#[ also amusing because Hayley has 0 idea that she's currently pregnant which is funny to me lol ]
badasshybridqueen · 5 years
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she spots the sign for the bar almost immediately upon entering the quarter - good old New Orleans. after everything Klaus had told her, Hayley had left Mystic Falls nearly right away and made her way to the Crescent City. with a fresh lead on where she might find something about her family or where she came from - the wolf set off towards the bar. jazz poured through the streets, the scent of a dozen different rich foods hitting her nose, made her stomach grumble. but she kept her course to the bar, pushing the doors open and stepping inside. the atmosphere inside was loud as well - most bars were - she makes her way straight to the bar and slides onto one of the stools, smiling at the bartender. when the woman comes over to her and shrugs out of her jacket and rests it on the back of the chair, not noticing the man sitting beside her glance over in her direction. “Can I get a beer?” the woman nodded and turned to grab one for her before sliding it over to the brunette.
► @tofeelthecold​ Plotted Things [ for Damon ]
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