#[ honestly I've seen way bigger blogs with way WAY more complicated themes and they don't get asked this much. ]
spiderwarden · 27 days
where are your rules
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one of three whole easily acceptable links in my theme, Nonnie. I believe in you.
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laidbare-a · 3 years
1, 4, 18
Mun questions || Accepting!
1. What is your favorite trope to rp?
I think everyone's noticed I'm addicted to angst and hurt/comfort so I don't need to go into those. But one I always find myself drawn to and have for probably a solid decade now??? The 'sweet polly oliver' trope; when a female identifying character has to pass as male for one reason or another, usually to protect herself and/or a loved one.
I feel like I haven’t ever really done it justice and it just doesn't work in settings where there's no conflict in relation to gender or sexualities... which, to me, are honestly really dull settings? Or they sure can be. I get not wanting to deal with that stuff in fictional settings because you're tired of experiencing it irl, but like... for me personally I like to explore things like this in situations where I actually have control, lol. And this trope is one way I can safely explore it. I feel like it's something that can resonate with all kinds of women and that's really important! Things like this and g/enderbending in general are really important tools for exploring complicated things in fandom spaces!
I don't even know how to really put into words why I like it so much? But some of my favorite facets I've seen in stories using this trope would be the idea of keeping a deep ‘dark’ secret by any means necessary, the way the character feels the need to isolate themselves bc they feel guilty like every bond they have is fake because it's under false pretenses. And then when inevitably they reveal the truth to a loved one and they're not turned away??? and now they have someone who they know knows the real them and who has their back and it's just them against the world??? ok actually writing all this down now I do realize why I like it so much lol it's. relatable.
But then you get the bits where like... the reveal doesn't go well. and then everything starts crashing down and there's so much betrayal and it's. oof. that's something I actually have to be in just the right mindset to actually handle, but other than that??? this is definitely way up there among my all time favorite tropes. If you squint I'm sure my love for this trope and similar ones shows a little in how I portray Sanctus, tbh. I would definitely love an au/plot that plays off this trope involving Sanctus.
4. What old character would you love to bring back?
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LUKE HARVESTMOON, MY BELOVED. Admittedly I didn't play him much back on my old multi, but every so often he kicks down the door to my brain and throws an absolute smash hit of a party before leaving to climb a tree and scream to the world how much he loves his friends. He's SO much fun and just SUCH a great mindset to get into. I think a big thing that I keep tripping up over is the fact that, yknow, Bo is an important character but my bo is pretty far removed from the original harvest moon bo, and I don't really... know how to handle it. I know I'm definitely overthinking it but I still just get so confused and thats why I still have yet to make Luke his own blog and play him again.
edit: and another character important to my luke is Wizard Gale. My depiction of Wizard morphed into Scholar over all these years and I keep confusing myself as to how a decidedly unmorphed luke would even work w/ everyone. Especially when I went and complicated things further by making a hisui!au Luke one of Scholar’s ye old friends and just. ??????? what am I doing. how do I make all of this understandable
18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
me. why can I not be as active as I want to be???
jokes aside, more accessibility! Less formatting! Bigger themes and fonts! I struggle with reading comprehension and migraines and having to squint and decipher every post doesn't help!
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