#[ ꜰɪɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ ᴏɴ ᴘᴀɢᴇ 251 ᴀꜱ 'ꜱᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ ʙɪᴛᴄʜ'. ] denoriel speaks
holyxvi · 3 years
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// . I will forever sob over the thought of Mateus referring to his reincarnate as his “little lamb” and I really wanted to sketch out the two despite having some horrid art block for the past few months. non-rp do not reblog ok thnx
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holyxvi · 3 years
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// . Sitting here considering if Matthias might have a case of undiagnosed asd but also beating myself up over the fact that I’m self-projecting too much and it’ll just make him unlikable-
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holyxvi · 3 years
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// . I am going by he / him now thank you goodbye
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holyxvi · 3 years
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// . Mods are asleep post concept Voidsent Avatar Mateus
personals/non-rp do not reblog
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holyxvi · 3 years
Things I like my RP partners to know.
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I like to be called: Denoriel ( Den/Deno/Denny)
One thing you should know about me: What isn’t there to know about me aside from the fact that I snort the entire FFII lore for breakfast? I know nothing but II.
One thing you should know about RPing with my character(s): Mateus is boring, Matthias is where you’ll get your fun times at. They are literally boomer and zoomer lfg.
First language: English
Age range: under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 40+ | 70+
Am I okay with NSFW?: yes | no | some nsfw ( depends on the mun )
My favorite/most common thing to rp is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | plots | AUs | Violence | Darker themes |
Canon Character RP Friendly?: yeah duh | no
RP blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc
Tagged by: Stole from @sirenicae​
Tagging: steal it I ain’t gonna call the cops
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holyxvi · 3 years
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// . making fun of mateus for the jillionth time.gif
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holyxvi · 3 years
@box-of-characters​: keeps him cozy on cold coerthas nights :)
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ok but that is literally a big positive plus the added warmth from both his knight and dragon in shining armor
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holyxvi · 3 years
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// . only ten seconds into talking with another mun did I realize how flattered Matthias would be upon being called a prince and how happy that would make him knowing all the names he’s been called (both horrid and just “titles”).
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holyxvi · 3 years
// . I got some reassurances and I appreciate it, so I think I’m gonna work on Matthias’ bio later and include the undiagnosed asd.
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holyxvi · 3 years
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// . I made Koda,,,
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holyxvi · 3 years
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// . FFXIV blogs??? Following me???
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holyxvi · 3 years
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Matthias @ Mateus: *hands him a cactaur cutting* *hands him a cactaur cutting* *hands him a cactaur cutting* *hands him a cactaur cutting* *h-
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holyxvi · 3 years
// . this is really for me so I don’t forget about it, but the two things I’d like to expand/post on are:
- Matthias’ only remaining bio family member being his aunt who survived the calamity but had been comatose, awoke, and suffered amnesia for a short period of time. Very much dotes on her nephew.
- Matthias ditching The Rising and spending time with said aunt and his godmother on his mother’s estate, helping with the herbs/crops and just getting some fresh air away from people. He also spends a little time around his parents’ graves.
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holyxvi · 3 years
>me, earlier saying that I had art block >also me, scrambling for my tablet after reaper was announced:
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holyxvi · 3 years
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holyxvi · 3 years
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@joy-of-destruction​ whispered:   Rock, Luck and Pure   ||   meme (accepting).
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ROCK INCENSE —— ⸙ ) does your favourite ship for this muse have a fanbase, or is it just you?
I feel like the only person around who literally ships Hilda/Mateus, so I gotta make my own content for it, especially so considering the FFII fandom on tumblr seems so small and kinda empty at best.
LUCK INCENSE —— ⸙ ) is there a ship you want to run with this muse, but haven’t?
Not that I can think of? I know everyone’s favorite thing to do with Mateus is ship him with the likes of Kuja or Ultimecia, and I almost came close to shipping him with an Ulti before they disappeared completely just bc of the great chemistry they not only seemed to have, but how much the mun and I got along.
So I guess its not one I can’t think of, it’s more like maybe with a canon like Ultimecia but it would have to be with the right mun and I don’t know if I’m ever gonna come close to another Ulti like the one who went AWOL. :/
PURE INCENSE —— ⸙ ) what are your thoughts on fankids? do you have any fankids?
In general and not referring to Mateus for a second, but I’ve always been a little iffy about fankids because while they aren’t inherently bad, you will always find that one person who expects the canon character you play to recognize their fankid OC as their kid and wanting you to act a certain way towards them that may be completely ooc for your muse to do. I absolutely abhor these types of people and am grateful that none have come to my Mateus yet with any sort of fankid.
I don’t hate y’all with fankiddos for this guy or anyone else but PLEASE respect a canon mun’s boundaries, its not hard.
Now to if I have any fankids for Mateus, I have quite a few. His fifteen dead kin, then the children he has with @pretty-little-teacup​’s muse. It’s already been said on a past blog that he probably has little bastards out there he doesn’t even know about running about, so in short, he’s got many. That’s it. Just many.
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