#[ 'when the raven flies.' - twisted wonderland ]
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monochrome-chaos · 1 year ago
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"I'm goin' to say this now.. I dinnae trust Rollo as far as I kin' throw him. I've dealt with enough demons in my life to know how tae' read people.. and he gives me all the wrong vibes." The human scoffed. The city was pretty, but he knew looks could always be deceiving...
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monochrome-chaos · 4 months ago
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"He's got.. a very dry way of teachin'." Alacai winced as the Professor was mentioned. He knew each one had their own 'style' and while he didn't really do well with.. any of them. Trien was by far the worst offender in putting the human to sleep on a daily basis. It was hard to pay attention or care about a subject he had no attachment to.
But at the same time, he had no choice but to choke it all back while the Headmage ever.. so slowly.. 'worked' on a fix to his predicament. All while also juggling Grim's habits of also slacking off.
"It is borin', yer' right." At least she wasn't judging him as if he was a bad student. Unlike some people might. At least she was understanding that maybe Trien's methods don't work for everyone.
But her question did give him pause to think. Did he like reading? The short answer was 'kind of'.. the long answer though, as she clarified.
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"I hate textbooks. I had enough of em' back home. Dry, borin', n' it was even worse when it was all about business n' marketin'." A small glimpse into what his world was like. More of a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things.
"Stories though.. I enjoy those far more. In fact, it's what get me engaged in a game too. If tha' story is good then I pay more attention, remember more things." He shrugged his shoulders as he watched her close the textbook.
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Kira gave a hint of a chuckle at his words. Honestly, she was grateful it was Alacai she was tutoring instead of one of the more rude students at this school. The two of them had interacted a few times already, so Kira knew by now that Alacai was a good person. After all, he was friends with her dear house warden.
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"I've been told before that some people simply struggle in Professor Trein's class, not with the material itself," Kira explained. "Perhaps it's a mixture between being distracted by Lucius' meowing and simply finding the professor's words to be rather boring. Regardless, it's not necessarily a reflection of you."
She opened up one of the textbooks that she brought with her. "The way I see it, history of magic is like fairytales... Especially when it comes to the history of fae magic." She set the textbook back down and raised her head, although not enough to see past her hood. "To begin with... Do you like reading, Alacai? I don't mean textbooks. I mean, do you like stories?"
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sanctum-of-ramshackle · 2 years ago
“I am…You know who I am”
[TWST AU]: What if MC/Yuu was an Iron Man fan and a genius engineer who created their own iron suit?
[Gender Neutral MC/Yuu]
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, MC/Yuu is this variant of Iron Man and they are titled as “Iron Force” in Twisted Wonderland.
[TW]: Some cursing
[(A/N)]: Hi everyone. It’s been quite some time since I posted TWST magic. I have been busy with IRL stuff and working on non-TWST ideas on my main blog (@swiftyangx12). I unexpectedly took a break from the fandom, but slowly getting back into business and honestly, I miss my boys...
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[AC/DC - Back in Black]
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Alright, let’s see how this goes…
MC/Yuu was a huge fan of Iron Man and an aspiring genius engineer back in their home world.
After hearing about Stark’s sacrifice, they felt devastated that their idol passed on.
They coped by studying and building inventions, motivating themselves to honor their role model.
Then one day as they were walking to school in New York, something happened.
At first, they were exiting from their usual coffee shop and the next thing you know, they’re confined into darkness.
MC/Yuu: Alright. Not the weirdest thing since being dusted away for five years.
After feeling their surroundings to escape from their imprisonment, they heard somebody chatting about how heavy the door is to open up.
Then after blazing fire hued in blue, blew up the the door and this triggers MC/Yuu’s iron suit (with the latest nanotechnology) to encase them, activated to confront what was a danger to their safety.
When they’re revealed to Grim, he got scared. Because it’s not everyday to see someone in an iron suit and he just screamed as a reaction.
MC/Yuu holds out their hand ready to blast away whatever that creature was.
MC/Yuu: What the hell are you? A talking cat? Raccoon? A demonic alien from another dimension?
Grim: I’m neither of those! I am “The Great Grim”!
MC/Yuu: Who? Look, buddy. I think I got kidnapped and was somehow dragged here. I need to find my way out. *Activates their boosters and flies out of the room*
Grim: Hey wait! *Chases after them*
They basically flew out of the academy and toured around the whole world having to realize they’re not on their Earth anymore.
Then MC/Yuu return back to NRC, clumsily landed in during the Dorm Sorting Ceremony.
Every student was startled by a stranger in an iron suit.
Grim unceremoniously barged into the room.
Grim: You’ll never escape from The Great Grim!
MC/Yuu: Okay. *Holds their blaster up aiming at the menace*
Then Crowley came rushing in, putting a stop to the whole mess.
Crowley: Seize your fighting!
MC/Yuu: Uhh…Who are you? *Powering down their blaster and opens up their mask*
Crowley: I am Dire Crowley, Headmaster of Night Raven College.
MC/Yuu: …J.A.R.V.I.S., scan him.
Crowley: What-
After the chaos was settled, Crowley dragged MC/Yuu to his office for them to explain their dilemma. They also explained what they can offer for NRC with upgrades around the area.
Oh! Grim is still with MC/Yuu because after he listened to what they can do, he decided to be the greatest mage with technological advances.
Grim: MC/Yuu, who are you always talking to?
MC/Yuu: My A.I. assistant. They’re called J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0, “Just A Really Very Intelligent System, but as my own version.” He helps me hypothesize possible outcomes when testing my inventions, and assist fighting bad guys by my side.
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: I’m also their assistant for daily tasks and reminders. Grim, you and MC/Yuu are scheduled by Headmaster Crowley to pick up supplies for the upcoming NRC’s annual Magift Games at 7 p.m.
Grim: No way! I don’t wanna do chores.
MC/Yuu: You get to ride with me in my iron suit.
Grim: Oh yeah, I forgot. Let’s go!
MC/Yuu: What kind of power source I can use around this world? *Snaps their fingers* A Mage Stone. Crowley, by any chance, are there other magical crystals back in that Dwarf Mine?
Crowley: There are, but I mustn’t let you go there since it was closed due to a “monster” you fought last time.
MC/Yuu: Alright. I’m still getting that power source.
[5 hours later]
MC/Yuu: *Inserts the mage stone in their suit* There. My very own Arc Reactor.
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J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Congratulations, MC/Yuu. You discovered a new element.
MC/Yuu: Definitely. Sourced a new element as this is my first.
Vil: MC/Yuu, explain this. *Shows them an online article*
MC/Yuu: *Reads the article* Oh yeah. I had an interview and became a philanthropist.
Vil: You’re basically a celebrity by this point. What did you do to become this well-known?
MC/Yuu: I just helped some people. Carrying thousands of construction materials, assist upcoming tech companies with my knowledge from my experience and gave children the best rides of their lives…Oh my god, I’m becoming like my idol. Except the rich and player parts.
Vil: You’re a celebrity, MC/Yuu. You would have plenty of Madol from all this exposure.
MC/Yuu: Okay, I’m becoming rich, but I can’t pull no bitches.
[During Chapter 2]
Iron Force: *Charges at Overblot!Leona and kicks him mid-air*
OB!Leona: *Knocked the wind out of his lungs*
Iron Force: Okay J.A.R.V.I.S., any chances?
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: 90% success rate of subduing the target.
Iron Force: Then 10% avoiding this mess. *Knocks him to the ground*
OB!Leona: Why that little- *Punched in the face*
Iron Force: *Repeatedly punching him* Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep!
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MC/Yuu: *Wearing glasses*
Azul: I didn’t know you wear glasses. Trying to appear as an intellectual?
MC/Yuu: Hm? Oh, no. My sight is fine. I just transferred J.A.R.V.I.S. in these modified frames.
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Scan completed. You have a slight iron deficiency and recommend a salad in your diet, MC/Yuu.
Azul: Did it just talked?
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Yes. I also scanned your physiology and it reveals you’re 95% suspicious of my existence and 5% envious of me for being MC/Yuu’s A.I. assistant.
Azul: I certainly do not envy your virtual assistant.
J.A.R.V.I.S. 2.0: Oddly enough, your biology categorized as relations of Cephalopod.
Azul: …
MC/Yuu: You’re an octopus?
Azul: May we change the subject?
Iron Force: *Flying around the island*
Ortho: *Flying beside them* Hi MC/Yuu!
Iron Force: What the f-?! *Halts their flight and hovers with Ortho* I didn’t know somebody else created an iron suit in this world.
Ortho: Iron suit? Oh! You mean my structure. Nii-san helped with my upgrades.
Iron Force: You’re not wearing a suit? You’re an android with highly advanced artificial intelligence?
Ortho: Yes!
MC/Yuu: …Whose your brother?
[An hour later]
Idia: *Finishing a difficult level*
MC/Yuu: *Hacks into his door as it slides open* You didn’t tell me you’re a tech genius!
Idia: *Startled* AHH! Who let you in?!
MC/Yuu: I let myself in. Buddy, we need to collaborate-
[That’s how a friendship was made.]
[Imagine H.Y.D.R.A. somehow created a portal and enter into TWST]
Iron Force: Oh boy. Thank god I made spare suits. *Activates the other suits*
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Jack: You’re fighting alone?
Iron Force: Not alone. I made some for you guys to help everyone. *Closes their mask*
[The First Years enter into their respective suits.]
Ace: *In his suit* How do you work in this thing?
Iron Force: There’s an automated mode to help control your suit. You even get your own A.I. assistants I programmed in each of your suits.
J.E.R.K.: Hello, I am J.E.R.K. Your A.I. assistant, Mr. Trappola.
Ace: Really? Jerk?
Iron Force: The words behind the acronym are better.
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✨[Reblogs are appreciated and helps create more content]✨
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miss-tc-nova · 1 year ago
Behind That Smile - Ruggie Bucchi x Reader
I like animal facts. Definitely recommend checking out the vet!yuu tag by blackopals-world.
Premise: Hyenas can bite through bone
Words: 1,537
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, Halloween event spoilers
               “Ruggie, if you don’t slow down, you’re gonna be sick.”
               Those cloudy-sky eyes manage to tear away from his plate long enough to peer up at me. It’s impressive he doesn’t choke as he swallows all the food in his mouth.
               “Are you kidding? I’m just getting started!” He catches sight of Epel walking by with a plate of meat and he awes. “Oh I haven’t tried that yet! I gotta go get some!”
               In a bolt, he’s out of his chair, already filling another plate. I shake my head with a sigh; however, at my side, the Diasomnian vice-housewarden chuckles.
               “Isn’t his appetite simply astounding?”
               “It’s impressive alright,” I hum. “I just wish he’d slow down before he chokes.”
               “But he still has so much to go through if he hopes to sample everything here,” Lilia says.
               He is right about that. Malleus, Lilia, Grim, and I had set out to help the ghosts enjoy the Halloween party that they missed. We had a beautiful venue, Malleus had the music covered, and we had the rest of Night Raven College on a scavenger hunt for mirror shards to fix our atmospheric lighting. However, one of the most astonishing features of the night were the tables absolutely stacked with food from all over Twisted Wonderland—courtesy of the ghosts themselves.
               And Ruggie is having the time of his life.
               Said hyena returns with various meat piled on his plate, but at the bottom sits a hunk of beef still clinging to the bone. It’s comically large and I honestly thought food like that only existed in cartoons. Yet Ruggie isn’t perturbed in the slightest as he chomps through everything he brought.
               I have a small chat with Lilia while Ruggie eats. It comes to a stop though when the hyena cleans the ridiculously large bone.
               “Finished already?” Lilia asks.
               “Not even.” He holds up the large bone in his hand. “This is the best part.”
               Without hesitation, Ruggie puts the skeletal matter into his mouth and bites.
               The crunching sound that follows shocks me to my core; it echoes in my ears. The sight of the splintered bone infests my brain and intrusive thoughts force me to imagine that as my arm. It’s mind blowing to think that this kid I’ve been hanging out with nearly every day could chomp through something so solid with such little effort.
               “My, that’s quite a bite you’ve got there,” Lilia remarks.
               Ruggie gives him a glance between getting at the marrow of the bone. “Yeah, I get told that often but it’s pretty normal in my family. My grammy used to give them to me when I was little.” He laughs. “She said it kept me quiet when I was annoying her.”
               “I’ll have to make note of that,” Lilia laughs. “I suppose that means there really isn’t much you won’t eat.”
               A shiver flies down my spine as he crunches the bone like candy. “Hey, if it’s edible, it’s worth trying at least once.”
               Throughout the rest of the night, I can’t get the image of Ruggie breaking bones out of my head. Again, the intrusive thoughts don’t help.
               The night ends and Malleus returns everyone safely to Night Raven College. There’s seems to be a lot of relief that Halloween has finally ended, but everyone agrees that it’s time to get some sleep.
               “So you had a hand in this entire mess.”
               My heart skips as Ruggie catches up to me and Grim on our way back to Ramshackle.
               “I guess you could say that.”
               “Heck yeah we did!” Grim climbs my costume to stand on my shoulder. “And we planned the best party ever!”
               “Yeah you did. The food was great.” Immediately, I divert my eyes away from Ruggie’s grin. I’m not sure I can ever look at that smile the same again.
               Though the conversation stays light, I keep my gaze occupied on the way back to my shabby little dorm. I would look at anything—the castle overhead, the rising sun, the rusted gate, the drowsy cat in my arms—as long as it wasn’t Ruggie.
               I tuck the blanket around my magic partner who quickly crashed on our way back. With a soft smile, I place his hat on the nightstand and stroke his head. The feline mumbles something about “awesome dance moves” as he rolls over to continue his dream.
               “Man, I thought he’d be up for hours with how wired he was,” Ruggie says as I close the door behind me.
               I glance down the hall, trying to put on a light-hearted air. “I think he just finally hit that sugar crash.”
               “Hey, are you okay?”
               “Yeah, I’m fine.”
               “Then why won’t you look at me?”
               Embarrassment simmers in my ears. This whole thing is stupid.
               “It’s nothing. I’m just being silly.” Raising my head, I look him in the eye and put on a smile. “I’m fine.” Immediately after those words leave my mouth, I can’t help glancing at his lips and my gaze instantly averts.
               “Yeah right. You’re avoiding me.” Ruggie ducks down, trying to look me in the eyes, but I just can’t. “Aw, c’mon. You mad at me or somethin’?”
               “N-No.” I avoid him again.
               “Then what?”
               The intrusive thoughts themselves aren’t really anything to be ashamed of. “Look, I just…I’m trying to block out the intrusive thoughts, okay?”
               There’s a pause. “What kind of intrusive thoughts?”
               But the contents of those thoughts kind of are.
               “Ruggie…” I groan.
               “Just tell me, will ya. You know I’m not gonna leave you alone ‘til you do.”
               He’s right—I know he won’t. It takes me a few moments filled with deep breaths and expectant stares to finally get the words out.
               “I’m just having a hard time getting the image of you crunching through that bone out of my head, okay? Can we just drop it now?”
               “The bone?” Glancing to him, I can see the gears turning in his head. “You’re not tellin’ me you’re scared of my bite now, are ya?”
               I pinch the bridge of my nose. “It’s less that I’m afraid and more that I can’t stop imaging you biting through things.”
               “You mean like this?”
               My stomach flips when the hyena grabs my arm. In a swift motion, he draws my sleeve back and brings the limb to his mouth, those massive, gleaming teeth resting against my skin. The image of that snapping bone fills my head. I shut my eyes and brace for the core-rattling snapping sound and the inevitable pain to follow.
               Instead I hear a soft chuckle. Warm, gentle lips meet my skin, instantly drawing my gaze back. Embers smolder behind his eyes as he trails soft kisses down to the back of my hand. A last reverent press of his lips meets my knuckles before his fingers intertwine with mine.
               “You gotta know I could never hurt you.” Even his voice is infested with the heat quickly enflaming my own bashfulness. This smooth criminal then leans in, lips brushing against my cheek causing the air to hitch in my chest. “Not even if my life depended on it.”              
               Then, Ruggie retreats, that ever-lovable simper warped into something warm and gentle. Meanwhile, with my skin on fire, I press against the wall in an attempt to keep myself from collapsing. I’m positive his ears—even hidden beneath that marauder’s hat—can hear the pounding in my chest. And if he didn’t hear that, the shuddering exhale from my mouth is probably thoroughly satisfying.
               “What’s wrong, sugar?” he asks, absolutely full of himself right now.
                My free hand presses to my face in a shoddy attempt to calm my nerves. “What a cruel criminal you are to toy with my feelings like this.”
               “All in a days work for a scurvy pirate—stealin’ such precious treasures as hearts, shyehehe.” There’s that smooth tongue. “But who said I was playin’?”
               The grip on my hand tightens and I swear he’s squeezing my heart.
               “Didn’t even need to trick-or-treat to get me the best prize.” Some of his mischief returns. “Man, a full feast and I get the cutest kid on campus? I really did make off like a pirate with all the treasure this year.”
               It seems my legs are stable enough to hold their own weight again. “I don’t know about that.”
               “Oh I do. I could just eat you up.” He laughs in the face of my glare. “Too soon?”
               “I’m going to bed now.”
               My announcement doesn’t seem to deter Ruggie from pestering me, chattering about random things. Yet I’m not entirely inclined to send him off. Instead, he sheds his coat and boots and flops onto the bed beside me—his hand finding mine like the greedy man he is. It doesn’t take long after that for the conversation to lull and consciousness to drift.
               Those intrusive thoughts return frequently from then on out. Ruggie always had the potential to seriously hurt me. But every time he smiles, I’m reminded of that pirate in Ramshackle on Halloween night. I remember just how gentle that mouth can be—and how quickly it can sink those fangs into my heart.
Nova’s Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
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To tide y’all over until the bracket is finished, here’s a list of every fandom in the tournament! Sorted by when each got its first submission.
It takes time to make the bracket cuz I gotta arrange all of these to be at least semi-equal in popularity to each other, and then make all the edited photos. I’ve been rather busy lately, but it should be up by tomorrow night :)
Minecraft Diaries
The Outsiders
God of War
Ace Attorney
Bungou Stray Dogs
Murdoch Mysteries
The Raven Cycle
Lego Star Wars
Sanders Sides
Kamen Rider
Castle Swimmer
The Magnus Archives
Lego Ninjago
Half Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware
DC Comics
Critical Role
Romeo & Juliet
Witch Hat Atelier
Final Fantasy
One Piece
Warrior Cats
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Trigun Stampede
The Owl House
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Fallout: New Vegas
Tokyo Ghoul
Total Drama Island
The Cable Guy
Marble Hornets
Marvel Comics
The Umbrella Academy
Life Series SMP
Fire Emblem
Julie and the Phantoms
Persona 5
Star Wars
Young Justice
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Shadowhunter Chronicles
The Young and the Restless
The Untamed // Mo Dao Zu Shi
Cooking Companions
Demon Slayer
John Wick
Pit People
Battleblock Theater
Star Trek
LittleBigPlanet 2
Midnight Museum
The Witcher
Teen Wolf
Beast Wars: Transformers
The Stormlight Archive
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
The Arcana
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ultraman Nexus
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Edward Scissorhands
The Mechanisms
91 Days
Assassination Classroom
Death Note
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Battle for Dream Island
Twisted Wonderland
The Iliad
Call of Duty
Tangled: The Series
Team Fortress 2
The Goes Wrong Universe
Harry Potter
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Live A Live
Real Life
Stranger Things
Red Dead Redemption 2
Ib (2012)
Spies Are Forever
Madoka Magica
Magia Record
My Hero Academia
Ravenous (1999)
Lifesteal SMP S4
Outsiders SMP
Phineas and Ferb
Empires SMP
Ruse of the TMNT
Origins SMP
The Otterverse RP
Witch’s Heart
Project Sekai
The Silmarillion
The Lord of the Rings
Helluva Boss
Greek Myth
Percy Jackson
Limbus Company
Rain World
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Mob Psycho 100
Lord of the Flies
Good Omens
Word of Honor
Just Roll With It
Witchcraft SMP
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Realm of the Underlings
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
Rats SMP
Steven Universe
The Hunger Games
Fate Grand Order
Welcome to Dreamworld
The Dolls of New Albion
Pact Web Series
Brandon Rogers
Ghost Quartet
The Dragon Prince
Steam-Powered Giraffe
Six of Crows
Bojack Horseman
Epithet Erased
Tale of the Nine Tailed
Cookie Run
Purple Hyacinth
The Wicked + The Divine
Outer Wilds
Miraculous Ladybug
Transformers Comics
Legend of Zelda
Breaking Bad
Devil May Cry
Dragon Age
The Locked Tomb
Mystic Messenger
Black Butler
Interview With a Vampire
Death By Dying
Higurashi When They Cry
Transformers Animated
Pirates SMP
All The Bright Places
Ride the Cyclone
Grey’s Anatomy
Empire of Exiles
Octopath Traveler 2
Hello from the Hallowoods
The Burning Sands of Ma’ssob RP
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monochrome-chaos · 4 months ago
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"Normally terrified is tha' way tae' go." What was it with these NRC students anyway? He swears, most of them had very little preservation when in the face of danger, like ghosts. Then again.. from what he's seen so far?
Most of them were bizarrely peaceful. They weren't like the ones Alacai was used to dealing with, where they attacked at any provocation, screamed unholy things or tries pulling people into paintings.
Then again, this whole world seemed tame to what he was used to. And it was hard to wrap his head around.
"Ah've noticed! Not necessarily a bad thing, but it certainly gives me n' idea of what more tae' expect. Where I'm from, haunted thin's are never good. Tha' spirits are usually out tae' do harm." Well, at least it was going well. Alcai did take a moment to look over this students attitre, their uniform here at NRC.
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"Oh.. by the by, names Alacai. I'm here with a few others from.. 'my school'. We go by 'RAD', or Royal Academy of Diavolo." Alacai would offer a hand in a friendly handshake.
He was told to keep information to a vauge amount. Names were fine, basic information. But not the 'wheres' and 'whats'. At the end, him and a few other students from RAD were visiting as a sort of 'cultural exchange' between worlds.
His uniform was very, very different from what Yuu wore. With dark blacks, greens, a golden medallion hanging from a half shoulder cape and well made stitchwork that looked almost royal.
"Not tae' be confused with that other school you lot have a rivalry with... RSA? Royal Sword Academy? Anyway.. m' names Alacai, I'm part o' tha' student council at RAD, pleasure tae' metcha lass." The others who'd come with him were off meeting other 'leaders' of the school.
"I was told by yer' .. uh.. Headmaster? That guy with tha' bird mask, that you know yer' way around campus real well. Mind showin' me around?"
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@monochrome-chaos sent || ❝ this is no silly halloween party. this is actually haunted ! ❞ (Hello there!)
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Muppets Haunted Mansion Prompts || Accepting
Where Yuu might have normally been wary of the concept of a haunted party, every rational thought in her head being not to mess with anything supernatural, the truth was she was exactly even more excited than ever to join in on the festivities. There were more ghosts around here? Obviously she knew of the three that lingered in Ramshackle, daily occurrences of seeing them becoming a norm for her and Grim. Then there were the one’s that tended to the cafeteria and lastly there was the ghost bride and her entourage, but really that surely couldn’t be all of them. What’s more she was hoping to be able to see the ghost bride once again, their previous meeting only being a few moments long even if Yuu was able to pick up the gist of what happened during that whole event. 
“Oh really? What kinds of hauntings are we talking about here? Are all the ghost around the school planning on gathering together and having a big Halloween bash?” Or maybe they were just planning on having the haunted house to scare those coming onto the school grounds, much like it seemed the other dorms were planning or even supposed to do. Truly the Halloween traditions at NRC were something to behold. 
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“Ah, wait I guess I’m not reacting like I should be. Good thing I’m not part of the drama or theater or whatever they call themselves club.” Vil would be ashamed. “Let’s see an appropriate reaction would be to be terrified right? Like oh no ghost I hope they don’t possess me or throw something at me. What if they curse me.” Yuu feigned fear in her voice though her face didn’t match at all, a wide grin threatening to break into a full on laugh on her lips. Like she could ever imagine any of the ghosts from Ramshackle or NRC in general going quite that far, especially since she’d befriended most of them. 
Finally letting it out Yuu laughed lightly, a genuine sound of joy coming from the girl. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m very good at stuff like this. And acting is most definitely not my thing.” Even if in some instances she had become really good at it, but she hadn’t wanted to dwell on those kind of moments now while she felt so elated. 
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dearestones · 2 years ago
A Sudden Invitation (Sebek Zigvolt and Reader)
Warnings: N/A.
Anonymous Request: Wow, your twst works are so awesome, love the introspection. From the last work, I really love how you wrote sebek too, and I think it'd be fun to see you write with him again. Maybe him and "I've got your back, okay?"
Thanks for all the good reads🫶🏿
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The more time you spent in Twisted Wonderland, the more you realized how similar it was to your old world. Where you came from, there were a number of countries encased within much larger continents. Cultures and languages were varied and had roots that could be traced back thousands of years. Traditions and beliefs were held close to one’s heart; culture was at the heart of each new land. 
Although you had spent time in numerous cities around the world (often dragged around as an afterthought alongside your classmates), you had never entertained the thought of visiting Briar Valley. All too often, you heard about the rumors surrounding the mysterious land inhabited mostly by the fae. Supposedly, everyone had a high aptitude for magic, the people there were wary of outsiders, and it was rare for anyone to visit. 
Today, you were granted the highly lauded honor of visiting Briar Valley at the behest of Crown Prince Malleus Draconia. 
It was summertime, only a few days after the fourth years had attended their graduation ceremony and exactly one week since the school had let out for the summer holidays. After tearful farewells from all of the friends that you made over the course of the year, you had been left to your own devices at Night Raven College. You weren’t alone, however. 
Grim, of course, also had nowhere to go and had proudly declared that he didn’t want to go anywhere unless he was with you. Out loud, you joked about how the both of you were practically homeless, but on the inside, you were jubilant that you had at least one friend to stick around. For the most part, the grounds were practically empty, but the Headmage informed you weeks before the end of term that summer classes would be in full swing come the end of the month. If you wished, you could attend the classes you already had the prerequisites to or you could pay back the room and board by working as a janitor. 
You had yet to make a permanent decision, but you were leaning towards taking the classes. The premises were vast and grand; it would take more than the standard eight hour workday to put a dent into your list of tasks! 
As you were lazing about in the library, reading up on the texts that would be required for the summer classes that you were going to take in a few weeks’ time, you heard a pair of footsteps practically thunder behind you. It had been only a week, but the rhythm and the stolid nature of the sound was more than enough to let you recognize who was approaching you. 
When the footsteps finally stopped in a perfect parade halt, you looked up from a second year history textbook and shot the world’s biggest grin at one Sebek Zigvolt.
“Hi, Sebek! What are you—”
“Human! This is still a library! We must remain quiet, if not silent within the premises!” 
Even though your slight yell was nowhere as loud as his booming voice, you conceded and said, “Hi! How are you?” 
This time, your voice was more of a whisper yell as you tried to contain your excitement. You couldn’t think of any reason why Sebek would visit the school, but whatever it was, it had to be good. Right?
Underneath his stoic facade and rigid posture, you could tell that Sebek was resisting the urge to smile. Come on, you couldn’t help but think. No need to stand on ceremony with me. Just smile. 
So, because you valued your friendship (and his smile because that was always a treat to see despite how rare and small it was), you quickly jumped up from your seat and flung your arms around his neck in a tight hug. Even though you weren’t as fast as most beastman and certain species of fae, you were pretty sure that he would have had enough time to flinch away or prepare for your sudden attack. The instant your arms surrounded him, you were sure that his back was straighter than before—if that were even possible—and that he had decided to forgo breathing. 
It took a few seconds before you felt him awkwardly pat you on the head, his gloved fingers cool and leathery on your skin. 
“I am quite well, Prefect.” You looked up at him only to find that he was resolutely staring forward… But there was  a distinct pink flush decorating the tops of his cheeks and if you were to look closely… The round tips of his ears were also turning a fetching shade of scarlet. “I have news that Master Lilia requested I deliver to you.”
His voice was stiff, but he was breaking. You knew it. He was going to smile sooner or later and that knowledge was more than enough incentive for you to slip out of his arms so that he could breathe again. 
“Good news?”
Sebek glared at you as if you had interrupted him, but you didn’t take it to heart. He was probably assessing whether or not that was a rhetorical question. 
“By order of the Young Master himself, the royal family has decided to invite you for a special dinner next week.”
It took a moment for you to process what he had said. The instant you realized that he wasn’t joking and that your ears weren’t deceiving you, you bounced on the balls of your feet and made a hushed squealing noise that sounded a lot like a rusty old kettle. 
This was amazing!
Delightful even!
If you thought that it was rare for outsiders to even step foot into Briar Valley, it was nigh impossible to get an invitation from one of the royals! You, a magicless human, inconsequential and mundane, was allowed to visit and partake at a royal dinner! 
Excitement was an understatement. You didn’t know what to feel, but most of it was positive.
“Grim’s coming too, right?” You invaded his personal space again, a finger wagging millimeters from his nose to get your point across. It was childish, yes, but there was a distinct undertone of worry that you wish Sebek didn’t notice. However, like most inhabitants of Twisted Wonderland, his keen senses were quick to pick up on the fact that you were serious. 
You wouldn’t leave your favorite cat beast for no reason. After all this time, he was a constant companion and it was only fair and polite to bring him along. He was practically your little brother—blood or not. 
Sebek scoffed, his light green gaze piercing your own with offhand austerity. 
For a moment, you felt your heart sink, but your fears were allayed when finally that blessed smile you wished to see since the very beginning of this surprise visit began to bloom across his thin, pale lips. You would never tell him—he would probably steel himself and practice not smiling at all to save himself the mortification—but he just looked so relaxed and cute whenever he moved away from the facade of a perfect bodyguard and to someone who acted more like his age. 
Being the way he was, sometimes, you forgot he was still a young teenager. 
“Of course! The Young Master even requested one of the best guest rooms for the both of you.” He paused for a moment, his eyes far away for a moment before he brandished a sealed envelope from within his jacket—wait, was that a real wax seal? those things actually exist?—and swiftly passed it straight into your hands. “Any and all questions that you have can be forwarded through message.”
You broke through the wax seal and pulled out the contents. Inside, you felt the most luxurious paper you’ve ever felt. It was silky smooth as if it were laminated, thick, and laden with the scent of… You knew this; Professor Crewel made you memorize a series of scents as a way to identify the properties of different potions and tinctures. It took a moment, but you realized that it must have been one of the many subspecies of briar roses that grew native to the valley. 
You opened up the card, scanned through its contents and quickly parsed out a few sentences here and there before you came across a certain phrase you didn’t quite understand until you read it aloud.
And then it hit you.
“I’m gonna get a bodyguard!” You reread that certain sentence again and asked, “You’re gonna be my bodyguard?”
“That is correct! As the royal guest, you should be treated to the same security as any of the other high ranking nobles!”
He looked absurdly proud at that moment, with his back still rigid and straight while his eyes shone fiercely with determination and inner strength. To be honest, he looked a lot like some of the anime characters from popular shounen animes you used to watch back in your world. You didn’t have the heart to butt into his little anime moment, but you did store that little scene into your memory. When the time was right, you were going to tease him for it.
“Well then, does this mean that I can count on you to protect me?”
Another disdainful glare aimed at you. 
How dare you even question his area of expertise? That’s what his face seemed to say. 
“Prefect, I have sworn my life to my master and I will also lay down my life for you.” 
Within the quiet confines of the library, his voice boomed and reverberated. You were so entranced and enthused by his own brand of enthusiasm that you didn’t bother wondering why the librarian hadn’t said anything so far. 
“I knew that you would have my back!” You playfully punched his bicep, silently marveling at the hard muscle beneath his unassuming clothing. “I’ve got your back, too, okay?”
“As if I need your help, human!” His cheeks were turning bright red again, but his gaze softened as he awkwardly cleared his throat. “But… I do appreciate the sentiment.”
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princesssarisa · 2 years ago
Sleeping Beauty Spring: "Maleficent" (2014 film)
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This reimagining of Disney's Sleeping Beauty was conceived in 2003, as Disney's answer to the recent success of the musical Wicked. Due to various delays, it didn't premiere until 2014, but it's clearly a spiritual sister to Wicked all the same, with a famous villainess re-conceived a sympathetic protagonist. It features a screenplay by Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast, Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland), and stars Angelina Jolie as the "evil" fairy of the title.
The opening scene introduces two neighboring enemy lands: a mundane human kingdom, and the beautiful Moors, where magical creatures dwell. We meet Maleficent as a happy, innocent fairy child, who flies through the Moors on her majestic wings. When a poor orphan boy named Stefan ventures in from the human realm, Maleficent befriends him, and as they grow up, they become lovers. But then the humans' ruthless King Henry wages new war against the fair folk. His soldiers are no match for Maleficent's magic, and in battle she mortally wounds the king. So on his deathbed, he decrees that whoever kills Maleficent will be his heir. Tragically, Stefan (Sharlto Copley) gives in to ambition – though he can't bring himself to kill Maleficent, he burns off her wings as she sleeps, then presents them as proof of her "death." Maleficent's despair at this brutal betrayal gradually becomes hard, cold bitterness, and she crowns herself the queen of the Moors, an enemy to all humans. Meanwhile, she gains a servant and spy named Diaval (Sam Riley) – a raven whom she can change to a man, or any other animal, at her will.
When Diaval informs her that King Stefan has fathered a child, Princess Aurora, Maleficent seizes her chance for revenge. Unlike the original Maleficent, however, she doesn't curse Aurora to die when she pricks her finger, but to fall into an endless sleep from which only true love's kiss can wake her; the last part is meant as mockery, because neither Maleficent nor Stefan believe in true love anymore. Accordingly, Stefan hides his baby daughter in the care of the only three fairies he trusts: Knotgrass (Imelda Staunton), Flittle (Leslie Manville), and Thistlewit (Juno Temple), this film's equivalents of Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. And from here on, he devotes his life to waging war against Maleficent, who surrounds the Moors with a forest of gigantic, impenetrable briars.
Unlike in Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent easily finds the cottage where the fairies raise Aurora. But Knotgrass, Flittle, and Thistlewit are much stupider than Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, and inept as foster mothers. Despite Maleficent's insistence that she hates the little "beastie," she and Diaval secretly watch over Aurora, ensuring that she lives to the age of sixteen, and over the years, Maleficent finds herself warming toward the innocent, brave young princess. Eventually, she spirits Aurora (now played by Elle Fanning) into the Moors for regular visits, and they form a close bond, with Aurora thinking Maleficent is her fairy godmother.
On her sixteenth birthday, Aurora resolves to leave her three silly "aunties" and live in the Moors. The same day, she also meets the handsome Prince Phillip (Brenton Thwaites). But when she announces her choice to leave, the fairies reveal her true identity and tell her about the curse. Now believing Maleficent to be evil, the distraught Aurora goes to her father's castle. There, the curse's hypnotic power takes effect and leads Aurora to the fateful spindle.
In desperation, Maleficent spirits Phillip to the castle, where the silly fairies urge him to kiss the sleeping Aurora. But his kiss doesn't wake her: his crush on her isn't "true love" because they only just met. After the others leave, however, the grieving Maleficent approaches Aurora's bedside and kisses her forehead. This kiss of true motherly love breaks the spell. (A twist that might have been even more effective if Disney hadn't already used a similar twist in its latest animated success, Frozen.)
But there's still a villain to defeat, as Stefan's army attacks Maleficent. Though she briefly fights them off by turning Diaval into a dragon, the soldiers soon overpower them. That is, until Aurora finds Maleficent's severed wings and frees them to fly back to her. With her power of flight restored, Maleficent triumphs, and the battle ends with Stefan falling to his death from a tower. Maleficent then removes her briars from the Moors and gives up her throne to Aurora, who unites the human and fairy realms in joy and peace.
While I understand why this film had mixed reviews, I understand its popularity too. It's a visually stunning production, with an atmosphere that perfectly balances darkness with enchantment. And while the screenplay has some uneven characterization, in general it's an engaging new spin on an old story. As for Angelina Jolie she embodies this version of Maleficent in all her dignity, ferocity, wry wit, and complexity. That said, she never captures the sheer gravitas and charisma that Eleanor Audley's voice and Marc Davis's animation gave the original Maleficent. No matter what its fans might claim, this film can't replace the artistry of the animated Sleeping Beauty. I especially dislike the reduction of the three good fairies, the original film's true heroines, into obnoxious idiots.
Still, for an epic, creative reimagining of an iconic Disney villainess's story, Maleficent is very much worth seeing.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @comma-after-dearest, @thealmightyemprex, @paexgo-rosa, @fairytaleslive, @faintingheroine, @the-blue-fairie, @themousefromfantasyland, @reds-revenge, @thatscarletflycatcher
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years ago
Cupid's Arrows
Love Triangle
A/N: Fem! Reader/Yuu
"I can't believe I finished all my otome games and animes!" Cupid whines, turning over on his pink cloud. "Maybe something interesting is happening in one of the mortal worlds."  
He looks down and finds the world of Twisted Wonderland. He looks around and sees the Arcane School of Night Raven College.
"Ok, maybe a gay harem? I can make this work-wait! Who's that?! Gaia, zoom in on the girl with the black floating cat!" Cupid exclaims, getting excited. "Oh my god, she's beautifully average and surrounded by nothing but boys, princes, and future wizards! Bless the gods! I've found the next Bella Swan!"
Cupid picks up his best arrows and swoops into the world of Twisted Wonderland. He flies around campus, finding Yuu walking to school with Ace and Deuce. 
"I swear, I owe you for helping me with the alchemy project. You're my best friend!" Yuu says, hugging Ace and smiling.
"No problem, Yuu! Anytime!" Ace laughs, giving Yuu a slight punch on the arm.
Cupid's face fills with excitement, wonder, and imagination.
"Best friend! Friends to Lovers!" Cupid squeals, preparing to shoot an arrow. "But wait, does he even like her like that?!"
"Ha! Friends, right? Didn't you try convincing Yuu to let yourself be in the same bed as her?" Grim taunts, making Ace get caught off guard.
"That was only two times, and those were cold nights! I didn't want to be cold! You know Ramshackle has one blanket, and Yuu uses that one!" Ace retorts, his face turning red.
"Trying to get into his friend's bed and sleep with her? I need no more evidence!" Cupid declares, taking out one of his arrows. 
"Oh, Ace, I wouldn't have minded if we shared a bed. I know you wouldn't try anything," Yuu replies, smiling and nudging Ace.
Cupid shoots the arrow, and it goes straight through Ace's heart. A burst of passion and emotion rushes through his veins, and his heart beats wildly. 
"AAAHHHH~" Ace loudly moans, making the crowd of students around him stop moving and look at him in silence. 
They look at Ace, Ace looks at Yuu, Deuce looks at him, they look at Yuu, and everyone looks at each other. Yuu awkwardly turns away from Ace and looks at Deuce as Ace is bending over.
"Would you-uh-look at the pretty birds? Aren't they cute?" Yuu says, looking at the fake decorative birds some club made. 
"....Ace, this has gotta be one of your most embarrassing moments," Deuce comments, sighing and looking away from Ace. "Ma-maybe we should get going?"
"I-I don't know what happened. I just felt this burst-" Ace stammers, standing up.
"So, you randomly came in your pants? Is that what you're telling us?" Deuce questions, disgusted, as he moves Yuu next to him.
"No! No! That's not it at all! Wait, come back!" Ace pleads as Yuu, Deuce, and other people move away from him and into the main building.
"Maybe I was right when I said not to let you in bed with Yuu," Grim says, glaring at Ace.
Riddle passes by and disapprovingly shakes his head with Cater and Trey. 
"Good job, Cupid!" Cupid self-congratulates, turning into a pink dove. "Now to see my hard work pay off!" 
Ace walks into the cafeteria, making the whole room silent with a few snickers from peers. He huffs and sits next to Yuu as she gives him a pancake.
"So, how was clean up?" Deuce snickers, trying not to break out into laughter. 
Ace's fist balls up and reaches over the table, grabbing Deuce by the collar.
"I didn't do that shit!" Ace yells, about to punch Deuce.
"Ok, dude...I was joking..." Deuce says, trying to diffuse the situation. 
"Ace put Deuce down," Riddle commands, his magipen out. 
Yuu signals for Riddle to stop, but he doesn't listen.
"Stay out of this Ramshackle prefect. It doesn't concern you," Riddle says, not backing down from Ace.
"What did you say?" Ace asks, his face turning into one of scary anger.
"Ace, it really isn't a big deal. Riddle wasn't trying to be mean or any-" Yuu stammers, feeling nervous from the tension in the room.
"No, it is a big deal! You have a name, and he needs to use it! We all know he wouldn't like to be called the Heartslabyul prefect who overblotted because he wouldn't get an apology!" Ace responds, making the cafeteria burst into oohs and curses. 
"You know what, everyone needs to settle down. Riddle, apologize to Yuu. Ace, put Deuce down," Trey says, trying to stop a fight from breaking out. 
"Fine, I'm sorry I didn't use your name, Yuu," Riddle says, shaking with fury. 
Ace drops Deuce, and his head hits the marble floor. Yuu flinches, and Ace storms off, giving everyone the finger.
"Grim, can you stay here with Deuce? I'm going after Ace," Yuu says, chasing after her friend.
"Ace! Ace, wait up!" Yuu calls as Ace speeds up. "Ace, wait!"
"UGH! CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?! I DIDN'T ASK FOR YOU TO FOLLOW ME LIKE YOU'RE MY FUCKING DOG!" Ace lashes out, making Yuu stop in her tracks. 
"Wow, you are so mean..." Yuu sniffles, eyes turning watery. 
"Wait, I didn't mean to-" Ace says, turning around to face Yuu.
"Yeah, sure you didn't. I'm just a dog who follows you around, right?" Yuu whimpers, stepping back before running away from Ace. 
"...FUCK!" Ace yells, frustrated. 
Yuu runs out of the cafeteria, making everyone wonder what happened. She sits outside near the forest trails and finds a pink dove looking at her. 
"What a beautiful bird you are," Yuu sniffles, holding her hand for the bird to eat strawberry seeds. "These are the only seeds I have. Hopefully, you like them."
"Hopefully, things smooth out," Cupid thinks, eating strawberry seeds. 
"I get that Deuce and Ace have fights sometimes, but this is extreme," Yuu weeps, wiping her eyes.
"Maybe Deuce needs a little push," Cupid thinks, his mind getting ideas again. "A love triangle between friends! Will it unite them, or will it tear them apart!"
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monochrome-chaos · 1 year ago
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There was a long pause, one might think that it was the Prefect contemplating his decision after knowing that the Headmage really didn't.. well.. care about anything that happened. And she was right, he was absurdly absent if someone wasn't stroking his ego. But, instead, he only seemed to smirk.
Punishing the dorm leaders? The people who gave him countless headaches over this whole school year by going absolutely crazy, putting their lives and other lives in danger? The ones, except Jamil, who had gone full ego-mode and Overblotted?
If anything, Alacai's silence made an even more chaotic grin formed.
"Perfect! Even better!"
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The hiss and click of the sound of the can opening and the tell tale sound of pouring, fizzy liquid into the pot. That had not been a silence of consideration.. but a silence of plotting.
"Especially if Azul gets a headache from this." That bit held a particularly high amount of vitriol in the Prefects tone.
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What an interesting accent... The manner in which someone speaks can tell you a lot about that person, not necessarily their accent but their tone and the way they emphasize words. However, since Kira was listening rather than seeing, she couldn't help but notice the accent. Well, never mind. That wasn't exactly important anyway.
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"An...energy drink?" Kira had heard of those, but she assumed they were some type of potion. Yet when she lifted her head enough to see from underneath her hood what was being presented to her, she saw a can instead. Maybe there wasn't anything magic about it. Maybe they were just normal drinks with a strong caffeine component, much like coffee. They didn't have 'energy drinks' in Briar Valley... Regardless, it still seemed like a terrible idea to dump that into the soup.
"So your plan is to dump an energy drink into the soup? Crowley hardly pays any attention to the activities of the students anyway. This party is basically run by the dorm leaders, not him. So... You would be punishing them instead. You do realize this, right?" It seemed like this girl wasn't a very chaotic sort.
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monochrome-chaos · 5 months ago
@tsundeoku -Let Loose a Raven/Ask- ❛  that's just like you, why should i be surprised?  ❜ / from sebek! ( lord when will he stop bothering people )
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The cackle that escaped the Prefects mouth was typical. The sound of a gremlin about to, or having done something utterly unhinged.
"Oh come now Sebek! Where's ye' sense of adventure! Or.. in this case, a we bit o' chaos?" Sure he may not have fully paid attention in magical history classes or.. most of the classes he was forced to take here. But he at least tried to push the envelope of what he could get away with.
Including in the presence of those in Malleus' ballcourt.
But this really paled in comparison with what he'd often get up to back in his world. There where he could use what he had freely, didn't have to hide his capabilities to pull one over on a certain raven masked Headmage. To try and kick said lazy Headmage's rear into gear to send him home.
No, rather this was an attempt at decorating for Halloween and helping the students of Diasomnia decorate their own dorm for the occasion. Since they'd done so to Ramshackle before.
Was only fair.. right?
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"Come on now, this sort o' stuff is pretty popular back in my home. N' I ain't see anyone go for a 'hellacious' theme like this!" Demons, he one hundred percent was going full stereotypical Hell and Demons for the gloomy dorm.
Red accented Green pretty well, in his book.
"N' it'll be like nothin' anyone in Twisted Wonderland has seen! And I'm sure Malleus would love somethin' new, eh?" No one should ever put the Prefect in charge of this stuff..
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 2 years ago
Into the Woods
The path to its depths is deep and dark and dangerous.
This is part 14. We’re almost three quarters of the way through this long and winding story.
The Tale of the Cursed Raven:
Part 1 I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5 I Part 6 I Part 7 I Part 8 I Part 9 I Part 10 I Part 11 I Part 12 I Part 13
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When this letter finds you, time will have started ticking for me again. I will be gone, and the girl will be at your doorstep.
As per our arrangement many moons ago, I am entrusting you with the care of my apprentice. She is a mild-mannered little thing. She will work well and work efficiently if left to her own devices. All you need do is provide her with the basic necessities—food, water, clothing, shelter, and, of course, paper, quill, and ink.  
But I am not writing to you out of kindness, nor as a courtesy. I am writing to you to give a warning: there is something unsettling about that girl.
Her stare wakes me in the dead of night. She’s sleeping by then, but I feel her gaze piercing me all the same. Those big, curious eyes, always wondering, and always wanting to know more. When she looks at me, I feel as though she is scraping talons across my mind, seeking a way in to steal away my thoughts.
She watches for fun. People, animals. When I take her into the town, she observes and asks questions. Too many of them.
Strange things started happening.
Rats infested our pantry, nibbling only at the pumpkins. The neighbors would mysteriously vanish. My eyes would spontaneously water.
I do not cry, Dire.
I thought her to be a child favored by misfortune.
Then I read her stories, and I knew it was no coincidence, nor a string of bad luck.
When she told of vermin seeking out a pumpkin carriage, she summoned the rats to her. When she wrote of people dying of heartbreak, they did. When she wished for sadness or anger or happiness, they would manifest and lead others down her desired path.
The weather, the world—they would not bend to her, no matter how often she described dark and stormy nights. Time and space are not hers to wield—but minds? Of that, I am uncertain.
She plants seeds that take root in the heart, then fester in the head. Drives people mad.
That girl has the capacity to be dangerous, Dire. The stories she spins can will people into serving as mere playthings.
I do not understand how it works myself. I believe she doesn’t yet know the full extent of her powers, either. She is too young, too naive. Perhaps that is for the better. For her, for us, and for all of Twisted Wonderland.
But even a storyteller cannot stop the hands of time.
One day, she will cultivate those powers. Whether they are used for good, for evil, or for something inbetween...
That is in your hands now.
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I shouldn’t have let her out of my sight, Crowley worriedly fumes, chiding himself. He flies down a corridor, harshly raking fingers through his hair. It was foolish of me to think she would not act rashly.
He should have noticed the warning signs sooner. The loneliness, the mounting frustrations, the constant push to pursue higher heights, the blot.
What had happened that night? And what had been the missing piece that had fallen into place, the part required to make her magic work? What had stopped it all those times she had practiced?
He recalls the color of Nostalgia—a pleasant pink, rosy like the fondest memories. It had been fuzzy, but tingly and warm, if only for a few seconds before it escaped him and burst like firecrackers into the world. She could never quite get it to concentrate, to collect, and to stay that way.
But if she did… there’s no telling what she could drive a man or a monster to do.
Crowley shivers, batting the thought away as he descends upon the Mirror Chamber.
As usual, it is dim, darkness illuminated faintly by the flames set in sconces and crystalline lights. Floating coffins in a circle around the perimeter, and a grand mirror in the center. The Mirror of Darkness.
Crowley steps before it, bowing his head in reverence.
Please don’t come looking for me, Raven had pleaded in her note. This is something I have to do alone, and by my own hand.
Her voice had permeated in every letter, in each stroke of her pen. He could almost feel her leaping off of the page, could almost see her peering into him, silently pleading. Curious eyes, the sort that stared into his heart and soul.
Seeking something.
Please, Uncle.
A ghoulishly green face emerges from the depths of the mirror. Its features are carved from marble, eyes adorned in an intricate, swirling black lattice.
“Speak,” the Mirror of Darkness booms.
Crowley shakes his head.
… Forgive me.
“Show me Raven. Tell me where she has run off to.”
The face in the mirror pauses, silently searching for the answer. Moments later, his lips move, the reply falling from them heavy as stones. “... Impossible.
“It is impossible to ascertain her location at this time,” the Mirror clarifies.
“Well, try again. Try harder!!”
“I have reached, and I have found nothing. Her presence is unknown to me.”
Everything in Crowley goes cold. His heart and his blood slow to a stop, his limbs turning limp and frigid. Goosebumps prick up on his flesh.
“Th-That... That cannot be. If her presence is unable to be detected, then that means she is...”
No longer a part of this world.
“... Alive. The raven is still alive.”
The headmaster jolts, jump-started again by sparks of hope. He practically seizes the Mirror by its frame, but—miraculously—restrains himself.
“The presence is faint, but I feel her,” it continues. “There is a great wall of magic, a force preventing interference. I know not how it was deployed, or by whom. It does not belong to Night Raven College. But she has fled beyond that barrier, beyond the boundary.”
The word carries in the cold quiet of the chambers, rattling the crystals on the grand chandelier hanging overhead. The dancing flames flicker, shuddering at the suggestion.
“Beyond,” the mirror confirmed. “Where exactly, I cannot say.”
“If that is all the information that you can provide…” Crowley doesn’t finish, letting the hopeful lilt in his voice speak for him. To his dismay, the mirror offers no more clues. The green faces fades into oblivion, leaving the headmaster alone.
Gears in his head turn. Spinning and spiraling as fast as they can.
It’s far too large of an area to scope out by my lonesome, he muses. I need more bodies to cover such an expensive swathe of land, but to endanger the students is… No, there’s no time to waste. A small elite team will do.
Crowley twirls his walking stick—an elongated, sleek ebony key, with a golden head and teeth. Magic spills out from it, emitting a faint glow.
Speakers all across campus come to life.
Crowley clears his throat, bringing his mouth close to the head of his walking stick—to his microphone.
“Ah-HEM!! Good morning, all. This is your oh-so-very kind headmaster, Dire Crowley, speaking.” He can already feel the collective, unanimous groans shared by his students and staff through the intercoms, but he presses on regardless. “I am here today with an important announcement.
“All classes are cancelled. This is a not a drill; this is a campus-wide lockdown. Students, please return to your dorms until further notice.
“Dorm leaders and staff, assist students to their rooms and ensure that the grounds are free of loiterers. Report to the Mirror Chamber when all your students have been filed away and safely accounted for.”
We’ll be going on a bird hunt.
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Deep in the heart of the woods, someone rests by a great lake. The lake’s face shimmers and reflects the sky, a giant mirror throwing light and colors and shapes back from whence they came.
“Breakfast for you, my pretties,” they croon, their trill filling the forest.
Crouching, hand outstretched, they set bits of bread into the grass and bobbing upon the water. Wild birds collect around them, taking turns pecking at the morsels. Blue jays, robins, ducks.
Swans and doves.
Fragile and pristine little things, creatures yet to be soiled by the cruel world.
They chuckle, tossing their final chunk of bread into the lake.
“... Have you heard the Tale of the Cursed Raven?”
They whisper the question, which skips across the waters. The swan and the dove closest to her perk their heads up, keen on listening.
“Long ago, a loveless king was cursed to storytelling. That man would pass his burden unto another. Now a bird bears his legacy, making his story into her own.” They looked across the lake at something that none of their bird companions could see. “... It has yet to be finished, but I believe I know how it will end.”
Stories are set to repeat themselves, after all. And if that cowardly man failed to redeem himself, then...
“What do you think will become of her?” They weave their fingers through the water. It ripples, rings overlapping in the lake. The swan and the dove stare back at their visitor with curious eyes. “Straying from the path as she has...”
Defy the story, and the story will snap back, baring its teeth and claws to correct itself.
To put you back on its path.
“Do you think her deserving of a happily ever after?”
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Rook had seen this scene play out before; countless renditions of it, in fact: Raven, a basket in hand, delving deep, deep into the woods.
So why is there such dread collecting in his stomach this time? Things writhing and twisting into chaotic knots. His huntsman’s intuitive is on overdrive, screaming danger, danger at him.
Yet as far as he can tell, this is nothing more than her usual stroll for ingredients for a new batch of enchanted inks. As quaint and as mundane as a sleepy Monday, a return to the norm.
He tenses from his hiding place, letting the cool shadows swathe his skin and conceal him from view. His heart stills in spite of his racing thoughts and the accumulating worry.
Rook waits.
From not far off comes faint rustling, then a whoop.
“Found some!” Broad-capped mushrooms, colored a startling shade of blue, are tossed into a basket.
Raven looks worse for wear.
Her feather shawl and impossibly black clothes are stained with dirt and smears of chlorophyll. Hair either clings to her face, which is damp with sweat, or sticks up, frizzing in the humidity. She’s dusty and haggard--but a single drop of joy lights up her entire face.
Raven leans against a tree trunk, producing a quill and a small booklet from within her shawl. The gemstone inlaid in her writing implement is still foggy with remnants of last night.
“Inky milk caps... check,” she murmurs, crossing it off of her list. The bird glances into her basket, taking quiet inventory of her collection.
A scattering of navy berries, a few cerulean wildflowers, a single stone that was tainted the faintest periwinkle, and then the mushrooms. Some vials of crystal clear water, not blue but a base in which to suspend it. Altogether, not a lot of ingredients to pick and choose from.
Raven bites her lower lip, nervously dragging her tongue along the back of her teeth.
There weren’t many natural sources of blue in nature. It was as though the sky had claimed most of the pigment for itself, leaving the rest of the world to scrounge for its scraps.
Think, think. Where else can I find this color?
Raven scrunches her brows, delving deeper and deeper into her brain to pull at budding suggestions. Alas, she comes away empty-handed, the residual frustration gnawing at her, and discarded ideas laying at her feet.
“.. Tch.”
She casts a forlorn look out upon the glistening lake. At first glance, it looks as blue as the sky—but she knows that it is only a trick of the light.
You just had to pick the hardest color, didn’t you? she scolds herself.
But nothing else would have been appropriate. Nothing else could encapsulate all the sorrow and the joy, could adequately tell her tale.
Maybe there’s something deeper in these woods.
Raven tucks her book and quill away, looping her basket of ink ingredients on her arm. She begins her shuffle around the perimeter of the lake. Her reflection in the water follows perfectly.
Every wobbly, uncertain movement.
This is where I was, once upon a dream.
Picking flowers with Rook. Floating in a boat with Jade. Flying freely, doing as she pleased and going wherever the wind took her. A dream so wonderful she never wanted to wake from it, and wished to chase it when she did.
She sets her jaw, determined.
“I can do this.”
She says it out loud, willing the dream to become reality.
“I can.”
Raven takes another step, and the forest exploded with shrill shriek. She yelps, slapping hands over her ears to block out the noise. It comes to her muffled, but stays just as desperate.
She slowly lowers her hands—and sound slips through her fingers.
“… lp………………..”
Words spoken in bird tongue. High-pitched and frightened, young and confused.
“… elp….! Help me!!”
Raven’s spine stiffens, her head snapping in the direction of the call. The opposite way of the path she had been treading on.
Ignore it.
She bites her lip and wrenches away, guiltily shrinking into her shawl.
“… hurts… I-It hurts…”
Her foot crashes down on the spot.
“Mommy…! Daddy…! Where… where are you?”
She spins around, her ears straining to pick up more, her pupils pinpricks.
“Someone… A-Anyone…!!”
Raven is flying before she even knows it. There are no thoughts in her head, no hesitation in her gait, as she tromps through the forest, drawn by the cry.
“I’m coming…!! I’m coming for you!!” she shouts back. Raven is just as frantic and as lost as they are, voice warbling unnaturally. “Keep calling, keep singing—I’ll find you!”
The bird’s call is weak, but it grows in volume as she approaches. A vague murmur becomes a whisper, and the whisper, a sob in an empty room.
Distinctly there.
A feeble coo weaves through the thickets. So small that it would shatter from a sigh, fragile like a glass slipper.
With voice as her guide, she stubbornly presses on, fueled by foolish wish. To cradle and to mend, to restore what was lost.
“Here. I’m here.”
She pushes aside the last of the shrubs in her way. “I hear y—”
Raven stops when she finally sees it. Her stomach tightens into a knot.
“Oh… Oh no…”
Raven crumples to her knees.
A handsome baby robin small enough to fit in her palm lies in the grass. Its belly is a deep orange, bright against the dark feathers on the rest of its body. The bird watches Raven with wide eyes—round and dark, lit by a faint spark.
Its wings are askew. Twitching and tender, set at unnatural angles.
“They’re broken.”
“It hurts, it hurts,” the robin babbles, fighting back tears.
A million feelings seize her at once. She blurts out a hastily cobbled response, held together by pins and tape and patchwork.
But it is a binding promise, a vow.
“I-It’s okay!! Leave it to me, I’ll figure something out!”
Raven slams down her basket and hurriedly digs through it. Her mind is suddenly blank, as though all of her thoughts were notes torn out and crumpled into a ball, then discarded.
Plants, a rock, some water. All useless. No medicine, no first aid kit.
Think, think. What else is there? What else can I do?
She grits her teeth.
Gripping her skirt and anchoring it in one hand, she tears with as much force as she can muster with the other. A loud RIIIIIIIP resounds as a piece of cloth comes loose, then a second one.
“I’m going to reorient your wings, then bandage them. Please bear with me, it might be… uncomfortable.”
The robin flails against her as Raven scoops it up, her finger firmly holding the bird down. Fear and distrust flash through its eyes, spiking when she comes upon a wing. She holds her break and snaps it flush to the robin’s body.
A bloodchilling scream tears through the forest.
Raven winces, but wills herself to work quickly, while the robin is still stunned by pain. She weaves a cloth of her skirt fabric in a criss-cross on the wing, securing it with a bow at the end.
The same was done for the other wing—and by the time both sides were done, the baby robin was in shambles, more tearful than it had been to begin with. Pain barks through its small body, plunging talons into what remained of its calm.
“My wings,” it chokes out, “I can’t fly…!! I can’t go home!! I’m… I’m going to be left behind!!”
“No. No, that’s not true! Your wings… They’ll heal over time. You’ll be back in the sky in no time! Your family will come looking for you…!”
She reaches for the robin, laying a hand on its head, smoothing the feathers back. It kicks and screeches and bites, snapping at the air until its beak cut clean through her glove.
“My wings, my wings…! It hurts, it’s over, it’s over…”
The robin is delirious, speaking nonsensically and in circles.
Raven’s hopes sink, and she pulls her hand away, gently setting the robin back on the forest floor. It continues to wail, staring up at the sky through the crevices in the tree leaves.
A sky so blue and so beautiful.
You’ve done what you could, a part of her reasons. Leave it. You can’t afford to exert yourself any more than you already have.
Raven’s chest aches, pushing back against the thought. He’ll be easy target for the predators. And… this is no way for him to live, either.
A little bird that knew nothing of the world. Dazed, afraid, and lonely. Longing for something now far out of reach.
Hadn’t this been her own position not too long ago? Wasn’t it still where she stood now?
Bird and bird, soul to soul.
Herself reflected back in the face of a mirror.
… No. That’s not me, not anymore.
Raven harshly balls her hands, creasing her skirt. Dirty, disheveled, and distressed, she’s the pauper in any fairy tale—but the sweat upon her brow sparkles like a tiara, and she wears the muck like proud armor.
Her spirit shines as brightly as her eyes.
She draws her magical quill. Its gemstone lacks clarity, the color shrouded by black blotches.
“I won’t go,” Raven declares. “I won’t give up on you.”
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“I don’t believe this.” Riddle angrily swats at a low hanging branch with his staff. It flings away from him before recoiling, almost claiming his head on the rebound.
“For classes to be cancelled,” the redhead grumbles as he stomps over a log, “and the dorm leaders to be sentenced to busy work…!! The headmaster’s priorities are all out of line. A tardy student should be located and disciplined, but surely it isn’t necessary to deploy this many…”
A little ways ahead of him, Azul has craned his head over his shoulder. His mouth is twisted into a wry smile.
I don’t like that look.
Riddle bristles, but allows his tirade die down into an inquisitive quiet. “… You seem oddly unperturbed by this turn of events. This is wouldn’t possibly be Octavinelle’s doing, would it?”
“Perish the thought. What could I possibly hope to gain from forcing a campus wide lockdown? The Mostro Lounge will receive no customers in these circumstances.” The sunlight catches on his lenses as he pushes them up, but obscuring his eyes.
“I understand how to keep calm in stressful situations. Why, you saw it for yourself. The headmaster was simply beside himself with worry at the emergency meeting.”
“This matter is hardly urgent,” Riddle scoffs. “Even if Raven is the headmaster’s relative, a single missing student does not make or break Night Raven College.”
“That was not the case for your Overblot, now was it? Nor mine.”
He twitches, riled by rage. “That is a different matter entirely. That was Overblot. We were… out of control. Out of our minds.”
“… Permit me to ask you this, then.” Azul makes a full turn to face his fellow dorm leader. “Do you believe there is a unique magic that is capable of controlling the world?”
“What sort of a silly question is that? Of course there is no such thing.”
Azul laughs airily. “Impossible, yes? No one, not even Malleus-san, has such power. But… what of the living beings that inhabit the world? Then it would be an entirely different story.”
“That would be in the realm of possibility.” Riddle pauses, narrowing his eyes. “… Where are you going with this?”
“You recall Jamil-san’s unique magic, don’t you? It can seize the mind of another person, turning them into little less than a puppet.”
“I am aware.” Riddle grimaces at the grim reminder. “How does this relate to our mission?”
“What if I were to tell you that Raven-san’s unique magic is just as dangerous? Through it, forcing one’s will is possible—for if one speaks to the heart, the mind will follow shortly after.
“Thoughts don’t always disappear. They will linger and influence us well after the magic has faded.
“Unending rage that reduces all to ashes. Sorrow so deep it floods the earth and drowns its people. Joy strong enough to lift the sun and the moon on its shoulders. It would be a rewritten world with us set upon paths predetermined, for emotion is the impetus which compels us to act.”
“You don’t mean…”
“That’s right.”
Hers is a unique magic that rewrites one’s emotions.
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monochrome-chaos · 1 year ago
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"You kiddin'? Knowing him, he'd lump all tha' responsibility onto you and then do jack all." Alacai huffed, it was clear that at least from the variation of twisted Wonderland this prefect came from.. Crowley was just as negligent.
Even so, Alacai simply turned down the packet of cookies with a shake of his head.
"Thanks, but dinnae worry about that. I think I'll try headin' back through that door. Judgin' by where I came out, it's probably one of the old storage closet doors." And probably before anyone else crash landed into the dorm halls. He didn't even want to think about if someone like Ace or Deuce showed up, let alone Grim.
Still, considering how beat up the dorm looked, he wondered how soon in the year it was for this poor sod.
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"Hopefully no ones been givin' ye' trouble tho'? I'll tell you this, gettin' close to the end of the 'year' for me where I'm from, and still haven't made any head way on gettin' back. My advise? Really get on Crowley when you can.." He huffed before looking toward the possible direction he came from.
He was very much expecting going back through, and probably getting a laugh from someone on the other side.
He was going to knock some heads together, that was certain. He wasn't the quiet, meek type. An introvert? Yes.. but he knew how to throw hands when needed.
As the stranger huffs, the Ramshackle Prefect of this world crosses her arms, squinting in thought.
He seems… troubled, obviously. And based on what he’s saying, he’s from three worlds- oh, jeez. That doesn’t seem like a fun time to have, at the least, especially considering the kind of reaction the stranger is having to this situation; and since he’s the Ramshackle prefect of his world, he might’ve gone through the same stuff as Prathamik…
Oh, Bhagāvana.
The Prefect opens up her bag, rummaging through it for a bit before pulling out a small, snack-sized package with an image of pale cookies on them, offering it to the other person.
“Hopefully, yes…” Is Prathamik’s response, slowly nodding as he holds his chin with his hand. “It would be best if you could get back to your own world…” A small pause. “And even if the Headmage knew about this… situation, I’m sure he wouldn’t be able to help….” Is it alright to say that? Probably, yeah. Considering this person’s (what’s his name?) towards the Headmage and this… entire nightmare of a school, it’s alright to say those sorts of things about them. “…but I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want to at all.”
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sanctum-of-ramshackle · 2 years ago
“You got a name?” “Deadeye…”
[TWST AU]: In this timeline, there’s an MC/Yuu who is from the Valorant universe.
[Synopsis]: Agent!MC/Yuu is part of the Valorant Protocol and for some twisted reason, they get stuck in a world where magic actually exists.
[Gender Neutral MC/Yuu]
[TW]: Guns, near death experiences, only one death, and the use of Google Translate (because I never took French classes; I’m sorry in advanced for inaccurate translations).
[(A/N)]: I mentioned before that I already fell into the Valorant rabbit hole. I have also been listening to Odd Banker - Orch Compression on loop and it’s the same music used for the Chamber trailer. It fits his character so well!
[(A/N #2)]: For the alias I used in this AU came from a concept art before Chamber was announced and he originally was supposed to be Deadeye. Also I need to clarify their age is between 16-18 (Yes, that young for an agent).
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MC/Yuu Fabron, a.k.a. Agent Deadeye, is another agent for the Valorant Protocol and is related to Chamber as they’re siblings. MC/Yuu is in their early-to-late teen years, and already they want to follow their brother’s footsteps as an agent and weapon designer.
Although the Fabron duo are great assets to the Protocol.
It was a tragedy for Agent Deadeye.
They were taken out during a mission gone wrong, but thanks to Sage, they are slowly recovering. Though there’s a problem: they’re in a comatose state.
It seems the young agent is out of commission until time would tell.
Now MC/Yuu Fabron, in their subconscious mind, fell somewhere and somehow got trapped into a weird world where magic actually exists.
The first time MC/Yuu came to Twisted Wonderland was when they almost shot Grim after being released from the confines of a coffin they were trapped inside.
Next, they shot at Crowley, nearly missing him by passing his ear.
Then after, both Crowley and Grim start running away from MC/Yuu.
Agent!MC/Yuu: *Chasing after the headmaster and Grim* I’m going to kill you for deceiving me! I know you Omega agents trapped me in a simulation to break me for intel!
Crowley: What are they talking about?!
Grim: How should I know?!!
When the two got to the ceremony, Crowley barely lock the doors but a card flies through the crack and incomes MC/Yuu teleporting inside the Mirror Chamber.
Everyone was surprised by the furious young agent.
Once they revealed themselves holding their Headhunter out, shit may go down.
Crowley: No no! Don’t shoot!
Agent!MC/Yuu: *Points their gun at Crowley* Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t. Ten seconds. Dix…Neuf…Huit…Sept…
Rook: Attendez un moment!
Agent!MC/Yuu: Huh? Tu parles français?
Rook: Oui. Please put your weapon down.
Agent!MC/Yuu: Why? I cannot trust anything here as it seems the enemies took me hostage and attempts to break me for sensitive information.
Rook: Enemies?
Agent!MC/Yuu: …You’re not the agents from the Omega Earth?
Rook: Omega Earth? What is this place you’re asking?
Agent!MC/Yuu: *Realization hits them hard* Oh, my god…
After the shenanigans calmed down and the ceremony continued smoothly, MC/Yuu was taken to Crowley’s office.
Inside of the room, the agent explains they’re part of a protocol with other agents like them and their goal is to prevent the Omega Earth and its doubles from stealing a material called Radianite.
Then it’s Crowley’s turn to explain they’re in Twisted Wonderland and they’re in Night Raven College, an All Boy’s school for magical academics.
Now that everything clears up, it seems Agent Deadeye has another mission: surviving back to school.
Also imagine these:
Rook and Deadeye are speaking French to each other!
Azul and Deadeye speaking Business to each other!
Vil/Cater and Deadeye speaking Good Taste/Insane Drip to each other!
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[Chapter 3]
[The trio got anemones after signing contracts with the Octavinelle Dorm Leader.]
Agent!MC/Yuu: *Polishing their Headhunter*
Ace, Deuce, and Grim: MC/Yuu!!!
Agent!MC/Yuu: Merde! What happened to you three?
Deuce: We got dragged into a contract just to pass the exam.
Ace: Then these things popped out of nowhere.
Grim: Nyah! This is annoying! MC/Yuu, help us!
Agent!MC/Yuu: I refuse to help you, imbéciles. You brought this upon yourselves without knowing how business works and not studying beforehand. Even I passed without “magical knowledge.”
Grim: I sold our dorm too!
Agent!MC/Yuu: YOU WHAT?!!! How could you do such…*Groans in frustration* Keep it together, MC/Yuu. Remember what Vincent taught you. *Clears their throat* Where is this dealer who you signed contracts with?
Ace: The Octavinelle Dorm.
Deuce: We’re really sorry, MC/Yuu. We’ll pay for your Pain au chocolat as apologies.
Agent!MC/Yuu: Pour l'amour de...Fine, I’ll deal with that slimy businessman.
[Octavinelle Dorm]
[Monstro Lounge]
Agent!MC/Yuu: *Summons their card out and throws it to the room*
[It zips across the main dining hall through the crack of the double doors of the office. It was good as the Tweels didn’t notice.]
[Azul’s office]
Agent!MC/Yuu: *Teleports inside in front of Azul* Bonjour~
[(A/N): Don’t mind the gifs. I only used them to help visualize what actions MC/Yuu does.]
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Azul: *Startled by their presence* Huh?!
Agent!MC/Yuu: Are you perhaps Azul Ashengrotto?
Azul: *Keeping his composure* I am. Who you may be?
Agent!MC/Yuu: Deadeye. *Taps their forearm, activating their markings to summon their sniper rifle* *Points it at Azul*
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Azul: What the-?!! *Freaks out and falls back on his chair*
Agent!MC/Yuu: Say hello to Tour de Force 2.0. I need those contracts you scammed with the idiots from earlier.
Azul: *Freaking out* P-Put the gun down!
Agent!MC/Yuu: Don’t worry. I don’t waste my bullets on opportunists like you. Well, depending if you cross me.
Azul: What is it that you want?
Agent!MC/Yuu: I told you earlier: the contracts. Now that I have your attention, let’s talk about actual business.
[SPOILER: They actually got their idiot trio out of the contracts, which upsets Azul and still leads him to Overblot.]
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Vil: Your ink work and sense of fashion clash together.
Agent!MC/Yuu: Well I have good taste in everything~ Also these “tattoos” have functionalities that help me.
Vil: Is that so?
Agent!MC/Yuu: *Summons their Headhunter*
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Vil: *Steps away*
Agent!MC/Yuu: Do not panic. The safety is on.
Vil: You need to be more careful pulling your weapons out.
Agent!MC/Yuu: Do not worry, my friend. I’m responsible of my possessions. Also, have you seen my Tour de Force 2.0?
[A bullet shattered a window and zips passed the two. In instinct, MC/Yuu got defensive and releases the safety off their Headhunter.]
Agent!MC/Yuu: Vil, get down now! Révèle-toi!
Rook: *Peeks through the broken window* Bonjour, Mon Trickster!
Agent!MC/Yuu: Rook? Put my sniper rifle down, now! That is not a toy you mess with! Do you know how much work I put into my beauty? Nobody touches my stuff!
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[Chapter 6]
Agent!MC/Yuu: Oh, you want to play? Let’s play~ *Summons their Headhunter out and shoots at a Charon dead*
Epel: What the fuck?! You killed somebody!
Agent!MC/Yuu: It’s not my first time. Did you forget I’m an agent? Qualified to shoot?
Agent!MC/Yuu: Merde…Lets just get the boys, and I’ll face the one for kidnapping Grim.
Epel: What are ya gonna do?
Agent!MC/Yuu: Envoi de mes salutations à sa famille. *Reloads with more ammunition*
Rook: *Gasps* Mon Trickster!
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I like to think that after everything Deadeye has gone through, they’re able to return to their home world.
Which is actually waking up from their comatose state.
Agent!MC/Yuu: Ow, my chest…Guys? Vincent?
You can imagine a sophisticated grown-ass man crying with relief after being notified that his little sibling woke up from recovery.
Chamber: MC/Yuu…You’re okay…
Agent!MC/Yuu: I’m alive. It’s just…I had the weirdest dream during my slumber.
As the young agent still has days to recover, they decided to return back to France for the time being.
It felt relaxing for them to stroll through the famous city of Love with many people filling the streets.
Then out of nowhere, someone bumps into them by accident.
???: Oh! I’m truly sorry for bumping into you.
Agent!MC/Yuu: No worries. Paris is a huge city-
They see a familiar face with bangs.
Agent!MC/Yuu: Rook?
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themadearl · 4 years ago
Soulmate AU edition
Soulmate AUs where pretty strong back in the day huh
also, i wrote this in a sitting and it’s janky
Note: In this AU, people have the names of their soulmate on a part of their body. And Yuu x Leech twins. Also, along with the yandere tag, a warning for dubious consent activities with drugging.
Soulmate marks where a common thing in twisted wonderland
Legends said that the marks where a byproduct of a magic so powerful that it affected the world
It’s hard to say whether it was a blessing or a curse
As when there were people overjoyed for the existence of their perfect partner, there are those that despair when their other half passes before they even meet
Soul marks appears on your skin when your other half is born or appears the moment they are born if their other half already appeared before them
It is written in the handwriting of your other half
And there’s also different colors and shades to it
Normally, everyone usually gets a soul mark before they reach five
Those that receive their marks after ten are rare
Receiving marks after fifteen are almost unheard of 
After that, there only seems to be the possibility that there is no soulmate for them, which happened on a extremely rare basis
That’s why for Floyd & Jade to receive their mark when they were 17 was as if the Great Seven had appeared in front of them
They had hopes when they were younger
Thinking that one day, any day, a mark was going to show up
They started from checking daily, to every few days, to weeks
Until they almost forgot about it until one of their classmates showed off his newly gotten soulmark
It wasn’t the first time Floyd lashed out when his soulmark still didn’t appear
But it wasn’t on the magnitude of Floyd pummeling another boy into the ground
Jade didn’t felt like stopping Floyd as well
And no one would really notice if he stepped on the boy’s hand or threw in a few kicks right?
Both of them promptly received a stern lecture from the headmaster and had their parents called to the school which lead to another whacking from their dad
After that, no one really brought up anything about soulmates in front of them
Leaving only fleeting thoughts of soul marks and whether they really had a soulmate
Days go by and the twins find a new friend to hang with
A little octopus with no soulmark, just like them
Time flies like an arrow and the trio have entered their second year in Night Raven College
It was to be a same old day with the same old ceremony at the same old venue
Which is pretty boring by Floyd’s standards
Until a prickly sensation started to appear around his wrist
Which was totally not normal 
Floyd strolls into an empty classroom just to see what the deal was
And lo and behold, neat little characters with a dark blue grey color circles his wrist
The name spells out to be “Mayura Yuu”
There’s a sense of happiness that screams within his heart that he has a soulmate, that there is someone there for him
But the years of disappointment really gripes at him and it makes him want to lash out at his soulmate in spite
Before Floyd really has the chance to sort his thoughts, Jade barges in with his clothes messy and untucked
Jade pulls up his shirt to reveal the same mark as the one circling Floyd’s wrist
Which Floyd shoves into the face of Jade
And both of them can only stare at each other while trying to comprehend the massive bomb fate dropped on them
Until the flames that appeared caused them to snap out of thought
Just like everyone else, the twins heard news of the ‘special prefect from another world’
But thought of nothing much
Till the faithful day where Yuu signs her name on Azul’s contract to save Adeuce and Grim’s sorry ass
After Yuu and Jack leaves, Azul notices Jade slight pause at seeing Yuu’s signature
“What’s wrong?”
The only reply Azul gets is a brief smile as Jade leaves to attend some more ‘private’ business
At first the twins have thought that there was a large age gap between them and their soulmate thus, making it so long before their mark appeared
But the appearance of someone with the same name and handwriting along with the rumor of being from another world 
Really begs the question of their mark only appearing as Yuu wasn’t originally from this world
Besides, the name of “Mayura Yuu” wasn’t one they have seen before 
The only way to really find out is to check if Yuu has the same marking as they did
As such, the twins devised a plan to find the truth they seek so much
Which is a simple plan really, place a portion of sleeping potion into her drink and search for marks
Jade invites Yuu to a free meal at Mostro Lounge after she helps to return a book Jade purposely left behind in front of Yuu
Such smart much wow
Yuu is unable to turn down Jade’s passionate and slightly aggressive invitation and agrees to show up
Looking back to this days, Yuu regrets everything
Like how she should’ve just left the goddarn book
Like how she should’ve not go to Mostro Lounge 
There have been signs, SIGNS that should’ve stopped her
But nooo, Yuu’s too nice for her own good and no good deed is ever unpunished
The meal was nice and there was a nice fruit drink along with it
Yuu noticed something was off too late as her body gets more and more tired
She last sees two pairs of heterochromatic staring back at her and her vision fades
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mxlleus · 4 years ago
Twisted wonderland theory - who is Dire Crowley?
I'm currently drowning in my brainrot so I shall offer you this. Forgive me if it's kinda messy, I only have one brain cell ;-;
Some people speculated that our very kind headmaster is inspired by the Diablo, Maleficent's crow. This is pretty obvious just by taking a look at his design: the golden claws on his hands, his beak-like mask, the black feathers on his coat and his walking stick with a golden crow on top.
Now, what are Crowley's true intentions? What may be his final goal? Well, if he truly is based on Diablo (which by the way means Devil in Spanish), then he ought to share some traits with him, right? The Disney wiki describes the crow with a certain sentence that has caught my eye: "he is completely and genuinely loyal to her (Maleficent)". Why is this important? Well, what if Crowley was Maleficent's assistant in the Twisted Wonderland universe? Assuming she is Malleus' grandmother, how in the world would he still be alive then?
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Let's take a look at his character design. First off, his ears are pointed, and we all know what having pointed ears means! He's a fae, and this would explain why 1) his age is listed as "unknown" (just like Lilia and Malleus', the only two fae characters in the game) 2) he could've easily lived long enough to serve the Queen of the Land of Thorns
(Another hint/foreshadowing of his long lifespan is here: )
Prologue ; Chapter 1 - 19
Crowley: In all these years that I've been Headmaster... For the day to come that students from Night Raven College to go hand-in-hand to face and defeat their enemy! [...] Ace: I would never do that, gross! But Headmaster, how old are you!
Second, he shares quite a lot of similarities with Malleus' design. They have the same pointed ears, same black lipstick and very similar color palettes (for the hair/horns). And what if the mask is there to conceal his eye color? (it could totally be green, for what we know; no one said that goldish glow is his actual eye color) To make it look less suspicious? Because to be honest, I've never noticed all these similarities until I actually stopped and intensely stared at Crowley's sprite.
(another fun fact, we have never seen Crowley without a hat, neither in official art, the opening movie, his usual sprite or the vacation one. He might be hiding the Vatican's secrets under there and no one would suspect a thing)
Second of all, what is he trying to do? I remember reading somewhere (I don't know whether it was a theory or in-game infos), that NRC's true objective is recreating the great seven, to find magicians talented enough to remake the original seven but in version 2.0. But why in the world is he trying to do that? Well, if he really is Maleficent's loyal servant, then he may be doing it for her. Maybe because of an order, a wish or it can totally just be independent acting on his part. That's also why we have dorm leaders and why he was so happy to have met someone like Yuu, a person who can coordinate the haughty students of the college. He wants to use us to control and in a way manipulate his future great magicians.
Prologue ; Chapter 1 - 19
You cannot use magic.
But, maybe, precisely because you cannot use magic means that you could give instructions to wizards and get them to cooperate. Perhaps that mediocrity is exactly what this school needs right now!
I have no doubt that your existence is essential to the future of this academy. So says my educator-senses.
This would mean that he's not researching a way for us to go back to our world as he wants to keep us there as much as possible.
As if he wasn't suspicious enough, in the actual opening of the game there's this sequence of images that hint at his connection with the overblots.
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(1) the ink of the overblots (2) that's him doing the 👁👄👁, very suspicious if you ask me
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(3) this might as well be related to Pomefiore's overblot or the importance apple trees have in NCR as stated in the scary monsters event* (4) the symbol of diasomnia, a spindle (+thorns)
*why would apples be related to him? Do we have any proof? Oh! Would you look at that! Are those apples on his vacation shirt? Yes. Yes they are.
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Lastly, these two are the most important pictures:
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(5) his jacket laying in a puddle of what I presume is water?? (6) the viewer is being closed into a coffin as a crow flies inside the mirror
Why are there 6 keys on the back of his coat? Yana wouldn't just give him a random number of keys just because, if there are 7 dorms then where is the seventh one?
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Right here! His walking stick is a literal key, and even the biggest one!
(He also has 4 keys on his hip ; they might as well represent the NRC staff: Crewel, Vargas, Trein and Sam)
Anyone who has ever pulled anything in the twisted gacha knows that coffins all have a little window that glows green, a fountain with green water and a mirror. When we pull to get a card, we see green flames and then a giant mask with the overblot symbols and dark lipstick. Are they obsessed with the color green? Did they choose it just because it has a nice contrast with the background? (the color palette is, once again, crowley's. I'd add a picture if I could but I've reached the maximum for this post) Or is it because it's a type of magic based off on Maleficent's? Each time we see the diasomnia students using magic in the opening movie, the color is always the same shade of fluorescent green that we have seen so many times.
Why is a crow flying into the mirror? Here I come to you empty handed because I simply do. not. know. We'll have to see what the next events/main story chapters will tell us because this image is too specific for me to find an explanation for it. It might be a mention to how we got isekai'd, it may represent Crowley flying off into the distance because he wants to break free from all the taxes he has to pay, or it may simply be a crow attracted to a glowing mirror, just like a moth flying into a lamp.
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