#[ ᴠ } ᴀɪɴ'ᴛ ᴀ ᴘʟᴏᴛ ᴏғ ɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴀ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴀɴ ᴅᴏᴡɴ; ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ’s ɴᴏ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʀᴏᴏᴍ ɪɴ ʜᴇʟʟ.;; [ H.H. ]
emptypassicn-moved · 8 months
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@nebula-drcams        sent ;;
        “   Alright, no, fuck the sex conversation. That's out the window now. Instead Nimue's going right up to Adam, grabbing his arm, and fucking biting him as hard as she can. She's short, angry, and going feral. Congratulations. She warned you. ”
From ;; Continued from Dash Commentary [ x ] // Always Accepting
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        “ OW—! YOU LITTLE BITCH— ”
Okay, maybe he should have expected to get bit if he kept fucking with her. She did say she was going to bite him after all. But how was he supposed to know someone would actually try biting a fucking Angel? Most people weren't stupid enough or crazy enough to do shit like that but, hey, apparently this bitch was of the two. Or maybe both.
        But it doesn't take very long for him to just grab her, effectively scruff her, and lift her. Holding her away from himself like she's some feral little creature while glaring at her. Which he'd say she's basically fucking acting like one with how she bit him.
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        “ What's your fucking problem?! Can't take a few jokes about being short after trying to start some shit with me so you start acting like some feral fucking animal? ”
Of course the fucking Sinner starts acting like some feral animal when angry.
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emptypassicn-moved · 8 months
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Tags Dump + Quick post about two new muses
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I'm hesitantly adding Mimzy and Cherri Bomb from HH. Both are being put down as muses that are "Test Muses" and muses that are "Request Only". This means I will only send them at people if someone fills out my Interest Tracker for them or they specifically send something in for this muse. It also means that, as test muses, they may get removed from my muse roster if I end up not wanting to keep them around for one reason or another.
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emptypassicn-moved · 7 months
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        “ Out of the building or out of the relationship? ”
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“ Because both are viable options here. ”
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emptypassicn-moved · 7 months
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        “ Great to see it hasn't even been five minutes and there's already fighting. ”
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“ And that someone is lying about that ' choice ' of his. ”
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emptypassicn-moved · 7 months
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Anonymous        sent ;;
        “   Fucking a Virgin or Fucking someone with experience? @ Adam ”
From ;; Lets Play A Game of This Or That? (NSFW Edition) // Accepting Tonight Only
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        “ Fucking a virgin is, like, cool sometimes but not really something I like. It's plus when it does happen because that bitch is about to have her first time be the best fucking sex of her life. ” And as much as he always loved to brag about being someone's first and being the ' best sex they'll ever have '...
“ But, to be honest, it gets really fucking boring when you always have to show someone what the fuck they're supposed to do or tell them what to do. I'm here for a good time not to be your fucking sex instructor. ”
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        “ It's really fucking dull to fuck completely inexperienced people when you've been around for, what, like fucking millennia? So, I'm sure to some fucking surprise, I prefer fucking someone with some kind of experience. ”
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emptypassicn-moved · 7 months
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Anonymous        sent ;;
        “   Morning Sex or Evening Sex? for Adam ”
From ;; Lets Play A Game of This Or That? (NSFW Edition) // Accepting Tonight Only
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        “ Fuck, and I can't say both? ”
That was fucking disappointing. Both sounded fine to him, really sex any time of day sounded fine to him. But if he thought about it there were some pros and cons between the two, even if overall he had no strong preference.
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        “ I guess morning sex. ” He eventually shrugged.
“ It's been pretty fucking sweet to start the morning with fucking in the past. I know it always put me in a better mood for the day. Plus, then there's no fucking bullshit about any spending the night or not spending the night and her bitching about you not being all fucking soft and cuddly to her if you spend the night. Like bitch I only came to fuck you?? I'm not your fucking boyfriend because we fucked once, y'know? ”
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emptypassicn-moved · 7 months
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@nebula-drcams        sent ;;
        “   💋 { SIGHS bc you and tera encouraged me to send Nimue @ Adam but you better believe she's probably giving him a look that says ' don't you dare ' } ”
From ;; The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss // Accepting Two More
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        “ Oh, come on. Don't look at me like that. You know you want to. ” Adam grinned.
Yeah, she gave him that ' don't you dare ' kind of look but she's also talked about his dick an unnecessary amount. Kind of hard to not look interested when you're actively conversing about the other person's dick, unprompted sometimes.
        However, that cocky attitude didn't persist when he actually was going to kiss her. There was a few brief seconds of hesitation because; first off he didn't want to get fucking bit again; secondly she was kind of the only person helping him right now so if he pissed her off by doing this then he was kind of fucked. But, hey, he technically had to.
So Adam just settled on picking her up under her armpits — because he did not feel like leaning the fuck over just to kiss her because fuck she is short — and then lifting her up to be at basically eye level with him. Then he just gave her a peck on the lips before putting her back down. It was probably chaste enough for her to not get that mad over it... and for her to not bite him again.
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emptypassicn-moved · 8 months
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@xluciifer        sent ;;
        “   " Hey I think you dropped this earlier. " Readily pulls a middle finger out of his pocket with a sly grin. ”
From ;; Unprompted Ask // Always Accepting
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        It could honestly be considered a miracle they'd even been in the same room together for a meeting between Heaven and Hell without fighting the entire time. Albeit, the passiveness could be attributed to Adam being kept in check by having his own higher-ups around — ones that, while he still acted a douche around, had to listen to and actually had to possess some kind of respect towards.
But, of course, once the meeting was done and over with and those present were clearing out they'd go at one another and Adam would be as reactive as always to anything Mr. ' The Devil from Da Bible ' did.
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        “ Oh, fuck you. ” Adam spoke in response to Lucifer as the king of Hell pulled that stupidly old and childish move out on him.
“ Do you know how childish and basic that shit is? ” A brief pause. “ No fucking wonder you'd do it. ”
        It was an indirect way of calling Lucifer those things which, in itself, was probably childish with how immediately peeved the first man got. But Lucifer had a way of getting under Adam's skin. The guy could probably just breathe in Adam's general vicinity and it'd annoy him somehow.
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emptypassicn-moved · 7 months
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@xluciifer        sent ;;
        “   @xluciifer ;; 💋 ”
From ;; The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss // Accepting Two More
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        Theres an audible gag.
“ Fucking gross. ”
        Adam wasn't exactly apposed to the idea of kissing another guy. Could be kind of hot if you asked him. But kissing Lucifer? Absolutely not. He didn't exactly want to kiss the guy who kind of, y'know, was banging his ex-wife. But he had to apparently.
        It takes a few good minutes of going in circles over this for him to actually commit to it because it did disgust him outright. Although, maybe it was a little hot if he thought about it for too long but it was mostly just fucking nasty to Adam. But he'd have to get himself to do it. He could do it. He wasn't some pussy ass bitch.
        Adam eventually leans down and gives the ' big boss of hell himself ' a quick kiss on the cheek, just a quick peck, before then he pulling back and turning away. Another melodramatic gag then coming from the Angel.
It technically wasn't as gross as he made it out to be to himself but he still wasn't pleased about doing it by any means. He kind of wishes he thought to wear the mask while doing it as a loophole so he wouldn't of had to actually kiss Lucifer with his fucking lips.
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emptypassicn-moved · 7 months
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@shadowzgather        sent ;;
        “   💋 (Valentino to Vox) ”
From ;; The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss // Accepting Two More
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        “ Of course you'd want a kiss. ” There's a hint of amusement in his tone, a sound of a laugh track sound effect accompanying the tail end of his words as if to highlight the ' comedy ' it may have from an outsider's — or even insider's — perspective.
It didn't take more than a moment for Vox to get himself up from where he'd been sat and over to the moth demon. And he would have liked to say kissing Valentino was as easy as getting up and walking up to him... it wasn't considering he only about chest level on Val and the fact his face was kind of fucking a flat screen so he didn't exactly have lips to kiss with. So a ' simple kiss ' wasn't exactly a thing or an enjoyable thing to do unless you were the type of person who kissed mirrors for practice and was into that kind of shit.
        Once over Vox didn't hesitate on grabbing the moth demon, pulling him down so they'd actually be at mostly eye level now. He flashed a brief, sharp grin at Val before bringing their faces closer and parting his mouth. He doesn't hesitate on pressing close, tongue coming push its way into the other Sinner's mouth.
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        He keeps things held there for a few moments, tongue idly exploring Valentino's mouth with only partial interest. As if going through the motions, as if this was as simple as just a peck on the lips. It's not like he hasn't done this before after all considering it's the only real way for him to kiss anymore and get anything out of it.
But soon Vox does part from Valentino though, ending the kiss whilst also letting the moth demon go. It was supposed to be just a ' kiss ' after all.
        “ There. ” He spoke, flashing a broadcaster smile at the pimp after having released him from his grasp.
“ Are we satisfied with that? ”
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emptypassicn-moved · 7 months
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@starywisteria        sent ;;
        “   ❛ no offense, but you look terrible. ❜ - Emily to Adam ”
From ;; &. 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. // Always Accepting
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        This comment from the Seraphim earned a squint from Adam, the eyes of his LED mask narrowing to reflect the look he was giving under it.
He looked terrible? Fucking how? He was pretty sure he looked the same as he usually did. LED mask, typical robes, and all that shit. It's not like anyone could tell if he looked ' terrible ' or not unless he took the mask off. Which, obviously, wasn't fucking happening any time soon.
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        “ What's that supposed to mean? ”
He wanted to know what she meant because Adam certainly didn't know nor did he think that he looked terrible himself. And, even if, there was a reason for him to look terrible he was sure it wouldn't slip through. The mask hid his face, wounds or otherwise he may get were hidden by his robes, and his bravado tended to cover everything else.
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emptypassicn-moved · 7 months
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@angelizms        sent ;;
        “   "I've lost all my trust and admiration in you..." (for Adam - Unprompted) ”
From ;; Unprompted Ask // Always Accepting
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        Fuck, that actually kind of hurt to hear.
Adam typically didn't care who liked him and who didn't, after all it'd been mostly Sinners or Sinner affiliated fuckers who hadn't liked him until recently, but for Emily to decide she'd lost the trust she'd put in him and admiration she'd for him? That was some ' fucked up big time ' type shit to hear. So, of course, he went on the defensive about what had happened and was going on.
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        “ Woah, woah woah, isn't that a fuckin' lot to decide to lose over just one little incident? ” It was hardly a little reveal but he'd downplay it as much as humanly — or heavenly — possible to make himself look better.
“ And it's not like the Exterminations happen just for fun or some shit. It's something we've gotta do. You, like, ” There came a brief pause between his word, his gaze shifting briefly off to the side as indicated by the LED mask before they went back to the Seraphim, “ care about everyone up here, don't you? The Winners and The Heavenborn? ”
        Only another brief pause was given, hardly any time for her to give her answer to the question, before Adam continued on speaking.
“ I'm sure you do so you've gotta understand this is for the good of our people, your people. Your friends up here. Because those Sinners are fucking vile and violent. If their numbers got too high then they'd find a way to hurt them. ”
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