#[ fists flying up in the air; like we're holding onto something; that's invisible there: aesthetics ]
chesmcbadbat · 4 years
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TASK 005:::….. Digging Deeper
QUOTE: "Nobody makes a fool out of Chester McBadbat! ...Except for the school system, the government, and every girl I've ever met!"
NAME: Chester Fullerton McBadBat NICKNAMES: Chesnut, Loser, Loser #2, Timmy’s friend, Chessy, Ches, Hick AGE: 23 GENDER: Male PRONOUNS: He/Him
PARENTS: Bucky McBadBat and Ms. McBadBat SIBLINGS: None
FACE CLAIM: Lucas Till HEIGHT: 5′10″ HAIR COLOR: Blonde/Dirty Blonde EYE COLOR: Turquoise DOMINANT HAND: Right  PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: None LEARNING DISABILITIES: Is a slow learner and might actually be dyslectic but doesn’t know it. ALLERGIES: None DISORDERS: None FASHION: Flannels, old jeans and mud covered boots.
HOME/APARTMENT/DORM/OTHER: Living in an RV with his Pops. PLACE OF BIRTH: New Jesery METHOD OF TRAVEL: Walking since he is too poor and cheap to buy himself a car, even a used up one. PETS: A Possum FURTHEST EDUCATION: Currently in his junior year of college and is majoring in construction
CAREER: Workings as part of the waitstaff within Pixar Manor and is a nightshift bartender within the Snuggly Duckling Bar. Also takes part-time jobs here and there whenever available throughout the island.
DRUGS/ALCOHOL USE: Drinks alcohol and probably taken drugs in the past before too.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Demiromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual AVAILABILITY: Taken and currently dating Fawn Goodwin who is crazy enough to actually want to be with him. LANGUAGES: English, and barely so sometimes. 
PHOBIAS: GIRLS!! At least, before he met Fawn. HOBBIES: Hanging out with his friends, working, reading comic books, and playing baseball (but he pretends like he doesn’t like it or that he isn’t good at it). SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook & Instagram, but only uses it whenever he is at school or going through Timmy’s or AJ’s phone/laptop.
LOCATION: His RV and wherever Fawn is. GAMES: Anything with the Crimson Chin or Crash Nebula in it MUSIC: Anything country and rock based. SHOWS/MOVIES: Action, thrillers and comedies FOOD: Everything and anything because damn, this boy isn’t about to be picky about what he consumed and so they are all his favorite. BEVERAGE: Same as favorite food, every beverage is his favorite.  COLOR: Green
MORAL ALIGNMENT: It’s a tie between Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Good
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chesmcbadbat · 4 years
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Name: Chester Fullerton McBadBat Age: Twenty-Three Date of Birth: May 9, 1997 Sun: Taurus  Ascendant: Sagittarius  Moon: Cancer Positive Traits: Open, Frank, Outgoing and Honest, Loves to Savor Enjoyable Times, Affectionate and Evan-Tempered, Straightforward, Enjoys Being Outdoors Negative Traits: Slow to Forgive, Smothering, Desperate Need to be Loved and Wanted and Needed, Has The Tendency to Become Placid and Self-Satisfied
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chesmcbadbat · 5 years
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Tag dump 
[ this is not the end; this is not the beginning; just a voice like a riot; rocking every revision: about ] [ but you listen to the tone and the violent rhythm; and though the words sound steady; something empty's within ‘em: interactions ] [ fists flying up in the air; like we're holding onto something; that's invisible there: aesthetics ] [ cause we're living at the mercy of the pain and the fear until we tell it; forget it; let it all disappear: queue ] [ waiting for the end to come; wishing i had strength to stand; this is not what i had planned; it's out of my control: musings ] [ flying at the speed of light; thoughts were spinning in my head; so many things were left unsaid: gossip ] [ it's hard to let you go; i know what it takes to move on: mentioned ] [ holding on to what i haven't got; sitting in an empty room; trying to forget the past; this was never meant to last: visage ] [ i know what it takes to move on; i know how it feels to lie; all i wanna do is trade this life for something new: headcanons ] [ holding on to what i haven't got; yeah; yeah; what was left when that fire was gone?: asks ] [ with fists flying up in the air; like we're holding onto something; that's invisible there: submit ] [ i thought it felt right but that right was wrong; all caught up in the eye of the storm: playlist ] [ and trying to figure out what it's like moving on; and i don't even know what kind of things I've said: memes ] [ my mouth kept moving and my mind went dead; so; picking up the pieces, now where to begin?: drabbles ] [ the hardest part of ending is starting again; all i wanna do is trade this life for something new: task ] [ i know how it feels to lie; all i wanna do is trade this life for something new: ooc ]
#[ this is not the end; this is not the beginning; just a voice like a riot; rocking every revision: about ]#[ but you listen to the tone and the violent rhythm; and though the words sound steady; something empty's within ‘em: interactions ]#[ fists flying up in the air; like we're holding onto something; that's invisible there: aesthetics ]#[ cause we're living at the mercy of the pain and the fear until we tell it; forget it; let it all disappear: queue ]#[ waiting for the end to come; wishing i had strength to stand; this is not what i had planned; it's out of my control: musings ]#[ flying at the speed of light; thoughts were spinning in my head; so many things were left unsaid: gossip ]#[ it's hard to let you go; i know what it takes to move on: mentioned ]#[ holding on to what i haven't got; sitting in an empty room; trying to forget the past; this was never meant to last: visage ]#[ i know what it takes to move on; i know how it feels to lie; all i wanna do is trade this life for something new: headcanons ]#[ holding on to what i haven't got; yeah; yeah; what was left when that fire was gone?: asks ]#[ with fists flying up in the air; like we're holding onto something; that's invisible there: submit ]#[ i thought it felt right but that right was wrong; all caught up in the eye of the storm: playlist ]#[ and trying to figure out what it's like moving on; and i don't even know what kind of things I've said: memes ]#[ my mouth kept moving and my mind went dead; so; picking up the pieces now where to begin?: drabbles ]#[ the hardest part of ending is starting again; all i wanna do is trade this life for something new: task ]#[ i know how it feels to lie; all i wanna do is trade this life for something new: ooc ]
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