#[ * FUYUMI. | HC ↳ if there's a light at the end ;  it's just the sun in your eyes ]
galaxiasus-a · 2 years
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HAPPINESS. — being unable to stop smiling. laughter. bear hugs. happy tears. waving arms around.  dancing. contently sighing.  eyes twinkling. laugh lines.  childlike playfulness.  skipping. talking more.  affection.  cracking more jokes than usual.  gesturing more when talking. higher pitched voice.  squealing.  jumping around.  clapping.
SADNESS. —  tearing up.   self hugging.  one-arm cross. an aching chest. scratchy throat.  a runny nose. turning away.  deep breaths. quivery smiles. crying. infantile sobbing.  hands gripping each other or an object.  covering mouth. puffy eyes. eyes appear red.  voice breaking. a distant or empty stare.  monotone voice. asking for comfort. faking a smile. crumbling. shaking. whimpering.  depression.  abusing an unhealthy habit. withdrawing from others.  big teary eyes. doing something even if it could hurt them.
ANGER. — furrowed brows. baring teeth.  passive-aggressive comments. avoiding eye contact.  sarcasm.   headache. sore muscles. hiding clenched fists. irritability.  jumping to conclusions. raising voice. going silent. demanding immediate action.  keeping it all in until exploding. body tensing. making risky decisions.  middle finger.
FEAR. — wanting to flee or hide.  what-ifs.  images of what-could-be flashing in mind. uncontrollable trembling. rapid breathing. screaming. a skewed sense of time. irritability. keeping silent. denying fear. turning away from the cause.  pretending to be brave. nail-biting.  lip-biting.   scratching skin.  a joking tone but a voice that cracks. fainting. insomnia. panic attacks. exhaustion. substance abuse.  tics.  rushing adrenaline.  face draining of colour.  hair lifting on the back of the neck. feeling rooted to the spot.  making body as small as possible.  staring but not seeing. crying. a shrill voice. whispering. gripping something or someone.  stuttering.  flinching at noises. pleading.
EXHAUSTION. eyes.  mood swings.  hallucinations. calling people by the wrong name. dizziness.  denying they’re tired. slow blinking. trouble concentrating.  stumbling. leaning on a doorframe for support. sluggish movements. falling asleep someplace that isn’t a bed. becoming irritated by the smallest things.   “i’m awake, i’m fine.” shaking so bad they spill their drink. fall asleep in their clothes. lay their head on the table because they’re so tired. passing out.
tagged by: tagged by @amnesiaeon​ loser
tagging: steal from me!
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koris-crumbs · 4 years
Tea With The Todorokis:
A Todokami/Dabihawks story
Suggested by @camys1984
‘I have a todokami hc that's like, shouto and touya have sibling bonding time talking bout the energetic blonds they like, while neither the league or 1A knows.’
A/N: Sorry for taking so long with this request! I’ve been pretty busy the past couple weeks. Feel free to make more requests on this post, or go back to the original one!
Warnings: Cursing
It was cold. Even with half of his body feeling like it was practically on fire (which it was), Shoto still somehow felt cold. It made sense why, it was the end of November and it had been raining for the past couple days. Not cold enough for snow, but not warm enough for sun. Well...it was nighttime at the moment, but you get the picture. Now, you might be wondering what the hell Shoto was doing walking down the streets of Musutafu at eight ‘o clock at night, by himself, in the cold. The flickering light that came from the few streetlights was the only thing illuminating Shotos path, the streets empty as most people were waiting out the cruddy weather in their own homes. Probably everybody except for Todoroki.
To get to the main point, Shoto didn’t even want to be out here in the first place. The only reason he was out here is mainly because it would help him clear his mind, he had a lot of thoughts streaming in and out of his head...some of them more intrusive then others. You see, a certain electric blonde had managed to be occupying all the space in his brain. Yup, that electric blonde being the one and only Denki Kaminari. Shoto hadn’t even realized how it happened, hadn’t even taken notice of the times when he was staring long-fully across the classroom or the dorms at Denki. Brushed off the times when he found his mind drifting to thoughts of the bubbly, loud giggle of the human pikachu look-a-like. He had pushed his actual feelings down so much, that when he finally realized they might be a little less platonic then he originally thought, his brain just froze. Along with his entire right side.
Once he was aware of how he really felt for his extroverted and outspoken classmate, he didn’t know how to act around Kaminari anymore. It’s not like he was super close with the boy, at least he didn’t think so..? Denki usually just teased him the same amount he teased everybody else. Except for his friends that were dubbed the ‘Bakusquad’. That got Shoto thinking even harder about the subject. Was Kaminari...romantically involved with anyone? Kirishima? Sero? Hell, even Bakugo would make more sense than him getting with Shoto of all people. A dark feeling started boiling up from deep inside of Todoroki. He didn’t realize what it was at first, but then recognized it as the feeling of jealousy. It wasn’t something Shoto felt a lot, and it definitely wasn’t something he wanted to feel all the time. It made him feel...bad. Not that he hasn’t ever felt bad before. He definitely has. But, this was a different kind of bad. Jealousy was a different kind of bad...
“Something on your mind, little brother?” A deep, gravelly voice grumbled out from behind one of the nearby Japanese Maple trees. Oh. Right. There was another reason he had ventured out of the dorms this late at night. And that reason had been because of his hot-headed older brother. Touya Todoroki. Or as most of the world knew him, Dabi. To make a long story short, Touya had faked his death, lied to the entire family and had the world believing he was deceased. Going by the alias Dabi, and ‘becoming a villain’, although he knew better. The whole world believed it except for a chosen few who knew the truth. Those being Shoto, obviously, and the number two hero, Hawks. The only reason Hawks knows is because him and Shoto’s brother had gotten rather...close recently. Touya hasn’t clarified if they were romantic with each other, but it was clear that they were involved. Todoroki didn’t really feel the needy to ask about it, and really didn’t want to hear his own flesh and blood talk about how...intimate him and Hawks got. Shoto had learned enough about Touya to know that he wouldn’t hesitate in going into extreme detail about those sorts of things...
“You’ve been quiet for a while, so I’m gonna take that as a yes.” He drawled sarcastically. Pushing himself off of the tree from his position where he had been leaning against it. He shuffled up next to the heterochromic-colored eyed boy, bumping Shoto’s arm with his. The younger brother knew he had flinched, it was still weird to think that the guy who had literally kidnapped one of his best friends only a few months ago, had secretly been his brother and wasn’t even a villain technically. More like a vigilante if anything. Todoroki wasn’t gonna sugarcoat it, he knew him and his brother needed to discuss a lot more than the shit they had briefly touched on before. Shoto definitely had mixed feelings about his brother right now, but he couldn’t touch on them at the moment. Since Touya has decided teasing Shoto was his new favorite past time.
“Or...perhaps a someone-?”
“Oh shut it.” Todoroki immediately shut down Touyas jab at him. Which made the black haired males eyes gleam curiously and mischievously. A grin spreading across his face, which caused his scar to stretch in a way that made my skin crawl. Although I couldn’t really say much either.
“Oh-ho-ho, you definitely are. So, who is it? Midoriya? Bakugo? Maybe Yaoyorozu-?”
“Shut. Up.” Shoto hissed. Elbowing his older brother in the ribs. He had to admit, this was...nice. Most of Shotos family didn’t really know how to take jokes, to be fair neither did Shoto, but Touya was different. Fuyumi always treated him as a fragile little boy who would break if she said the wrong thing to him. Natsuo was hardly ever home, and the conversations they had on the phone were more like, ‘so how has school been? How’s the weather there? Etc, etc.’ they couldn’t do any joking with each other. Dad was...well, dad. And mom and him still hadn’t really gotten to that level of familiarity quite yet. Touya was the only one who he could talk to like this...the only one who would understand. Even if he wasn’t a hero, hell, he could hardly even be considered good...Shoto understood Touya. And Touya could understand him without either of them having to exchange words. So maybe...maybe he would understand this feeling that Shoto has been feeling more recently. He has experience right? With Hawks?
...It was better than asking dad.
“Touya..?” Shoto started, shoving his hands in his pockets as the two started walking side by side once again. Their shoes scraping against the concrete roughly as the two of them were dragging their feet, probably both needing to talk about something. Todoroki could physically feel his brother bristle up a bit at the usage of his real name. Being called by his fake name this entire time, it made sense why.
“What.” He responded dully. Almost as if he was bored of this conversation already. Shoto briefly wondered again if this was a bad idea. If his brother was going to be a dick about this...was it really worth it? “Spit it out, Shoto.” Touya piped up again, snapping his younger brother out of his thoughts. Shoto hesitated for another moment or so before taking a deep breath, and beginning to spill his thoughts.
“Is it normal...to feel attracted to someone you hardly know..?” Shoto asked softly, his voice barely a whisper. He didn’t like how his brother was quiet for more than a minute, it definitely didn’t calm the growing pit in his stomach. If he really had feelings for Kaminari, and Touya didn’t have anything to offer him, he was gonna be completely lost on how to make a move.
“Yeah. Attraction is totally normal. If the person looks good especially. This doesn’t seem like that though...this seems more involved. You’re romantically interested in someone it seems like...you have feelings for em.” Touya explained with a small grin on his face, staring ahead at the road in front of them. Shoto was surprised his brother had actually given him a decent word of advice. As he thought about what he had said for a bit longer, Shoto realized Touya was right. His feelings for Denki hadn’t been just a little, ‘oh he looks good’, he was attracted to the electric blondes personality. Some saw it as annoying, Shoto found it endearing. Some found Denkis constant flirting a nuisance, while Shoto wished the other male would flirt with him instead of everybody else. Huh.
Oh fuck...he had feelings for Denki fucking Kaminari...
“...Ah, okay...” Shoto awkwardly mumbled in response to his brother giving him a questioning look. He had probably been silent for too long again...he should change the subject, quick, quick. “So, I’m assuming you’ve experienced this before..?” Shoto asked quietly. Yes, he had an idea of who it was that his brother was involved with, but he just wanted to make sure he had it right and wasn’t thinking about things too much. Flashbacks of when he accused Midoriya of being All Mights secret love child flashed through his brain...which in his defense kind of made sense, but still.
“Well yeah, no shit. You think I would tell the number two hero who I actually was if I wasn’t involved with them in some way?” Touya snapped back sarcastically. The older male crossing his arms, which let Shoto get a better view of the rest of the burns and scars that were occupying Touyas arms. Snapping his gaze back forward, he thought about what his brother had just revealed. He knew there was a pretty good chance Touya had been romantically connected with the hero, but hearing it come straight from the others mouth was a whole different thing. “...He’s honestly my lifeline, Sho. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t met him when I did...the League isn’t exactly a friendly environment to sit down and talk about how you miss your family and don’t really wanna be doing that kind of shit anymore just for kicks...” Touya continued. And Shoto listened intently. Happy that him and his brother were finally discussing something. It seemed like that was all Touya had the guts to share though, since he stopped talking soon after that. Shoto was also silent for a few moments, before finally speaking up again.
“Well, Hawks is a good person to be around. He annoys the hell out of dad as well, that’s a plus.” The half and half male attempted to joke. Only earning a slight chuckle from his older brother, before the two fell back into their awkward silence. God, this felt so weird...at the same time though, it felt familiar. Like they were just normal siblings talking about their crushes to each other. Shoto knew that Touya only focused on most of the ‘stronger’ people in his class. Bakugo, Midoriya, Tokoyami, etc...so he may not know who Kaminari was...it was fine to drop at least a couple hints...right? “...The guy I like is really loud, can be considered annoying, but he’s really sweet. And determined. He thinks he’s weak and is always striving to get better, but he’s already gotten so strong. It’s amazing how much potential he has, he just needs to realize that.” Shoto ranted. Running his hand through his multicolored hair. He couldn’t read the look on Touyas face from this angle, but he could definitely make out the slight upturn in his lips and the slight huff of laughter that escaped from his brothers mouth.
“Sounds like this guy is pretty great. But, he doesn’t sound like any of the little bitches I’ve met before in your class.” “Don’t call them that. And, that’s because you haven’t met him. And, I swear to god Touya if you go seek him out purposely and do the whole ‘older brother interrogation’ thing I’m never visiting you again.” Shoto growled in a low, warning tone. Touya raised his hands up in a surrendering sort of gesture. Shaking his head in response as he snorted.
“Calm down, I wasn’t planning on it. I’m definitely not risking getting caught right now.” Touya said in response to Shoto getting defensive. To which the younger of the two seemed to relax a bit more, quieting down and focusing his gaze onto the ground. He could practically feel Touyas icy turquoise eyes staring a hole into him, almost as if he was studying him. To which Shoto merely raised his eyebrow in response, giving his older brother a questioning look. That caused Touya to chuckle a bit, and quickly gaze back upon the road instead of at Shoto. “All I’m saying is, you sound really sure about this guy. If you really do feel that way about it, then you should do something about it.” “But-“ “Don’t give me the ‘I don’t know how to talk to people excuse’. If I can get a boyfriend of all people, so can you.” Touya said, and for once in his life, Shoto heard absolutely no hesitation in his voice. He was serious about this. And, as Shoto looked over to see his brother, he was met with Touya staring right back at him, a small smile and a sincere look in his eyes. Only having to receive a small nod from Touya, Shoto felt the corners of his lips quirk upwards.
“Fine, maybe I will.”
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
once you're stripped clean, what's at your core
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rippling sunset
you’re the nicest person i’ll ever meet, probably. with an undying passion to protect those who can’t protect themselves, you’re energetic and bubbly to a fault. it’s cute, watching you run around trying to tie up loose ends. i feel bad for you — out of everyone you know, you probably have some of the deepest trauma, more than anyone’s aware of. this isn’t something that you want attention for at all, and you’d really just rather forget it exists at all… even then, it seems like you can never escape it. i wish you a pleasant rest of your life, full of rippling sunsets and free of prying eyes.
tagged by: @zorkaya​ mwah
tagging: steal it!
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
my sad headcanon for the week is even reaching towards ew fuyumi still hasnt properly grieved over haurch.efant bc after his death she kept getting dragged around and taking care of other things. she only got to visit his grave twice and that isnt even for her to accept hes gone and move past it
and anytime she gets to breathe after that shes too busy processing trauma that has happened since then or mourning another person’s death :’) any mention of him or his famous quote sends her to tears immediately
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
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me, logging onto xiv for the first time in a whole year: what the fuck is going on in this story
until I properly update my carrd heres a very quick rundown of my main WoL, Fuyumi!
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°• ♔ •°  THE STORY
Left orphaned by the conflicts of Garlemald, she spent some years of her life alone in the woods of Gridania. Hearing of its reputation of living in peaceful harmony, she aims for Old Gridania. There she was taken under the wing of Mother Miounne, who encouraged her to join any of the Guilds available, even outside of Gridania. Despite her young age, she was helpful with even the most difficult of tasks, this coming into play when she hears about an odd pair being suspicious in the Twelveswood.
°• ♔ •°  THE HEALER
She at first started as a Thaumaturge, being heavily interested in magic. While she enjoyed the training and the spells that came with it she very soon came to realized that it simply wasn’t for her. So she returns to her home in Gridania and turns to the next best option of a magic user; a Conjurer. That was where it all clicked for her. Her nature to help others blended well with being a White Mage, making it a class she heavily relies on. However perhaps she is a bit too giving.. Her connection to the rest of the party makes her panic whenever someone on the team takes damage and thus wastes MP on things that are better to be saved for later. It’s one of her fatal flaws and one she continues to work on as she adapts more to the class and her true role in a party.
She is what others describe either as a sweetheart or annoyingly optimistic.
Fuyumi is the epitome of a sunshine child. She is rarely ever seen without a smile on her face, taking scenarios with as much of an optimistic viewpoint as she possibly can. She prefers seeing the bright side of things, finding hope in the darkest corners when things seem so bleak. Even going as far as to be blunt on personal things with a genuine happy tone in her voice.
She believes her purpose is to spread joy to others, making them feel better and giving them reasons to continue on with their tasks and missions. She’s always there to lend an ear, believing in them when they have no one else to go to. The type who would hug her remaining companions and friends before she leaves on a dangerous mission in case something were to happen. The type who rarely ever says no, if she has a package to deliver then she would take it without second thought and be off before she’s told where exactly she needed to be. Energetic, playful, curious, though knows when to be quiet whenever one is speaking on important matters and takes everything that they say to heart. Overall a child who refuses to let the gravity of things get in the way of her fun and need to explore her surroundings.
This attitude proves beneficial; she rarely gets knocked down permanently, getting blows from fights yet continues on with little hesitation in the name of protecting those she cares about. However when the worst happens, it hits her incredibly hard, her optimism shattering whenever there is any form of a quiet moment. She wears her heart on her sleeve, so it would be incredibly easy to tell when she’s not at her 100%. It takes weeks for it to be rebuilt, and she feels weaker due to this. Her naivety makes her believe that those exhibit good are in fact good at heart, making her at risk to get stabbed in the back later on if a person takes her kindness for granted.
°• ♔ •°  MISC THINGS
Secondary jobs: Ninja and Black Mage. Really wants to take up a bard class because she always loved Bard music.
Younger than most WoLs (16), making her work extra hard to prove her worth, especially when some would use her age as a reason to keep her from doing anything too dangerous
Has the biggest crush on Alphinaud that deserves its own post but basically she seems him as the Disney-like prince to her princess and would do anything for him especially if it made him happy (those who write him don’t have to reciprocate these feelings, but she may give hints about her liking him)
An avid minion collector, sometimes to a fault because she would throw herself into danger, rummage through chests hoping to be rewarded one. Her favorite is the fat cat minion given to her by her mentor
Has a very hard time saying no to things, but rarely feels bothered by even the meaningless of tasks anyways
Wanting to be like her parent, she took up cooking, which led her to other hobbies such as gathering and fishing. She can make plenty of decent meals but much enjoys baking above all else
Has a habit of getting attached to adults that reminded her in any way of her parents; including Minfilia, Haurchefant, and Ser Aymeric.
Her Chocobo is named Zak, named after a childhood toy that she lost during the Garlemald conflict.
She is constantly wearing a yellow scarf. It was a present from her father, however after the events of Heavensward she sees the scarf as holding a deeper meaning than before.
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
when im not so brain foggy maybe ill go more in depth into this but fuyu is completely and utterly terrified of z.enos not many things scare her to complete death but he sure is one of them
a lot of it stems from the fact that something just isnt right with him in her eyes. hes cold blooded, merciless killer that wouldnt hesitate taking down his own men. fuyumi simply cant understand how any living creature with a heart could act in such a cruel and empty manner. shes encountered many “villains” throughout the story but all of them seemed to have some sort of motivation. a goal. something that made them this way. but zenos doesnt seem to have that... he just does it. because he enjoys the thrill of it. she cant fathom there ever being something like that but hes real and thats TERRIFYING for her. seeing his face or hearing his name just feels her with a type of dread that makes it difficult to hide
there is so many things happening but nothing puts the fear in her the way zenos does. he can easily overpower her, the “hero”, if he really wants to. he can take away everything and everyone he ever loved if he wanted to. he can cause thousands of atrocities in the sidelines without so much as a blink. that is scary to her. hes the boogeyman that would lurk in the shadows and make her fear the dark.
his “final” words to her haunt her since that day. it was the first time that she ever doubted herself or her abilities. because if she is the hero that everyone claims her to be, why on earth would a creature like him ever say those things to her? her worst fear is ever becoming a monster, that monster now has a face and name on it, and he turns it around back at her and says that theyre similar. it makes her question herself on if she actually doing this for good, if shes helping people in the end, and if she really is the “hero” here. she wonders if what he said was actually true, because there shouldnt be any similarities between him and her. but he says there are. he called her a friend, and it makes her sick to her stomach
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
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the supporter
oh gentle comrade, you know what it takes to make others shine. you live your life assisting others to reach their goals, but many say you are lackluster and unnecessary. but alas, do we need the stars any less for their dim light helps the moon glow brighter! you are warm inside and out, perhaps made of sunshine one might ask? but I can see you are as weary and worn as the hero you so desperately cling to. your purpose is to serve? Is it not? it's those moments of undying loyalty that make your bones ring true with honor. "I am right beside you," you whisper, for unlike the ones who lie through their teeth you will be with your ally through joy, through heart ache, through death. it is a difficult thing to gain your trust back if one has shattered it though, you are forgiving yes? you give many chances, but alas, one can only look away from a wrong doing so long. you can't exactly turn your other cheek as once wrings a blade through your middle. you are made of a steadfast heartbeat and a tired, knowing smile. you bring solace to the aching, and comfort to the wronged. but what happens when your protagonist loses? what happens when your valiant heroes fail you? will you pick up a sword and vanquish their enemy or will you wait patiently for yet another savior to appear and save the day? one must live long enough to see their heroes die. but are you brave enough to take their place? the only strings that bind you to your oaths of subservience are your own doubts. "am I good enough?" they whisper in your ears. you answer that yourself love. for the only difference between the paladin and the stable boy are mettle. it is not the question of can you be a hero. it is simply, will you be?
tagged by: @zorkaya​ mwah! tagging: @tximidity​, @tvrningout​, @rotshope​, @enamorose​ <3
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
♡ for fuyumiiiiiii I wanna see
CONTINUE > LOAD FILE // PRE-EST (accepting)  
File Name: @zorkaya
i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to my muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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galaxiasus-a · 2 years
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      No amount of blankets is going to change the fact that you’re still falling apart inside, that it feels like everything you’ve ever done wrong is crawling underneath your skin, that you feel like there’s something wrong with you but everyone says that it’s fine, you’re fine, it’s all going to end up okay but you can’t change anything, no, it’s not in your control, they say. They’re wrong. You deserve to get better. Don’t you? Aren’t you tired of the bags under your eyes, of the weight on your shoulders? You have a hard time figuring out which relationships are toxic because they’re so fundamentally ingrained into your personality - or so you think - and you don’t know quite how to take care of yourself. You want to touch the stars but you’re so stuck in your problems rather than your dreams it feels like drowning, not flying, and it’s hard to tell the difference between the two feelings of weightlessness.
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