his whispers fan against your ear.
"But it is Valentine's day, baby."
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Don't be a silent reader! And happy birthday to our Valentine's boy ❤
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